Control Algorithms 1 Chapter 6 Control Algorithms 1 Chapter 6 Pattern Search.

Control Algorithms 1 Chapter 6 Pattern Search

Transcript of Control Algorithms 1 Chapter 6 Control Algorithms 1 Chapter 6 Pattern Search.

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Control Algorithms 1Chapter 6

Pattern Search

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So Far

◦Problem solving: search through states◦Predicate calculus: medium for describing

states◦Sound inference: method for generating new

states◦Formal search techniques: BT,DF,BF◦Reducing search space

Heuristic search AB pruning Passed over stochastic methods: will be explored

in machine learning units

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◦Further search techniques that are part of AI Pattern search Production systems

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Problem with Predicate Calculus

No mechanism for applying rules

Task--Develop a general search procedure for

predicate calculus by applying recursive search to a space of logical inferences

--Basis for prolog

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Knight’s Tour

Given a 3X3 matrixOne move paths (place on board)

1 2 3

4 5 6

7 8 9

mv(1,8)mv(4,9) mv(8,3)

mv(1,6)mv(4,3) mv(8,1)

mv(2,9)mv(6,1) mv(9,2)

mv(2,7)mv(6,7) mv(9,4)



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Two-Move Paths

),(2),(),(( yxpathyzmvzxmvzyx

(Place on board)

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Three Move Paths

There is a three move path from x to y if there is a 1 move path from x to some state z and a two move path from z to y

),(3),(2),(( yxpathyzpathzxmvzyx

(Place on board)

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Example: path3(1,4)

path3(1,4) {1/x,4/y) mv(1,z)^path2(z,4) prove 1st conjunct {8/z}mv(1,8)^path2(8,4) 1st conjunct is T, prove 2nd conjunct {8/x,4/y}

mv(8,z)^mv(z,4) prove 1st conjunct {3/z}mv(8,3)^mv(3,4) both conjuncts are TT


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What if mv(8,1) appeared before mv(8,3)?

path3(1,4) {1/x,4/y)mv(1,z)^path2(z,4) {8/z}mv(1,8)^path2(8,4) {8/x,4/y}

mv(8,z)^mv(z,4) {1/z} mv(8,1)^mv(1,4)

f backtrack mv(8,z)^mv(z,4) {3/z} mv(8,3)^mv(3,4) T


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To Generalize

We have 1 move paths, 2 move paths, three move paths and, in general,

),(),(),(( yxpathyzpathzxmvzyx

But how do we stop?

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Base Case

)),(( xxpathx

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Produces an endless loop

Suppose, again, that mv(8,1) appears before mv(8,3)

path(1,4)mv(1,z)^path(z,4) {8/z}mv(1,8)^path(8,4)

mv(8,z)^path(z,4) {1/z} mv(8,1)^path(1,4)

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Global Closed List: If a path has been tried, don’t retry

path(1,4)mv(1,z)^path(z,4) {8/z}mv(1,8)^path(8,4)

mv(8,z)^path(z,4) {1/z} mv(8,1)^path(1,4)

Backtrack mv(8,z)^path(z,4) {3/z}

mv(8,3)^path(3,4) mv(3,z)^path(z,4) {4/z} mv(3,4)^path(4,4) T



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Leads To: Pattern Search

Goal DirectedDepth First Control StructureBasis of PrologGoal: return the substitution set that will

render the expression true.

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Here’s the Surprise

Found on pp. 198-99We’ve been running the algorithm

informally all along

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Six Cases: 1 - 3

1. If Current Goal is a member of the closed list--return F, Backtrack

2. If Current Goal unifies with a fact--Current Goal is T

3. If Current Goal unifies with a rule conclusion--apply unifying substitutions to the premise--try to prove premise

--if successful, T

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Six Cases: 4 - 6

4. Current Goal is a disjunction--Prove each disjunct until you exhaust them or find one that is T.

5. If Current Goal is a conjunction--try to prove each conjunct--if successful, apply substitutions to other conjuncts--if unsuccessful, backtrack, trying new substitutions until they are exhausted

6. If Current Goal is negated (~p)--Try to prove p--If successful, current goal is F--If unsuccessful, current goal is T--In the algorithm, returned substitution set is {} when ~p is true, because the algorithm failed to find a substitution set that would make p true (i.e., ~p is T only when p is F)