
part 3 2 1.Explain the importance of effective communication in customer service. 2.Recognize the elements of effective two-way interpersonal communication. 3.Avoid language that could send a negative message and harm the Skills for Success Verbal Communication Skills Learning Objectives McGraw-Hill/Irwin Copyright © 2009 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved.

Transcript of CustomerServiceChap3

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1.Explain the importance of effective communication in customer service.

2.Recognize the elements of effective two-way interpersonal communication.

3.Avoid language that could send a negative message and harm the customer relationship.

Skills for Success

Verbal Communication SkillsLearning Objectives

McGraw-Hill/Irwin Copyright © 2009 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved.

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Skills for Success

4. Project a professional customer service image.

5. Provide feedback effectively.

6. Use assertive communication techniques to enhance service.

7. Understand key differences between assertive and aggressive behavior.

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Two-Way Communication involves a sender and a receiver in the application of elements of interpersonal communication (listening, feedback, positive language) to exchange

information and ideas effectively.

Two-Way Communication

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Elements of the Interpersonal Communication Model

• Environment• Encoding• Feedback• Filters• Noise

• Sender• Receiver• Message• Channel

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Negative, Vague or Weak Terminology

• The word no• The word problem• The word but

• I’m not sure…• I’ll try…• You’re wrong.• Listen to me.• Our policy says…• You don’t…• In my opinion…

Words, Phrases that are Weak:

Discuss the students’ lists.

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Problems with Global Terms

Global terms are: Potentially inflammatory words or phrases; all-encompassing or inclusive expressions:

always never everyone

all nobody

Review students’ lists and discuss impact on service.

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Ways to Communicate Positively

Plan your messages

Greet customers warmly and sincerely

Focus on the customer as a person

Offer assistance

Be prepared

Give factual information

Take appropriate action

Accept responsibility

Be helpful

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Communicating Positively, continued

Use customer-focused language

When the telephone rings, clear your thoughts, focus on the phone, and use customer-focused language as you answer professionally and cheerfully.

Make customers feel welcome

Use eye contact effectively

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Listen carefully and respond appropriately

Be specific

Use positive “I,” “we” messages.

Additional ways to communicate positively:

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Use Small Talk

Use Simple Language


More Ways to Communicate Positively:

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Ask positively phrased questions

Ask permission

Agree with the customer

Communicating Positively:Ways to communicate in a helpful manner

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Communicating Positively, continued

Elicit customer feedback and participation

Close the transaction professionally

Address pet peeves

Rapport: The silent bond between two people as a result of common interests and issues and demonstration of a win-win, “I care” attitude.

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Non-retail Establishment Behavior

Strategies for establishments such as post offices, dental offices and the government:

What strategies have you studied that would be useful in dealing with customers in the above environments?

Think about verbal and nonverbal feedback as you relate these strategies to various situations.

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Providing Feedback

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Being Assertive

Assertive BehaviorAssertive communication: express ideas positively and with confidence—sit or stand erect, direct eye contact, listen empathetically, smile, and calmly and firmly nod and explain what you can do.

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Assertive versus Aggressive Behavior

Understanding the difference:Assertive behavior is good for solving


Aggressive behavior may escalate them.

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Understanding Aggressive Service

How can aggressive service escalate problems?

How can you avoid aggressive behavior in an organization? (see photo on page 78)

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Forms of Conflict

Conflict can be found in, between or among:Individuals Individuals and groups

Organizations Individuals and organizations

Organizational groups

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Recognizing Causes of Conflict

• Conflicting values and beliefs

• Personal style differences

• Differing perceptions

• Inadequate or poor communication

• Contrary expectations

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Causes of Conflict, continued

• Inadequate communication caused by mixed signals

• Goals out of sync with reality

• Opposition over shared resources

• Outcomes dependent on others

• Misuse of power

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Guidelines for Effective Conflict Management

Remain calm.

Be proactive in avoiding conflict.

Keep an open mind.

Identify and confront underlying issues.

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Guidelines for Effective Conflict Management, continued

Clarify communication.

Stress cooperation.

Focus resolution efforts on the issues.

Follow established procedures for handling conflict.