Dinosaurs 10


Transcript of Dinosaurs 10

  • 1. Lets Learn A Little More AboutDinosaursTo get you started on your journey indinosaurs, please click on the link below tothe watch the video.http://video.nationalgeographic.com/video/science/prehistoric-world-sci/dinosaur-builders-sci/

2. Dinosaur means fearfully great lizard. Dinosaurs livedbetween 230 and 65 million years ago. 3. DinosaursClick on the picture of the dinosaur that you would liketo learn about.Triceratops Stegosaurus Tyrannosaurus rex 4. TriceratopsTriceratops means three-horn face. Their hornswere used as weapons. The Triceratops was about 30feet long and 9 feet tall. Triceratops were planteaters. 5. Directions: Click on the answer that you think is correctWhat did the Triceratops use their horns for?A) eatingB) weaponsC) seeingD) hearing 6. GREAT JOB!You are correct! 7. Good try, but lets try again 8. StegosaurusStegosaurus means roof lizard. This dinosaurwas about 30 feet long and 14 feet tall. TheStegosaurus was a plant eater who used its tailand spiked back to protect itself. 9. What parts of the body did the Stegosaurususe to protect itself?A) Mouth and teethB) Legs and armsC) Tail and spiked backD) Fingers and toes 10. GREAT JOB!You are correct! 11. Good try, but lets try again 12. Tyrannosaurus RexTyrannosaurus Rex is also called the T. Rex and itsname means terrible king lizard. This dinosaur wasabout 45 feet tall and 42 feet long. The T. Rex was ameat eater. 13. Tyrannosaurus Rex, a plant eater or ameat eater?A) Plant eaterB) Meat eater 14. GREAT JOB!You are correct! 15. Good try, but lets try again 16. Thank you for playing!Directions: You are going to be an archaeologist.1. Choose a dinosaur2. Try to answer the questions below. You mayanswers the questions with a video, PowerPointpresentation, podcast, an app(s), create your ownhandout(s), tweet(s), website(s), magazine(s), book(s), and blog(s).3. Please remember you are sharing your finding withyour group.4. Each findings should not be more than 15 minutes. 17. What does its name mean? Often this will tell you something important or interesting about the dinosaur.What did your dinosaur look like? For example, how big was it, what shape was its body, were its legs long or short, did it havehorns, plates, crests or claws, describe the teeth, head, neck, tail, etc. Draw a picture if you can. Remember that dinosaur weights arevery hard to estimate and can vary widely from one reference to another.How did its anatomy affect its life? For example: a giant Sauropod had to eat a lot but did not have to worry much about protectingitself, a tiny dinosaur probably had to run fast to escape being eaten for dinner, an armored dinosaur did not have to be fast, but didhave to avoid being flipped over, and so on.What did the dinosaur eat and how did it get its food? Where was this dinosaur in the food chain?Is there anything special about this dinosaur? This can often be the best part of the report, taking you off on interesting topics. Forexample, how did blood get to a Brachiosaurus head, what were Stegosaurus plates used for, what was Parasaurolophus unusual crestprobably used for, or how did Spinosaurus use its Sailback?What is known about your dinosaurs behavior, if anything? For example: Is there evidence of herding? Did it nurture its young? Haveany nests or eggs been found? How did your dinosaur rate in terms of intelligence?How did it defend itself (and/or attack other animals)?What animals might have attacked it? Or what animals might it have preyed upon? (See the section on when your dinosaur lived duringthe Mesozoic Era to find some of its contemporaries - the animals with which it lived.)What type of dinosaur was it (how is it classified and what dinosaurs is it closely related to)?When did your dinosaur live? Say it both in terms of how many millions of years ago it was, and what the name of the geologic timeperiod was. Was it an early dinosaur or one of the last before the K-T extinction?What was the Earth like at that time? What was your dinosaurs environment like and what other dinosaurs (and other interestinganimals) lived in that environment? What did the Earths continents look like at that time? (This information is available in the sectioncalled "Mesozoic Era.") For example, when the early dinosaurs lived, the earliest mammals had also just appeared.Where have fossils been found? Are there just a few fragments or are there almost complete specimens?Who named the dinosaur? Is there anything interesting about that scientist who named it?