Data Sufficiency Questions

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  • 7/27/2019 Data Sufficiency Questions


    Questions: 15 Data Sufficiency Practice Questions (30 Minutes)

    Directions: Each question below is followed by 2 statements numbered (1) and(2). The questions have to be answered in terms of choices A to E. Mark youranswer choice as;

    A. If Statement (1) ALONE is sufficient but Statement (2) ALONE is notsufficient.

    B. If Statement (2) ALONE is sufficient but Statement (1) ALONE is notsufficient.

    C. If BOTH Statements TOGETHER are sufficient, but NEITHER Statementalone is sufficient.

    D. If Each Statement ALONE is sufficient.E. If Statements (1) and (2) TOGETHER are NOT sufficient

    1. It takes 3.5 hours for Mathew to row a distance of X km up the stream.

    Find his speed in still water.

    (1) It takes him 2.5 hours to cover the distance of X km downstream.

    (2) He can cover a distance of 84 km downstream in 6 hours.

    A. Statement (1) ALONE is sufficient but Statement (2) ALONE is notsufficient.B. Statement (2) ALONE is sufficient but Statement (1) ALONE is notsufficient.C. BOTH Statements TOGETHER are sufficient, but NEITHER Statement

    alone is sufficient.D. Each Statement ALONE is sufficient.E. Statements (1) and (2) TOGETHER are NOT sufficient.

    Correct Answer: C

    Solution:Given that Mathew rows upstream with the speed of X / 3.5km/h.Combining both the statements, we can calculate the downstream speed.Downstream speed = 84 / 6 = 14 km/h.Also, downstream speed = X / 2.5.Or, X / 2.5 = 14.Or X = 2.5 * 14 = 35 km.Hence the upstream speed = X / 3.5= 35 / 3.5= 10 km/h.So the speed in still water = (10 + 4) / 2 = 12 km/h.Hence we need both the statements together to solve the question.

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    respectively (from first statement). Now, given that 2x + x = 9 or x = 3.Hence we can conclude that the number of copper coins removed is 6.Hence statement 1 alone is sufficient.Statement 2 gives only half the information. If the information about theother three coins (that were removed) had also been given, it would have

    been possible for us to find the answer. Hence statement 2 alone isinsufficient.

    4. Maria deposits $10,000 in a bank. What is the annual interest which thebank will pay to Maria?

    (1) The interest must be paid once every six months.

    (2) The rate of interest is 4%.

    A. Statement (1) ALONE is sufficient but Statement (2) ALONE is notsufficient.B. Statement (2) ALONE is sufficient but Statement (1) ALONE is notsufficient.C. BOTH Statements TOGETHER are sufficient, but NEITHER Statementalone is sufficient.D. Each Statement ALONE is sufficient.E. Statements (1) and (2) TOGETHER are NOT sufficient.

    Correct Answer: B

    Solution:The only thing we need to know while calculating the annual interest is therate of interest which is given in only statement 2. Hence it is the onlystatement which is sufficient.

    5. Given that the length of the side of a square is l and that the length of theside is increased by x%. State whether the area of the square is increasedby more than 10%.

    (1) x < 10

    (2) x > 5

    A. Statement (1) ALONE is sufficient but Statement (2) ALONE is notsufficient.B. Statement (2) ALONE is sufficient but Statement (1) ALONE is notsufficient.C. BOTH Statements TOGETHER are sufficient, but NEITHER Statementalone is sufficient.

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    7. Joe is older to Lloyd by five years. Ten years ago, John was 10 yearsolder than Mary. What is Mary's age today?

    (1) Mary's age today is three times the age of Joe.

    (2) Lloyd today is 5 years old.

    A. Statement (1) ALONE is sufficient but Statement (2) ALONE is notsufficient.B. Statement (2) ALONE is sufficient but Statement (1) ALONE is notsufficient.C. BOTH Statements TOGETHER are sufficient, but NEITHER Statementalone is sufficient.D. Each Statement ALONE is sufficient.E. Statements (1) and (2) TOGETHER are NOT sufficient.

    Correct Answer: C

    Solution:Let the ages of Joe, Lloyd, John and Mary be p, q, r and s.It is also given that p = q + 5, and r = s + 10. Now, we have to find thevalue of s.According to statement 1, s = 3p. However as their present ages are notgiven, hence 1 alone is insufficient to find the answer.According to statement 2, q = 5. Hence the value of p can be calculated tobe 10. However as statement 2 does not alone give any relation betweenp and s, it alone is insufficient to answer the question.Using both the statements together, we find that s = 3p = 3 * 10 = 30.Hence we require both the statements together to answer the givenquestion.

    8. A sum of $385 was divided among Jack, Pollock and Gibbs. Who receivedthe minimum amount?

    (1) Jack received 2/9 of what Pollock and Gibbs together received.

    (2) Pollock received 3/11 of what Jack and Gibbs together received.

    A. Statement (1) ALONE is sufficient but Statement (2) ALONE is notsufficient.B. Statement (2) ALONE is sufficient but Statement (1) ALONE is notsufficient.C. BOTH Statements TOGETHER are sufficient, but NEITHER Statementalone is sufficient.D. Each Statement ALONE is sufficient.E. Statements (1) and (2) TOGETHER are NOT sufficient.

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    Correct Answer: C

    Solution:Let the amount received by Jack, Pollock and Gibbs be x, y and z

    respectively.Also, x + y + z = 385. ------- (1)According to statement 1, x = (2/9) (y + z). -------- (2)This gives us two equations. But there are three unknowns to be found.Hence statement 1 alone is insufficient.According to statement 2, y = (3/11) (x + z) ------- (3)And x + y + z = 385 [equation ---- (1)]Again we have two equations and three unknowns. Hence statement 2alone is also insufficient to find the answer.However, if we combine both the statements together, we get threedifferent equations and three unknowns. Hence we need both the

    statements to find the answer.

    9. 'n' is a natural number. State whether n (n - 1) is divisible by 24.

    (1) 3 divides 'n' completely without leaving any remainder.

    (2) 'n' is odd.

    A. Statement (1) ALONE is sufficient but Statement (2) ALONE is notsufficient.B. Statement (2) ALONE is sufficient but Statement (1) ALONE is notsufficient.C. BOTH Statements TOGETHER are sufficient, but NEITHER Statementalone is sufficient.D. Each Statement ALONE is sufficient.E. Statements (1) and (2) TOGETHER are NOT sufficient.

    Correct Answer: B

    Solution:According to statement 1, n is a multiple of 3.Now, say if we take n = 3, the expression is divisible, but in case, we put n= 6 or 12, then the expression is not divisible by 24. Hence statement 1alone is insufficient.Statement 2 alone states that n is odd. Now, if we put any odd value inplace of n, we find that the expression is divisible by 24. Hence option 2alone is sufficient.

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    10. A policeman spots a thief and runs after him. When will the policeman beable to catch the thief?

    (1) The speed of the policeman is twice as fast as that of the thief.

    (2) The distance between the policeman and the thief is 400 meters.

    A. Statement (1) ALONE is sufficient but Statement (2) ALONE is notsufficient.B. Statement (2) ALONE is sufficient but Statement (1) ALONE is notsufficient.C. BOTH Statements TOGETHER are sufficient, but NEITHER Statementalone is sufficient.D. Each Statement ALONE is sufficient.E. Statements (1) and (2) TOGETHER are NOT sufficient.

    Correct Answer: E

    Solution:Statement 1 only gives the speeds of both, the thief and the policeman,which cannot be helpful in finding the time. Hence statement 1 alone isinsufficient.Similarly statement 2 gives no clue about the time, it only gives thedistance between the two. Hence it alone is also insufficient.Combining both the statements would also not help us knowing the time.Hence the answer cannot be found from the given information.

    11. Who got the highest marks among Abdul, Baig and Chiman?

    (1) Chiman got half as many marks as Abdul and Baig together got.

    (2) Abdul got half as many marks as Baig and Chiman together got.

    A. Statement (1) ALONE is sufficient but Statement (2) ALONE is notsufficient.B. Statement (2) ALONE is sufficient but Statement (1) ALONE is notsufficient.C. BOTH Statements TOGETHER are sufficient, but NEITHER Statementalone is sufficient.D. Each Statement ALONE is sufficient.E. Statements (1) and (2) TOGETHER are NOT sufficient.

    Correct Answer: C

    Solution:Let the marks of Abdul, Baig and Chiman be X, Y and Z respectively.

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    According to statement 1, Z = (X + Y) or 2Z = X + Y ------- (1)We have only one equation but two unknowns. Hence statement 1 aloneis insufficient.According to statement 2, X = (Y + Z) or 2X = Y + Z ------- (2)Again, we have only one equation but two unknowns. Hence statement 2

    alone is also insufficient.However, if we combine both the statements, we get two differentequations from which we can find the answer.

    12. Given that side AC of triangle ABC is 2. Find the length ofBC.

    (1) AB is not equal to AC

    (2) Angle B is 30 degrees.

    A. Statement (1) ALONE is sufficient but Statement (2) ALONE is notsufficient.B. Statement (2) ALONE is sufficient but Statement (1) ALONE is notsufficient.C. BOTH Statements TOGETHER are sufficient, but NEITHER Statementalone is sufficient.D. Each Statement ALONE is sufficient.E. Statements (1) and (2) TOGETHER are NOT sufficient.

    Correct Answer: E

    Solution:The given properties of the triangle are insufficient to provide anyrelationship between the sides or the angles of the triangle. It is given thatangle Q is 30 degree and side PR is equal to 2. QR could be of anylength, which cannot be deduced from the given information.

    13. 50% of the people in a certain city have a Personal Computer and an Air-conditioner . What percent of people in the city have a personal computerbut not an Air-conditioner.

    (1) 60% of the people in the city have a Personal Computer.

    (2) 70% of the people in the city have an Air-conditioner.

    A. Statement (1) ALONE is sufficient but Statement (2) ALONE is notsufficient.B. Statement (2) ALONE is sufficient but Statement (1) ALONE is notsufficient.C. BOTH Statements TOGETHER are sufficient, but NEITHER Statement

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    alone is sufficient.D. Each Statement ALONE is sufficient.E. Statements (1) and (2) TOGETHER are NOT sufficient.

    Correct Answer: A

    Solution:According to statement 1, 60 - 50 = 10% of people have a PersonalComputer but not an Air-conditioner. Hence statement 1 alone is sufficientto answer the given question.Statement 2 only helps in finding out what percentage of people have Air-conditioner and not the percentage of people having Personal computer.Hence it is insufficient to derive the answer.

    14. Bags I, II and III together have ten balls. If each bag contains at least oneball, how many balls does each bag have?

    (1) Bag I contains five balls more than box III.

    (2) Bag II contains half as many balls as bag I.

    A. Statement (1) ALONE is sufficient but Statement (2) ALONE is notsufficient.B. Statement (2) ALONE is sufficient but Statement (1) ALONE is notsufficient.C. BOTH Statements TOGETHER are sufficient, but NEITHER Statementalone is sufficient.D. Each Statement ALONE is sufficient.E. Statements (1) and (2) TOGETHER are NOT sufficient.

    Correct Answer: C

    Solution:From statement 1, only two combinations are possible. Bag III contains 1and bag I contains 6 or bag III contains 2 and bag I contains 7 balls. Thisinformation alone is insufficient to answer the given Question.From statement 2, there are three possibilities; bag II has 1, bag I has 2;bag II has 2, bag I has 4, and bag II has 3, bag I has 6 balls. Hence it alsois insufficient.If both the statements are combined, we get the possible answer, bag Ihas 6, bag III has 1 and bag II has 3 balls. Hence we need both thestatements together to answer the given question.

    15. Given that (a + b) = 1 and (a - b) = 25, find the values 'a' and 'b'.

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    (1) Both 'a' and 'b' are integers.

    (2) The value of 'a' = 2

    A. Statement (1) ALONE is sufficient but Statement (2) ALONE is not

    sufficient.B. Statement (2) ALONE is sufficient but Statement (1) ALONE is notsufficient.C. BOTH Statements TOGETHER are sufficient, but NEITHER Statementalone is sufficient.D. Each Statement ALONE is sufficient.E. Statements (1) and (2) TOGETHER are NOT sufficient.

    Correct Answer: B


    On solving both the equations given in the main question, we get ab = - 6.------- (1)Now according to statement 1, a and b are integers, they can be [2, - 3]; [-2, 3]; [1, - 6]; [6, - 1], etc. So statement 1 alone is insufficient.According to statement 2, a = 2. Hence b = - 2 ------ [from equation ----(1)]Hence statement 2 alone is sufficient.

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    2 R = 1500 + T; orR = (1500 + T) / 2 ----- (4)But R's share is[7 / (2 + 3 + 7)] * T = (7/12) T ----- (5)From (4) and (5),

    (1500 + T) / 2 = (7/12) T18000 = 14 T - 12 TT = 9000.So total amount is $ 9000.P's share = [2 / (2 + 3 + 7)] * 900 = $1500.Hence 5.

    3. Find the speed of a man in still water if he goes upstream at 6 km/h whenthe rate of stream is 2 km/h.

    A. 2 km/hB. 8 km/hC. 6 km/hD. 14 km/hE. 4 km/h

    Correct Answer: B

    Solution:Speed in still water can be calculated as the actual speed upstream + therate or speed of stream= 6 + 2= 8 km/h.Hence 2.

    4. The length of rectangle ABCD is 6/5th of its breadth. Its perimeter is 132.Find its area.

    A. 660 mB. 2210 mC. 1080 mD. 2160 m

    E. 460 m

    Correct Answer: C

    Solution:Let x be the length and y be the breadth of the given rectangle.Now, given that,x = 6/5 y -------- (1)

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    and2 x + 2 y = 132 -------- (2)Substituting x in (2) by results in (1), we get,2 (6/5 y) + 2 y = 132; or 12/5 y + 2 y = 132. Multiplying both sides by 5, weget,

    12 y + 10 y = 660;22 y = 660y = 30.Since x = 6/5 y, x = 6/5 * 30 = 36. Therefore, area = x * y = 36 * 30 = 1080m.Hence 3.

    5. The prices of a TV and a refrigerator are in the ratio 9:5.If the TV costs$4,200 more than the refrigerator does, what is the price of therefrigerator?

    A. 4200B. 5400C. 6000D. 5250E. 4600

    Correct Answer: D

    Solution:Let the cost of TV be x.So, the cost of refrigerator will be x - 4200.Given, the ratio of the cost of the TV and refrigerator is 9 : 5 Therefore,cost of TV / cost of refrigerator = 9 / 5or, x / (x - 4200) = 9 / 55 x = 9 (x - 4200)4 x = 4200 * 9x = 9450.So, the cost of refrigerator is x - 4200 = 5250.Hence 4.

    6. 40% of the people of a certain locality suffer from Diabetes, 25% suffer

    from Leprosy and 10% suffer from both. What percentage of the people donot suffer from either of the diseases?

    A. 30%B. 35%C. 40%D. 45%E. 50%

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    Correct Answer: D

    Solution:Percentage of people suffering from Diabetes = 40.

    Percentage of people suffering from Leprosy = 25.Percentage of people suffering from both, Diabetes and Leprosy = 10.The percentage of people suffering from either Diabetes or Leprosy = 40 +25 - 10 = 65 - 10 = 55.Total percentage of people in the locality = 100.Hence the percentage of people suffering from neither of the diseases =100 - 55 = 45.Hence 4.

    7. A bag contains balls, marbles and tops. The triple ratio of balls to marblesto tops in the bag is 20 : 4 : 6. If there are 120 balls in the bag, find thenumber of tops in the bag.

    A. 66B. 36C. 26D. 49E. 12

    Correct Answer: B

    Solution:Let the total number of items (balls, marbles and tops) in the bag be x.Given that the ratio of balls to marbles to tops is 20 : 4 : 6.Number of balls = 120.Now, Number of balls = [20 / (20 + 4 + 6)] * xOr, x = 120 * (30/20) = 180Total number of items = 180Number of tops = (6/30) * 180 = 36.Hence 2.

    8. The cost of a camera at 20% discount is $100. Find its actual price.

    A. $125B. $130C. $225D. $335E. $105

    Correct Answer: A

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    Solution:Let the actual price of the camera be $x.x - 0.2 x = 100; or0.8 x = 100; or

    x = $125.Hence 1.

    9. It takes 16 days for 48 women to complete a job that requires 16 men tocomplete in 24 days. 12 men initiated the work and after 14 days, 12women joined them. How many days will they together take to completethe job?

    A. 12B. 21C. 6D. 24E. 16

    Correct Answer: A

    Solution:Total work = Number of men * Number of days = Number of women *Number of days.Or, 16 men * 24 days = 48 women * 16 days.Therefore, 48 women = (16 * 24) / 16 = 24 men;or 1 man is as efficient as 2 women are.------(1).Now, 12 men work for 14 days. The remaining work, (16 * 24) - (12 * 14) =216 man-day.Since 12 women, that are equivalent to 6 men join the 12 men, effectivestrength = 12 + 6 = 18 men. Number of days to complete remaining 216man-days of work = 216 / 18 = 12 days.Hence 1.

    10. Where does p lie if p < p?

    A. Between -1 and 0

    B. Between -1 and 1C. Between 0 and 1D. It is always less than 0E. It is always greater than 1

    Correct Answer: C


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    Given that p < p.The first option is incorrect because if p lies between -1 and 0, p willnever be less than p.Statement 2 is also incorrect because for certain values of p (between - 1and 1), the value of p may or may not be less than p. For example, if we

    take p = (- 0.6), the value of p > p; whereas if we take p = 0 or 0.6, thenthe value of p = p or p < p.According to option 3, p > 0 but less than 1. This is the only range in whichfor every value of p, the value of p is always less than p.Hence option 3 is the correct one.

    11. The ratio of gasoline to edible oil in 40 liters of the mixture is 3 : 1. Howmany liters of edible oil should be added in the mixture to make the ratio ofgasoline to edible oil 2 : 1?

    A. 15 litersB. 5 litersC. 7.5 litersD. 1.5 litersE. 10 liters

    Correct Answer: B

    Solution:The quantity of the edible oil to be added to get the required ratio is givenby [40 (3 * 1 - 1 * 2) / (3 + 1) * 2]= 40/8= 5 liters.Hence 2.

    12. Find the value of (p - 1) if p = 15/18 + 5/16 - 20/24

    A. -1231/4096B. 6C. 0D. 1321/4906E. 215/126

    Correct Answer: A

    Solution:p = (15/18) + (5/16) - (20/24);p = (45 + 120 - 120) / 144 = 5/16;(p - 1) = (5/16 - 1) = (- 11/16)= - 1231/4096.

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    Hence 1.

    13. Given that AB and CD are two chords of a circle intersecting at the point Ooutside the circle, and AB = 7 m, BO = 5 m, and OD = 3 m. Find the lengt

    hof OC.

    A. 20 mB. 16 mC. 35 mD. 6 mE. 18 m

    Correct Answer: A

    Solution:If BO = 5, then AO = 5 + 7 = 12 cm.We also know that,AO * BO = CO * DOor, 12 * 5 = CO * 3or, CO = 60 / 3 = 20Hence 1.

    14. In a class of 100 students, 20 play Football, 20 do not play Rugby, 10 playneither of the games. Find the number of students who play both thegames.

    A. 15B. 12C. 10D. 9E. 20

    Correct Answer: C

    Solution:Let the number of students who play only Football be 'F'; the number ofstudents who play both Football and Rugby be 'B'; and the number of

    students who play only Rugby be 'R'.Since 10 students play neither Football nor Rugby, and there are 100students in the class,F + B + R = 100 - 10 = 90 ----- (1)Since 20 students play Football,F + B = 20 -------- (2)Since 20 students do not play Rugby,100 - 20 = 80 students play Rugby;

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  • 7/27/2019 Data Sufficiency Questions


    20 Questions Sentence Correction Practice Questions 20 Minutes

    Directions: This question presents a sentence, a part or the whole of which isunderlined. Beneath the sentence you will find five ways of phrasing theunderlined part. The first of these repeats the original; the other four are

    different. If you think that the original sentence is grammatically and structurallycorrect, and is the best, choose the first answer choice; otherwise choose one ofthe others.

    1. Daniel was sitting with his disciples when the President, inaccompaniment with his only social secretary, entered the garden.

    A. in accompaniment with his only social secretaryB. accompanying only by his social secretaryC. accompanied only by his social secretary

    D. only accompanied by his social secretaryE. accompanied his social secretary only

    Correct Answer: C

    Solution:The correct phrase is 'accompanied by'. This eliminates options 1 and 2. Option4 is wrongly structured; it is the president who is accompanied, not the secretary.Between options 3 and 4, the only difference is the placement of the modifier'only' which is used for the secretary and not for the word 'accompanied'. Henceoption 3 is correct.

    2. Needing a variety of disguises, he founded Paul Ulmann, a Jewish tailor inToulouse who could produce any type of uniform in a couple of days

    A. he founded Paul Ulmann, a Jewish tailor in Toulouse who couldproduce any type of uniform in a couple of daysB. a Jewish tailor found him in Toulouse who could produce any type ofuniform within a couple of daysC. a Jewish tailor was found by him in a couple of days who could produceany type of uniform in ToulouseD. he found Paul Ulmann, a Jewish tailor in Toulouse who could produce

    any type of uniformin a couple of daysE. in Toulouse he founded a Jewish tailor who could produce any type ofuniform within a couple of days

    Correct Answer: D

    Solution:The modifier 'needing a variety of disguises,' qualifies for the pronoun 'he'. As a

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    general rule, the modifier must be placed as near to the noun or pronoun itqualifies, as possible. Hence options 2, 3 and 5 are eliminated. Moreover, inoptions 2 and 3, the relative pronoun 'who' is used at a wrong place, and inoptions 1 and 5, 'founded' is used in place of 'found'. Option 4 is both,grammatically and structurally correct.

    3. Reared in a village where telephones were objects of curiosity, Urzuatoday hardly gives a thought to the clean and quiet subway that people inher building use.

    A. Reared in a village where telephones were objects of curiosityB. Curious to know that telephones were objects of curiosity in the villageshe was reared upC. Being Reared in the village where the telephone is object of curiosityD. Reared in a village where telephones were an object of curiousnessE. Geared up in a village in which telephones are objects of curiosity

    Correct Answer: A

    Solution:The 'first Principle' of sentence correction questions is, 'never make anunnecessary correction. There is nothing wrong with the original sentence. Themodifier is correctly used and the part also follows 'subject-verb agreement'.

    4. Only in the attempt to destroy them with completeness, the governmentsoldiers have launched a coordinated attack on rebel troops.

    A. Only in the attempt to destroy them with completenessB. attempting on to destroy them completelyC. In tempting to destroy them completelyD. In an attempt to destroy them completelyE. In the attempt destroying them complete

    Correct Answer: D

    Solution:The problem here is with the modifier. The use of 'only' makes it somewhatawkward. Moreover, use of a noun (completeness) in place of an adverb(completely) makes it wrong. Option 2 uses preposition 'on' where it is notrequired. Option 3 changes the meaning of the sentence, and is henceeliminated. Option 5 misses a preposition and unnecessarily adds article 'the',which makes it wrong. The only option that is correct is 4.

    5. Balancing a pizza with one hand and having gripped a six-pack carton ofsoft drinks with another, twenty-three year-old Alan, paused in front of a

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    first floor flat in the colony.

    A. Balancing a pizza with one hand and having gripped a six-pack cartonof soft drinks with anotherB. Having a balance of a pizza with one hand and gripping a six-pack of

    carton of soft drinks with the otherC. Balancing a pizza with one hand and gripping a pack of six soft drinkcarton with the otherD. Being balanced a pizza with one hand and gripping a six-pack carton ofsoft drinks with the anotherE. Having balanced a pizza with one hand and having gripped a six-packcarton of soft drinks with the other

    Correct Answer: C

    Solution:A question on parallelism. Two 'actions' are being described in the part of thesentence, and both the 'actions' must be in the same form. Only option 3 takescare of it. (The two actions that need to be in the same form are 'balancing' and'gripping'). Option 5 unnecessarily uses 'having' twice. Option 4 is not structuredproperly and uses 'another' instead of 'other'. Option 3 is correct in every sense.

    6. Armed with the talents of a great general, an actor gifted and an ingeniouscriminal, Albert Guerisse played a major role in one of the unheraldedvictories of the Second World War.

    A. an actor gifted and an ingenious criminal,

    B. an ingeniously actor and a gifted criminal,C. a gifted actor and an ingeniously criminal,D. a gifted actor and an ingenious criminal,E. Though a gifted actor, but an ingenious criminal also

    Correct Answer: D

    Solution:Option 1 is incorrect as it uses the adjective AFTER the noun it qualifies. Options2 and 3 are eliminated as they use an adverb instead of an adjective. Option 5unnecessarily uses 'though' and 'also' that makes it awkward. Hence the correct

    option is 4.

    7. Dr. Charles godfrey, a Canadian specialist in rehabilitation medicine,advises against jumping and pounding exercises for people over 50because, he says, "they have produced an epidemic of self-inflictedinjuries."

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    A. Dr. Charles godfrey, a Canadian specialist in rehabilitation medicine,advises against jumping and pounding exercises forB. A Canadian specialist in rehabilitation medicine, Dr. Charles Godfreydoesn't advice jumping and pounding exercises forC. Dr. Charles godfrey, advises, who is a Canadian specialist in

    rehabilitation medicine, against jumping and pounding exercises forD. Dr. Charles godfrey, a Canadian specialist in rehabilitation of medicine,advice against jump and pound exercises forE. This is an advice by Dr. Charles godfrey, a Canadian specialist inrehabilitation medicine against jumping and pounding exercises for

    Correct Answer: A

    Solution:The 'first Principle' of sentence correction questions is, 'never make anunnecessary correction'. There is nothing wrong with the original sentence. Noneof other options is properly structured. Hence option 1 is correct.

    8. In January 1973, the NCI outside Washington dispatched samples of thecells of Russian to those four US scientists, who were only the Americansauthorized to experiment with them.

    A. dispatched samples of the cells of Russian to those four US scientists,who were only the Americans authorized to experiment with themB. dispatched samples of the Russian cells to four US scientists, the onlyAmericans authorized to experiment with themC. detached samples of the Russian cells to four US scientists because

    only Americans were authorized to experimenting with itD. dispatch the samples the Russian to four US scientists, the onlyAmerican cells authorized to experiment with themselvesE. dispatched the Russian cells for the sample of four US scientists, onlythe Americans to be authorized for experiment with them

    Correct Answer: B

    Solution:The only problem with the original sentence is its structure. 'cells of Russian'should be replaced with 'Russian cells'. Moreover, the use of the modifier 'only' at

    the appropriate place can make the sentence correct. Option 3 changes themeaning of the sentence, and hence it is eliminated. Option 4 misses apreposition and unnecessarily uses reflexive pronoun 'themselves'. The lastoption is not structured properly. Hence option 2 is correct.

    9. To prepare himself, he subjected himself to two weeks of intensive trainingon the Indonesian island of Java, climbing the volcano near Bandung 25

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    times, spend nights in the open and to test to see how long he could holdout without food.

    A. climbing the volcano near Bandung 25 times, spend nights in the openand to test to see

    B. climbed the volcano near Bandung 25 times, spending nights in theopen and tested to seeC. near Bandung, climbing the volcano 25 times by spending nights in theopen and to seeD. spending nights in the open by climbing the volcano and tested 25times for seeingE. climbing the volcano near Bandung 25 times, spending nights in theopen and testing to see

    Correct Answer: E


    A question on parallelism. As the sentence has several 'actions', all the 'actions'must be in the same form. Only option 5 takes care of it. None of other fouroptions follows the rule of parallelism.

    10. In November 1984, the 5400-meter volcano Nevado del Ruiz, startedshowing seismic activity, and later beginning belching fumes, gases andwater and rumbled with the force of millions of tones of molten rockbeneath the earth.

    A. started showing seismic activity, and later beginning belching fumes,

    gases and water and rumbled withB. started showing seismic activity, and later began belching fumes, gasesand water and rumbling withC. started to showing seismic activities, and latter began belching fumes,gases and water and rumbling withD. showing seismic activity started, and later began to belch fumes, gasesand water and rumbled withE. had started the show of seismic activity, and later belching fumes,gases and water and began to rumble with

    Correct Answer: B

    Solution:Yet another question on parallelism. As the sentence has several 'actions', all the'actions' must be in the same form. Only option 2 uses the correct forms of the'actions' (started and began). None of the other options maintains parallelism.

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    11. In southern China, many banyans are planted at the end of a village or atthe border of a district, for providing excellent shade at summer, andshelter during winter from the bitter winds.

    A. for providing excellent shade at summer, and shelter during winter from

    the bitter windsB. to provide excellent shade in summer, and in winter, shelter from thebitter windsC. in order to provide shade in excellent summer, and shelter from thewinds of bitter winterD. so as to excellently provide shade in summer, and bitterly in winter,shelter from the windsE. providing excellent shades of summer, and shelters of winter blowingthe bitter winds

    Correct Answer: B

    Solution:The original sentence uses preposition 'at' instead of 'in', and is not structuredproperly. Hence option 1 is eliminated. All other options, except option 2, areimproperly structured and make no sense.

    12. Some of the most wrenching images of 1985 were, starving of Ethiopianchildren, the 'desert' of the Sahel of Africa and famine stalking countryafter country.

    A. starving of Ethiopian children, the 'desert' of the Sahel of Africa and

    famineB. starvation of Ethiopian children, the 'desertification of the Sahel in Africaand famineC. starvation and 'desertification of Ethiopian children and the Sahel inAfrica and famineD. starving children of Ethiopia, 'desertifying' the Sahel of Africa andfamineE. starving Ethiopian children, the 'desertification' of the Sahel in Africaand famine

    Correct Answer: E

    Solution:A sentence that tests the knowledge of 'prepositions' and 'parallelism'. Wheneverthere are more than one subjects or objects in a sentence, they should alwaysmaintain parallelism. In this case, 'starving-children', 'desertification' and 'famine',must all be in the same form. Only option 5 uses them appropriately. All the otheroptions are poorly structured.

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    13. General intelligence is essential for outstanding achievement because itinvolves his natural ability to comprehend difficult concepts quicker and toanalyze them clearly and incisively.

    A. his natural ability to comprehend difficult concepts quicker and to

    analyze them clearly and incisivelyB. one's natural ability to comprehension of difficult concepts quickly andto analyze them clearly and incisivelyC. your natural ability of comprehension of difficult concepts quickly andanalysis of it clearly and incisivelyD. one's natural ability to comprehend difficult concepts quickly and toanalyze them clearly and incisivelyE. one's inborn ability to comprehend difficult concepts quicker and toanalyze them clear and incisively

    Correct Answer: D

    Solution:The determiner (pronoun) to be used here must be 'one's', and not 'his'. Thiseliminates options 1 and 3. Option 2 is incorrect as it uses a noun(comprehension) in place of a verb (comprehend) and an adjective (quicker) inplace of an adverb (quickly). Option 5 breaks the rule of parallelism. Hence theonly correct option is 4.

    14. Panchayat institutions are now entrusted upon the execution of all ruralupliftment schemes and programs, and it is realized that these institutionscan help a great deal in mitigating a number of problems of the


    A. entrusted upon the execution of all rural upliftment schemes andprogramsB. entrusted with the execution of all rural uplift schemes and programsC. entrusted with the schemes and programs of all rural upliftmentD. interested in the execution from all rural uplift programs and schemesE. distrusted with executing the rural uplift schemes and programs

    Correct Answer: B

    Solution:'entrust with' is the correct phrase. Options 1 and 4 are thus eliminated. Thephrase 'entrust with' is always followed by a purpose. The purpose in this case is'upliftment' and not 'schemes' or 'programs'. This eliminates option 3. Option 5changes the meaning of the sentence. Hence it is also eliminated. The onlycorrect option is 2.

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    15. Mr. Wilson was perhaps the single most effective social reformer of histime, who had provided without a degree, money and without any logisticsupport caring homes for the mentally and physically challenged.

    A. who had provided without a degree, money and without any logistic

    supportB. without whom, a degree, money or logistic support, providedC. who, without a degree, money or logistic support, providedD. who, provide without a degree, money or logistic supportE. who, provided money or logistic support, without a degree

    Correct Answer: C

    Solution:First of all, the use of relative pronoun must be checked. Mr. Wilson is the subjecthere, so the relative pronoun to be used here must be 'who'. Option 2 is thuseliminated. Now comes the structure of the sentence. The original sentence, andoptions 2 and 5 are inappropriately structured. Option 4 uses present tenseinstead of past tense. Option 3 is properly structured and leaves no ambiguity.Hence it is the correct option.

    16. At some point in our lives, nearly all of us yearn for a second chance to dothat one thing we always dreamt about, but never got around to trying.

    A. nearly all of us yearn for a second chance to do that one thingB. all of us nearly yearn to the second chance to do one thingC. nearly all of them yearn for a second chance of doing that only things

    D. merely all of us yearn nearly for the second chance to do that one thingE. nearby all of we yearn from a second chance to do that thing

    Correct Answer: A

    Solution:The 'first Principle' of sentence correction questions is, 'never make anunnecessary correction'. There is nothing wrong with the original sentence.Option 2 is not structured properly. Option 3 uses 'them' which is not necessary.Options 4 and 5 change the meaning of the original sentence. Hence theseoptions are eliminated.

    17. To be creative, one should try to think of new ideas that germinate fasterin the loose soil of soft thinking, which finds similarities and connectionsamong different things or situations.

    A. that germinate faster in the loose soil of soft thinkingB. which germinates faster in the loose soil than soft thinkingC. which will germinate fastest in the lose soil of soft thinking

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    D. that faster germinates on the loose soil of soft thoughtE. which must germinate faster in the lost soil of soft thinking

    Correct Answer: A

    Solution:The 'first Principle' of sentence correction questions is, 'never make anunnecessary correction'. There is nothing wrong with the original sentence.Option 2 doesn't go with 'subject-verb agreement'. Option 3 unnecessarily usesthe superlative form, that too without definite article. Option 4 is not structuredproperly and option 5 changes the meaning of the original sentence.

    18. New research now indicate that high level of fructose exacerbate the badeffect of copper deficiency, a factor already linked to heart problem.

    A. indicate that high level of fructose exacerbate the bad effect of copper

    deficiency, a factor already linked to heart problem.B. indicated that high levels of fructose exacerbate the bad effects ofcopper deficiency, a factor which is already a linking factor of heartproblems.C. indicates that high levels of fructose exacerbate the bad effects ofcopper deficiency, a factor already linked to heart problems.D. indicates that highly levels of exacerbate fructose has bad effects ofcopper deficiency, that is a factor already linked to some heart problems.E. indicating the high level of fructose exacerbating the bad effects ofcopper deficiency, a factor already linking to heart problems.

    Correct Answer: C

    Solution:The first flaw in the given sentence is violation of the rule of 'subject-verbagreement'. The word 'research' is singular, and hence 'does' must be used withthe verb. Option 2 takes the sentence in the past tense and is hence eliminated.Option 4 also violates the rule of 'subject-verb agreement'. And option 5 isimproperly structured. Option 3 makes the sentence meaningful.

    19. By combining an ordinary beam of red light with a light-sensitive cancerdrug, doctors have achieved remarkable remission rates for someextremely resistant cancers - including lung and oesophagus.

    A. By combining an ordinary beam of red light with a light-sensitive cancerdrug, doctors have achieved remarkableB. By an ordinary combing of beam of red light with a light-sensitivecancer drug, it is achieved remarkable by doctorsC. By combining an ordinary ray of red light with a light-sensitive drug ofcancer, the doctors have to achieve remarkably

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    D. Doctors have achieved an ordinary beam of red light with a light-sensitive cancer drug, by remarkableE. Without combining an ordinary beam of red light with a light-sensitivecancer drug, doctor have achieved remarkable

    Correct Answer: A

    Solution:The 'first Principle' of sentence correction questions is, 'never make anunnecessary correction'. There is nothing wrong with the original sentence.Options 2 and 5 change the meaning of the original sentence. Option 3 uses anadverb instead of an adjective. And option 4 is not properly structured.

    20. Just as present-day scientists traced the progress of vanished earlycivilizations in part by changes in its ceramics, future archaeologistsdiscovered that in the second half of the 20th century, we began to

    replace metals with new, amazingly different ceramics.

    A. scientists traced the progress of vanished early civilizations in part bychanges in its ceramics, future archaeologists discoveredB. progress of vanished early civilizations in part by changes in theirceramics by scientists, future archaeologists will discoverC. scientists trace the progress of vanished early civilizations in part bychanges in their ceramics, future archaeologists will discoverD. scientist trace the vanished progress of early civilizations in changes bypart in their ceramics, future archaeologists would discoverE. the trace of progress of vanished civilizations early in part by changes

    in its ceramics by scientists, future archaeologists have discovered

    Correct Answer: C

    Solution:The sentence tests the knowledge of Tenses. How can 'future archaeologists''discovered' something? Options 2, 4 and 5 are inappropriately structured. Henceoption 3 is correct.