Despite the Lessons Presented from Arizona's SB1070, Georgia Passed its own Version, HB87

Despite the Lessons Presented from Arizona's SB 1070, Georgia Passed its own Version, HB87 Published By: Gunderson, Denton & Peterson, P.C. 1930 N. Arboleda, Suite 201 Mesa, Arizona 85213 Office: 480-655-7440 Fax: 480-655-7099


Despite the lessons presented from Arizona's SB 1070, Georgia passed its own immigration reform bill, the Illegal Immigration Enforcement Act, HB 87. Although moral and political issues are at the forefront, the detrimental impacts on Georgia's economy may exceed the negative affects of Arizona's SB1070.

Transcript of Despite the Lessons Presented from Arizona's SB1070, Georgia Passed its own Version, HB87