Cushing Handout

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  • 8/7/2019 Cushing Handout


    Adrenal gland disorder : hyprerfunction (hypercortisolism): Cushing syndrome .

    Presented by : Nada Kamal Ragab

    PHARM D programPostgraduate studiesCairo university2010


    No. Content

    1. History2. Def inition3 . Epidem iology4 . path physiology5 . Etiology6 . Clinical manife st ation7 . D iffe r e nti al diagnosis8 . D iagnosis9 . T r e at me nt10. Evaluation o f th e th e rape utic outco me s11. Pati e nt couns e ling12. Case 13 . M ind plan14 . r efe rance s

    hyper function


    Cushing syndrome

  • 8/7/2019 Cushing Handout


    Adrenal gland disorder : hyprerfunction (hypercortisolism): Cushing syndrome .

    Presented by : Nada Kamal Ragab

    PHARM D programPostgraduate studiesCairo university2010


    1.History :

    fig 1: professor Cushing

    In 1 93 2, Cushing first described the syndrome emphasized that it was of pituitary origin.

    Ten years later, Albright focused his attention on the sugar hormone, which he believed

    originated from the adrenal cortex.

    After the development of the method for measuring urinary steroids, Daughaday discoveredelevated steroids in the urine of patients with Cushing s disease.

    Finally, the end product was identified, and Cushing s syndrome was correctly explained as anexcess of cortisol in the plasma (hypercortisolism).

    2 .Defination :

    Cushing s syndrome : It refers to the path physiologic hyper function of the adrenal gland onthe cortisol level changes associated with :

    exposure to supraphysiologic cortisol Concentrations (endogenous hypercortisolism ) pharmacologic doses of glucocorticoids (exogenous hypercortisolism ).


    y Cushing s syndrome from endogenous causes: is a rare condition ,incidence of 2 to 5 casesper 1 million persons per year.

    y Patients receiving chronic supraphysiologic doses of Glucocorticoids: such as those withrheumatologic disorders, are at high risk of developing Cushing s syndrome..

    y Cushing's syndrome is not confined to humans and is also a relatively common condition in

    domestic dogs and horses

  • 8/7/2019 Cushing Handout


    Adrenal gland disorder : hyprerfunction (hypercortisolism): Cushing syndrome .

    Presented by : Nada Kamal Ragab

    PHARM D programPostgraduate studiesCairo university2010



    y Cushing s syndrome results from the effects of supraphysiologic levels of glucocorticoidsoriginating from either :

    1) Exogenous administration or Endogenous overproduction by the adrenal gland

    A CTH-dependent (A drenocorticotrophic hormone)

    2) Abnormal adrenocortical tissues . A CTH-independent

    A CTH-dependentCushing s

    A CTH-dependent Cushing ssyndrome

    is usually caused byoverproduction of A CTH bythe pituitary gland,

    causing adrenal hyperplasia

    (Cushing s disease).

    Ectopic A CTH syndromerefers to excessive A CTHproduction

    resulting from an endocrineor non endocrine tumor,

    usually of the pancreas,thyroid, or lung.

    (e.g., small-cell lung cancer).

  • 8/7/2019 Cushing Handout


  • 8/7/2019 Cushing Handout


    Adrenal gland disorder : hyprerfunction (hypercortisolism): Cushing syndrome .

    Presented by : Nada Kamal Ragab

    PHARM D programPostgraduate studiesCairo university2010


    Cushing's disease refers only to hypercortisolism secondary to excess production of AC TH from acorticotrophic pituitary adenoma .

    6.Clinical manifestations:The most common findings:

    which are present in 90% of patients, are central obesity and facial rounding.

    Fig 2: Cushing patient

    Signs & symptoms:

    Peripheral obesity and fat accumulation

    Facial plethora is caused by an underlying atrophy of the skin and connective tissue

    Patients often are described as having moon faces with a buffalo hump.


    Psychiatric changes

    Cushing induced osteoporosis. ( 40% will present with back pain and 20% will progress tocompression fractures of the spine)

    Striae are usually present along the lower abdomen and take on a red to purple color.

    patients complain of myopathies and muscular weakness .

    Gonadal dysfunction is common with amenorrhea seen in females.

    Excess androgen secretion is responsible for females presenting with hirsutism.


    The diagnosis of Cushing s syndrome involves two steps:

    (1) Establishing the presence of hypercortisolism, which is relatively easy

  • 8/7/2019 Cushing Handout


    Adrenal gland disorder : hyprerfunction (hypercortisolism): Cushing syndrome .

    Presented by : Nada Kamal Ragab

    PHARM D programPostgraduate studiesCairo university2010


    (2) Differentiating between etiologies, which can be quite a challenge

    Diagnostic Laboratory Tests Etiology determining Tests

    A midnight plasma cortisol. 2 4-hour urine free cortisol. low-dose DST will establish.

    (Dexamethasone suppression test)

    It indicate the Presence of hypercortisolism

    The high-dose D ST. plasma AC TH test. metyrapone stimulation test. CRH stimulation test. inferior petrosal sinus sampling.

    It indicate the determination of etiology

    A bnormal adrenal anatomy is effectively identified using :

    1. high-resolution computed tomography scanning.

    2. magnetic resonance imaging.

    8. Differential Diagnosis :

    Although the diagnosis of Cushing s disease is not a difficult one. at times the clinician will needto differentiate it from syndromes that mimic Cushing s.

    Pseudo-Cushing s syndrome , It refers to a group of diseases that can mimic Cushing s disease.

    Iatrogenic Cushing s syndrome

    Patients with ;


    Depression acute illness of anytype

    chronic alcoholism

  • 8/7/2019 Cushing Handout


    Adrenal gland disorder : hyprerfunction (hypercortisolism): Cushing syndrome .

    Presented by : Nada Kamal Ragab

    PHARM D programPostgraduate studiesCairo university2010


    Therefore, A ll this can cloud the diagnosis of Cushing s disease.

    9.Treatment :

    1.Treatment goal:

    y The goals of treatment for Cushing s syndrome are to limit morbidity and mortality

    y return the patient to a normal functional state by removing the source of hypercortisolismwithout causing any pituitary or adrenal deficiencies.

    2 .Treatment strategies :

    Iatrogenic Cushing s syndrome

    induced by pharmacologic agents, often is indistinguishable from Cushing s disease.

    This syndrome can occur from administration :

    1.oral, inhaled, intranasal,intra-articular and topical glucocorticoids

    2.progestins such as medroxyprogesterone acetate and megestrol acetate.

    3 .inhibitor of cytochrome P 45 0 concomitantly with a glucocorticoid can be at higher risk of developing iatrogenic Cushing's syndrome

    If exogenous glucocorticoids are beingtaken, plasma cortisol levels canincrease, while corticosterone levelsremain low.

    Key note

  • 8/7/2019 Cushing Handout


    Adrenal gland disorder : hyprerfunction (hypercortisolism): Cushing syndrome .

    Presented by : Nada Kamal Ragab

    PHARM D programPostgraduate studiesCairo university2010


    A . Non pharmacologic Therapy


    y The treatment of choice for both AC TH-dependent and AC TH-independent Cushing s syndrome

    is surgical resection of any offending tumors.

    2 .Radiation

    y Pituitary irradiation provides clinical improvement in about 50% of patients, but improvementmay not be seen for 6 to 12 months and pituitary-dependent hormone deficiencies can occur.

    W HY ?

    Because,HP A axis suppression associated with chronic hypercortisolism can result in prolongedadrenal insufficiency lasting for months after surgery and requiring exogenous glucocorticoidadministration

    B. Pharmacotherapy :

    Pharmacotherapy generally is reserved for patients:

    (1) in whom the ectopic AC TH-secreting tumor cannot be localized

    (2) who are not surgical candidates




    Steroidogenic inhibitorsA drenolytic agentsNeuromodulator of A CTHGlucocorticod receptor blocking


  • 8/7/2019 Cushing Handout


    Adrenal gland disorder : hyprerfunction (hypercortisolism): Cushing syndrome .

    Presented by : Nada Kamal Ragab

    PHARM D programPostgraduate studiesCairo university2010


    (3) who have failed surgery

    (4) who have had a relapse after surgery

    (5) in whom adjunctive therapy is required to achieve complete remission.

    B. 1. Pharmacological classes

    1. Steroidogenic inhibitors :

    1.Steroidogenic inhibitors


    2.Neuromodulatorof ACTH

    4.Glucocorticodreceptor blocking

  • 8/7/2019 Cushing Handout


    Adrenal gland disorder : hyprerfunction (hypercortisolism): Cushing syndrome .

    Presented by : Nada Kamal Ragab

    PHARM D programPostgraduate studiesCairo university2010


    Drugs 1.Metyrapone 2. Aminoglutethimide Combination of 1 & 2

    Mech. Inhibit 11-hydroxylase activity,result in , inhibition of cortisol synthesis .

    Inhibit cortisol synthesisby blocking theconversion o f cholesterolto pregnenolene early inthe cortisol pathway.

    Combination therapy withMetyrapone andA minoglutethimide

    more effective than eitheragent alone for variousetiologies of Cushing s disease

    fewer side effects .

    useful for inoperable patients.

    result in

    Side effects

    Increase plasma A CTH concentrations because of a

    sudden drop in cortisol.Increase A ndrogenic and Mineralcorticoid hormones.


    A cne ,Hirsutism

    Report after oral admin: N/V/abdominal discomfort

    Vertigo/Headache/dizziness / A llergi

    c rash

    limited efficacy as asingle agent

    relapse occurringafter discontinuationof therapy.

    y severe sedation,nausea, ataxia,and skin rashes.

    Class 1Steriodegenic inhibitors

    M etyropone




  • 8/7/2019 Cushing Handout


    Adrenal gland disorder : hyprerfunction (hypercortisolism): Cushing syndrome .

    Presented by : Nada Kamal Ragab

    PHARM D programPostgraduate studiesCairo university2010


    2 . A drenolytic agents

    A drenolytic agents M itotane

    3 .Ketoconazole Inhition a variety of cytochrome P450 enzymes ,11-hydroxylase and 17-hydroxylase .

    I t is highly effective in lowering cortisol in Cushing s disease.

    p atients can be maintained successfully on thera p y for months to years.

    4.Etomidate an imidazole derivative similar to ketoconazole

    inhibition of 11-hydroxylase

    Because it is only available in a parenteral formulation .

    its use is limited to patients with acute hypercortisolemia awaiting surgery.

    Adrenolytic Agents


    Inhibit 11-hydroxylation of 11-desoxycortisolInhibit 11-desoxycorticosterone in the adrenal cortex.

    The net result :

    reduced synthesis of cortisol and corticosterone. decreases the p lasma cortisol concentrations, urinary free cortisol ,cortisol secretion ,p lasma concentrations of the17-substituted steroids.

    Degeneration of cells within the zona fasciculata and reticularis occurs with resultant atro p hy of the adrenalcortex. The zona glomerulosa is minimally affected during acute thera p y but can become damaged after long-term

    treatment. Because mitotane can severely reduce cortisol p roduction, p atients should be hos p italized beforeinitiating thera p y.

  • 8/7/2019 Cushing Handout


    Adrenal gland disorder : hyprerfunction (hypercortisolism): Cushing syndrome .

    Presented by : Nada Kamal Ragab

    PHARM D programPostgraduate studiesCairo university2010


    3. Neuromodulators of A CTH Release

    N euromodulators of A CTH ReleaseCyproheptadine


    N euromodulators of ACTH Release

    Combination therapy prove more efficacious than any single agent.

    Cyproheptadine Tretinoin

    Decrease ACTH secretion

    y Monitor :

    morning plasma cortisol

    24-hour urinary free cortisol conc.

    reserved for nonsurgical candidates who failmore conventional

    y Therapy :Because the response rate is no more than 30% ,patients should

    be followed closely for relapses.

    Decrease A CTH secretion

    (through inhibition of transcriptional activities)

    use has been limited to animal models, and efficacy inhumans is undetermined

  • 8/7/2019 Cushing Handout


    Adrenal gland disorder : hyprerfunction (hypercortisolism): Cushing syndrome .

    Presented by : Nada Kamal Ragab

    PHARM D programPostgraduate studiesCairo university2010


    4. Glucocorticoid Receptor Blocking A gents

    G lucocorticoid-Receptor Blocking Agents

    Mifepristone (RU-486)

    y I t is a Progesterone, Androgen and G lucocorticoid receptor antagonist It have 10 times the affinity to that of the cortisol on the glucocorticode rece p tor

    y L imited experience in Cushing s syndrome suggests that ;


    is highly effective in reversing

    the manifestations of hypercortisolism.

    G lucocorticoid Receptor Blocking A gents M ifepristone (RU-486)

  • 8/7/2019 Cushing Handout


    Adrenal gland disorder : hyprerfunction (hypercortisolism): Cushing syndrome .

    Presented by : Nada Kamal Ragab

    PHARM D programPostgraduate studiesCairo university2010


    3.Treamtement plans of Cushing syndrome

    (A ). In drug-induced Cushing s syndrome :

    Management strategy : Discontinuation of the offending agent is the best management option.

    Drawback : The withdrawal of the glucocorticoid

    result in : adrenal insufficiency & exacerbation of the underlying disease

    (B).The treatment of choice for Cushing s Disease:

    TTT: has been transsphenoidal resection of the pituitary micro adenoma.

    A dvantages: 1. preservation of pituitary function, 2 . low complication rate, 3. high clinical

    improvement rate.

    The overall ; cure rate of histological proven tumors approaches 98%. Drawback : patients develop Nelson syndrome Caused, by postoperative Hypothalamic

    stimulation. Therefore, it should be accompanied by ; hypothalamic inhibition such ascyproheptadine or pituitary radiation .

    (C). A drenal A denoma Management :

    y Surgical of benign adrenal adenoma is associated with relatively few side effects and a high curerate (95%).

    y The gland in the patient with adrenal adenoma is usually A trophic.

    Therefore ; steroid replacement is needed both preoperatively and postoperatively .

    (D). A drenal Carcinoma Management :

    y Surgery: it have an unpredictable and unfavorable outcome.y Radiotherapy : can be used if metastases are discovered.y

    Drug Therapy: Mitotane appears to be the drug of choice in inoperable functional andnonfunctional adrenal carcinoma.

    y Tumor regression; 35% to 50% occur bet. the 2 nd & 4 th month of therapy. 50% improve clinical response after 5 th months of treatment.

  • 8/7/2019 Cushing Handout


  • 8/7/2019 Cushing Handout


    Adrenal gland disorder : hyprerfunction (hypercortisolism): Cushing syndrome .

    Presented by : Nada Kamal Ragab

    PHARM D programPostgraduate studiesCairo university2010


  • 8/7/2019 Cushing Handout


    Adrenal gland disorder : hyprerfunction (hypercortisolism): Cushing syndrome .

    Presented by : Nada Kamal Ragab

    PHARM D programPostgraduate studiesCairo university2010


    10.Evaluation of therapeutic outcomes:

  • 8/7/2019 Cushing Handout


    Adrenal gland disorder : hyprerfunction (hypercortisolism): Cushing syndrome .

    Presented by : Nada Kamal Ragab

    PHARM D programPostgraduate studiesCairo university2010


    Symptoms often improve immediately after surgery and soon after initiation of drug therapy. However, it may take months for symptoms to resolve following radiation therapy.

    Both are essential to identify adrenal insufficiency in patients with Cushing s syndrome. Steroid secretion should be monitored with all drug therapy. corticosteroid replacement given if needed .

    patients receiving surgical,medical, or radiation

    therapy for resolution of the clinical manifestations

    of hypercortisolism .



    24 -Hour Urinary FreeCortisol Levels.

    Serum cortisol levels


  • 8/7/2019 Cushing Handout


    Adrenal gland disorder : hyprerfunction (hypercortisolism): Cushing syndrome .

    Presented by : Nada Kamal Ragab

    PHARM D programPostgraduate studiesCairo university2010


    11.Patient Counseling :

    Provide patient education regarding disease state and treatment:

    Causes of Cushing s syndrome, including drug-induced etiologies.

    How to recognize the clinical manifestations of Cushing s syndrome.

    Possible sequelae of Cushing s syndrome.

    How to reduce the modifiable cardiovascular and metabolic complications.

    Advantages and disadvantages of potential treatment options.

    Possible adverse consequences of treatment.

    Need for glucocorticoid and mineral corticoid replacement after treatment, if appropriate.

    Importance of adherence to therapy.

    12 .Case:

    EF is a 45 -year-old woman who presents to the dermatologist for evaluation of facial acne. Shehas a history of a 2 5 lb (11. 36 kg) weight gain, irregular menses, and frequent vaginal yeast

    infections over the past 2 years. She complains of increased facial hair growth and lowerextremity muscle weakness. Physical examination reveals facial acne, facial hirsutism,truncalobesity, thin skin, and purple abdominal striae.Her past medical history is significant forhypertension, type 2 diabetes mellitus, hyperlipidemia, and rheumatoid arthritis.

    Q1. Which findings are suggestive of Cushing s syndrome?

    Q2. Is there anything in EF s history that would suggest an exogenous cause of her presumedCushing s syndrome?

  • 8/7/2019 Cushing Handout


    Adrenal gland disorder : hyprerfunction (hypercortisolism): Cushing syndrome .

    Presented by : Nada Kamal Ragab

    PHARM D programPostgraduate studiesCairo university2010


    13.Mind plan :

    14. References :

    1. Pharmacotherapy Handbook.

    2. Pathology and Therapeutics for Pharmacists,A basis for clinical pharmacy practice.

    3 . Pharmacotherapy Principles & Practice.

    4 . Pharmacotherapy : a Pathophysiologic Approach.

    C - Central obesity, Cervical fat pads,Collagen fiber weakness, Comedones(acne).

    U- Urinary free cortisol and glucoseincrease

    S -straie , Suppressed immunity

    H- Hypercortisolism , Hypertension,Hyperglycemia, Hirsutism

    I - Iatrogenic ( Increased administrationof corticosteroids)N - Noniatrogenic ( Neoplasms).

    G - Glucose intolerance, Growthretardation

    M nemonic