Corona and Lime

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Transcript of Corona and Lime

  • 8/6/2019 Corona and Lime


    Disclaimer: NARUTO 1999 by Masashi Kishimoto & Shueisha Inc. | Fractured Tales Project 2010 | 47

    moment, and every moment, hopeful and indomitable, imbued with the scent of water.

    And maybe, and maybe, he

    No. He couldnt say itnot yet. Not now.

    Instead, he bowed, nuzzling under her chinsuddenly shyand rested his head

    against the hollow of her throat. He whispered to her in silence, his lifes breath moving

    over her skin with quiet clarity. They were coming together, almostseamlessly, but the

    thread was still frayed, and there was still

    There was still growing to be done. There were bridges to cross, things to learn,

    and people to meet.

    So, they would wait, she thought.

    So, we will wait, he whispered.

    They were young, yet, and Sakura thought perhaps, that this was the kind of

    thing that would only grow better with age. They were still incomplete.

    But for now, they had this moment.

    Good morning, sunshine, she said, smiling up at the sky.

    Corona and L ime

    Sasuke likes Sakura because in between bouts of being terribly seriousa pre-med student, member of the student leadership committee, riding a full scholarship with

    perfect gradesshe is anything but.

    He likes this because it is ever-new, and it is familiar, and no matter how much

    she has changed over the years (and no matter how grateful he is for this), there is some

    little perfect part of her that will forever be a child. And he likes that. Really.

    Except when it annoys him.

    Today, she is wearing an oversized tie-dye shirt, and she is smiling as he surveysher in absolute incredulity. The outfit is not the concern; he has grown used to her ever-

    shifting wardrobe, composed of comfort in all forms. No, what draws his skepticism is

    her wild query.

    Whats a good pickup line, Sasuke? He doesnt respond, and she waves her

    phone in front of his face. Ino needs to know. A swift glance down at a tiny screen and

    tinier words. Apparently, this guy looks like you. So? What pickup line will work? On


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    Disclaimer: NARUTO 1999 by Masashi Kishimoto & Shueisha Inc. | Fractured Tales Project 2010 | 48

    No line, Sasuke says, to this silly girl who should no longer be a girl, and who

    should know that pickups lines are ridiculous, anyway. In case she doesnt: Pickup lines

    are ridiculous. Were much too old for such Sakura eyes him expectantly, eyebrows

    are raised and waiting. His mouth twists into a scowl. For such idiocy.

    Looking at Sakuras expression, he knows his lecture has fallen on deaf ears.

    There is a sudden excitement in her, in the stretch of her grin and the too-eager bob of her

    nod, though her tone is ever so mockingly serious as she says, Oh, of course.

    Instinctively reacting to the jab in her words, Sasuke defends himself, All

    pickup lines are stupid. They never work.

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    Disclaimer: NARUTO 1999 by Masashi Kishimoto & Shueisha Inc. | Fractured Tales Project 2010 | 49

    Sakura shakes her head, the action condescending and playful, and types out a

    quick reply to Ino. Then, she looks up at Sasuke. If they dont work, you havent heard

    the right lines. She pauses.

    So, Sasuke, what do you do for a living? Apart from being sexy, of course.

    Sasuke is annoyed.


    And just like that, the game begins.

    She pops up, in familiar places but with an unfamiliar goal, all smiles and

    smothered laughter, with some inane, often scandalous, phrase to deliver. Sasuke is sure

    Sakura is trying to drive him insane. He is also sure that it might be working.

    The fourth line she delivers in the student union, as they eat their weekly lunch.

    Sakura is sick as a dog, germy as a daycare center, and Sasuke is simply trying to make

    sure that her ill hands keep away from his food. She is wearing massive sunglasses,

    despite being indoors (I look like the love child of a drunk and someone allergic to

    air.), and is breathing in such a way that makes Sasukes appetite disappear.

    Can you try to breathe normally?

    One second, she is looking at him with her lips (the only part of her face visible

    beneath those oversized sunglasses) twisting in annoyance and the next she is sneezing,the sound and motion huge, shocking. With one hand, Sakura grabs the napkin Sasuke

    offers, the other moving to push the glasses that had been dislodged from her face back

    up her nose. Blech, she says, and mops up the snot. Being sick sucks.

    She puts the napkin on the table and Sasuke winces.

    Sakura, thats disgusting.

    Sakura rolls her eyes and digs through her bag for a tissue, now that the situation

    doesnt call for immediate action. Youre such a girl, I swear. I just sneezed. And shoot,

    this is the last tissue in the pack. She blows her nose, the sound loud and honking.

    Sasuke once again flinches back, shaking his head slightly.

    Sounding nasal, Sakura laughs at him and throws her crumpled tissue at him.

    Dodging away, Sasuke hisses, Sakura

    She just smiles. And smiles wider when he reaches into his own bag and pulls

    out a mini-pack of tissue.

    As he hands it to her, she squeezes his hand, her smile soft.

    You know Sasuke, if you were a booger, Id pick you first.


    Hey. I need directions

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    Disclaimer: NARUTO 1999 by Masashi Kishimoto & Shueisha Inc. | Fractured Tales Project 2010 | 50

    Sasuke sighs down at his phone and wonders if it will be worth simply

    presenting Sakura with the portable GPS already sitting in his closet a month before

    Christmas. Not that it will do him good now, but really, the girl does get lost too

    frequently for her own good, and maybe its a little nerve-wracking when she calls and

    tells him, Yeah, Im totally lost.

    Where to?

    While he waits for the phone to chirp, he hopes that shes not wandering around

    downtown this late. Again.

    She responds.

    ur heart

    A second later.

    huh huh? 8D

    Trying to scowl but failing to keep his lips from twitching up, Sasuke sends his


  • 8/6/2019 Corona and Lime


    Disclaimer: NARUTO 1999 by Masashi Kishimoto & Shueisha Inc. | Fractured Tales Project 2010 | 51

    Ino said hi would work! Her voice is suddenly distant. You pig! You were

    wrong! Apparently, not all guys respond to that! Vaguely, Sasuke hears Inos screeches

    of denial. Not at all? Sakuras voice is back in his ear.

    Not at all. And then, since Sakura cannot see, Sasuke allows himself a tiny,

    exasperated smile.

    Pity Well, in that case, I better go, Sasuke. Ino and I have to go eat a gallon

    of ice cream. Talk to you later, ok?

    Goodbye, Sasuke says.


    Rolling his eyes, Sasuke shoves his phone back in his pocket and once again

    begins to muddle through his macroeconomics homework.

    Who was that?

    Sasuke looks up, and Itachi is standing in the doorway, arms crossed, still in his


    For a second, Sasuke panics. My girlfriend? No, then his older brother will

    demand to meet her right then. My friend? That will lead to more questions, which will

    still lead to Itachi demanding to meet her.

    Sakura, he says, grateful that his voice is at least steady.

    And who might Sakura be, that she feels she can call you this late?

    Shit, thinks Sasuke.

    Well, we he stutters and he hates himself for it. Were dating, I guess.

    You guess, Sasuke?

    Were dating.

    Ah. Itachi smiles then, and Sasuke is very, very afraid. I didnt know you had

    a girlfriend, otouto. I will have to meet her then, wont I?



    She ignores him. In time to the music being pumped into her ears, her head bobs

    and her steps sway. Sasuke rolls his eyes.


    Finally, he reaches out, snags the thin, plastic-covered wire, and tugs. As the ear

    budstill making a sort of vague, fuzzy soundpulls away from her, Sakura yelps,

    Hey! Her hands reach for his, grabbing.

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    Disclaimer: NARUTO 1999 by Masashi Kishimoto & Shueisha Inc. | Fractured Tales Project 2010 | 52

    Sakura. She looks at him, finally, eyebrows slightly drawn in frustration.


    My brother wants to meet you.

    For a second, the glare remains. Then, slowly, Sakura grins. Really? Her hand

    reaches out and squeezes Sasukes. Does he really?

    Hesitantly, Sasuke nods and wonders how, exactly, to go about this. Yes

    But, Sakura, you should knowItachi is Well

    A jerk? Cold? Aloof? She sticks her tongue out. Like you?

    Fixing her with a hard, annoyed stare, Sasuke shakes his head. He has

    extremely high standards, for himself and for everyone. He wonders if Sakura will

    understand. When her smile fades, he knows she has. She stops, suddenly, and turns to

    face Sasuke.

    Wait a minute! Her mouth has turned down, and one hand has found her hip,

    the other pointing at Sasuke. Are you saying that Im not good enough for you?

    Sighing, Sasuke grabs her pointing hand and continues to walk towards his car.

    Her weight wont budge, so he turns back to her stubborn, glaring face. No, Sakura. I

    am not saying that.

    She takes a single step.

    I just wanted to warn you, before you meet him, because I dont want you to

    be offended. Or hurt. Or upset.

    Another slow, halting step.

    He might like you, though. Youre capable of being polite. Youre smart.

    Andand youre pretty enough.

    And Sakura is right beside him, hand squeezing his and lips brushing over his

    cheek, voice right next to his ear as she says, Oh, Sasuke. Dont you worry with your

    pretty little head. Itachi will like me just fine.


    On Friday, before Itachi leaves for work, Sasuke tells him that Sakura will be

    coming over that evening, before she and Sasuke go out for dinner. Itachi nods and

    straightens his tie before poking Sasuke in the forehead and says, Im looking forward to

    it, otouto.

    The whole day, Sasuke frets.

    In class, he pays only half-attention. When he returns home, he finds that he has

    typed the same sentence twice on an important essay.

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    Disclaimer: NARUTO 1999 by Masashi Kishimoto & Shueisha Inc. | Fractured Tales Project 2010 | 53

    Itachi has rules. Sakuras pink hair will probably break a few. If she wears a

    outfit that is either bizarre or revealing (and Sasuke knows with despair that its a very

    real possibility), it will cost her. God forbid she opens her mouth and starts spewing her

    random nonsense. Because if she does, if she fails to be perfect in anyway, Itachi will be

    unhappy, dissatisfied with Sasukes decisions. And that will lead to a serious talk, one

    that involves a whole lot of as-your-older-brother-and-guardian-I-only-want-whats-best-

    for-yous, and even more in-my-opinions, and finally, a big, fat I-am-unsure-this-person-


    Sasuke had defied Itachi once.

    He has a stupid, ramen-eating idiot of a best friend to prove it.

    It still makes his stomach twitch to think of doing it again.

    Finally, Sasuke can take it no longer. When he hears Itachis car pull up, he

    slinks upstairs and hopes the shower will calm his ridiculously high-strung nerves.


    Itachi is waiting for the water to boil for his tea when he hears a faint buzzing.

    He turns. On the counter, vibrating on top of the flat table of the surface and

    blinking red, is Sasukes cell phone. One long stride later, and Itachi is picking it up,

    bringing it to his face and waiting for his eyes to focus on the tiny screen.One new message. Huh.

    Itachi flips the phone open.

    There is one new text message. He reads it.

    Eyes narrowing in distaste, Itachi looks to see who the idiotic message is from.


    He glares at the phone and returns to his now-boiling water.


    Sasuke opens the door before Sakura knocks.

    Hi, she says, smile only slightly strained and eyes flicking over his shoulder.

    Hi. Sasuke manages a smile back at Sakura, whose hair is neat, whose teeth

    are clean, whose clothes are nice and normal.

    They turn around, Sasuke grabs Sakuras hand, and Itachi is there.

    You must be Sakura. He does not even attempt a smile, and there is a definite

    air of superiority in the way his arms cross over his chest. Sakuras smile wavers, and her

    eyebrows draw together slightly. But her voice is still bright as she answers.

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    Disclaimer: NARUTO 1999 by Masashi Kishimoto & Shueisha Inc. | Fractured Tales Project 2010 | 54

    Yes! A small hand sticks out, nails bright green, only to be engulfed in

    Itachis larger, much less colorful hand. Sasuke sees the tendons jump and knows his

    brother is purposely squeezing too tightly. Sakura does not flinch. Itachi! Im glad to

    meet you.

    How long have you known Sasuke?

    Sakuras eyes widen and flicker briefly to Sasuke.

    Well, we went to the same high school, but

    How long have you been dating?

    Um, well, I guess weve been dating for about four months, but weve only

    What is your major?

    Anger is beginning to cloud over Sakuras surprise now, and there is a more and

    more prominent downward-twist in her lips as she speaks, her voice not so smooth and

    sweet. A pre-med.

    And you want

    To be a doctor, yes.

    She cut him off, says a far-off voice in Sasukes head. Oh no.

    For a second, he wonders if Sakura feels the sudden chill in the room, the

    tension so thick that Sasuke literally twitches with the need to go outside. But,

    apparently, she does not. Her shoulders have come up, squared to match her upward

    thrust chin and defiantly crossed arms. The glare she angles Itachi is only surpassed by

    the one he shoots her.

    And then, Itachi is smiling, and Sasuke is afraid, and Sakuras eyes are


    One last thing.


    Would you consider yourself a heavy drinker or merely an alcoholic?

    What? asks Sakura, Sasukes voice an incredulous echo.

    I read the text message you sent Sasuke. And I must sayI was shocked at the

    crudeness. Very unbecoming.

    What? This time, only Sasuke speaks, phone already in hand, flipping to his

    inbox andand suddenly wanting nothing more than to bang his head against the nearest

    available wall.

    baby, will you be my corona and lime? cuz i will be your main

    squeeze :)

  • 8/6/2019 Corona and Lime


    Disclaimer: NARUTO 1999 by Masashi Kishimoto & Shueisha Inc. | Fractured Tales Project 2010 | 55

    Damn, he whispers.

    Excuse me? Sasuke looks up to Sakura, fists clenching, voice rising with each

    word. I didnt send you that text! You had no right to even read it.

    Yeah, agrees Sasuke, scowling at Itachi.

    I have every right. Itachi steps closer to Sakura, towers over her, and Sasuke

    finds himself stepping between the two of them. But then, Sakura is pushing him aside,

    pointing at Itachi and saying: Well, you certainly have no right to judge me based on amessage you missed the context of!

    Context would not make that idiotic, trashy message seem any less repulsive.

    Let me tell you

    No, Ill tell you, girl, I do not want Sasuke

    Sasuke grabs Sakura around the waist then, because her fist is about to swing

    into his brothers face. He pulls back, and she is making an odd hissing, growling noise.

    You cant tell Sasuke what to do!

    I can. Itachi turns to Sasuke. And I will.

    Still enclosed in the loop of his arms, Sakura stiffens. Sasuke lets out a long,

    slow sigh. Itachi smiles as his arms fall away.

    Sakura, go get in the car. He glares at Itachi. Ill be there in a minute.

    And Sakura is smiling, wide and triumphant, leaning up and kissing him on the

    cheek with a glare in Itachis direction. As she turns, she speaks over her shoulder.

    You know, its funny, because I dont even drink. Ever heard of myelin, Itachi?

    That stuff in you brain? Did you know alcohol is toxic to it? She reaches the door and

    yanks it open. No? But, hey, youve obviously never heard of a pick-up line either. Go


    With a loud slam, she is gone.

    Itachi looks at where she had been only seconds ago, with a strange expression

    on his face. Sasuke snarls and stalks over to grab his keys and wallet.

    Youre a bastard, he says, stomping to the door. Ill be back later.


    Sasuke turns to face Itachi, scowling as he does, angry at his stupid brother, and

    his stupid ego, and the stupid way he now has to go out with a stupid, angry Sakura.

    What do you want, Itachi?

    The smile on Itachis facecalm, cool, plottingworries Sasuke. What?

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    Disclaimer: NARUTO 1999 by Masashi Kishimoto & Shueisha Inc. | Fractured Tales Project 2010 | 56

    Does Sakura sleep on her stomach? he asks, as though its the most normal

    thing in the world. Sasukes jaw slackens.


    I asked you whether or not Sakura, he gestures towards the door, sleeps on

    her stomach.

    Voice rising, angry at Itachi for explaining and yet telling him nothing at all,

    Sasuke growls, How the hell would I know?

    Well, ask her.


    Because after you do, you ask her if you can.

    For a heartbeat, Sasuke doesnt know what in the world is going on. Itachi

    seems to sense this, because his smile widens and he reiterates, Ask her if you can sleep

    on her stomach.

    Sasuke comes very, very close to throwing a temper tantrum right there.

    Instead, he spins on his heal, stomps through the door, slams it on Itachis

    growing laughter, and hopes that Sakura will not question the brilliant red of his face.

    Flights of Fancy

    T he clouds were nice, and fluffy, and cute. And Sakura found that watchingthem was quite relaxing; in fact, it was fun, and very pleasing.

    But the novelty of cloud watching waned after the first few minutes or so (she

    was no Shikamaru). And pretty soon, the clouds just becamewellboring. Looking

    for shapes and formations didnt help either, because really, for a not-so-creative girl like

    Sakura, all the clouds looked painfully likewellclouds.

    So she turned her attention to something more tangible, like in-flight magazines.

    Now in-flight magazines, these could provide entertainment for at least an hour.

    But they all have this sneaky auraas if they were put there just to force bored people to

    read countless ads, like subtle brainwashing instruments. So Sakura always felt a bit

    betrayed when she read them. Besides, these magazines only have 20 pages or so

    youd be lucky to find one with 50and only half of the pages were interesting, the other

    half, not so.