Devyn m Penguin


Transcript of Devyn m Penguin

  1. 1. Wow I said what type of penguin is that dear oh dear look athis eyes there as red as a ruby and his yellow hare slick andcool there in there on little baby months October to April
  2. 2. rocky Antartica Icy Snowy Very close to the seals Needs krill
  3. 3. Algee,fish,krill,sqied
  4. 4. They stay closeThere very togetherfurry andcute Sometimes spiky
  5. 5. Antarctica Antarctica , the highest,driest , windiest and coldest placeon earth why the animals havesome cool births AntarcticaAntarctica .Where the rocckhoperroles.Antarctica Antarctica whereits really cold .
  6. 6. Do you want to save Antartica well with yourhelp you can save Antartica and the animalsthere its self just plant trees anywere you canwith that little help your dooing is making adifrence.