D oing B usiness I n G reece Greek Entrepreneur Consulting Organization (G.E.C.O.)

Doing Business In Greece Greek Entrepreneur Consulting Organization (G.E.C.O.)
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Transcript of D oing B usiness I n G reece Greek Entrepreneur Consulting Organization (G.E.C.O.)

Doing Business In


Greek Entrepreneur Consulting Organization


Brief History

• Greece has been part of many different empires including the Roman, Byzantine, and Ottoman Empires.

• Independence was gained from Ottoman Empire in 1829.

• Offshore islands became part of the mainland during the 19th and 20th centuries.

• Democratic elections in 1974 did away with the monarchy and the previous dictatorship creating a parliamentary republic.

• Greece became part of the European Union in 1981.


• 98% or 10.6 million people speak Greek which is the official language.

• The largest minority language is Macedonian spoken by 1.8% of the population.

• Other minority languages include Albanian, Turkish, Arumanian and Bulgarian.

• English is typically spoken for business purposes.

Do’s Don’ts

• -Take a taxi or use other means of public transportation since traffic is intense and the streets are very difficult to figure out.

• -Attend a long lunch, dinner, or coffee with a possible business partner since business is usually mixed in with socializing.

• -Give a small gift to a business associate since it is considered as good manners.

• -Tips and taxes are usually included in purchases but a small tip in acceptable.

• -Discuss politics and religion if you are informed since many Greeks enjoy these topics.

• -Use a first name until a relationship has been established

• -Be more then 15 minutes late to a meeting since 15 minute delays are considered acceptable.

• -Smoking is very common in Greece so do not expect many smoke-free areas.

• -Choose a business partner on his boasting of local connections” but rather his/her record and accomplishments.

Why Greece?

• Greece is in close proximity to other countries in Southeast Europe, and with a open relationship with neighboring countries, there is an abundance of opportunities available for starting a new business.


• Major Business Sectors that are thriving in Greece include the following

Defense, Telecommunications, Energy, Building Products and Construction Equipment, Medical Equipment, Pharmaceuticals, Environmental Engineering Services, Franchising, Security Services, Pet Food and Supplies, and Tourism Infrastructure.


• The internet age in Greece is just now coming into its own, and will grow considerably when the GOG implements its plans to expand Internet connectivity. This opportunity for E-Business in Greece is one many should take seriously and look forward to.

• 55 out of every 100 inhabitants have a fixed access line.

• The government is helping create more access for broadband connections.

Post Olympics

• Following the 2004 summer Olympic games, U.S. companies have an opportunity to transform the Olympic structures into commercial structures.

Government & Business

• National Economy

• European Union

• Privatization

• Deregulation

• Joint Public Ventures


• Railways

• Highways

• Waterways and Ports

• Pipelines

• Airports

Webpage (a brief look)

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