Contents Page Analysis - Q Magazine (the Courteeners)

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  • 8/19/2019 Contents Page Analysis - Q Magazine (the Courteeners)



    Layout— the layout is a common layout that

    Q magazine use and has been seen on many

    edions of their magazine. They have the Q

    logo/name of the magazine put into the cor-ner which is subtle makes you aware of the

    magazine if you were to just see this page

    individually. The contents page has the typi-

    cal features column with all the numbers

    being in red scking with the colour scheme

    of the magazine. 

    The contents page for q magazine normally

    doesn’t change for a number of months and

    keep the same format with the features andEvery month pieces featured on their con-

    tents page along with the Q Review at the

    boom of their pages. 

    Picture—The main photo is of The Cour-

    teeners which shows the band members

    with the image stretching the height of the

    page and it links to the fact the magazine is

    a Oasis special and that Noel Gallagher had

    a large involvement with The Courteenersso it all links together. 

    The design of the contents page is very modern and industrial with it all being square and lined up making it

    have an adult theme to it which is very pleasing to look at, the design is very minimalisc which all ages nd

    amusing and therefore reaches out to a wide audience. This is backed up by the fact that all the fonts used on

    the page are serif fonts which are clean and related to the design. 

    Q magazine is very limited in which the colours it uses which links back to the idea that the magazine has a mini-

    malisc magazine and they use their iconic red throughout for the brand connuity that Q magazine has built

    over the years, The colours are all very saturated and bland with the red giving the page life and making certain

    things stand out such as the page numbers and the tles for the contents page so therefore they catch your eye

    and draws you in. 

    I believe that this contents page is very eecve reaching the target audience of Q magazine which is indie/rock

    enthusiasts and I believe it reaches out to this audience due to the main image being The Courteeners which are

    a big indie band and not to menon it being an Oasis special, also with the colours used due to the fact that in-

    die music is normally associated with simple colours and nothing extravagant and is also dy.