Content Writer For Hire

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Content Writer For Hire or to Be Hired. Here are a couple things to keep in mind and also how to find and be found as a content writer. Being a content writer is hard work but can pay off as long as you do the work right. Engineering Your Success, Lawrence Tam Related Search for Content Writer: content writer salary how to become a content writer content writer jobs freelance content writer content writer job description content writer rates website content writer seo content writer Content writer slides: Content Writer article:

Transcript of Content Writer For Hire

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Did you know that if you have good writing skills, you could be making a living as a

Content Writer?A content writer is someone who creates written work that are to be published to the masses, usually for profit, but not always. I have a more extensive definition of a content writer and how content writing is a big deal.

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Let’s look at how you can get into the lucrative business of being a content writer.

How To Start Making Money Writing From HomeHere are the 7 examples of making money writing from home:

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Sell articles: Writing articles and selling the rights to people who want and need content. Make A Living Writing came up with this handy list of 10+ Best Websites To Sell Your Articles On.


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Creating articles and putting them in a pool: You can give access to clients who want to go through themselves and pick whatever articles they want. You can charge a recurring fee or by the article.


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Create newsletters: Online or offline, good newsletters with a high readership are ripe for people who want to pay to advertise in them.


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Affiliate websites: Pick items you’ve purchased, OR (better yet) do research on the hottest selling items online. Write articles about them and put them on a blog. Create affiliate links to the products. Amazon is a very good example of affiliate links. If anyone buys, you get a commission.


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Ghostwriting: You write an article or a blog post and charge someone else for it. They can claim authorship of the article. This article called The Ghostwriting Business by Priceonomics focuses on novels and autobiographies, but the same can apply to high-profile bloggers, journalists and more.


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Think outside the box: Compose poetry for weddings, write scripts for commercials or videos, write ebooks and sell online, write a blog and sell ad space – the sky is the limit.


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Flip a website: Create a website, fill it with useful content, drive traffic to it and sell it. Depending on the website, you can sell them as high as tens of thousands of dollars. In fact, there is an entire website dedicated to flipping websites


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With Google Adsense, you need a website or blog. Install some code into your blog and the ads will automatically appear. Put great content on it and drive traffic to it.

A couple other things you can do is using Google Adsense and writing articles to market your writing abilities.

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You can earn money with either impressions or clicks. Impressions are when someone opens the page and potentially looks at the ad; clicks are when someone actually clicks on the ad. !You make more money when they click on the ad. You need a substantial amount of traffic to make a full-time income, but, it is good for some extra money if you have a site with a lot of traffic going to it.

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Check out this list of top 50 article directories by traffic done by VRE (Virtual Real Estate) Toolbar.

Next, if you want to advertise yourself as a content writer, you can submit to article directories.

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You write about your area of expertise. At the bottom of the page, you fill in an Author resource box. This contains your name and a link to your site. !People can contact you. These articles can be picked up and syndicated all over the internet, especially if they are very good.

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How Do Content Writers Become the Best? Find Out

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What does that mean for you?

Not long ago, people would write or spin mediocre content and stuff it with keywords in order to get a higher ranking in the search engines, namely, Google. !Google has since undergone several sophisticated algorithm changes, making it nearly impossible to rank at the top five with mediocre content.

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As a content writer, it is all the more important that you write well. !Every piece of written content you produce is a representation of how good (or not) or a content writer you are.

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Most importantly, your post has to keep people reading. In the information age, people have a terribly short attention span. Hold their attention, keep it and you will be writing your own checks. Which is probably the best thing you could write.

Your writing needs to be compelling, well-written, and shareable.

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There are some choice examples in Robert Beadle’s article, “How to Write Persuasive, Compelling Website Copy That Sells, Without Appearing to be Selling.”

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Please do not feel that “OK” writing will cut it. It won’t. Not anymore. But I know that if you have read this far, you are a great content writer. Still, it pays (literally) to become a better writer.

The internet is saturated with mediocre writing.

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Here are some other tips I can recommend so that you can write like a pro.

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Writers start as readers: Did you know that 99% of millionaires have college degrees? That the very educated are also wealthy in many different ways? It is because reading enriches your mind. Reading opens you up to new ideas, new styles of writing and connects you to others who have the same interests.

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Develop a system: If you write for a living, eventually you will figure out little hacks that are unique to you. From how you put together a piece to where you like to write, developing a system streamlines the process. This helps because you don’t waste valuable time and energy figuring out how to get things done; you just sit down and do them.

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Be clear and concise: Yes, we heard this a lot in English class, but it is so true. You can reference this section of the Writer’s Handbook from the University of Wisconsin. When you are writing, stick to the subject. !Unless your readership are rocket scientists, Harvard scholars or novelists, don’t clutter your writing with flowery language or dictionary-level vocabulary. Cut it down like an overgrown bush.

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Build a connection with your readers: If you know your target audience, this should be much easier. Oh, you don’t have a target audience? Then sit and think about who you want as a client. Then, think about sitting with this person in a room. How would you talk to them? What would you be doing? What experiences do you share? Connect, connect, connect.

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Spell correctly and write grammar like a boss: If your English teacher would faint at the sight of your grammar and spelling, then it is time to clean it up. Shoot for 100% accuracy. This is a given. You aren’t texting, you are writing.

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Consider the forum: If you are writing on a blog, it is different from writing a technical manual which is also different from writing a status update. Also, you may have more than one target audience you are writing for, especially if you are writing for a client’s target audience. !Example? You would wouldn’t write, “Then I totally said hey and blew that chick off. What u think?” in a newsletter for senior citizens. They would think you had a stroke and you were very rude about it. You don’t want that. This goes back to connecting with your audience. You also want to make sure you do not alienate them.

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The Right Way to Being Hired As A Content Writer

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!If you are looking for work there are several things you can do. But, before you do anything, you will need samples of your work. The more the merrier. At least ten quality blog posts or articles of 500 words is a good start. If you say you are a writer, but you don’t have any samples… well it doesn’t look too good.

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Once you got your blog posts or articles ready, you can start driving traffic to your blog or profile. Be sure that you make it clear you are looking to be hired. Social media is a good place to start, especially if you have gotten good feedback about your work.

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They all have places where you can advertise yourself as a blogger or content producer. You can pick up work here pretty quickly, especially if you start out by pricing competitively and raising your prices AFTER getting good ratings under your belt.

There are faster ways.

You can reference oDesk, Elance or Fiverr.

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The single most important bit of advice that I have to give as an author is to FOLLOW your instinct.

If you get this feeling about someone, and it intensifies the more you deal with them, WALK AWAY. There are plenty of honest, paying clients out there. Don’t waste your time with people who are questionable.

I have heard horror stories from other content producers on how they knew this particular client was shady or stressed them out, yet they ignored their instinct because the offer was too good to resist. They were left unpaid, or worse.

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!If you are doing something right, you will get to the point when you will need some help. As nice as it is to think that you can hire someone, give them the work and have it returned to you a couple days later perfectly done, that is not how it works. !Particularly if you have a small budget. How do you find someone to hire?

Hiring a content writer.

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Basically, you go to the same places that you looked for work in the first place: Craigslist, Elance, Fiverr, oDesk. !When you get someone you are interested in...

This is important.

Ask them to write you a sample in your niche.

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Look at their ad they placed when looking for work. You wouldn’t believe how many people advertise themselves are writers who have ads that look like they fell asleep on the keyboard. Big red flag.

Actually, before you even do THAT

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Next, give them smaller assignments. You don’t want to give them big, important assignments straightaway. !And finally, keep looking for writers, even if you have found one you life. The writing business is very transient – people get bigger jobs, personal issues arise, all kinds of things can happen to keep someone from writing for you.

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Whatever your strengths are in the written word, you can find a niche and find good-paying work. !The key is to build your database of written work that you can claim credit for, to continue to improve your writing, and continue to market yourself.

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As your value goes up, increase your pricing. There are plenty of places for you to find work as a content writer. Getting creative can net you some side income, passive income or recurring income. !Continue to up your game, and you could find yourself being very well paid even as a pure content writer.

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Learn More About Content WritingHiring and Being Hired, Click Below

by: Lawrence Tam