Cross Platform Learning Management and Information...


Transcript of Cross Platform Learning Management and Information...

Course plan Attendance list Course minutes Course material

Class schedule Attendance list report

Course minutes report


Welcome, Elisabeth.





Kode mata kuliah

Bahan kajian (Materi ajar)


Bentuk pembelajaran Small group discussion

Role-play simulation

Case study

Discovery learning

Self-directed learning

Cooperative learning

Collaborative learning

Contextual learning

Project base learning

Problem based learning and inquiry

Kriteria penilaian (Indikator)

Kemampuan yang diharapkan

Bobot nilai (%)

Tambah pokok rencana pembelajaran

Sisa bobot 75

Sempai Pilih minggu Pilih minggu Materi ajar Jaringan komputer lanjut-304TI4

Jaringan komputer lanjut-304TI4



