CS100433 Viewing and Modeling Basics - Tongji...

CS100433 Viewing and Modeling Basics Junqiao Zhao 赵君峤 Department of Computer Science and Technology College of Electronics and Information Engineering Tongji University

Transcript of CS100433 Viewing and Modeling Basics - Tongji...

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Viewing and Modeling Basics

Junqiao Zhao 赵君峤

Department of Computer Science and Technology

College of Electronics and Information Engineering

Tongji University

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Review the elements of Image formation• Objects

• Viewer

• Light source(s)

• Attributes (Materials)

• Attributes that govern how light interacts with the materials in the scene

• Note the independence of the objects, the viewer, and the light source(s)

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Object Specification

• Primitives including• Points (0D object)

• Line segments (1D objects)

• Polygons (2D objects)

• Some curves and surfaces

• Quadrics

• Parametric polynomials

• All are defined through vertices, which are locations in space

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Synthetic Camera Model

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Synthetic Camera Model

center of projection

image plane



projection of p

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Camera Specification

• Six degrees of freedom• Position of center of lens

• Orientation

• Lens

• Film size

• Orientation of film plane

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•Analog to the physical viewing• Objects• Camera

• the position of camera

• the type of lens

• the position and the shape of film

•Viewing is based on the relationship among these elements

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Viewing Transformations

(2013 Steve Marschner)

Part of the Vertex processing in the Graphics Pipeline

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Normalized Device coordinates (NDC)

• Device-independent two-dimensional or three-dimensional Cartesian coordinate system whose coordinates are in the range -1 to 1.

• Why?

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Coordinate frames

• Local coordinates (Local space)

• World coordinates (World space)

• Camera coordinates (Viewing space)

• Clip coordinates (Clip space)

• Normalized Device coordinates (NDC)

• Viewport coordinates

• Window coordinates (device coordinates)



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Viewing implementation

• Transform into camera coordinates.

•Perform projection into view volume.

•Clip geometry outside the view volume.

•Perform Perspective-division into NDC.

•Remove hidden surfaces

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2D viewing

• The Clipping Window• 2D NDC

• The Viewport• Mapped from NDC

What if the aspect ratio w/h is not 1?

Viewport vs Window

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2D viewing

• How to implement Zooming?• Zoom in

• Zoom out

• Should we adjust the Clipping window or the Viewport or the Window?

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• Defining the Clipping Window• glOrtho(left, right, bottom, top, -1, 1)

• Defining the Viewport• glViewport(x, y, width, height)

In Camera Coordinates

In Window Coordinates

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The 3D viewing pipeline

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Before the virtual camera..

• The 2D clipping window => The 3D clipping volume

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Orthographic view volume

(Ken Power 2011)

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Orthographic projection

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Defining an orthographic view volume• glOrtho(left, right, bottom, top, near, far)


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(2005 Angel)

Multiview Orthographic Projection

• Projection plane parallel to principal face

• Usually form front, top, side views

isometric front


in CAD and architecture,

we often display three

multiviews plus isometric

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Advantages and Disadvantages

• Preserves both distances and angles• Shapes preserved

• Can be used for measurements

• Building plans

• Manuals

• Cannot see what object really looks like because many surfaces hidden from view• Often we add the isometric

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Perspective projection

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Perspective projection

(Ken Power 2011)

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Perspective view volume

• Also a 3D clipping volume called frustum

(2013 Steve Marschner)

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Defining perspective viewing frustum• glFrustum(left, right, bottom, top, near, far)


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Defining perspective viewing frustum• gluPerspective(fov, aspect, near, far)

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Perspective projection

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Advantages and Disadvantages

• Objects further from viewer are projected smaller than the same sized objects closer to the viewer (diminution)• Looks realistic

• Equal distances along a line are not projected into equal distances (nonuniform foreshortening)

• Angles preserved only in planes parallel to the projection plane

• More difficult to construct by hand than parallel projections (but not more difficult by computer)

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Finally the camera

• the position of camera• The default camera is located at origin and

points in the negative z direction

• the type of lens and the position of the film• OpenGL also specifies a default view volume

that is a cube with sides of length 2 centered at the origin

• Orthogonal

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Moving the camera

default frames

frames after translation by –d

d > 0

(2005 Angel)

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gluLookAtglLookAt(eyex, eyey, eyez, atx, aty, atz, upx, upy, upz)

(2005 Angel)

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• Ed Angel, CS/EECE 433 Computer Graphics, University of New Mexico

• Steve Marschner, CS4620/5620 Computer Graphics, Cornell

• Tom Thorne, COMPUTER GRAPHICS, The University of Edinburgh

• Elif Tosun, Computer Graphics, The University of New York

• Lin Zhang, Computer Graphics, Tongji Unviersity

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• Questions?

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What is a (3D) model ?

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A (3D) model

• The data describing the size, position, and shape of (3D) objects (ISO10303 Abbrev.)

• The model describes the process of forming the shape of an (3D) object (Wikipedia)

Utah Teapot Stanford Bunny

Wikimedia Commons

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Dimensions of Space and Object

• 0D?

• 1D?

• 2D?

• 3D?

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Geometry vs Topology

• Point -> Vertex

• Line Segment -> Edge

• Surface -> Face

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Geometry vs Topology

• Same geometry, different topology

• Same topology, different geometry

(2013 Steve Marschner)

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Geometry vs Topology

•Generally it is a good idea to look for data structures that separate the geometry from the topology• Geometry: locations of the vertices• Topology: organization of the vertices and

edges• Topology holds even if geometry changes

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Vertex Lists

• Put the geometry in an array

• Use pointers from the vertices into this array

• Introduce a polygon listx1 y1 z1

x2 y2 z2

x3 y3 z3

x4 y4 z4

x5 y5 z5.

x6 y6 z6

x7 y7 z7

x8 y8 z8




topology geometry

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Solid modeling

• Surface-based

• Volume-based


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Boundary representation - B-rep

• A type of geometric model in which the size andshape of the solid is defined in terms of the faces,edges and vertices which make up its boundary(ISO10303).• Representation by bounding low-dimensional elements

• Organised collection of low dimensional elements

• Simple B-reps (planar faces, straight edges) and complexB-reps (curved surfaces and edges)

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B-rep (cont’)

• Geometry• Surfaces, Curves, Points

• Topology• Faces, Edges, Vertices Wikipedia

Euler’s formula V-E+F= 2

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Polygonal mesh


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Pros and Cons

• Pros: flexible and computers can render themquickly. The vast majority of 3D models today arebuilt as textured polygonal models

• Cons: polygons are planar and need approximatecurved surfaces using many polygons,representation is not unique

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Constructive solid geometry (CSG)

• A type of geometric modelling in which a solid isdefined as the result of a sequence of regularisedBoolean operations operating on solid models (ISO10303).


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Primitive solid

• Cube

• Sphere

• Cylinders

• …

• Must be solids!

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Point-set topology

• Boundary

• Interior

• Exterior

• Closure

𝑥2 + 𝑦2 + 𝑧2 = 1

𝑥2 + 𝑦2 + 𝑧2 < 1

𝑥2 + 𝑦2 + 𝑧2 > 1

𝑥2 + 𝑦2 + 𝑧2 ≤ 1

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Boolean operations

• Union

• Difference

• Intersection

• Regularised


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Pros and Cons

• Pros: Computer-Aided Manufacturing: a brick witha hole drilled through it is represented as “justthat” and CSG can easily assure that objects are“solid” or water-tight

• Cons: Relationships between objects might bevery complex (search the entire tree) Real worldobjects may get very complex

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Volume-based representation

• Spatial decomposition• Voxels

• Octree


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• A voxel is a volume element (3D “pixel”)

• A 3D cubical (or spherical array), with each elementholding one (or more) data value (boolean, real)


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Cubic worlds


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Volume4D Rockware

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Operations with voxels

• Voxel adjacencies:

• the 6-voxels: have adjacent face (1)

• the 18-voxels: have adjacent face and edge (2)

• the 26-voxel: have adjacent face, edge and vertex (3)

• N-path: a sequence of voxels is a 6-path (18-path, 26-path) ifevery two consecutive voxels along the sequence are 6-adjacent (18-adjacent, 26-adjacent).

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Pros and cons

Pros:• Modelling continues phenomena: Medical, geology,

body, etc.

• Regular data

• Easy to compute volume, make slices

Cons:• Massive data for high resolution

• The surface is always somehow “rough”

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Point based representation

• Point cloud• Easily accessed with laser scanning, range camera or

stereo image matching

• No connectivity

• Widely used!

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• Ed Angel, CS/EECE 433 Computer Graphics, University of New Mexico

• Steve Marschner, CS4620/5620 Computer Graphics, Cornell

• Tom Thorne, COMPUTER GRAPHICS, The University of Edinburgh

• Elif Tosun, Computer Graphics, The University of New York