Content page analysis 2

Contents Page Analysis The introduction to the content page gives the reader the insight of what the magazine is going to consist of creating a sense of importance and almost loyalty to the reader encouraging them to buy the magazine. This advertisement is used on the contents page as a link to the vibe website, secretly being hidden within the bar code. This will attract to the readers of this magazine as a bar code is a convention which is normally used The main area is being taken over by the main image; Eminem and the curtains behind him. This creates a sense of significance, popularity and dominance to the readers. His stern facial expressions are used to reinforce the emotion of intimidation that the magazine wants The colour schemes and fonts which are used on this content page are used to highlight and separate key features such as; Headlines, page numbers and brief explanations of what is within this magazine. The fonts that are used are quite formal as oppose to the bold thick lettering which is used on the front cover. All the fonts are clear to The body language that Eminem is pursuing on this contents page is connoting that the magazine would like him to be displayed in a negative manor. By having his fingers entwined with each other with both thumbs upright, this creates the sense of This is quite an un- conventional contents page as it only features one main image and very little writing. This differs from other music magazine content pages showing that this magazine is breaking these conventions and being rebellious and The use of mise-en-scene within this contents page signifies and represents the artist in a certain way. For example the costume in which Eminem is wearing is a suit, connoting wealth, importance and high status. This also suggests wealth upon the magazine as they are able to feature such well known stars within their magazines. Furthermore

Transcript of Content page analysis 2

Page 1: Content page analysis 2

Contents Page Analysis The introduction to the content page gives the reader the insight of what the magazine is going to consist of creating a sense of importance and almost loyalty to the reader encouraging them to buy the magazine.

This advertisement is used on the contents page as a link to the vibe website, secretly being hidden within the bar code. This will attract to the readers of this magazine as a bar code is a convention which is normally used on the front of a magazine not within it, so this will have caught the reader’s attention.

The main area is being taken over by the main image; Eminem and the curtains behind him. This creates a sense of significance, popularity and dominance to the readers. His stern facial expressions are used to reinforce the emotion of intimidation that the magazine wants the readers to feel like. This could be because when the readers read the article on Eminem, they look up to him as an inspirational figure as he has shared his story with them.

The colour schemes and fonts which are used on this content page are used to highlight and separate key features such as; Headlines, page numbers and brief explanations of what is within this magazine.

The fonts that are used are quite formal as oppose to the bold thick lettering which is used on the front cover. All the fonts are clear to read and are neatly displayed, this will appeal to the readers. By having the headlines in different colours this will draw the attention of the readers, encouraging them to read more.

The body language that Eminem is pursuing on this contents page is connoting that the magazine would like him to be displayed in a negative manor. By having his fingers entwined with each other with both thumbs upright, this creates the sense of intimidation giving the readers curiosity and interest into why this is.

This is quite an un-conventional contents page as it only features one main image and very little writing. This differs from other music magazine content pages showing that this magazine is breaking these conventions and being rebellious and independent, portraying that maybe this is what this magazine is about.

The use of mise-en-scene within this contents page signifies and represents the artist in a certain way. For example the costume in which Eminem is wearing is a suit, connoting wealth, importance and high status. This also suggests wealth upon the magazine as they are able to feature such well known stars within their magazines. Furthermore the lighting in which is being used is very low key, calm and dark giving the readers the sense of mystery and danger signifying maybe that the artist has some dark secrets to share, making the readers want to know more.