Development of a Regional DRM Strategy for the Tourism Sector in the Caribbean Regional Workshop –...

The Sixteen Steps STEP 8: Analyze the Tourism Sector within the context of the National DRM System to determine its vulnerability to the priority hazards. Understanding of the national DRM governance, structures, system, procedures and key stakeholders is essential to determine how Tourism DRM interfaces with this environment. The SDWG analysis couples the knowledge of the National Tourism Sector’s structure and composition with knowledge of the country’s priority hazards.

Transcript of Development of a Regional DRM Strategy for the Tourism Sector in the Caribbean Regional Workshop –...

The Sixteen StepsSTEP 8: Analyze the Tourism Sector within the context of the National DRM System to determine its vulnerability to the priority hazards.


Understanding of the national DRM governance, structures, system, procedures and key stakeholders is essential to determine how Tourism DRM interfaces with this environment. The SDWG analysis couples the knowledge of the National Tourism Sector’s structure and composition with knowledge of the country’s priority hazards.

The Sixteen StepsSTEP 9: Define the priority needs that the

Strategy should address. 

This step is critical as it provides a platform for discussing and agreeing on the priorities and needs of DRM in the Tourism Sector, thereby clarifying what the Strategy will focus on.

The Sixteen StepsSTEP 10: Define the Guiding Principles

for the Strategy.

The SDWG should consider among others:Congruency with the Regional StrategyDependency on the CommunityAchievability of the National Strategy Participation of key stakeholders in the

Strategy Development.

Development PhaseSTEP 11: The SDWG identifies proposed national

objectives and associated potential activities. STEP 12: Conduct workshop(s) with key

stakeholders to refine national objectives and activities.

 STEP 13: Develop Plan of Action. STEP 14: Submit Draft National Tourism DRM

Strategy and Plan of Action to SOC for endorsement.

 STEP 15: Submit National Tourism DRM Strategy

and Plan of Action to the Tourism DRM Sub-Committee for approval.

The Sixteen StepsSTEP 11: The SDWG identifies proposed

national objectives and associated potential activities.

  National Tourism DRM Strategy Development

Tool 6bAdditional National Objectives

National Objectives National Activities

The Sixteen StepsSTEP 12: Conduct workshop(s) with key

stakeholders to refine national objectives and activities  

The key factors to consider are:The selection of participants Briefing participants Managing Participants’ Activities Feedback mechanisms (for ownership etc.)

The Sixteen StepsSTEP 13: Develop Plan of Action.  

The Sixteen StepsSTEP 14: Submit Draft National Tourism

DRM Strategy and Plan of Action to SOC for endorsement.

The Sixteen StepsSTEP 15: Submit National Tourism DRM

Strategy and Plan of Action to the Tourism DRM Sub-Committee for approval.

Implementation Phase

STEP 16: Develop an M,E&R Framework for the National Strategy and Plan of Action.

The Sixteen StepsSTEP 16: Develop an M,E&R Framework

for the National Strategy and Plan of Action.

This may include, among other aspects: Development of Expected Results Development of Performance Measurement

Indicators Identification of Sources of Data Setting Targets Assigning Responsibility Collecting Baseline Data for future

monitoring and reporting

Key Documents1. Regional DRM Strategy for the Tourism

Sector in the Caribbean and Plan of Action2. Guidebook for the Development of National

Tourism DRM Strategies3. Multi-Hazard Contingency Planning Manual

for the Caribbean Tourism Sector 4. National DRM Related Policies