Contents Page Evaluation

Lucy Clarke Contents Page Evaluation

Transcript of Contents Page Evaluation

Lucy Clarke

Contents Page Evaluation

Pictures I didn’t use

This was one of the many pictures I took of my main model Eman for the contents page. I did not use this picture as I wanted to catch Eman playing with her hair by lightly pulling out a small few strands. I didn’t like this as there was to much hair and she pulled it out quite hard. This comes across as unnatural and gives off like she was being instructed what to do. We took this shot again as I explained to her what I specifically wanted and we captured it and is now on the contents page. I also didn’t use this picture as my model was looking in the direction of the camera lens. I wanted her to look away from the camera as this may show vulnerability which is commonly seen in young music artists with in the pop and chart music industry. This could resemble youth.

I didn’t use this photo as Lucy and Antonia were posing as a girl band and I didn’t like the space in between them. The space in between them may make the shoot look a bit awkward and may not shout girl band to the reader. Normally, a photo with a girl band shows a bond between each individual and is this picture, there is no bond between the two girls. I did however like the lighting in this photo as it highlights all the features and look bright which could represent the chart music genre. I didn’t like the fact they were both using the same pose, so I made the varied yet still shows a bond between the two girls on the contents page.

I didn’t use this photo as there were many things that was wrong with this. For example, I didn’t like the pose I told Eman to do as I think it looked too floppy and ditsy. Also, she is wearing a bobble on her wrist which was not part of her costume . You can also notice her hanging strap which takes away the professionalism in the shoot. Lastly, I didn’t like the way my model was looking down as it almost looks disorientated and doesn’t fit with the style I was aiming for. I dislike the framing as I needed lead room on the right hand side of Eman to allow room for my text. The shot looks again, disorientated and the framing is not straight.

Main ImageI used a model called Eman to model as a celebrity like Ariana Grande to appeal to a predominantly female audience. I used denim dress to make her costume look summery, chic and girly. She is looking away from the camera to portray vulnerability in younger music artist as she is not looking into the camera. Looing straight into the camera may come across as over confident and cocky. She is playing with her hair which could represent youth and the fact she is a young artist. Looking away whilst playing with her looks chic and pretty and could come across as quite humbling. I played with the idea that Eman has natural beauty and isn't wearing a lot of make up. This may appeal to young girls who may be anxious about their flaws. This promotes being natural and yourself. Because of this, Eman’s character could be viewed as a role model. I like this as the lighting is used to highlight her importance and draws the reader straight in to analyse this picture. I like how the background just fades away the less important the rest of the picture gets.

Colour palette

I stayed to the same colour palette to show continuity throughout my magazine. The colour scheme represents my target audience as I am trying to appeal my magazine to a predominantly white young female audience. I would say that my colour scheme represents my target audience as I have used quite feminine colours like purple and pink and then I have evened them out so they don’t look too childish, so I used black and white to add sophistication and make it look professional. I alternated the colour between text and background to even the colours out and to add variety throughout my media product.

FontsFont was another big aspect of trying to appeal to my target audience. I did this by thinking about what I would like to see and my friends would like to see as they fit into my specified target audience. I asked my friends what type of fonts they would like to see in a pop music magazine and what would appeal to them. The feedback I got was mainly girly and sophisticated and not childish or over the top. I was expecting this type of feedback and kept it in mind. I used a font called Trajan Pro used in the text to say the names of each feature in purple on the right hand side f the contents page. This was a bold font which helped to make the celebrities names stand out, to show importance. I then used a smaller text to make the bigger text look bigger than it actually is and dramatic. This font was called Iskoola Pota. This font was small and black and wasn’t statement as it was to follow on from the statement text from the subheading. This was to follow the feedback of being sophisticated and not over the top, as the black colour is to even it out. For the “contents” I used “Nueva Std” this was a “girly” font which matches the preferences of my target audience and matches the scheme and colour palette of the magazine as it is in black. For continuity reasons, I kept all statement texts “Trajan Pro” font as I liked this font and had positive feedback from peers and members that matched my target audience. Overall, I believe that my fonts are appealing to my target audience and match the theme of the magazine itself.

End Result ComparisonI am very happy with this finishing product as I stuck to my plan and completed the task I set out to do. By doing this, I stuck to the plan I sketched out and based my photo shop document around that. I had a structured plan which was detailed, this helped me to structure the contents page on Photoshop. My plan told me what colours the fonts where and what picture I was going to use, how I styled my model. This was a good idea because I could just copy what I had drawn on my plan onto a Photoshop document. This took me three days to complete my contents page and I am very happy with the end result. There are some changes I made to my real contents page like adding a row of pictures of the celebrity features to match the text as to what was inside the magazine. This was because my contents page looked a bit bare and plain and needed something to fill it up and add detail and variety. I made references to social media sites which in return, would attract my target audience as they can be seen as the biggest used source of gossip within the music industry linked to teenagers.