Crystal Ratican, Ph.D. Elizabeth Olsavsky March 20, 2014 Youngstown State University.

Crystal Ratican, Ph.D. Elizabeth Olsavsky March 20, 2014 Youngstown State University Promoting Positive, Collaborative, and Insightful Partnerships between the University Supervisor, Teacher Candidate, and Classroom Teacher

Transcript of Crystal Ratican, Ph.D. Elizabeth Olsavsky March 20, 2014 Youngstown State University.

Crystal Ratican, Ph.D.

Elizabeth Olsavsky

March 20, 2014

Youngstown State University

Promoting Positive, Collaborative, and Insightful

Partnerships between the University Supervisor,

Teacher Candidate, and Classroom Teacher

*Youngstown State UniversityTeacher Education Center


*Early Childhood Field Students*35 days/ 210 hours in field placements

*Four content classes on campus

*Lesson Week/Unit Week

*Current Research

*“The voices of cooperating teachers are heard only occasionally and voices of prospective teachers are seldom heard” (Franklin Torrez & Krebs, 2012)

*“The voices of the cooperating teacher and teacher candidate largely remain absent in the literature” (The National Council for Accreditation of Teacher Education, 2010)

*“Characteristics of effective partnerships include: mutual trust; sufficient time to develop and strengthen relationships at all levels; shared responsibility and accountability among partners, and periodic formative evaluation of activities among partners” (Darling-Hammond & Baratz-Snowden, 2005)

*Fall 2013

*Developed survey on Google Docs

*36 Resource Teachers

*36 Teacher Candidates

*Questions aligned with CAEP and OSTP standards

Resource Teacher: How many years have you been a teacher?

1-3 years4-8 years8-15 years15+ years

Resource Teacher: What grade do you currently teach?


Resource Teacher: How many years have you taught the current grade level?

1-3 years4-8 years8-15 years15 + years

Resource Teacher: Do you teach in a rural or urban school?


Resource Teacher: How many times have you been a resource teacher/cooperating teacher

in years past?

This was my first time

1-2 previous times

3-5 previous times

6+ previous times


To make a difference

To be reinvigorated with fresh ideas

To advance my expertise/knowledge

To support the university

To contribute to the profession

My administration required it

0 5 10 15 20 25

Resource Teacher: Why do/did you partici-pate in the teacher education center program

as a resource teacher?

Resource Teacher: On a scale of 1-4, to what

extent do you enjoy being a resource teacher and the

experience that comes along with it?

1: Not at all

2: A little

3: Mostly

4: Very Much

Teacher Candidate: On a scale of 1-4, to what extent did you enjoy being a teacher can-

didate and the experi-ence that came along

with it?

Resource Teacher: On a scale of 1-4, to what extent do you believe

there is a gap between the expectations from the university teacher education program and the realities of the K-12


1: No gaps

2: Minor gaps

3: Noticeable gaps

4: Significant gaps

Teacher Candidate: On a scale of 1-4, to what extent do

you believe there is a gap between the expectations from

the university teacher education program and the

realities of the k-12 classroom?

RT: On a scale of 1-4, to what extent did the

structure of the placementallow opportunities for

the teacher candidate to develop appropriate skills needed to handle a variety

of teacher situations?

1: No oppor-tunities2: Few opportuni-ties3: Sufficient opportunities4: Significant opportunities

TC: On a scale of 1-4, to what extent did the

structure of the placement

allow opportunities for you, as the teacher

candidate, to develop appropriate skills

needed to handle a variety of teaching


TC: On a scale of 1-4, to what extent did you feel

your resource teacher was prepared to provide

you as the teacher candidate with

support and expertise to help you grow as a future


1: Not prepared

2: A little prepared

3: Sufficiently prepared

RT: On a scale of 1-4, to

what extent did you feel

prepared as a resource teacher to provide the teacher candidate with support and expertise to help them grow as

future educators?

RT: On a scale of 1-4, to what extent did you find opportunities to co-teach

with your teacher candidate during the placement?

1: No oppor-tunities

2: Few oppor-tunities

3: Sufficient opportunities

4: Significant opportunities

TC: On a scale of 1-4, to what extent did you find opportunities to

co-teach with your re-source teacher during

the placement?


To work with parents

To build relationships with other professionals in the building

To collaborate on lesson planning

To gain knowledge of content

To express passion/love for teaching

To gain knowledge of classroom management techniques

To gain knowledge of assessments

To attend professional development

To have discussions with positive and constructive feedback

To observe modeling and best practices

To interact in positive relationships with the students

To try new strategies

To help design a physically and emotionally safe environment

0 5 10 15 20 25 30

Teacher Candidate

Resource Teacher

Top five elements that were provided during the placement




Positive attitude







0 4 8 12 16

Teacher Can-didate Resource Teacher

Pick the top three characteristics you think are the most important characteristics

-for a teacher candidate to possess. -for a resource teacher to possess.




Positive attitude







0 4 8 12 16

Teacher Can-didate Resource Teacher

Pick the top two characteristics that you feel are lacking the most in

-teacher candidates -resource teachers


Constructive feedback

Different teaching philosophies

Personal challenges

Lack of passion from the other

Lack of content knowledge from the other

Lack of knowledge of classroom management from the other

Lack of connection

Connection between the other and classroom students

Lack of understanding of requirements by either person

Time frame of placement

Reliquishing control/Gaining control

0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18Teacher Candidate

Resource Teacher

Identify the top three (3) challenges of a teacher education placement

-for you as the resource teacher-for you as the teacher candidate.


Learning new ideas


Extra help in the classroom

Mentoring experience

Professional growth

Feelings of rejuvenations


0 5 10 15 20 25 30

Teacher CandidateResource Teacher

What do you believe are the most beneficial attributes of the teacher education placement? Pick the top three (3) attributes

RT: On a scale of 1-4, to what extent do you feel a

partnership with the University to help prepare

the teacher candidates for the teaching profession?

1: Not at all

2: A little

3: Sufficient

4: Significant

TC: On a scale of 1-4, to what extent do you feel a partner-

ship between the re-source teacher and University to help

prepare the teacher candidates for the

teaching profession?

RT: How likely are you to attend a mentor-ing workshop that would present informa-tion to you on how to make the placement

more beneficial for both you and the teacher candidate if it was offered by YSU?

1: Not at all2: Maybe3: Probably4: Most def-initely


How to encourage your teacher candidate to step outside their comfort zone

How to help your teacher candidate develpo an appropriate relationship with your students

How to provide guidanc with classroom management to your teacher candidate

How to write and effective observation

How to reduce fear/anxiety in your teacher candidate

How to provide positive support for your teacher candidate

How to offer constructive feedback to your teacher candidate

0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18

Teacher Candidate

Resource Teacher

Which workshops would you find beneficial?

RT: On a scale of 1-4, to what extent would you be interested in participating in an online forum during a field placement in which you accept a

teacher candidate. All resource teachers, teacher candidates, and supervisors would have access to

the forum.

1: Not at all2: Maybe3: Probably4: Most def-initely

Resource Teacher

2-3 times

4-6 times

7-10 times

More than 10 times

Teacher Candidate

How many times do you believe the supervisor should be in the classroom during a placement if there are no concerns evident with the teacher candidate?

RT: How willing are you to participate in the program in the future?

Not at allMaybeProbablyMost def-initely

TC: Would you recommend the resource teacher that you had during your TEC experience for future TEC students?


Yes, if the re-source teacher participated in mentoring classes



*Remind 101 for Teacher Candidates

*Introductions with Resource Teachers

*Open Line of Communication with Coordinator

*Weekly Emails to Resource Teachers

*Blackboard 9 Forum for Teacher Candidates

*Video Taping Critiquing Online and in Class

*Facebook Page for Resource Teachers

*Debriefing at end with Resource Teachers

*Certificates provided to Resource Teachers

*Conduct Survey again

*ResourcesFranklin Torrez, C. & Krebs, M. (2012). Expert voices: What cooperating teachers and teacher candidates say about quality student teaching placements and experiences. Action in Teacher Education, 34(5/6), 485-499.

National Council for Accreditation of Teacher Education. (2010). Transforming teacher education through clinical practice: A national strategy to prepare effective teachers. Report of

the Blue Ribbon Panel of Clinical Preparation and Partnerships for Improved Student Learning. Washington, DC: Author.

Darling-Hammond, L. & Baratz-Snowden, J. (2005). A good teacher in every classroom: Preparing the highly qualified teachers our children deserve. San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass.

*Contact Information

*Crystal Ratican*Youngstown State University


*[email protected]

*Elizabeth Olsavsky*Youngstown State University


*[email protected]