Contacts Principal’s comment – Rukshana Verzijl

Epsilon 1 17 th July 2014 Contacts CCC (Communication & Community Connections) Rebecca Curtain C/- 9870 6103 Education/Policy Adrian Infanti C/-9870 6103 Environment Alex White C/- 9870 6103 Futures/SC President Robert Dark C/- 9720 4997 Health & Wellbeing Nadine Harrison C/- 9870 6103 EP&F Sarah Roe C/-9870 6103 Chaplain Marg Kittelty C/-9870 6103 SCHOOL BANKING EVERY TUESDAY with RINGWOOD EAST BENDIGO BANK SECOND HAND UNIFORM SHOP 8.45-9.30am Weekly Weekly Sick Bay 18 th July- Michelle Burgess Sick Bay 25 th July- Kim Colonnelli Cup Cakes 22 nd July-Mandy Hose Cup Cakes 29 th July-Emma Jackson Principal’s comment – Rukshana Verzijl Dear Parents, Thank you so much for your warm welcome. I am truly honoured to have been chosen as the Principal of this school and look forward to becoming a part of your community. Since arriving this week, although surrounded by the sounds and scenes of a building site, I have noticed that Eastwood is beginning to buzz with energy and excitement as we finally see the first stage of the building program begin to take shape. There seems to be a sense amongst all of us students, staff and parents alike that we are a part of something big. Indeed, this is a special time to be a part of Eastwood. As the school continues to make exciting progress, we will be well on our way to realizing the school community vision of a 21 st Century learning environment. As part of this vision, I am committed to creating the best learning experience possible for all of your children. By integrating the immense skills of our teachers with the wonderful support of the parent body I am confident that we will be able to confront the challenges ahead and to provide an exceptional learning experience for every one of our students. During the following months, I hope to have the pleasure of meeting all of you. Thank you, again, for extending such a warm welcome! As my Eastwood journey continues, I look forward to seeing how, together, we can create a high quality, safe and nurturing educational environment. Warmly, Rukshana Verzijl Principal Calendar July 22 nd Tue School Council Meeting 7.30 9pm 23 rd Wed EP & F Meeting 7.30pm Staffroom 26 th Sat Shopping Tour 27 th Sun Working Bee 9am 12noon 30 th Wed Valedictory Meeting 7.30pm Staffroom 31 st Thur Education Minister Martin Dixon visiting with David Hodgett and Dee Ryall August 11 th Mon Working Bee 3.30pm 4.30pm 12 th Tue Athletics Day Yr 3-6 at Proclamation Park 14 th Thur Foundation Fire Ed 22 nd Fri Bookweek Worlds Apart musical performance 26 th Tue School Council Meeting 27 th Wed Melbourne Writers Festival - Middle School 28 th Thur Melbourne Writers Festival - Senior School Sept 3 rd Wed District Athletics 10 th 12 th Gundiwindi Camp Year 4 15 th Mon Senior School Market Day 2 3.30pm Weds & Fri HELPERS JULY 18 th Julie Rozinszky Emma Jackson 23 rd Sarah Roe Michelle Armitage 25 th NEED HELP PLEASE Cadbury Chocolate Fundraising Reminder that all unsold chocolates and chocolate money is due back on Friday 25 th .

Transcript of Contacts Principal’s comment – Rukshana Verzijl

Page 1: Contacts Principal’s comment – Rukshana Verzijl

Epsilon 1

17th July 2014


CCC (Communication & Community Connections) Rebecca Curtain C/- 9870 6103 Education/Policy Adrian Infanti C/-9870 6103 Environment Alex White C/- 9870 6103 Futures/SC President Robert Dark C/- 9720 4997 Health & Wellbeing Nadine Harrison C/- 9870 6103 EP&F Sarah Roe C/-9870 6103 Chaplain Marg Kittelty C/-9870 6103






8.45-9.30am Weekly


Sick Bay 18th July- Michelle Burgess

Sick Bay 25th July- Kim Colonnelli

Cup Cakes 22

nd July-Mandy Hose

Cup Cakes 29th July-Emma Jackson

Principal’s comment – Rukshana Verzijl

Dear Parents, Thank you so much for your warm welcome. I am truly honoured to have been chosen as the Principal of this school and look forward to becoming a part of your community.

Since arriving this week, although surrounded by the sounds and scenes of a building site, I have noticed that Eastwood is beginning to buzz with energy and excitement as we finally see the first stage of the building program begin to take shape. There seems to be a sense amongst all of us –students, staff and parents alike — that we are a part of something big.

Indeed, this is a special time to be a part of Eastwood. As the school continues to make exciting progress, we will be well on our way to realizing the school community vision of a 21

st Century learning environment.

As part of this vision, I am committed to creating the best learning experience possible for all of your children. By integrating the immense skills of our teachers with the wonderful support of the parent body I am confident that we will be able to confront the challenges ahead and to provide an exceptional learning experience for every one of our students.

During the following months, I hope to have the pleasure of meeting all of you. Thank you, again, for extending such a warm welcome! As my Eastwood journey continues, I look forward to seeing how, together, we can create a high quality, safe and nurturing educational environment. Warmly, Rukshana Verzijl Principal




Tue School Council Meeting 7.30 – 9pm

23rd Wed EP & F Meeting 7.30pm Staffroom

26th Sat Shopping Tour

27th Sun Working Bee – 9am – 12noon

30th Wed Valedictory Meeting 7.30pm Staffroom

31st Thur Education Minister Martin Dixon visiting with

David Hodgett and Dee Ryall


11th Mon Working Bee 3.30pm – 4.30pm

12th Tue Athletics Day Yr 3-6 at Proclamation Park

14th Thur Foundation Fire Ed


Fri Bookweek – Worlds Apart musical performance

26th Tue School Council Meeting

27th Wed Melbourne Writer’s Festival - Middle School

28th Thur Melbourne Writer’s Festival - Senior School


3rd Wed District Athletics

10th – 12

th Gundiwindi Camp – Year 4

15th Mon Senior School Market Day 2 – 3.30pm

Weds & Fri

HELPERS JULY 18th Julie Rozinszky

Emma Jackson

23rd Sarah Roe

Michelle Armitage


Cadbury Chocolate


Reminder that all unsold chocolates and chocolate money is due back on Friday 25


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Epsilon 2

Assistant Principal’s comment

Marie Beale

Miss Peppercorn Online Canteen Lunch Order Service

Starting next Wednesday (23rd July) Eastwood Primary is very excited to

offer our school families an online canteen lunch service. This is a trial program for Term 3 with the possibility of an extension in Term 4 if there is enough interest. Attached to this Epsilon is the welcome letter and Term 3 price list. The welcome letter gives details of how to set up your account with Flexischools, the financial arm of the service, and then you are ready to order from their extensive list of food items. Lunches will be delivered to the school just prior to lunch, and distributed to students from the staffroom. Monitors from each class with lunch orders will be asked to come and collect their orders. All monies are paid online by the family. No money or orders are to be sent to school. Children will be required to provide their own morning tea on the lunch order day.

Table Tennis Club

After much anticipation the table tennis final was played at lunchtime today in the Ray Symons Centre. Congratulations to Matthew and Leo for being the champion and runner-up. The matches were of excellent standard and hard fought. Thanks to Gwen for her skills as the referee and for the supporters and table tennis committee who attended the event. Looking forward to more matches this term. Marg Kittelty Chaplain

Premiere's Reading Challenge

Dear Parents and Students, I hope you have all been reading over the holidays! There has been a little confusion about the Username and Passwords needed to log onto the website so you can add all those wonderful books you are reading. If the Username and Password that you were given a few weeks ago does not work, then please come and see me and I will give you a new one that is guaranteed to work. Happy Reading! Karla Coad

Please call the school on 9870 6103 if you know

you child is going to be away on that day.


Try these tasty treats:

Place yoghurt in a plastic container with a spill proof lid. This is delicious served with sliced fresh

fruits, nuts or dried apricots and apples.

Pocket pita bread fi lled with chicken, avocado &


Bread topped with anything on its own, scones, pikelets or

muffins, fruit buns or bun loaf, crackers, popcorn, breakfast

cereal (anytime)

Vary the bread from day to day. For example, white, whole-

meal, rye, pita, bagel or bun.

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Epsilon 3

Students of the week


June 2014

Maya Colonnelli Senior N Tammin Stilianos Foundation C Cooper Knaub Middle MB Erin Came Junior A Elise Donovan-Sayers Foundation M Xavier Roman-Dougherty Middle KA

Next Meeting

Our next meeting will be on Wednesday the 23rd of July 2014 at 7:30pm in the staffroom (Ray Symons hall).

Entertainment Book

The school holidays are coming up and there are plenty of ideas in the entertainment book to entertain the kids. AMF bowling, Village cinemas, Luna Park, Melbourne Aquarium & TGI Fridays are just a few. There is a copy in the office if you want to have a flick through. Orders can be placed via

Purchased books are available for pick up at the school office.

Cadbury Chocolate Fundraising

Reminder that all unsold chocolates and chocolate money is due back on Friday 25


Children need to eat more fruit

and vegetables

Fruit and vegetables are excellent sources of vitamins, minerals and fibre required for healthy bones, teeth, skin, eyes and digestion.

They protect against overweight and obesity, heart disease, type 2 diabetes and some cancers.

Packing ‘healthy learning lunchboxes’ full of fruit and vegetables is a great way to help meet the 2 Fruit + 5 Veg daily recommended serves. Many parents wonder what is a serve of fruit or vegetables for children of different ages.

The best measuring cup to use is your child’s hand. One serve equals a ‘handful’. You can count out serves with your child based on the size of your child’s hand. As your child grows, so does their need for larger serves of fruit and vegetables.



Sunday 27th July between 9 and 12pm is our next working bee at

Eastwood. We are expecting Massive numbers in attendance!!! Can you help us beat our 2013 record of 28...out of 307 families??? Some of you may have noticed the new retaining wall around the play equipment. This was pulled together by one...lone...parent!!! a big big thank you to Rod Mitchell for completing this during his leave. This work around the play equipment will continue at the working bee as we need to upgrade all of the soft fall around the play areas and re fill the sad looking sandpits. So for those if you planning on staying home on Sunday July 20, eating brekky, grabbing a coffee and adding the winter layer to your bodies at home make a change. Brings the kids and come along to help out, you'll burn 350 calories per hour, get fit, gain satisfaction that you are taking part in making Eastwood great and your kids will learn a sense of pride in looking after the place they spend 40 hours a week! The last working bee was great for the kids they successfully arranged their own production line of 10 children to move dirt, dig holes and repot plants...the things they can do are amazing. So we look forward to seeing you all there...byo gloves and any tools you may find handy...wheelbarrows will be in need! Thanks, Alex White and the Eastwood Environment Committee

Winter and Asthma

With the winter months approaching, it is important to be aware of the triggers that can affect your asthma during this season. A sudden change in temperature, such as cold air or windy days can be a trigger for some people with asthma. It is recommended that you take your usual dose of reliever medication before going out on cold, windy days. Wearing a scarf over your face will help to warm the air before you breathe it in. Thunderstorms can also trigger your asthma. This is due to the large quantities of pollen, in very small particles, being released into the air, as the raindrops break down pollen particles already in the air. It is best to stay inside with the windows closed during thunderstorms. Visit your doctor to determine if weather change is a trigger and ensure you have a written Asthma Action Plan outlining what to do for your day to day asthma, what to do if your symptoms worsen and how to cope with an asthma emergency. As we head toward cooler months, The Asthma Foundation of Victoria recommends that everyone with asthma should have a flu injection as people with asthma are at higher risk of developing complications from influenza. To obtain a FREE Asthma Control Pack, containing information to assist parents and students in managing their asthma, please contact Louisa or Sarah at The Asthma Foundation of Victoria or 1800 645 130 or email [email protected]

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Epsilon 4

Community News

B e f o r e a n d A f t e r S c h o o l C a r e

Hi everyone! I hope you had a wonderful

break over the holidays!


This week we are having a Monsters and Mess

week. With sticky playdough creations, magic

monsters from recycled materials and much


Next week will be a Winter Wonderland - with

snow, wintery soup and some super cool craft

and science activities!

July Holiday Program

A big thank you to everyone who attended

our July holiday program!

We had a wonderful time during the school

holidays; making delicious lego brick brownies,

having lots of fun with clay and snow, clipping

and climbing on an awesome excursion and so

much more!

We are looking forward to our Super

September holiday program, which is sure to

be fantastic!


We always welcome new faces to Before and

After Care!

2014 Enrolments can be completed online, or

you can pick up a hard copy at the OSHCare

room. Should you need any assistance with

the online process, feel free to come and see

us and we’ll be happy to help out.

Food Scraps at OSHC

If you would like some food scraps for your

compost heap, feel free to drop by the OSHC

room and share some of ours!


Eastwood OSHC: 0427197520

Bookings and Cancellations:

[email protected]

OSHCare 4 KIDS: 97586744

[email protected]

Have a great week and a wonderful start to

term! Lauren Cameron Program Leader



84 Railway Avenue, Ringwood East Vic 3135

Tel (03) 9870 8893 Fax (03) 9870 9101

Junior Basketball Registration Day Spirit Magic Basketball Club will be holding their Summer Registration day on Saturday August 2nd at the Ringwood Stadium. The Summer basketball season runs for school terms 4 and 1. Training is held once a week locally and games are played on a Saturday. If your child (boys and girls) is interested, please contact Joe Egan on 9879 9859 for further information or visit our web site -------------------------------------------------

50% off your child’s first class

For Information on Classes, Venues & Times, Phone Stage Creation

on 0423 044 071 or E-Mail: [email protected]

Page 5: Contacts Principal’s comment – Rukshana Verzijl

Epsilon 5

July, 2014 Dear Parents, Welcome to Miss Peppercorn School Lunches. We are very excited to be providing our reliable, healthy and delicious lunch order service to the families at Eastwood Primary School every

Wednesday, commencing 23rd July.

A copy of our Winter Menu is attached.

Our Food & Menu Our food is simple, fresh, healthy, tasty and delicious. Yum! Our food is 'homestyle' made with passion by us! We understand the importance of nutritious food that encourages children to eat healthy. We closely follow the Victorian Government nutrition guidelines for schools - our menu is 'Go For Your Life' approved. Each season we change our Menu.

What you need to do Ordering is all online. Before you can order you will need to set up an account with Flexischools (our online provider). To create a new account: 1. go to

2. select the 'click here to register' option

3. follow the prompts

4. If you have any questions for setting up your account, please telephone Flexischools on 1300 361 769

If you have any questions, problems or suggestions please drop us an email or give us a call. We are really looking forward to providing your children their lunch. From Kate and the Team at Miss Peppercorn Marie Beale - Acting Assistant Principal

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School Lunches Price List - Term 3 2014 Simple, healthy, fresh and delicious food delivered to children for lunch

From the oven Sandwiches, Wraps & Rolls - make your own! Butter chicken w. rice 4.60 - GF & yeast free rolls, wraps & bread available +$1.00 Meatballs w. penne + cheese 4.60 Fillings available: + .50c each Beef Lasagne 6.00 lettuce, tomato, cheese, cucumber, avocado, egg, GF pasta w. napoli sauce + cheese (v) 5.10 grated carrot, honey, vegemite, free range turkey, Chicken and mushroom pie (gf) 5.85 beetroot, capsicum, poached chicken, lean ham, Oven baked chicken strips (5) 4.50 bacon, tuna, falafels, tandoori chicken Juicy corn cob w. a little butter (or not!) 3.00 Free Condiments: mayonnaise, mustard, tzatziki, homemade chutney, Hot Meal Deal A (v) 8.00 sweet chilli Beef lasagne Sandwiches - 1 filling from 3.60 3.60 Yum Ball Rolls - 1 filling from 4.10 4.10 Bottle of water Wraps - 2 fillings from 4.80 4.80 Hot Meal Deal B 6.50 Savoury vegemite and cheese scroll (v) 3.70 Sausage roll (*GF avail add $2.00) Crunchy chicken salad wrap-lettuce, chicken, thinly sliced red capsicum & mashed avocado 5.00 Chocolate Brownie (yeast, dairy, preservative, additive & gluten free) Oak Flavoured Fresh Milk (250ml) or Bottled Water Snacks

Fresh Meal Deal (v) 5.50 Cherry tomatoes, baby carrots, crackers w. tzatziki 3.50 Greek salad Cherry tomatoes, baby carrots, crackers w. hommus 3.50

Mini muffin Yoghurt cup w. berry coulis (or not!) 3.00 Fresh juicy apple Chopped fresh pieces of orange + pear 2.80 Wrap Meal Deal 7.00 Fruit kebab w/ a treat 3.00 Tandoori chicken wrap (tand chicken, lettuce, cucumber + tzatziki) - add a yoghurt pot 1.00 Fruit kebab - add our chocolate dipping sauce 1.50 Choc chic cookie Apple crumble w. custard, yoghurt or plain 3.60 Picnic Box 5.00 Stewed apple w. custard, yoghurt or plain 3.00 Tomato, ham, grated carrot, grated cheese + dinner roll Sweet (but still healthy) snacks Tomato, chicken, grated carrot, grated cheese + dinner roll Chocolate Chip Cookie 2.20 Chocolate Brownie (yeast, dairy, preservative, additive & gluten free) 3.85 Gingerbread Man 3.50 Sushi - avail Mondays, Thursdays & Fridays only Air popped popcorn 1.80 - Cooked Tuna 3.00 Yum ball 2.50 - Avocado (v) 3.00 Drinks - Chicken Teriyaki 3.00 Tropical 100% Fruit Juice 2.00 Apple 100% Fruit Juice 2.00 Extra's Orange 100% Fruit Juice 2.00 Extra sweet chilli sauce .50 Plain bottled water 2.60 Extra soy sauce (w/ sushi) .50 Oak Flavoured Fresh Milk (250ml): Extra tomato sauce .50 - Chocolate 2.60 - Strawberry 2.60 - Banana 2.60



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