Deadline Friday at 4 p.m. • Call 903-856-6629 to place an ad · Deadline Friday at 4 p.m. •...

8 'ThgfttfibufgGazgttg, Thursday. April 4, 2013 Deadline Friday at 4 p.m. Call 903-856-6629 to place an ad Fish Fish Legals Legals For Rent Storage Dunn's [Xiwry of Channel Catfish, Bass, Black Crappie. Hybrid Blue- gill, Redear Bream, Coppernose Bluegill, Fathead Minnows, and Grass Carp are available for Pond and Lake Stocking. 10- day notice and permit are required for the purchase of Trip- ioid Grass Carp. Friday. APRIL 12TH from 7 to 8 a.m. at Texas Country Farm Supply; 409 S. Greer ai Pittsburg We furnish hauling containers! - Live Delivery Guaraniccd! - Discounts/Special Deliveries on large orders! - Tunic Traps. Fish Feeders, Fish Traps! ~ Decorative Fountains. Aerators. Windmill Aerators! ~ Vegetation Control, Pond Fenilirers, Floating Docks! To plate an order O' for more information call one of our consultants fvtonday - Saturday at 800-433-2950 or email sales*dunnsfishfarm, m, M-F 7 a.m. - 6 p.m.. Sat 8a.m. - 4 p.m. 1-800-433-2950 Fm 1-580-777-2899 The interbcai Purchasng System (TIPSiTAPS} hae poeted new Re- queett For tondor FyoposaPs at wwwipa-usacotn lor commodly categortM Elevelors and Sanrk- Ing. PropoaalB are due May 16. 2013 at 300 pm ProposaU Ml be approved at the 5/2*13 Board MetrtB Vendors Garage Garage Sales Sales Umklng for vendors and cuslomcra for Hughes brings Trade Days. Grand opening on April 5th. 6th, and 7th. Spar* rental SIO per day. U)cation2210™2S0N.21A mile N of Hughes Sjrings on the right Call 903839-2384 cell 903916 3769 GARAGE SALE Pittsburg Eastern Star 213 Arch Davis Rd, 8 to? Clothes, knick-knacks, furniture & lots of other treasures Friday and Saturday H i ^ school scholarships fund-raiser HUGE YARD SALE First in 20 years' Furnituie. refngerator, koofc. baby stutl. hot wheeto. Ty and other colectables. antique iron bed frames, and much more Ftlday and Saturday Brumley -Hwy 558 to Hwy 2454A follow signs. aengeSeSyouaonlwantioi Salurdiy onfy 8 a.m. |neaarlybircts)113 Redbud SL Pecan Heghls neghborhood Name brand kids clothtng and shoes sues newborn-ST. tMby Items, men s & women* dothirx) & shoes, home decor, jj«|her/d2[e^ 3 Family Yard Sale April 4, 5, 6 1 mfe before truck stop n Mriway. between Glhner and Pittsburg olf Hwy 271.tofton SixTflower RD . second house on rght Toy hairier, trash compactor, clothas. mciowaves, furniture, too muchtomerriion- For Sale FOR SALE KIRBY VACUUM CLEANER/SHAMPOOER with lolsofathchments $100 903-645-3948 903-639-7705 CHECK OUR USED and repossessed merchandise at SmitfiFurniture & Apple noes. 301 S Greer Call us at 903-856-6121 TEXAS & AMERICAN FLAGS 3'X5' 903-639-7705 Child Care Otrislian Day Care ND. lorgSAg t^tt 0-11 « « ! Pre-K Program Free Transportation to Cx From school. CCS / SHOP TOOLS FOfl SALE Rigid 14'Band Saw Model B51400 Delta - Rockwell Table Saw a. stand. 1 HP motor Delta - Rockwell Dcril Press. Cat #17-90 Delta - Rockwell 4 inch Joiner Shop DusI Collector Sears-Craftmen icr Radial Sew Shop Table melal36-w, 30"2114'long 903-856-0015 tnvitahontoBid Sealed Bids are requested by the City of Pittsburg tor A new 4,323 sqitaie loot PoNcta Station Address Bidstothe ettentnn of Cly Manager Cly ofPttlsburg 200RuekSt Pttaburg. TX 75688 Bdt must be received In a sealed envebpe. with the opening date and Ume and lam to be clearly marked on the bwertofthand cor- ner of the envelope Bidt wtl be pubkcly opened, read aloud and tabulatod on April 23, 2013 at 2 00 PM at Gty Halt 200 Rusk St. Pttebug, TX The City of PItlsbuig leaerves the right to reject any or al txds. warve any or ail lonnaities. andtoaward the contract to bid that is rinst ad- vantageous lo ttie aty The conetiuctlon conMts of con- crete spread (oolbgs wth wood stud wal Iramng and wood truss celling framing, metal exteror wal panels and metal stoped roof There B a storefront entry glass and atomsHtm ineutated windows Interior fnshes include painl, car- pel vinyl composlbn trie and vtoyi base The doors are prehung aoM core wood doors IbrstaIn and metal ftamesforpeint The cerilngs con- stat ol 2x4 soousticel ceing tries and gypshum board ceiings and lurr downs SpeCMty iKms nciude custom casework end 14 gauge wal protectbn as noted. There are alemates lo Ihe work ndudrng Chen Ink iencng. an erriry ptaza. carport and storage outtxjiUIng Ottier Items ere t>y Owner and vwl nsed Contractor's coordlnetlon tor acomptatebb Bids Ml be based on a single lump 4.<l.M3marw>prv nt tiiperlmw. Indudo. ofitan OPIRATORS CDL Cia»i benoTu i-BIT-aiS-SSJS ww.wo*(«M< rie*c«« *W9h Ho— OWKAtlO TOAM^lW $«b Mtn « avw o*w rwihl Ow^ Medlra«jn(»wi. 1 /4 acre . _ . ._ . . W/S/F RV Mm Ol hoiite OK only 5*30 *i»o. i23» mofflfl (12 91%/IOyri GOBI- •nt*«d linwKini) niow inlorfTuinm csS 1(130-460-(1354 ACREAOC REM w i.«»sr4-95fie™.o™>.™.i-.i •. DRIVERTRAWCES NEGDEb "o' In Wrvota'Wwnw EnTcrp-'Wo' ti nee wonTit BUYS innd fo' nv MH o. c.bin. Uolorl onl.y. 5800 ilowo, (iOSOO' 10 91loYyf) etMlnwtwna n c«h Guwrntfod t n m m i . 1 -936- 377-3235 CMLTmiUUICKI4 47saMOuwTCo naeioTSiinOwoa PwM county nwdliont- ««•. eliKlndty Souti fexM Sriuk. dMi. ho^. U.MS dtMn, Sdeaanonm. (9 V H. 20 yowsiorTXVWIlfWoanfl 1.aS»29SOI0e •ndii*.rrw)y«15-i(iiyn la*S-734-«710 DRIVERS - COIIMirV DRIVERS 11000 avaMbW rmanciM s-en-on Mmn M*. l>o«' ftwRy WSBT TEMS. TiHial County 153-44S Bcrn tromSiesiMiao* Oew. dov*. *nd ! Ouwi.w,n«*wno«l«TXV« 1-210.734- FBUU. CLOSCOVT SALGI SW 4(>nl i3e> any tO«w-MttM900 SiMUaDWwW^_ taOM k> evarySiinp AO dwrnpt Coma M ^ whr M toll Krid blwia iFwdKiMli*. LoM Iwnk « tX VW InwKring 01 notoy t:M K 1-a0O5tlZ430.«1.93 I-SOOSTSil South Region Only *230 ~ HnrlfHVm 3 «e Tl«C'ICuM>M> " jVVest Region Only »230 ~ ltl2R(iwMi«per5.1i1,Ml circulation Cde: Call's te«spa:*( I o,ca|-exasPre&sSe(vice II 1-800-7494793 Ttxlai'! The BkBing documerte may be ol^aned kcm the ofce of Hug- man ArchHecture. PL.L.C, PO Box 3351. 1105 Judson Road. Longvtaw, Texas 75606, by de- poslrg a ralundable check in the amount of $200 00 per set peyeble to the Aichtect Deposte will be re- turned lo Bidders who return seta to the Architect's ofco in good cooek- twn wrthrntendays of Ihe bd date Two seta may be obtained on a de- pos« basis Additional seta may bo purchased at cost, norvfelundabte Alcopiesof the bclding Documents however obtaned, remaei Ihe prop- erty ol the Architect and muet be returned Bd Security in the form ol a Bd Bond or Certified Check made pay- able to the Owner ii an amount equal to 5% of Ihe bid B reqiered wth submastoh of bd formThe bd security shal be retained by the Owner If the Bdder faris to execute Bte Conttactof fellstoprovde sabs- tectory Performance end Payments Bonds as iequk«d withintendays aflar notice of sweidtothe Biddec Guaranty bonds in the form of a Partorrttance and a Labor erd Ma- te rata Payment Bond, man amount equal lo 100% of the b«, Ml be required Bonding Compeny must be cunenBy rsted Aor A* in Bests Key RaUng Gude and be Wed in the Federvl Regeter and llceneed to conduct business In the Slate of Subnasan of a bd indicates that the txdder has revewed Ihe BU- drig Documents and not only urv darstands ttwm, but the local con- drinnsalfecting the work NORTHEAST TEXAS coMhUNrrv COLLEGE invitation for Proposal - Depository Bank Northeast Texas Commonly CoF lege wril be acceplng proposeta far depository bank servces Instruc- tionsforsubrrxBmg a proposel are avariabte et the blfowmg addrees www nkx edu under putric notces Propossk are due to the college by 11 30em. Friday. May 3. 2013. 1 Texas Communriy CoF J 2 BR house 1 Pirrsfturg (renr) 1 BR Cherrywood 1 BR apt al Twin Oaks ConlacllanieHoltler -| 903^52-6452 rowMioMi; Di'lKvood Park MI. I'leasani Granilr? Counters, Alarm System, FP, loft, energy cfT. pkg..3/2,garage. 2400 sq. ft., tiled at-down shower, garden tuh.breakfasl bar $l,.150/mn VERY NICE! Michael McGahec m3 577-1151 l»KG WalkerCreclcVil 22 PR 54607 PiIIibtirg.TX 75686 903-855-0311 Now acceptitig applications Multi-Family Affordable Housing 2, .1, &4 Hcdrmxn AFBrtmwits CH/A Pabo Appliances W/D conncciioi On-Site Laundry rixnmunily Rtmm Siicial Services Office Open 8-S Wedtdayi HqiBl Housing Handicap Oppiilumly Accessihle SlRl BE IhrOPERTIES 903-856-6606 2 B R - NorthKm n Apt* 1 BR-VilUgcApK 4 RENT 3 BDRM 2 BTN 903-856-0191 7200 sq. ft. INSULATED WAREHOUSE with overhead door for rent located behind old Patterson Furniture $1,000 month 903-767-3360 LddaLOAD STORAGE 5x5 to 10x20 903-767-0808 MINI STORAGE SPACE $20 AND UP. PAPKER BUILDING CO. 903-856-6741 E-Z SELF STORAGE Hwy 271, Pttsburg 903-856-3611 Clean, insulaled, card operated security gales, 24 hour access Moving supplies and U-Haul Dealer Pittsburg Storage 903-856-34911 ' Help ; Wanted OTR TRUCK Dtlvar Neetled Apply at 301 Matbson St., Pittsburg, TX Mm 2 years experience Must pa si Physeal and Drug test CMA full-time Windsor Itace Nursing Center 903-645-3915 H i E T M C foiili: ItilliMing posniii Miuih 29. 3013 Ultsbutg: •RN t-3) (PRN) •RN(Mcd/.SgylPRN •.ScnibTcch (PRN) •Mid Level Practitioner (GI experience) (FT) •Mid l^el PractilionCT (FT) •RHC Director (FT) Resumes may he faxed to 9D3-946-5Z71»remallerj to HTMCisan Fi)ual Oppiirttmiiy Fjnploycr kge. Adm Join a growing team! Pittsburg TVactor is looking I'or cxpciicnced Round Baler mechanics and Parts personnel. Submit resume or credentials to [email protected] or fax to 903-856-0456 Interviews will be scheduled. Pittsburg TRACTOR, INC. Seiving Northeast Texas Since 1925

Transcript of Deadline Friday at 4 p.m. • Call 903-856-6629 to place an ad · Deadline Friday at 4 p.m. •...

8 'ThgfttfibufgGazgttg, Thursday. April 4, 2013

Deadline Friday at 4 p.m. • Call 903-856-6629 to place an ad

Fish Fish Legals Legals For Rent Storage

D u n n ' s

[ X i w r y of Channel Catfish, Bass, Black Crappie. Hybrid Blue-gill, Redear Bream, Coppernose Bluegill, Fathead Minnows, and Grass Carp are available for Pond and Lake Stocking. 10-day notice and permit are required for the purchase of Trip-ioid Grass Carp.

Friday. APRIL 12TH from 7 to 8 a .m . at Texas Country Farm Supply; 409 S. Greer ai Pittsburg We furnish hauling containers! - Live Delivery Guaraniccd! -Discounts/Special Deliveries on large orders! - Tunic Traps. Fish Feeders, Fish Traps! ~ Decorative Fountains. Aerators. Windmill Aerators! ~ Vegetation Control, Pond Fenilirers, Floating Docks! To plate an order O' for more information call one of our consultants fvtonday - Saturday at 800-433-2950 or email sales*dunnsfishfarm,

m, M-F 7 a.m. - 6 p.m.. Sat 8a.m. - 4 p.m. 1-800-433-2950 Fm 1-580-777-2899

The interbcai Purchasng System (TIPSiTAPS} hae poeted new Re-queett For tondor FyoposaPs at wwwipa-usacotn lor commodly categortM Elevelors and Sanrk-Ing. PropoaalB are due May 16. 2013 at 300 pm ProposaU M l be approved at the 5/2*13 Board MetrtB


Garage Garage Sales Sales

Umklng for vendors and cuslomcra for Hughes b r i n g s Trade Days.

Grand opening on April 5th. 6th, and 7th.

Spar* rental SIO per day. U)cation2210™2S0N.21A mile N of Hughes Sjrings

on the right Call 903839-2384 cell 903916 3769

G A R A G E S A L E Pittsburg Eastern Star 213 Arch Davis R d , 8 to?

Clothes, knick-knacks, furniture & lots of other

treasures Friday and Saturday

H i ^ school scholarships fund-raiser

H U G E Y A R D S A L E First in 20 years'

Furnituie. refngerator, koofc. baby stutl. hot wheeto. Ty and

other colectables. antique iron bed frames, and much more F t l d a y a n d Saturday Brumley -Hwy 558 to

Hwy 2454A follow signs.

aengeSeSyouaonlwantioi Salurdiy onfy 8 a.m.

|neaarlybircts)113 Redbud SL Pecan Heghls neghborhood

Name brand kids clothtng and shoes sues newborn-ST. tMby Items, men s & women* dothirx) & shoes, home decor,


3 Family Yard Sale A p r i l 4, 5, 6

1 mfe before truck stop n Mriway. between Glhner and Pittsburg olf Hwy 271. toft on SixTflower RD . second house

on rght Toy hairier, trash compactor, clothas.

mciowaves, furniture, too much to merriion-


CLEANER/SHAMPOOER with lolsofathchments $100

903-645-3948 903-639-7705

CHECK OUR USED and repossessed merchandise at SmitfiFurniture & Apple noes.

301 S Greer Call us at 903-856-6121

TEXAS & AMERICAN FLAGS 3'X5' 903-639-7705

Child Care

Otrislian Day Care ND. lorgSAg t^tt 0-11 « « !

Pre-K Program Free Transportation to Cx

From school. CCS /

SHOP TOOLS FOfl S A L E Rigid 14'Band Saw

Model B51400 Delta - Rockwell Table Saw

a. stand. 1 HP motor Delta - Rockwell Dcril Press.

Cat #17-90 Delta - Rockwell 4 inch Joiner

Shop DusI Collector Sears-Craftmen icr Radial Sew

Shop Table melal36-w, 30"2114'long


tnvitahontoBid Sealed Bids are requested by

the City of Pittsburg tor A new 4,323 sqitaie loot

PoNcta Station Address Bids to the ettentnn of Cly Manager Cly ofPttlsburg 200RuekSt Pttaburg. TX 75688

Bdt must be received In a sealed envebpe. with the opening date and Ume and lam to be clearly marked on the bwer toft hand cor­ner of the envelope Bidt wtl be pubkcly opened, read aloud and tabulatod on April 23, 2013 at 2 00 PM at Gty Halt 200 Rusk St. Pttebug, TX

The City of PItlsbuig leaerves the right to reject any or al txds. warve any or ail lonnaities. and to award the contract to bid that is rinst ad­vantageous lo ttie aty

The conetiuctlon conMts of con­crete spread (oolbgs wth wood stud wal Iramng and wood truss celling framing, metal exteror wal panels and metal stoped roof There B a storefront entry glass and atomsHtm ineutated windows Interior fnshes include painl, car­pel vinyl composlbn trie and vtoyi base The doors are prehung aoM core wood doors IbrstaIn and metal ftames for peint The cerilngs con­stat ol 2x4 soousticel ceing tries and gypshum board ceiings and lurr downs SpeCMty iKms nciude custom casework end 14 gauge wal protectbn as noted. There are alemates lo Ihe work ndudrng Chen Ink iencng. an erriry ptaza. carport and storage outtxjiUIng Ottier Items ere t>y Owner and vwl nsed Contractor's coordlnetlon tor acomptatebb

Bids M l be based on a single lump

4.<l.M3marw>prv nt tiiperlmw. Indudo. ofitan OPIRATORS CDL Cia»i

benoTu i-BIT-aiS-SSJS ww.wo*(«M< rie*c«« *W9h Ho— OWKAtlO TOAM^lW $«b Mtn « avw o*w rwihl Ow^

Medlra«jn(»wi. 1/4 acre ._. ._ . . W/S/F RV Mm Ol hoiite OK only 5*30 *i»o. i23» mofflfl (12 91%/IOyri GOBI-•nt*«d linwKini) niow inlorfTuinm csS 1(130-460-(1354 ACREAOC REM w

i.«»sr4-95fie™.o™>.™.i-.i •. DRIVER TRAWCES NEGDEb "o' In Wrvo ta' Wwnw EnTcrp-'Wo' t i

nee wonTit BUYS innd fo' nv MH o. c.bin. Uolorl onl.y. 5800 ilowo, (iOSOO'10 91 loYyf) etMlnw twna n c«h Guwrntfod tnmmi. 1-936-377-3235 CMLTmiUUICKI4 47saM OuwTCo naeioTSiinOwoa PwM county nwdliont-««•. eliKlndty Souti fexM Sriuk. dMi. ho^. U.MS dtMn, Sdeaanonm. (9 V H. 20 yowsiorTXVWIlfWoanfl 1.aS»29SOI0e

•ndii*.rrw)y«15-i(iiyn la*S-734-«710 DRIVERS - COIIMirV DRIVERS 11000 avaMbW rmanciM s-en-on Mmn M*. l>o«' ftwRy •

WSBT TEMS. TiHial County 153-44S Bcrn tromSiesiMiao* Oew. dov*. *nd

! Ouwi.w,n«*wno«l«TXV« 1-210.734-

FBUU. CLOSCOVT SALGI SW 4(>nl i3e> any tO«w-MttM900 SiMUaDWwW^_

taOM k> evarySiinp AO dwrnpt Coma M ^ whr M toll Krid blwia iFwdKiMli*. LoM Iwnk « tX VW InwKring 01 notoy t:M K 1-a0O5tlZ430.«1.93 I-SOOSTSil

South Region Only *230 ~ HnrlfHVm 3«e Tl«C'ICuM>M>

" jVVest Region Only »230 ~ ltl2R(iwMi«per5.1i1,Ml circulation

C d e : C a l l ' s te«spa:*( I o,ca|-exasPre&sSe(vice II 1-800-7494793 Ttxlai'!

The BkBing documerte may be ol^aned kcm the ofce of Hug-man ArchHecture. PL.L.C, PO Box 3351. 1105 Judson Road. Longvtaw, Texas 75606, by de-poslrg a ralundable check in the amount of $200 00 per set peyeble to the Aichtect Deposte will be re­turned lo Bidders who return seta to the Architect's ofco in good cooek-twn wrthrn ten days of Ihe bd date Two seta may be obtained on a de-pos« basis Additional seta may bo purchased at cost, norvfelundabte Alcopiesof the bclding Documents however obtaned, remaei Ihe prop­erty ol the Architect and muet be returned

Bd Security in the form ol a Bd Bond or Certified Check made pay­able to the Owner ii an amount equal to 5% of Ihe bid B reqiered wth submastoh of bd form The bd security shal be retained by the Owner If the Bdder faris to execute Bte Conttactof fells to provde sabs-tectory Performance end Payments Bonds as iequk«d within ten days aflar notice of sweid to the Biddec

Guaranty bonds in the form of a Partorrttance and a Labor erd Ma­te rata Payment Bond, man amount equal lo 100% of the b«, M l be required Bonding Compeny must be cunenBy rsted Aor A* in Bests Key RaUng Gude and be Wed in the Federvl Regeter and llceneed to conduct business In the Slate of

Subnasan of a bd indicates that the txdder has revewed Ihe BU-drig Documents and not only urv darstands ttwm, but the local con-drinnsalfecting the work

N O R T H E A S T T E X A S coMhUNrrv C O L L E G E invitation for Proposal -

Depository Bank

Northeast Texas Commonly CoF lege wril be acceplng proposeta far depository bank servces Instruc­tions for subrrxBmg a proposel are avariabte et the blfowmg addrees www nkx edu under putric notces Propossk are due to the college by 11 30em. Friday. May 3. 2013.

1 Texas Communriy CoF

J 2 BR house 1 Pirrsfturg (renr)

1 BR Cherrywood 1 BR apt al Twin Oaks

ConlacllanieHoltler - | 903^52-6452

r o w M i o M i ;

Di'lKvood Park MI. I'leasani

Granilr? Counters, Alarm System, FP, loft, energy

cfT. pkg..3/2,garage. 2400 sq. ft., tiled at-down shower,

garden tuh.breakfasl bar $l,.150/mn

VERY NICE! Michael McGahec

m3 577-1151

l»KG W a l k e r C r e c l c V i l 22 P R 54607

P i I I i b t i r g . T X 75686 903-855-0311

Now acceptitig applications

Multi-Family Affordable Housing

2, .1, &4 Hcdrmxn AFBrtmwits CH/A Pabo Appliances W/D conncciioi On-Site Laundry rixnmunily Rtmm Siicial Services Office Open 8-S Wedtdayi

HqiBl Housing Handicap Oppiilumly Accessihle

S l R l BE I h r O P E R T I E S

903-856-6606 2 B R - NorthKm n A p t *

1 B R - V i l U g c A p K

4 RENT 3 BDRM 2 BTN 903-856-0191

7200 sq. ft. I N S U L A T E D


w i t h o v e rhead d o o r

f o r r en t l o ca t ed b e h i n d

o l d Pa t t e rson F u r n i t u r e

$1,000 m o n t h


L d d a L O A D

S T O R A G E 5 x 5 to 1 0 x 2 0 9 0 3 - 7 6 7 - 0 8 0 8


$ 2 0 A N D U P . P A P K E R B U I L D I N G

C O . 903 -856 -6741

E-Z SELF STORAGE Hwy 271, Pttsburg

903-856-3611 Clean, insulaled, card operated

security gales, 24 hour access Moving

supplies and U-Haul Dealer

Pittsburg Storage

9 0 3 - 8 5 6 - 3 4 9 1 1

' Help ; Wanted

OTR TRUCK Dtlvar Neetled Apply at 301 Matbson St.,

Pittsburg, TX Mm 2 years experience

Must pa si Physeal and Drug test

CMA full - t ime Windsor Itace Nursing Center 903-645-3915

H i E T M C

foiili: ItilliMing posniii Miuih 29. 3013

Ultsbutg: •RN t-3) (PRN) •RN(Mcd/.SgylPRN •.ScnibTcch (PRN) •Mid Level Practitioner

(GI experience) (FT) •Mid l ^ e l PractilionCT (FT) •RHC Director (FT) Resumes may he faxed to 9D3-946-5Z71»remallerj to

HTMCisan Fi)ual Oppiirttmiiy Fjnploycr

kge. Adm

Join a growing team! P i t t s b u r g

T V a c t o r is looking I'or cxpci icnced Round Baler mechanics and Parts personnel. Submit resume or credentials to [email protected]

or fax to 903-856-0456 Interviews will be scheduled.

Pittsburg TRACTOR, INC.

Seiving Northeast Texas Since 1925

12- The PitfiburgGozgrfg. Thursday, April 11,2013

Deadline Friday at 4 p.m. • Call 903-856-6629 to place an ad

Legals Legals Legals nWATION FOR BIDS

ThB Housed Aulhortv of the C«¥ of Prttebuig, Texas, wil lecerve Bxta for the Interior Renovaton of Balhrooma and Kitchena al 1X049000001. LaunI Ridga and Oak Ealitaa M M until 2:00 p m . on Tueaday. April 23, 2013 at the Housing Authority Of ce at 400 Broach Street in PBs-Ixag. Taxas 75680. at whch Oma and ptaca al lilda wil ba pubticty opened and read a bud

Proposed forms of Contrad Documents. xxJuding Plans and Epecit-cations, areonfileat theOfice of the HousngAutfxmty oflhe C*y of PiUsburg, at the O I M I ol Pat Dismukes, ArctXed & Planner. 405 V*sl 3rd Street Mt Pleasant Texas 75455. at IwlcGraiiwHil Plan Room In Aringbn. Texas. Reed Construcbon Data Q, and iSQFT quom AGC Plan Room n Tyler, Texas and

Copes ol the Docunwrte may ba obtaried by daposii^ S 100 00 wiih IhaArchitectroraachMtoldocumantaBoobtalnad SuchdapoaitMi ba ralundad to each Btddar who aubmls a Bid and relume the Plana. Spadflcdions and Ottwr Doomnts In GOOD CONDfTION within 10 dayaeHarBldopaniis. ConlnelomwhottoivtaubmlaBld. butretum the PlahS and SprnXcalions n GOOD CONDfT ON wBsn ten (10) days shaimoatveone-twIoflherPknDapael. Qanaral Contnctors wil be allowed two (2) sets tor BkJdino purposes by deposit Contrad Docu-menta are available to Subcontractors. Inctudng Mstartsi Suppiera. etc on a •cost-ofprtrbng" basis(wfsch wiI not be retundaUel

A Certlod Check, payable to The Housing Authority of the Oty of PCs-buig.U S GovemmenlBondBioratatKtockiryBidBondinanamoitot equal to f ue perront ( 5%) ol the Bid shai be submtted win each Brd

The succaeefui Bidder wil be reqdrad to furnish and pay tor aabslactory Performance and Payrrwnl Bonds

AtlBnlon • caled to tha provieion* for Equal Employment Opportunty, irto payment of not less than Ihe mvwnum salanea and wages as set forth to Ifie Speofcabons must be pasJ on Ns Protect

The HoustogAUhonty of the CiyolPitsbug reserves the nght to rated any or al Bids or to waive any ribrmaRlas to the Bidding

No Bd shall be wthdrawn tor a penod ol sixty (60) days subsequent to the opening of Bids without the consent of The Houatog Authority oflhe CiyofPltWxag


Executive Oiector Dated Iifarch13.2013

The Intorlocat Putchasng System (TtPSfTAPS) has posted new Re-queste For \tendor PropoaafS at www Ifw-usa cam for commodly cstegonas Elavatora and Sanrlc-Ing. Piapoaah an due May I6. 2013 al 3 00 p m Proposals wii ba approved at the 5/24h3 Board Meettog

NOTICE OF SPECIAL ELECTION To the Regwtered WIeis ol the Cly of Ptttsburg. Texas Notice IS hereby given that the poU-tog ptaces listed bebw wtl be open tromTOOA M b 700PM on May 11. 2013. for voting n a Spectel Etection on an amandmant of Ihe Home Rule Charter that albws the Cly Manager to leside vrthin Camp Coirty wtste in offca LOCATION(S) OF POLLING PLACES

Pttsburg Etemenlary Cafetorajm. bcaled at 106 Fulton Street

Pllsbuig, Texas Early vodng try persons! appear-anca wtl ba conducted tach week­day at Cly Hill tocaled at 200 Rusk Street. PBsbuig. Texas Between the hours of 8 00 AM and 5:00 P M. begtomng April 29, 2013. and endng on the 7lh day of May 2013 Extended votng hours Mi be of­fered on ApH 30, 2013 end May 1, 2013 from Ihe hours ol 700 AM until? 00PM.

Appicatione far balbt by mail shai bemaiadto

Margaret Jackson 200 Rusk Street

Pttsburg. Texas 75686 Appicatnns for balbte by rrarl must be received no teter tttan ttw close ot bustoess on htey 3. 2013 Issued this the 13th day of February 2013 Shawn Kervxngton PresrdtogOlcer

RBIUEST FOR PROPOSALS The Prtteburg Ir S School Oatrct Pitteburg. Texas wfl reotrve sealed proposals lor KVAC Reptacament at Hgh School Proposers ate tovrted to subml indivdual proposals and shall dentify Iher proposal the outsxle of the seated envelope to the foiowing manner

HVAC Reptocemenl

Pttsburg, Texas 79eM The tolbwtog proposal packages M I be received 081-01 HVAC

Prcposals w i tie recerved at the oice ol the Supenrlendeni Pittstxxg ISO.«SBrDachSteMt. Prtlsburg. Texas75686on

Monday. AprH 2 2 . 2 0 1 3 , 3 M p m

Prcposed forms of contrad documerts. indudrng plans mO speafcations are on fie and a/arlatie tor nspedion at the lolowing locdions


PtteburglSD 402 Broach Straet Ptteburg. TX 75666 Phone 9(»«6-352fl

Cooatructlon Manager

Compaes Buiklers, Inc 536 South CoppellRoad Coppal. TX 75019 Phone 972-471-0222 Fax 972-462-8016

Or« copy of the documente may be obtained from the Conatructcn Marv ager. Compass Buiders. Inc Partial seta wil not be asued Proposers snd supplMis at cost may purchaaa addtonal single oomptata sets from Convass Bur Ida rs. Inc

The successU proposer (if over $ 25.000 00) wi be required to lUmiBh and pay tor satislattory pawnent and perlbrmance bonds nrthto rue (5) days of presentoton of Ihe contract

SEWreO TO TtiE c rr 9f >1.Wff.W9W AT TtiE TIM T « HP B PRE-


The OwnedCompass Butders, Inc reserves the nght to reiect any or at proposafs arxi wawe any tormaiDes in the proposal No proposal shall not be with*awn lot a penod ol sixty (60) days subsequent to the opening ol lha proposals without wrilen consent of Ifc Ptesburg I S D

AVISO DE ELECCON SPECIAL A las volsntat legisliados da la Cudsd de Prtlsburg, Texas Se nolTca que las casilas elector-ales atadas abcgo estarin abierias desde tea 7de te msitana hasta las 7dete tardedeldw 11 deMyodel 2013, para volar en Is etecoon es­pecial a una enmisnda de la carta de regia. que le permia a el admn-Btrador de la cudad read* derwo del condido de Camp mentrss este en oflcti UbicaaOn (es) de las casias elec­torates

Eacusb Prsnara De Pitteburg. bcalizsdo en la calls Fulton Street

#106. Rtteburg. Texas El voto por sdetantado an persona se levara a cabo de kinos a viemes en Cly Hal bcaizBds en Is cale Ruak Street #200. Ptttsbug. Texas Entie las 9:00 de la maflana y las 500 de Is teide empezando el 29 de Abrll del 2013. y termnando et 7 de liteyo del 2013 Horas extondi-das da votaoones serin olreadas el dia 30 de Abri del 2013 y primero (iro) de Mayo del 2013 entre las 7O0 de la maflana hasia tea 7 X date tarda

Laa aolciudes para botelas de votaoOn por correo deberan en-vteraea

Mwgaret Jackson 200 Rusk Street

Ptteburg, Texas 75686 Las solclues de botetas de votacrOn por correo deberan re-ctorree. artes de cerrar. durante horas bborahlesanteriores al db 3 de Mayo del 2013 PromuOsdoestadte 13de Febrero del 2013 Shswn Kennington Firma del Ofod que Preside

Pets Show Show FOR ADOPTION:

Dogs, puppet, cats, and kittens must have shots before leavng mpoundment faciiiy

For more tibrmation. contact the Pittsburg Police Department


Grade the Cat naeda a good hornet

6-yr-old gray tabby Loving and people frrendly, spayed,

dectewed. litter box traned. good with dogs and othercab Currenl shots and tags, litter boxes, food and bowfls, calcarrer. 4-1/2 foot ALLFOR FREE'


Garage Sales G A R A G E &

F U R N I T U R E S A L E Saturday, A p r i l 13

#98 P R 52209 off F M 1520

6 piece T h o m a s v i l i e b e d r o o m set. La-Z-Boy

s l e ^ scrfk, 2 T V s , Ba rs t oo i s . misc .

HARDAWAY ESTATE SALE April 11 - 1 2 - 1 3 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.

570 C R 2504. L M S b u r g Refrigerator, hutch, desk,

table with 8 chairs, kxig bed with mattrees/box springs, queen bed frame, Lenox

china. Mikasa, lots of nxsc ByAcknilEstmtm

Y A R D S A L E Saturday, A p r i l l 3

tTom 730 t o n o o n . F u r n i t u r e , app l i ances , shelves, a n d a r t s a n d

c ra f t s . N o c lo thes . 657 CR 4120 (Wilson Rd.)

etenthsof ami le . House is on the right side.

Garage Sale S . i l i i i L l . i v , A p r i l \

s U i r l i n g 8 a . m .

( i 0 2 J c f f u r h i ) n S t .


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Chesney makes a rum at bottling that island vibe Country star stirs up fan tailgates wi th his Blue Chair Bay brand OiM of Chesney's favorite

rum cocktoib: The Island Olri

Kenny Ch«ney ia bottling up the island life and sharing it with his fans.

The country star is launch­ing a new premhim blended-rum brand. Blue Chair Bay, when he kicks off his annual summer lour in May.

"ICs for the little bit of pi rate in all of us," jokes Chesney about his three rum "expres­sions' (blends), produced at a distillery on a Barbados beach Just yards from crashing waves. "ICs an extMwion of what I do and how I live my life"

Chesney is the latest celeb to link with an alcohol (remember George a o o n e / s tequila^ WilUe Ndsonb whiskey? Hddyb vodkaT), but only a few(Jimny BufFelt) have launched a rum. And it's no mere endorsement deal; he says he was deeply involved


"I tried to create the ran that I want to drink." aays Kenny Chesney, w h o M brand is made in Barbadoa.

J the blend, the taste, even Ihe logo. ' I t was important for me not to take someone's money to put my name on it to build a brand not my own - that didn't feel authentic.'

A winner of e i ^ t Country Music

Association Awards, Chesney, 45, is intiTKlucing the mm lo his famously loyal fans, known as No Shoes Na tion, during the tradibonal pre-show tail^ting parties.

"I'm doing it to represent my fans.

who are laid-back but not laxy. They're very chill but have a lot of passion,' Chesfvey Buys

"And no matter where they are, they walk through the world like bare feet in the sand, ICs why they're

drawn to my music, and hopefully they'll feel same way about the rum.'

Bom in eastern Tennessee, Ches­ney says he has become an island bey at heart, spending his free time after tours floating' around the Caribbean to recharge and "brush off the toad dusL'

Chesney waxes lyrical about the sensual delights of island life, which be and a master blender tried to cap­ture in the rums.

T m trying to bottle all those emo­tions up,' he says. T h e way the sun moves across the sky, the warm air that makes the skin breath, the es­sence of bzy afternoons on a boaL I tried to create the rum that I want to drink.'

The rums, which will sell for SI8-$ 1 9 a bottle, include a light, white rum (aimed at women), ranked "ex­cellent' in a recent beverage compe­tition; a coconut rum; and a coconut rum spiced with Caribbean cinru-mon, nutmeg, clove and pimento He abo enlisted a master mixologist to create Bhie Chair Bay rum cocktaib.

The brand name will be familiar to fans: Old Blue Chair is a ballad staple at his shows, f t seemed to fit," he says about the real bhie chair where he wrote the song. "It seemed an authentic name."

MARKETPLACE TODAY for laMutMoy silomsjtiod. B00397.00/0 Www.iUMeBjolSKXuoi/inutixa*

TTwIrrtartocal PurchuInQ SysMm

(nPSTTAPS) has postal new Ftequesis fo<

Venoor Proposab al www.tlp*-uwxom

lor ccmrmjlty

Etovatonwid Swvidng.

May 16, 2013 at 3:00 p.m.

Proposals wR be approved at the




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1 Ihe IMrtgend? 6 -.. .thoweothor?'

W One spot cords M Oiptoltenlofyot India 15 Port besween Biiltcrio

ondClewiland 16 NowltzklotrheNBA 17 What a seniemenr

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thintp? 38 What -we go round.'

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cook wore 46 Slow, in music 47 Word with'floor or

51 Cerlolnmediral

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Memphis soul stew is served at the White House Justin Timberlake and musical legends play for the president, first lady

KoriiM Lopez

What : President Obama and first lady MieheUe Obama host an all-star cast of R&B Ulent in the East Room for the btest iteratim of In Peifor mance at the White Home, this time honoring Memphis souL

Who: With Booker T. Jones at the helm as music director at>d band leader, the bill features Alabama Shakes. William Bell, Steve Ctopper, Ben Harper, Queen Latifah. Cyndi Lauper, Ameriran Idols Joshua Le det, Sam Moore, Charlie Mussel white. Mavis Staples and, of course. Justin Timberlake.

Miaatng: Al Green, who forced to skip the shew when he suf fered a back iryury.

Before the show: At a music workshop, Michelle Obama tells stu dents, 'My husband thinks he sounds Just like Al Green. Let's tell him that he does. He is the president.*

President Obama jokes: "I'm in my second term now, so rather than


Hail to the Chief. weYe going with that (Gr«n Chions by Booker T & the MG's) from here on out. A little change in tradition.' After announc ing the engagement of a couple of While House staffers, he said newly-

weds Timberlake and Jessica Biel. who sat in the front rcsv, could offer pointers. "Justin, they are lookingfor aweddingringer,' he joshes "I'm just sayin'."

Segregated: Earlier in the day,

Sam Moore, left, and Joshua Ledet perform the Sam & Dave hit Sou/Afonin the East Room of the W h i U Hoaae.

Moore remembers the difficult times he faced as a black artist in the 'fiOs. "We couldn't stay, not in the white hotels Vou did your show, you gel paid, and then you leave.'

SomI men: In a their rousing ren

dition of Soul Man, Moore and Ledet are dueling voices who have the audi­ence clapping and lauding

Watching the tide rol l away: Timberlake pairs with Crojqier for (Sittin • On) the Dock of the Bay. which the Slax Records house guitarist wrote with Otis Redding

Fashion s tandonU: Show host Latifah and the first lady, both clad in one shouldered black dresses.

Also apiffy; Moore, wearing a black suit with a silver beadazzled collar and cuffs, and Ledet, sporting a snazzy red bow be.

Rough around the edges, i n a good way; Musselwhite and Harper celebrate Charlie's bhiesy Memphis roots, with I'm In I'm Out I'm Gone, a raw counterbalance to the nighfs smoother soul songs.

Tenderly: Lauper'sanimated take onjyya Little Tenderness teams her with Musselwhite. She's surprisin^y conservative (well, except for the red faux havtk) in a black lace jacket

The big finish: A free-for-all en­sues, as everyorw crowds the stage for the closing number, In the Mid­night Hour.

Catch it on TV: PBS will air the concert April 1 6 ( 8 pra. ET/PT, times may vary).


'2e TRANS/No Bto Fees Rates Below 1 % ' FLEXIBLE Bonus Up To $360 Par Daal 70/X kiterctiange Spits - No Hequlrementa 24 MOOR Merchant Funding UNUMrTEO Gonveraion Bonus

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brief Iv 15 HcSfotttietorearm

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