Development Education in Portugal: towards a comprehensive understanding of practices and concepts

DEVELOPMENT EDUCATION IN PORTUGAL: TOWARDS A COMPREHENSIVE UNDERSTANDING OF PRACTICES AND CONCEPTS Dalila Coelho, João Caramelo & Isabel Menezes (Supervisors) Doctoral Programme in Education University of Porto Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences Centre for Research and Intervention in Education 4 th Seminar – Global OER Graduate Network, Banff – 19 th to 24 th April 2015

Transcript of Development Education in Portugal: towards a comprehensive understanding of practices and concepts



Dalila Coelho, João Caramelo & Isabel Menezes (Supervisors)Doctoral Programme in Education

University of Porto

Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences

Centre for Research and Intervention in Education

4th Seminar – Global OER Graduate Network, Banff – 19th to 24th April 2015


1. Focus & knowledge domains

2. Research questions

3. Rationale

4. Study context

5. Objectives

6. Methodological design

7. Current point

8. Development (Open) Education

9. References

1.Focus & knowledge domains

• Recent and current projects, practices and educational resources in the field

of development education (DE)

• Rationale and representations/conceptions of DE current main promoters

and others eventually relevant (e.g. emerging actors)

• Possible articulations, distances and proximities between the practices and

representations levels

characterize, analyze and understand the Portuguese DE scenario within a

European perspective from reference countries (Spain, UK,…)

non-governmental, higher education and policy levels

representatives, practitioners, researchers, professionals

Keywords: Development Education; concepts; practices; Portugal

2.Research questions

How do European and national DE promoters at the nongovernmental, higher

education and policy levels address DE, regarding the rationale, projects, practices and

educational resources?

Which representations, views and concepts do the actors (representatives,

practitioners, researchers, other professionals…) of such entities have regarding their

organizations' DE rationale, projects, practices and educational resources?

At the national level, how is DE being implemented in the context of specific projects

and what is the vision and experience of project’s beneficiaries and teams?

Which relations can be identified between the rationale, projects, practices,

educational resources and the representations/concepts regarding DE in Portugal, and

by the discussion of results with DE project’s beneficiaries and teams?

North-South Centre oh the Council of Europe

Maastricht Declaration on Global Education (2002)

European Consensus on Development (2006)

Education For All Initiative UNESCO (1990 –)

Global Education First Initiative United Nations 2012-2016

2015 European Year for Development

Challenge: More education in Development Goals Pós-2015

3.Rationale (1)



Growing (awareness of)


Widening educational


Preparing “global” citizens

(ENED, 2009: Hicks, 2002; Liddy, 2013; Bourn, 2014; Chabbott, 2009)


Education for/as development

(Global) citizenship education

Human rights (education)

(Human) development studies

Development cooperation (in education)

Postcolonial studies (North-South issues)



3.Rationale (2)

“ongoing educational process that favours North-South social, cultural, political and economic

interactions and promotes those values and attitudes of solidarity and justice that should

characterize responsible global citizenship. It is in itself an active learning process aimed at

raising public awareness of, and mobilising society around the priorities for sustainable human

development” (IPAD, 2005: 45-


Development education

Education for development

Global citizenship education

Global education

Global dimension

Global learning


Development education

initiatives and resources are

typically found along a spectrum

of approaches (Coyle et al., 2014:3)

3.Rationale (3)

principles (PPONGD,2014; ENED,2009)

functions, knowledge, competences, values (Santos & Martins, s/d; Coelho, 2013; Coyle, 2014;

Argibay & Celorio, 2005)

systemic adoption (TRIALOG,2014; O’Loughlin & Wegimont, 2008,2007; Krause,2010)

sectorial adoption (teacher training, curricula…) (Andreotti,2006; Yang,2010; Boni, 2011,2012; Brown,2013)

methodologies & pedagogies (DEEEP,2014; Andreotti, 2014,2006)

educational resources (Coyle et al., 2014)

NGO’s contributions (Chabbott, 2009; Bebbington, Hickey & Mitlin, 2008)

higher education’s contributions (Bourn,2007; Boni,2011; Boni & Foguet,2006)

CONCEPTS roots, evolution, typologies (Mesa, 2011,2005; Hicks,2003; Krause,2010; Liddy,2013)

sociology, ideology (Marshal, 2006,2005; Andreotti,2006;

development approaches (Willis, 2005; Parfitt, 2002)

strategies, prospective, recommendations (O’Loughlin & Wegimont, 2003,2007; Krause,2010; DEEEP,2010; NSCCE, 2003)



Last 40 years, colonial past

65 Development NGOs: 46 refer acting

on DE (PPONGD, 2014)

Mostly, development cooperation NGOs

Around 105 DE projects since 2005 (Santos, 2013; National Strategy’s reports, 2010 – 2014)

Lack of research (projects/thesis), training offer and research centers devoted to DE

First experiences taking place

Nongovernmental level: development NGOs as main promoter

Higher Education education: emerging actor

4.Study context

National Strategy for DE - 2010-2015 (2009) &

Grants (2008-)

Strategic Vision for Development Cooperation

(2005): DE as part of development work

Ministry of Education: DE under Citizenship

Education Reference Framework (in progress)

Current landscape & challenges

Global information on: state-of-art, actors, priorities (GENE,2014; PPONGD,2014; DEEEP,2014; Santos,2013; ENED,2009)

Challenges: systematizing & learning from experiences, joint work & clarification of concepts(academics, practitioners); comprehensive detailed knowledge and understanding of DE praxis, e.g.,pedagogical aspects (strategies, resources,…) (GENE,2014; DEEP,2014; OECD,2010; Krause,2010; ENED,2009; Project, 2015)

Policy level: recent commitment

Organization: beneficiaries, duration, geographical contexts

Action goals: awareness, information, political influence, intervention

Content: goals, focus, themes, concepts, competencies, values

Pedagogics: global, orientation strategies, resources

Ideology: vision of education, development, DE principles, terms adopted,…

Politics: articulation with foundational documents

Vision: evolution, difficulties, opportunities, future measures, particularities per actor…

{ POSSIBLE AREAS FOR ANALYSIS}Characterizing, analyzing and understanding DE’s rationale,

initiatives, practices and educational resources, promoted

at the nongovernmental, higher education and policy levels,

at national and reference European contexts


Knowing, analyzing and understanding conceptions

(representations, concepts, visions) regarding DE’s

rationale, initiatives, practices and educational resources,

by these promoters (practitioners, researchers…)


Identifying and understanding possible articulations,

distances and proximities between these knowledge

domains, by cross-reading and jointly discussing results with

DE promoters and beneficiaries participating in the study



Exploratory, descriptive, interpretative & quali-quantitative features (Creswell, 1998; Cohen, Manion & Morrison, 2007)

Observing and following the implementation of DE in the

context of specific projects and knowing the representations

and experiences of their beneficiaries and teams


6.Methodological design (1)

Phases Time (48 months) Main tasks

1. Theoretical & methodological framing


Literature review and consolidation of methodological options

2. European context: characterization of projects and concepts

6 months Colleting and analyzing data from 2 international DE reference entities: nongovernmental, higher education and policy levels (sample)

3. National context: characterization of projects and concepts

18 months Colleting and analyzing data from DE reference entities: nongovernmental, higher education and policy levels (sample)Discussion of results with participants

4. National context:observation of practices

6 months Observing 2 DE projects in the field (sample; tobe defined)Discussion of results with participants

5. Conclusion of the study and writing

12 months/ Transversal

Triangulation & cross-reading of data collectedThesis writing

Phases and tasks

6.Methodological design (2)


Phases Year1 Year2 Year3 Year4


















6.Methodological design (3)

Phases Time Target Strategies

1. Theoretical & methodological framing


National and international sources

Database search and document analysisSystematic review

2. European context: characterization of projects and concepts

6 months 2 NGOs2 Research centers2 Official entities

Collection of information available online(websites)Inquiry by interview (online or face-to-face)

3. National context: characterization of projects and concepts

18 months 65 NGOs (Platform)Public Highereducation institutionsOfficial entities

Collection of information available online(websites)Inquiry by interview (online or face-to-face) Focus group (discussion of results)

4. National context:observation of practices

6 months 2 DE projectsTargets and teams

Ethnographical observation, case studyDocument collection & analysisCollection & analysis of activities’ evidences Others (according to the projects)Focus group (discussion of results)

5. Conclusion of the study and thesis writing

12 months/ Transversal

- Triangulation & cross-reading of data collectedThesis writing

Data collection options

7.Current point

Preparing the (currently draft) research plan 1st year; 4 year fully funded scholarship

Approaching an unknown field 4 exploratory interviews (NGO, higher education and policy representatives) Attendance in 3 seminars (National Strategy for DE; Projects) Testing online search

Searching for academic community’s validation (exploratory stage) 4th Seminar, Banff April 2015 ECER 2015, Budapest, September 2015 (accepted) International Seminar "Education, Territories and Human Development”, Porto,

July 2015 (submitted) Steering committee (under preparation)

Enlarging network Hosting of a thematic study visit

8.Development (Open) Education

Theme + OER/Open education: search in progress Some evidence of: CC licenses in NGO’s work (Coyle et al., 2014)

Working collaboratively with GO-GN researchers to add an Open Education/OER perspective to the research plan

Do you know any work developed Within Development NGO/civil society organizations?

About Development Education, Global Education and Global Citizenship Education?...

How can we envisage an Open Education/OER applied to this study? Theme, methodology, research procedures, communication,…?


9.References (1)

Argibay, M & Celorio, G. (2005). La Educación para el desarrollo.Vitoria-Gasteiz: Servicio Central de Publicaciones del Gobierno Vasco: 50.

Bebbington, Anthony, Hickey, Samuel & Mitlin, Diana (2008). Can NGOs Make a Difference? The Challenge of Development Alternatives. London: Zed Books.

Bourn, Douglas (2014). The theory and practice of global learning. Research Paper N.º11 for the Global Learning Programme. London: Institute of Education.

Chabbott, Colette (2009). Constructing education for development – International organizations and education for all. London and New York: Routledge.

Coelho, La Salete (2013). Erguer Pontes, Tecer Futuros e Construir Alternativas: a Economia Social e Solidaria comopratica(s) de Educacao para o Desenvolvimento. Dissertation presented to Universidade Católica Portuguesa.

Cohen, Louis, Manion, Lawrence, Morrison, Keith (2007). Research methods in education (6th ed.). London: Routledge. Coyle, Fiona et al. (2014). Guidelines for producing Development Education Resources.,

Dochas and IDEA. Retrieved: Creswell, John W. (1998). Qualitative inquiry and research design: choosing among five traditions. California: Sage

Publications. European Commission (2006). The Consensus on Development: the contribution of Development Education and

Awareness Raising. GENE (2014). Global Education in Portugal - The European Global Education Peer Review Process. Amsterdam: Global

Education Network Europe. Hicks, David (2002). Thirty Years of Global Education: a reminder of key principles and precedents. Educational Review,

55:3, 265-275. IPAD (2006). A Strategic Vision for Portuguese Development Cooperation. Lisbon: IPAD. IPAD (2009). National Strategy for Development Education. Lisbon: IPAD. Krause, Johannes (2010). European Development Education Monitoring Report -“DE Watch”. European Multi-

Stakeholder Steering Group on Development Education. Liddy, Mags (2013). Education About, For, As Development. Policy & Practice: A Development Education Review, 17, 27-



9.References (2)

Marshall, Harriet (2005). The Sociology of Global Education: Power, Pedagogy and Practice. PhD thesis, University of Cambridge

Marshall, Harriet (2006). The Global Education Terminology Debate: Exploring some of the issues in the UK. In: Hayden, M., Levy, J. & Thompson, J. (eds). A Handbook of Research in International Education. Sage,38-50.

Mesa, Manuela (2011). Evolution and Future Challenges of Development Education. Global Education Research, Issue 0, 141-160.

NSCCE (2003). Global Education in Europe to 2015 - Strategy, policies, and perspectives. North-South Centre of the Council of Europe.

O’Loughlin, Eddie & Wegimont, Liam (2007). Global Education, Public Awareness- Raising and Campaigning on Development Issues - An Overview of Evaluation Practice and Policy. Amsterdam: GENE.

O’Loughlin, Eddie & Wegimont, Liam (eds.) (2008). Quality in Global Education: An Overview of Evaluation Policy and Practice. Amsterdam: GENE.

OECD (2010). PORTUGAL Development Assistance Committee: Peer-Review 2010. Paris: OECD. Parfitt, Trevor (2002). The End of Development? Modernity, Post-Modernity and Development. London and Sterling:

Pluto Press. PPONGD (2014). Guia das ONGD 2014. Lisboa: Plataforma Portuguesa das ONGD. Santos, Ana (2013). A opção Multistakeholder como pilar da Estratégia Nacional de Educação para o Desenvolvimento.

Dissertação de mestrado. Lisboa: ISCTE-IUL. Santos, J. & Martins, F. s/d. Materiais de Educação para a Cidadania. Mestrado de Promoção e Educação para a Saúde.

Viana do Castelo: Escola Superior de Educação do Instituto Politécnico de Viana do Castelo. Skinner, Amy et al. (2014). Journeys to Citizen Engagement: Action Research with Development Education Practioners

in Portugal, Cyprus and Greece. Brussels: DEEEP. TRIALOG (2014). A Decade of EU13 Civil Society Participation in European Development Education and Awareness

Raising Projects. Vienna: TRIALOG. Willis, Kate (2005). Theories and Practices of Development. London and New York: Routledge.

Project supported by the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology, IP, under the referencePD/BD/105706/2014, under the scientific supervision of Professor Isabel Menezes and Professor JoãoCaramelo.

Thank you

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Dalila Coelho, João Caramelo & Isabel Menezes (Supervisors)Doctoral Programme in Education

University of Porto

Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences

Centre for Research and Intervention in Education

4th Seminar – Global OER Graduate Network, Banff – 19th to 24th April 2015