CENTRAL EVANGELICAL COM- MUNITY CHURCH Arlington nt Murcellna avc. H. Wcsloy ifoloff, A.D., M.TIi., minister. Flione Tor- rnneo 191. Church of Youth nt 0:30. Topic': "Tno T.orrt's Huppcr." Hen-Ice, 11:00' .1. m. "Hmiroos of I'owm-." T'IO Hncrnment of Holy (tininiunlnn will, lin observed at liotli Hnrvlco*. Thcro will lin no uvunliiK servlco this Sunday. Illble study nnd prayer hour on Wednrs- elny at 7:00. Tli« rholr will rp- Ili-nrsi- on Wcdnusilny nt 8:05 In iho pRrmin.'iico. Thu Summer AB- si-rnlily of tho Evangelical church of the California Conference opnns auly 12 nnd continue* throuKh July 18 at the Pacific I'allsadefl Confer- IfT R A N f% 1 [\sFTHEATREA-V | PHONI TOUANCI M* 1 1 KN1IH SATURDAY 1 FrIUiij I'nnli Nhow from 0 p.m. 1 JOEL McCREA and 1 SONNY TUFTS in "VIRGINIAN" Al.o "Black Market Babies" HTN. - MON. - TL'KH. LANA TURNER and JOHN GARFIELD in "POSTMAN ALWAYS RINGS TWICE" And "The Spider" M-:*T. WKKK "From This Day ~ Forward" - AND "Johnny Comes * a. ; ^*^***!£!S J SR!' ?Ttfcyi •* ' * . ^rimMi j J1*ORRANCTr^ t- J t»S»;^(ia:> ^11 m PHOHI TOMANCI in 1 ' KTAHTH TIIK 4th I I JOHN WAYNE in I 1 "STAGECOACH" 1 WARREN "WILLIAM in . "FEAR" HUN. - MdS. - TUKH. FREDRICK MARCH in "1 MARRIED A WITCH" AI.HO PRESTON FOSTER in "American Empire" EVERY WEDNESDAY Two Wild West- Shows' '* G ARDEN A 1 THEATRE.T*. RITA HAYWORTH and . GLENN FORD, in "GILDA" , AUo "Meet Me on Broadway" HUN. - MON. - TUBS. ALL STAR CAST "ZIEGFELD FOLLIES OF 1946" "Bla7k*Ma"rIet Babies" W.I anno 1 ( c CLM NOTICE: Copy for Church No 10 . m. FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH C. Miles Northrup. pastor; Carson nnd Martlna sis. Tel. 148. Sunday Hchool 9:110 Harry Hllller, Knncral suporlntendent. Service. 10:50 a.m. "All Thlnun arc Now Heady," Music by choir, directed hy Mrs. Dorothy Severln. Service. 7:30 p.m. "Clod's Abundant Par- don." This l.i special music night. Vounir People's meeting. 8:30 p.m. Children and adult*; six groups for all nites. Weilncsday. 7:30 p.m., old-fashioned prayer meeting, ten- tlmony and praise. CHURCH OF CHRIST Torrance Men's Bible Class bids. 1119 Crav- Uter. Bun. school, 9:46 a.m. For all ages. Service, 10:46 a.m. and 7:80 p.m. Young People, 0:10 p.m. DIs- cusslanal groups for young people ana adults. Tues. evening, 7:80 Prayer meeting and Scripture study. LCttlTA itiizATCE 24333 NACBONNf tHoNE LOMITA 243 rnsa ^uro PARK WKI>. TO NAT., Jin.v s, 4, li. o Cont. Show Thura. Frmn 2 P.M. <lrn« Tlcnu'r Vlnrrnl I'rl.-r- "DRAGONWYCK" AI.HO /.nrlmrj Nratt Jumrr. Fain* "Her Kind of Man" Nl.NDAV, MONDAY, TI'KNI>AV Jl l.V 7, s, 9 '•' Pnulrllr Vlo.tilir.l~ liuTTlillW.1 " "KITTY" M-UIIsm Onrit.n Nwirj- KHIj "Follow That Woman" Oomlni HXI.. Julr 10, 11, li. 13 "SEVENTH VEIL" "The Dark Corner" Wbrice* :ict* cannot be accepted drier Tuesday. f SAINT ANDREWS CHURCH Protestant Episcopal. Engracla, be- tween Arlington and Manual. Rec- tor, The Rev. Paul Moore Wheeler, Phone HO. Sun. services. 9:10 a.m., Junior church and school: nursery dept through senior high. 11 a-m., morning service and sermon. «:80 p.m.. YOUD* Churchmen's League. 1st and 3rd Sundays. 8 a.m.. Holy communion, 2nd Sun. Other serv- ices 2nd and 4th Thurs.. 10 a.m., Holy Communion. Holy days as yon.. 7:30 p.m., Vestry; 2nd and 4th Wed., 8 P.m., St. Cccllla's p.m., Woman's Auxiliary: Last Thurs., 8 p.m.. Altar Guild; 2nd Frl., 7:80 p.m., Qardena Episcopal Guild. St Andrew's Church spon- sors Boy Scout Troop No. 241. Cub Pack No. 241, Girl Scout Troops No. <18 and No. 74. FIRST CHURCH 'OF CHRIST SCIENTIST 212 218th nt. and Munuel live. Sunday morning serv- ices at 11 . Sunday school, 9:30 a.m. Wednesday avenlifa mci-llni?, S p.m. Ilraullnit room at 1750 Ma- wnek day. FIRST CHRISTIAN CHURCH- 1414 Engracla ave., at Arlington. Ronald J. Menmulr, M.A. B.D., pastor; Burdette I. Brlmley. choir director. Bun. school. 9: SO o-m. Service, 10MO a.m. and 7- p.m. CATHOLIC CHURCH OF THE NATIVITY Engracla and Manuel aves., Rev Fr. Patrick J. McOuln- ness, pastor. Tel. 382. Masses Sun- days: 1. 8:10 and 11 a.m. Muses Holy days: 6 and 8 o,ra. Week day Sacred Heart Wed.. 7:10 p.m. De- votions to Sacred Heart, First Prl, 8 o,m. Classes for converts. Moo evening, 7 to 1 p.m.; Wed. even. -Ing, after services. Confessions'. eves of Holy days and First Frl days, same time. Catechism classes: Wed. at 1 p.m.; Sat at at 4:10 p.m. Choir reheaiaal, Mon. at 7:10 p.m. Altar Society meet Inn, last Wed. of month, 8:1 p.m. _ p.m. Friday. Bible study, Tralnln classes, 7:80 p.m. Prayer service each day except Bat. at 1:16 p.m. FIRST LUTHERAN CHURCH Acacia and Sonoma aves. Phon .91. VTank D. Mechllng. pastor Sunday School, 9:30 n_m. Service, 10:45 a.m. Topic: Sermon by th Rev. J. E. A. Doermann, Bell. Call | NOW PLAYING * BURLESQUE P AS YOU LIKE IT! GIRLS, GIRLS and More GIRLS!! Comics Funny Men STARRING DAGMAR FEATURING Joe DeRita Harry Rose and DON CARPER'S ORCHESTRA STARLITE CLUB DANCING 2 SHOWS NIGHTLY-4PH. TE. 2-1771 1930 S. Pacific Ave. . San Pedro :. Kalbfleisch unces removal, of his law ofiicc to 308 Sartori Ave. >ver El Prado Furniture Col) ~ Phone 511 -J KEYSTONE ASSEMBLY OF QOD Rev. Chorlolte Shook, 4JB W. 220th St.. Torrance. Sunday school, 9:45 a.m. Services 11 a.m. and 8 p.m. Christ Ambassadors service Sunday, 7 p.m. Wednesday and Friday at 8 p.m.. prayer meet- ing, testimonies and short sermon. Monday through Friday, prayer ser- vice from 10 a.m. to 11 a-tn. All ore Invited. METHODIST CHURCH Rev. Clyde E. Ruckman, pastor. El Pra- do at Manuel ave. Sun. school. >:4S a.m. I. W. Ooss, Supt. Service. 11 n.m. "Christ and Popular Govern- ment." young People's mcetlntt, 7:00 p.m. All young people arc In- vited for worship and .study. Con- ference laboratory school, Sunday through Saturday, at North l.onn Heach McthodlHt chtirrh. Kor all teachers and workers In the chil- dren's division. Wednesday, 7:30 p. m., meeting of the official l-oanl at the church. Thursday. 11:00 n. in., general meeting' of the W.S.C.H. 7:30 p.m., the . choir meets at Hie church for hehearsnl. CHURCH OF JESUS CHRIST op. Raymond A. Larson. Ameri- can Legion hall, 186th .and Nor- mandle, Gardena. Hun, 10 a_m.. Sunday school, Relief Society and priesthood. Sun.. 8:80 p.m.. Sacra- ment meeting. Wed., 7:20 p.m., mutual. Sat. 10:80 o.m.. primary. MEN'S BIBLE CLASS Meets at 7:30 Thursday evening In their hall opposite public library on Cravens ave. All men welcome. Rev. Reynolds. Hermosa Beach, preaching. FOURSQUARE 'CHURCH Rev. and Mrs. Arthur Pedersen. pastors, 1207 El Prado. Phone 1163. Sun. school. 9:45 a.m. Service 11 a. m. "If Thou Wilt he Perfect." Service, 7:30 ii m. Great Kvnnm'llHtlr serv- ice. C.o<Hl mimic and singing. -Young- Peoplo'u- meeting, 6:30.p.m.. Wednesday. 7:30. Hlblo Ktuily and prayer. Friday, 7:30, YnunK Ii-o- plo'8 Evangelistic service. COMMUNITY PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev. J. B. Orr. 2154 246th st. Lomita. Phone 1172-W. Sunday school 9:46 a-m. Five de- partments with clasee.1 lor all ages. Morning- worship. 11:00 o'clock. "Christ the Mediator." Service 7:30 p.m. "Thoughts on tlie Church. " cftnrtpV-TdPnrFTtK%T--rw3*Wn«*r Ing. Wcdncsilay evening nt 7:30. Vacation church school continues for one more week. Children froi school age are welcome. Rllil study, songs, stories, worship, serv ice projects and usefuj crafts ar all a part of thn program. Com In charge. FIRST FUNDAMENTAL' BAP TIST CHURCH Walter /H. Wag: ner, pastor, Park and Newton st&. Walterla. Sun. School, 9:46 a.m Morning service, 11:00 a.m. E-/en Ing net-vice. 7:30 D.m. foung- Peo pie's Meeting. Thurs. 7:30 D.m. Rev. S. Martin Eldsath. pastor Gordena blvd. at Manhattan pi Gardena. Phono ME 4-1064. Sun day school, 9:15 a.m. Service, 1 a.m. We will have us our gucs speaker this morning, the H.-V.T end Wlnfiel|) K. NaKley'of I-.H An gelcs. Young People's meeting, 6:3 p.m. Westminster Fellowship. ASSEMBLY OF QOD Paul H Sunday school, 9:10 a.m. Serv Ices, 10:46 a.m. and 7:30 D.m. Young people, 6:16 p.m. Wed.. 7:30 NAZARENE CHURCH W. A. Penner. pastor, 1G01 W. Carson at Sun. school 9:46 o-m. Superintend- ent. Miss Agnes Foster. Service, 11 a.m. and 7:30 p.m. Young People's meeting 0:30 p.m. Thurinan Scrog- glU3, president. MI.Hslonury pruyci mcutlnir, Wednesday. 7:30 p.m. TO PUBLISH NOTICE OF TAX-DEEDED PROPERTY TO SELL Under a plan sponsored by Supervisor Raymond V. Darby and adopted by the Board of Supervisors last spring, future sales of tax delinquent parcels are to be made without first laving received specific applica ions for sale of such property. The Board of Supervisors, on motion of Supervisor Darby, re- cently authorized publication of notice of intention to sell Jax- leeded property involving some 1,280 parcels which will be the first sales made under the new >lan. The minimum prices on these properties have been fixed according to the latest available assessed valuation but in no event for less than JBO. . MOONLIGHT EXCURSIONS 'SAT., SUN. & HOLIDAYS STARTING 8 P.M. Special Charter Trips by Reservation SIGHTSEEING HARBOR BOAT EXCURSIONS . ONE-HOUR RIDE Boat* leaving on the hour from noon to 5:00 p. m. daily on tho half hour from 11:00 a. m. on Saturdays, Sundays and Holidays. PLEASURE CRAFT CO. SMALL CRAFT DIVISION CABRIIXO REACH For Information and Reservation! ' Phone TE 2-5356 or TE 2-S357 Row. Boats. Kyiki, Fiihlng Pol.i, Umbr.llap for Rent. SUPERVISORS TAKE The Board of Supervisors re- cently took action towards co- ordinating the medical services furnished by the various insti- tutions under the Department of Charities, by authorizing the ap- pointment of a medical director over all such institutions. The board authorized a salary of $12,000 annually for such posi- tion. » "Public Notices" RESOLUTION NO. 1786 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL. OF THE CITY OF TORRANCE APPROVING A PROPOSED CHARTER FOR THE CITY OF TORRANCE AND DIRECTING THAT OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK AND PLACED ON CIAL ELECTION TO BE HELD ON THE 20TH DAY OF AUGUST, 1946. WHEREAS, the City of Toi"- rance has been for many years and now is a city containing more than three thousand five hundred (3,600) inhabitants, as ascertained by the last 'preced- ing census taken under the au- thority of the Congress of the United Slates, and WHERE/ S, many citizens of the City of Torrance have re- quested the City Council to cause to be prepared and to be submitted to the .electorate of the said City of Torrance a pro- posed charter, and WHEREAS, pursuant to the provisions of Section 8 of Article XI of the Constitution* of the State of California, and amend- ments thereto, the City Council of the City of Torrance, being the legislative body thereof; oh its own motion has caused to be nle^fJ^-dr-TBrfahceTvFriTclr^a-- proposed charter is now on file in the office of the City Clerk "Proposed Charter of the City of Torrarice," and ' WHEREAS, a Special Election has been called by the City of Torrance for the 20th day of August, 1946, and WHEREAS, the City Council has determined that it is for the best interests, of. the citizens of the City of Torrance that said proposed charter should be sub- mitted to the voters of the City of Torrance at said Special Elcc lion, to be held on the 20th day of August, 1946. NOW THEREFORE, be it re- solved that said proposed char ter is hereby approved by th City Council for submission to the voters of the City of Tor ranee, and the same is hereby ordered to be filed with 1 the City Clerk of the City of,Torrane cause the same to be published in the Torranco Herald, a week ly newspaper printed, published and circulated in the City o Torrance, and to place same on the ballot" to be voted on by the people of the City of Torrance on the 20th day of August, 1946 all in accordance with Article XI Section 8 of the Constitution of the State of California, as amended. Introduced and adopted on this 1st day of July, 1946. (Signed) J. HUGHSHERFEY, JR Mayor of theXSty of Torrance ATTEST: . (Signed) A. H, BARTLETT City Clerk of the City of Torrance STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES )ss CITY OF TORRANCE ) I, A. H. Bartictt, City Clerk of the City of Torrance, California do hereby certify that the fore- going Resolution was introduced and adopted on the 1st day o] July, 1946, at an Adjourned Reg- ular Meeting of the City Council of the City of Torrance, by the following* roll calt vote: AYES: COUNCILMEN: Jack son, Powell, Tolson and Shcrfey. NOES: COUNCILMEN: None ABSENT: COUNCILMEN: Gil bert. (Signed) A. H. BARTLETT City Clerk of the City of Torrance July 4, 1946. PROPOSED CHARTER OF THE CITY OF TORRANCE We, the People of the City of Torrance, State of California, do ordain and establish this Char- ter as the fundamental law of said City under the Constitution of said State. ARTICLE I NAME OF CITY Section 1. Name. The munlcl- >al corporation now existing and cnown as the "City of Tor- rance," in Los Angeles County, California, shall remain and con- tinue to exist a body politic and corporate, as the present. In fact and in law, by the name of "City of Torrance," and by such name shall have perpetual suc- cession. ARTICLE II BOUNDARIES Section 1. Boundaries. The territory of the City shall be hat contained within Its present boundaries an now established, with the power and authority to change the same In the manner provided by law. ARTICLE HI SUCCESSION Section 1. RlghU and LUbUi- "Public Notices" Hes. The City of Torrance as successor in interest of the mu- nicipal corporation of the same name, heretofore created and ex- isting, shall own, hold, possess, use, lease, control and in every way succeed to and become the owner of rights and of property of every kind and nature by said existing municipal corporation, owned, controlled; possessed or claimed, and shall be subject to all the debts, obligations, liabili- ties, and duties of said existing corporation. Section 2. Ordinances Continue In Force. All ordinances, resolu- tions and other regulations, or portions thereof, in force at the date this Charter takes effect Charter, shall be and remain in force after this Charter takes of- proper authority. ARTICLE IV POWERS OF CITY Section 1. The City shall have the power to make and enforce all laws and regulations in re- spect to municipal affairs, sub- ject only to such restrictions and limitations as may be pro- vided in this Charter, and in the Constitution of the State of Cali- fornia. It shall also have the power to exercise any and all rights, powers and privileges heretofore or hereafter estab- lished, granted or prescribed by afty law of Jhe State, by. this Charter, or by other lawful au- thority. The specifications in this Charter of any particular pow- ers shall not be held to be ex- clusive- of, or any limitations upon, this general grant of power. Tho city shall have the power to act pursuant to pro- cedure established by any law of cedui^is%'s1a !^rln^*Sy *8r>ff nance. ELECTIONS Section 1. General Municlpa Elections. General municipal elec tions shall be held in said City on the second Tuesday in Apri in each even numbered year. Section 2. ' Special Municlpa Elections. All other municipa elections that may be held by authority of this Charter or o any law, shall be known as special municipal elections. Section 2 A. Eligibility. No person shall be eligible to hole office as a member of the Boart of Education unless he shal have been a qualified elector o the School District for at leas one year next preceding th date of his election or appoint ment. Section 2. B. Presiding Officer On the Tuesday next succeeding any ejection at which a Board member is elected, the Board o Education shall meet and elec siding officer to serve at the pleasure of the Board. Section 3. First Board of Edu cation Election. A special mu nicipal election shall be held for :he election of the first mem 3ers of the Board of Education under this Charter, on the tenth Tuesday following the approva of this Charter by the Legis ature. Section 4. Procedure for Hold ng Elections. All elections shall be held In the manner pro scribed in the Elections Code ol he State of California for the lolding of elections in cities ol he sixth class, so far as the same may be applicable and ex- cepting as herein otherwise pro- vided. No person shall be en- itled to vote in any such elec- ion unless he shall be a quali- fied elector of said city or school district. The City Council may >y ordinance provide a proce- dure for the holding of City elections, in which event such procedure shall prevail over the irovisions of the said Elections 2ode. Section 5. Initiative, Referen- dum and Recall. '.The provisions of the Elections Code of the Jtate of California governing the initiative and referendum shall apply to the use of the initla- Ive and referendum in said City n so far as the same may 'be applicable and except as herein otherwise provided. All elective officers of said City shall be subject to recall In the manner >rovided in the said Elections Code of the State of California relating to recall of municipal officers in so far as the same may be applicable and except as herein otherwise provided. ARTICLE VI ELECTIVE OFFICERS Section 1. Elective Officers. The elective officers of the City shall be five members of the Council, five members of the Board of Education, the City Clerk and the City Treasurer. Section 2. Terms. The elective officers of the City shall be elected from the City at .large and shall hold office for a term f four years from and after the 'uesday next succeeding the ay of such election and until iclr successors are elected and qualified. Section 3. First General Muni- cipal Election. At the first gen- eral municipal election held un- er this Charter only those of(l- es shall be filled whose incum- "P'ublic Notices" bents have fulfilled the respec- tive terms of office for which they were elected prior to the adoption of this Charter am those officers whose terms have not expired shall continue to serve until the expiration thereof. Section 4. first Election of Members of the Board of Edu- cation. At tho special election at which the first members of the Board of Education arc elected, the two members receiving the highest number of votes for said office shall serve from and after the Tuesday nqxt succeeding the day of such election until the second Tuesday in April in 1950, and until their successors are elected and qualified, and the re- maining three highest shall .servo until the second Tuesday in cessors are elected and quali- fied. Section 5. Vacancies. Any va- cancies occurring in any of the elective offices provided for in this Charter, other than of mem- bers of the Board of Education, shall be filled by appointment by the City Council. Vacancies in the Board of Education jliall be filled by appointment by the Board of Education. In the event of the City Council or the Board of Education, respectively, failing to fill a vacancy by a] pointment within thirty days after such vacancy occurs, the City Council must immediately^ after the expiration of said thirty days, cause an election to be held to fill such vacancy. An person appointed or elected t fill any vacancy shall hold o ficc only until the next reg ular municipal election at whic Ijme a person shall be electee to serve for the remainder o such unexpired term. In th ^ "^KMit-Councilmen or mem bers <?r^r*»KSfce^as-^«caUon where full terms afi*^8rir?1bf' filled, no distinction shall b made in nomination or voting between the full terms an,d th unexpired terms, but the per son or persons elected by th highest number of votes shall b elected for the full terms o term and the persons receiving the next highest vote shall b elected for the unexpired term or term, as the case may be. Section 6.' Eligibility for Elec live Office. No person shall b eligible to hold any elective ft fice In this city unless he be a resident and elector therein and sha'l have resided in such City for at least one year next pre coding the date qf his election If an elective officer shall deas to pos-sess any ofcthe^auapCio: tions for office herefifset forth or shall be convicted of a crim shall resign, or be adjudged ai incompetent, his office shal: im med.ately become vacant. Ir case a member of the City Coun cil or Board of Education ab sents himself from all regular meetings of the body to which he shall belong, for a period o sixty days consecutively, from and after the last regular meet ing of such body attended by said m«mber, unless by the ex pressed permission of such body duly recorded in its official min utes, his office shall automa tically become vacant and the same shall be filled as in case of other vacancies. Section 7. Compensation. The members of the Board of Edu cation shall receive no compen sation for their services as such The members of the City Coun cil shall receive such compen sation as may have been, 01 may hereafter be approved by the majority vote of the elec tors voting at any special or general municipal election anc in addition thereto, shall receive their actual and necessary ex penses while engaged on city business at the direction of the City Council. Any change in compensation approved at any such election, shall commence at the beginning of the term of office of all members of the City Council who take office subse- quent to the canvassing of the returns of any such election The compensation of any mem- ber of the City Council ap- Minted or elected to fill a vacancy shall be the same as that payable to such member whose office was vacated. No change in compensation shall ap- ply to any member of the City Council during his term of of- fice. The City Clerk and City Treas- urer shall severally receive, at stated times, a compensation to >e fixed by ordinance adopted by the City Council; which com- pensation shall not be increased or diminished after their election or during their respective terms of office. Section 8. Election An To Mak- ing Clerk or Treasurer Appoin- tive Office*. The City Council may submit to the electors at any special or general munlcl- >al election, the question as to whether the City Clerk or City Treasurer, or either of them, shall be appointed by the City Council instead of being elected, as provided in this Charter. If a majority of votes cast on any such proposition arc In favor of he appointment of such offic- ers or either of them, Hum at "Public Notices" - the expiration of any such of ficial's terms of office, or on the occurrence of a vacancy In such office, such office shall be filled by appointment by the City Council and tho appointee shall hold office in tho snme mannei as other appointive officers. ARTICLE VII CIVIL SERVICE APPOINTIVE OFFICERS ANI* EMPLOYEES Section 1. Civil Service System- All appointments and promo tions in the classified service ol the City shall be made accord- ing to merit and fitness, to be ascertained, so far as practica The Civil Service system hereto fore adopted by ordinance of the full force and effect unless amended, modified, enlarged or extended by ordinance adoptee by the City Council or by amend mcnt to the rules and rogula tions heretofore adopted by sale City Council pursuant to th< provisions* of said ordinance The City Council shall not have the authority to withdraw, anj departments, appointive officer; or employees from tho oporatior of such system, cither by out right repeal of the Civil Service Ordinance or otherwise, nrrles! and until the withdrawal thereol shall have been submitted-- t( the qualified electors of_ sale City at a regular or spccla municipal election hold in sale City and shall have been ap proved by not loss than a two thirds vote of the electors vot ing at such election. Section 2. Political Activity o Those Under System. No persor in the classified service pf.-thl City "shall seek or accept elec * lion, nomination or appointment as an officer of a political. club ^^e^^ss^-^^ks^L^, campaign or serve as a mcmbe of a committee of such club,' 01 ganlzation or circle, or seck'sig natures to any petition or act a; a worker at the polls, -or. dls tribute badges, pamphlets,- doc gers or handbills of any 'Kind favoring or opposing any car didatc for election, or for norr inatiofi to a public office or fo nomination to a county or mi nicipal public office; providee however, that nothing in thi Act shall be construed to pre vent any such officer Or- en ployee from becoming or con tinuing to bo a member of political group or organizatior or from attendance at a politics mooting, or from enjoying entii freedom from all interference i casting his voto or from seekin or accepting election or appoin ' Any wilful violation hereof, o violation through culpable negli genco shall be sufficient ground; officer or employee. Section 3. Appointive Officers Appointive officers of the Cit shall bo, a City Judge, a Cit Attorney, a City Engineer, Street Superintendent, a Par Superintendent, a Transportatio Superintendent, a Chief of Po ice, a Chief of the Fire Depart ment, a Building Inspector. Th 2lty Council may also provld by ordinance for such addition: appointivo boards, commission! officers, assistants,- deputies an employees as it .deems necei sary. Tho Council may also pre vide for the holding by one; pel son, of several offices, providin that such offices arc not li compatible with one another. The City Council shall hav the power of appointment of a appointive officers, with the ej coption of such deputies ' as i may provide for in the office e the City Clerk and City Treas urer, as to which deputies th loads of the respective dopar mcnts shall have the power o ftppointmerit. Section 4. Compensation. A| mlntive Officer.!* and Employed Compensation of all appointiv officers and employees of th City, othor than those sorvln gratuitously, shall be fixed o changed by the City Council. N officer or employee shall hjTjial by the City any fee or umoh mcnt In addition to, or aSVc a embraced in, tho salary or con fcnsation fixed by tho Counci md all fees received by sue officer or employee for tho pe formance of any of his officir uties shall be. paid by him il.t tho City Treasury. ARTICLE VIII GENERAL I'KOVISIOSST. APPLICABLE TO OFFICERS AND KMl'IXniCKS Section 1. Official Buntlx. Th City Clerk and tho City Treas urer and such other officers o employees as may bo require o do so by ordinance of th City Council, shall each exccut a bond to the City for the faltt ul performance of official di es ; which bonds shall be . I 10 amount fixed by 'the Cit Council. Said bonds shall be 8] Droved by tho City Council an with tho exception of the bon of the City Clerk, shall be fll* with tho Cltv Clerk. The bon of tho ritv Clerk shall be f»A with tho Mayor. Premiums>upo said bonds shall be paid by th City out of 1U) general luill AI' tho provisions of any lai

Transcript of Cont. Show Thura. Frmn 2 P.M. AND Nl.NDAV, MONDAY, …...CENTRAL EVANGELICAL COM MUNITY CHURCH...

Page 1: Cont. Show Thura. Frmn 2 P.M. AND Nl.NDAV, MONDAY, …...CENTRAL EVANGELICAL COM MUNITY CHURCH Arlington nt Murcellna avc. H. Wcsloy ifoloff, A.D., M.TIi., minister. Flione Tor- rnneo

CENTRAL EVANGELICAL COM­ MUNITY CHURCH Arlington nt Murcellna avc. H. Wcsloy ifoloff, A.D., M.TIi., minister. Flione Tor- rnneo 191. Church of Youth nt 0:30. Topic': "Tno T.orrt's Huppcr." Hen-Ice, 11:00' .1. m. "Hmiroos of I'owm-." T'IO Hncrnment of Holy (tininiunlnn will, lin observed at liotli Hnrvlco*. Thcro will lin no uvunliiK servlco this Sunday. Illble study nnd prayer hour on Wednrs- elny at 7:00. Tli« rholr will rp- Ili-nrsi- on Wcdnusilny nt 8:05 In iho pRrmin.'iico. Thu Summer AB- si-rnlily of tho Evangelical church of the California Conference opnns auly 12 nnd continue* throuKh July 18 at the Pacific I'allsadefl Confer-



1 FrIUiij I'nnli Nhow from 0 p.m.1 JOEL McCREA and 1 SONNY TUFTS in


"Black Market Babies"

HTN. - MON. - TL'KH.



"The Spider"M-:*T. WKKK

"From This Day ~ Forward" - AND

"Johnny Comes* a.;̂ *^***!£!S J SR!' ?Ttfcyi •* ' * . ^rimMi j

J1*ORRANCTr^ t- J t»S»;^(ia:> ^11






PRESTON FOSTER in"American Empire"


Shows' '*



"Meet Me on Broadway"


FOLLIES OF 1946""Bla7k*Ma"rIet





CLMNOTICE: Copy for Church No


Miles Northrup. pastor; Carson nnd Martlna sis. Tel. 148. Sunday Hchool 9:110 Harry Hllller, Knncral suporlntendent. Service. 10:50 a.m. "All Thlnun arc Now Heady," Music by choir, directed hy Mrs. Dorothy Severln. Service. 7:30 p.m. "Clod's Abundant Par­ don." This l.i special music night. Vounir People's meeting. 8:30 p.m. Children and adult*; six groups for all nites. Weilncsday. 7:30 p.m., old-fashioned prayer meeting, ten-tlmony and praise.

CHURCH OF CHRIST Torrance Men's Bible Class bids. 1119 Crav-

Uter. Bun. school, 9:46 a.m. For all ages. Service, 10:46 a.m. and 7:80 p.m. Young People, 0:10 p.m. DIs- cusslanal groups for young people ana adults. Tues. evening, 7:80 Prayer meeting and Scripture study.


rnsa ^uro PARK

WKI>. TO NAT., Jin.v s, 4, li. oCont. Show Thura. Frmn 2 P.M.

<lrn« Tlcnu'r Vlnrrnl I'rl.-r-


/.nrlmrj Nratt Jumrr. Fain*

"Her Kind of Man"

Nl.NDAV, MONDAY, TI'KNI>AV Jl l.V 7, s, 9

'•' Pnulrllr Vlo.tilir.l~ liuTTlillW.1 ""KITTY"M-UIIsm Onrit.n Nwirj- KHIj

"Follow That Woman"

Oomlni HXI.. Julr 10, 11, li. 13


"The Dark Corner"

Wbrice*:ict* cannot be accepted drier Tuesday.f SAINT ANDREWS CHURCH Protestant Episcopal. Engracla, be­ tween Arlington and Manual. Rec­ tor, The Rev. Paul Moore Wheeler, Phone HO. Sun. services. 9:10 a.m., Junior church and school: nursery dept through senior high. 11 a-m., morning service and sermon. «:80 p.m.. YOUD* Churchmen's League. 1st and 3rd Sundays. 8 a.m.. Holy communion, 2nd Sun. Other serv­ ices 2nd and 4th Thurs.. 10 a.m., Holy Communion. Holy days as

yon.. 7:30 p.m., Vestry; 2nd and 4th Wed., 8 P.m., St. Cccllla's

p.m., Woman's Auxiliary: Last Thurs., 8 p.m.. Altar Guild; 2nd Frl., 7:80 p.m., Qardena Episcopal Guild. St Andrew's Church spon­ sors Boy Scout Troop No. 241. Cub Pack No. 241, Girl Scout Troops No. <18 and No. 74.

FIRST CHURCH 'OF CHRIST SCIENTIST 212 218th nt. and Munuel live. Sunday morning serv­ ices at 11 . Sunday school, 9:30 a.m. Wednesday avenlifa mci-llni?, S p.m. Ilraullnit room at 1750 Ma-

wnek day.

FIRST CHRISTIAN CHURCH- 1414 Engracla ave., at Arlington. Ronald J. Menmulr, M.A. B.D., pastor; Burdette I. Brlmley. choir director. Bun. school. 9: SO o-m. Service, 10MO a.m. and 7- p.m.

CATHOLIC CHURCH OF THE NATIVITY Engracla and Manuel aves., Rev Fr. Patrick J. McOuln- ness, pastor. Tel. 382. Masses Sun­ days: 1. 8:10 and 11 a.m. Muses Holy days: 6 and 8 o,ra. Week day

Sacred Heart Wed.. 7:10 p.m. De­ votions to Sacred Heart, First Prl, 8 o,m. Classes for converts. Moo evening, 7 to 1 p.m.; Wed. even. -Ing, after services. Confessions'.

eves of Holy days and First Frl days, same time. Catechism classes: Wed. at 1 p.m.; Sat at

at 4:10 p.m. Choir reheaiaal, Mon. at 7:10 p.m. Altar Society meet Inn, last Wed. of month, 8:1 p.m. _

p.m. Friday. Bible study, Tralnln classes, 7:80 p.m. Prayer service each day except Bat. at 1:16 p.m.

FIRST LUTHERAN CHURCH Acacia and Sonoma aves. Phon .91. VTank D. Mechllng. pastor Sunday School, 9:30 n_m. Service, 10:45 a.m. Topic: Sermon by th Rev. J. E. A. Doermann, Bell. Call





Comics Funny Men STARRING


Joe DeRita Harry Rose and DON CARPER'S ORCHESTRA


1930 S. Pacific Ave. . San Pedro

:. Kalbfleisch

unces removal, of his

law ofiicc


308 Sartori Ave.

>ver El Prado Furniture Col) ~

Phone 511 -J

KEYSTONE ASSEMBLY OFQOD Rev. Chorlolte Shook, 4JB W. 220th St.. Torrance. Sunday school, 9:45 a.m. Services 11 a.m. and 8 p.m. Christ Ambassadors service Sunday, 7 p.m. Wednesday and Friday at 8 p.m.. prayer meet­ ing, testimonies and short sermon. Monday through Friday, prayer ser­ vice from 10 a.m. to 11 a-tn. All ore Invited.

METHODIST CHURCH Rev. Clyde E. Ruckman, pastor. El Pra­ do at Manuel ave. Sun. school. >:4S a.m. I. W. Ooss, Supt. Service. 11 n.m. "Christ and Popular Govern­ ment." young People's mcetlntt, 7:00 p.m. All young people arc In­ vited for worship and .study. Con­ ference laboratory school, Sunday through Saturday, at North l.onn Heach McthodlHt chtirrh. Kor all teachers and workers In the chil­ dren's division. Wednesday, 7:30 p. m., meeting of the official l-oanl at the church. Thursday. 11:00 n. in., general meeting' of the W.S.C.H.7:30 p.m., the . choir meets at Hie church for hehearsnl.


op. Raymond A. Larson. Ameri­ can Legion hall, 186th .and Nor- mandle, Gardena. Hun, 10 a_m.. Sunday school, Relief Society and priesthood. Sun.. 8:80 p.m.. Sacra­ ment meeting. Wed., 7:20 p.m., mutual. Sat. 10:80 o.m.. primary.

MEN'S BIBLE CLASS Meets at 7:30 Thursday evening In their hall opposite public library on Cravens ave. All men welcome. Rev. Reynolds. Hermosa Beach, preaching.

FOURSQUARE 'CHURCH Rev.and Mrs. Arthur Pedersen. pastors, 1207 El Prado. Phone 1163. Sun. school. 9:45 a.m. Service 11 a. m. "If Thou Wilt he Perfect." Service, 7:30 ii m. Great Kvnnm'llHtlr serv­ ice. C.o<Hl mimic and singing. -Young- Peoplo'u- meeting, 6:30.p.m.. Wednesday. 7:30. Hlblo Ktuily and prayer. Friday, 7:30, YnunK Ii-o- plo'8 Evangelistic service.

COMMUNITY PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev. J. B. Orr. 2154 246th st. Lomita. Phone 1172-W. Sunday school 9:46 a-m. Five de­ partments with clasee.1 lor all ages. Morning- worship. 11:00 o'clock. "Christ the Mediator." Service 7:30 p.m. "Thoughts on tlie Church. "

cftnrtpV-TdPnrFTtK%T--rw3*Wn«*r Ing. Wcdncsilay evening nt 7:30. Vacation church school continues for one more week. Children froi

school age are welcome. Rllil study, songs, stories, worship, serv ice projects and usefuj crafts ar all a part of thn program. Com

In charge.

FIRST FUNDAMENTAL' BAP TIST CHURCH Walter /H. Wag: ner, pastor, Park and Newton st&. Walterla. Sun. School, 9:46 a.m Morning service, 11:00 a.m. E-/en Ing net-vice. 7:30 D.m. foung- Peo pie's Meeting. Thurs. 7:30 D.m.

Rev. S. Martin Eldsath. pastor Gordena blvd. at Manhattan pi Gardena. Phono ME 4-1064. Sun day school, 9:15 a.m. Service, 1 a.m. We will have us our gucs speaker this morning, the H.-V.T end Wlnfiel|) K. NaKley'of I-.H An gelcs. Young People's meeting, 6:3 p.m. Westminster Fellowship.


Sunday school, 9:10 a.m. Serv Ices, 10:46 a.m. and 7:30 D.m. Young people, 6:16 p.m. Wed.. 7:30

NAZARENE CHURCH W. A.Penner. pastor, 1G01 W. Carson at Sun. school 9:46 o-m. Superintend­ ent. Miss Agnes Foster. Service, 11 a.m. and 7:30 p.m. Young People's meeting 0:30 p.m. Thurinan Scrog- glU3, president. MI.Hslonury pruyci mcutlnir, Wednesday. 7:30 p.m.


Under a plan sponsored by Supervisor Raymond V. Darby and adopted by the Board of Supervisors last spring, future sales of tax delinquent parcels are to be made without first laving received specific applica ions for sale of such property.

The Board of Supervisors, on motion of Supervisor Darby, re­ cently authorized publication of notice of intention to sell Jax- leeded property involving some

1,280 parcels which will be the first sales made under the new >lan. The minimum prices on

these properties have been fixed according to the latest available assessed valuation but in no event for less than JBO.




Special Charter Trips by ReservationSIGHTSEEING


. ONE-HOUR RIDEBoat* leaving on the hour from noon to 5:00 p. m. daily on tho half hour from 11:00 a. m. on Saturdays, Sundays and Holidays.




For Information and Reservation! '

Phone TE 2-5356 or TE 2-S357Row. Boats. Kyiki, Fiihlng Pol.i, Umbr.llap for Rent.

SUPERVISORS TAKEThe Board of Supervisors re­

cently took action towards co­ ordinating the medical services furnished by the various insti­ tutions under the Department of Charities, by authorizing the ap­ pointment of a medical director over all such institutions. The board authorized a salary of $12,000 annually for such posi­ tion. »

"Public Notices"RESOLUTION NO. 1786



rance has been for many years and now is a city containing more than three thousand five hundred (3,600) inhabitants, as ascertained by the last 'preced­ ing census taken under the au­ thority of the Congress of the United Slates, and

WHERE/ S, many citizens of the City of Torrance have re­ quested the City Council to cause to be prepared and to be submitted to the .electorate of the said City of Torrance a pro­ posed charter, and

WHEREAS, pursuant to the provisions of Section 8 of Article XI of the Constitution* of the State of California, and amend­ ments thereto, the City Council of the City of Torrance, being the legislative body thereof; oh its own motion has caused to be

nle^fJ^-dr-TBrfahceTvFriTclr^a-- proposed charter is now on file in the office of the City Clerk

"Proposed Charter of the City of Torrarice," and '

WHEREAS, a Special Election has been called by the City of Torrance for the 20th day of August, 1946, and

WHEREAS, the City Council has determined that it is for the best interests, of. the citizens of the City of Torrance that said proposed charter should be sub­ mitted to the voters of the City of Torrance at said Special Elcc lion, to be held on the 20th day of August, 1946.

NOW THEREFORE, be it re­ solved that said proposed char ter is hereby approved by th City Council for submission to the voters of the City of Tor ranee, and the same is hereby ordered to be filed with1 the City Clerk of the City of,Torrane

cause the same to be published in the Torranco Herald, a week ly newspaper printed, publishedand circulated in the City o Torrance, and to place same on the ballot" to be voted on by the people of the City of Torrance on the 20th day of August, 1946 all in accordance with Article XI Section 8 of the Constitution of the State of California, as amended.

Introduced and adopted on this 1st day of July, 1946. (Signed) J. HUGHSHERFEY, JR Mayor of theXSty of Torrance


City Clerk of the City of Torrance


I, A. H. Bartictt, City Clerk of the City of Torrance, California do hereby certify that the fore­ going Resolution was introduced and adopted on the 1st day o] July, 1946, at an Adjourned Reg­ ular Meeting of the City Council of the City of Torrance, by the following* roll calt vote:

AYES: COUNCILMEN: Jack son, Powell, Tolson and Shcrfey.


bert. (Signed) A. H. BARTLETT

City Clerk of the City of Torrance

July 4, 1946.


We, the People of the City of Torrance, State of California, do ordain and establish this Char­ ter as the fundamental law of said City under the Constitution of said State.


Section 1. Name. The munlcl- >al corporation now existing and cnown as the "City of Tor­ rance," in Los Angeles County, California, shall remain and con­ tinue to exist a body politic and corporate, as the present. In fact and in law, by the name of "City of Torrance," and by such name shall have perpetual suc­ cession.


Section 1. Boundaries. The territory of the City shall be hat contained within Its present

boundaries an now established, with the power and authority to change the same In the manner provided by law.


Section 1. RlghU and LUbUi-

"Public Notices"

Hes. The City of Torrance as successor in interest of the mu­ nicipal corporation of the same name, heretofore created and ex­ isting, shall own, hold, possess, use, lease, control and in every way succeed to and become the owner of rights and of property of every kind and nature by said existing municipal corporation, owned, controlled; possessed or claimed, and shall be subject to all the debts, obligations, liabili­ ties, and duties of said existing corporation.

Section 2. Ordinances Continue In Force. All ordinances, resolu­ tions and other regulations, or portions thereof, in force at the date this Charter takes effect

Charter, shall be and remain in force after this Charter takes of-

proper authority.


Section 1. The City shall have the power to make and enforceall laws and regulations in re­ spect to municipal affairs, sub­ ject only to such restrictions and limitations as may be pro­ vided in this Charter, and in the Constitution of the State of Cali­ fornia. It shall also have the power to exercise any and all rights, powers and privileges heretofore or hereafter estab­ lished, granted or prescribed by afty law of Jhe State, by. this Charter, or by other lawful au­ thority. The specifications in this Charter of any particular pow­ ers shall not be held to be ex­ clusive- of, or any limitations upon, this general grant of power. Tho city shall have the power to act pursuant to pro­ cedure established by any law of

cedui^is%'s1a!^rln^*Sy*8r>ff nance.

ELECTIONSSection 1. General Municlpa

Elections. General municipal elec tions shall be held in said City on the second Tuesday in Apri in each even numbered year.

Section 2. ' Special Municlpa Elections. All other municipa elections that may be held by authority of this Charter or o any law, shall be known as special municipal elections.

Section 2 A. Eligibility. No person shall be eligible to hole office as a member of the Boart of Education unless he shal have been a qualified elector o the School District for at leas one year next preceding th date of his election or appoint ment.

Section 2. B. Presiding Officer On the Tuesday next succeedingany ejection at which a Board member is elected, the Board o Education shall meet and elec

siding officer to serve at the pleasure of the Board.

Section 3. First Board of Edu cation Election. A special mu nicipal election shall be held for :he election of the first mem 3ers of the Board of Education under this Charter, on the tenth Tuesday following the approva of this Charter by the Legis ature.

Section 4. Procedure for Hold ng Elections. All elections shall

be held In the manner pro scribed in the Elections Code ol he State of California for the lolding of elections in cities ol he sixth class, so far as the same may be applicable and ex­ cepting as herein otherwise pro­ vided. No person shall be en- itled to vote in any such elec- ion unless he shall be a quali­

fied elector of said city or school district. The City Council may >y ordinance provide a proce­ dure for the holding of City elections, in which event such procedure shall prevail over the irovisions of the said Elections 2ode.

Section 5. Initiative, Referen­ dum and Recall. '.The provisions of the Elections Code of the Jtate of California governing the initiative and referendum shall apply to the use of the initla- Ive and referendum in said City n so far as the same may 'be

applicable and except as herein otherwise provided. All elective officers of said City shall be subject to recall In the manner >rovided in the said Elections

Code of the State of California relating to recall of municipal officers in so far as the same may be applicable and except as herein otherwise provided.


Section 1. Elective Officers.The elective officers of the City shall be five members of the Council, five members of the Board of Education, the City Clerk and the City Treasurer.

Section 2. Terms. The elective officers of the City shall be elected from the City at .large and shall hold office for a term

f four years from and after the 'uesday next succeeding the ay of such election and until iclr successors are elected and

qualified. Section 3. First General Muni­

cipal Election. At the first gen­ eral municipal election held un- er this Charter only those of(l- es shall be filled whose incum-

"P'ublic Notices"

bents have fulfilled the respec­ tive terms of office for which they were elected prior to the adoption of this Charter am those officers whose terms have not expired shall continue to serve until the expiration thereof.

Section 4. first Election of Members of the Board of Edu­ cation. At tho special election at which the first members of the Board of Education arc elected, the two members receiving the highest number of votes for said office shall serve from and after the Tuesday nqxt succeeding the day of such election until the second Tuesday in April in 1950, and until their successors areelected and qualified, and the re­ maining three highest shall .servo until the second Tuesday in

cessors are elected and quali­ fied.

Section 5. Vacancies. Any va­ cancies occurring in any of the elective offices provided for in this Charter, other than of mem­ bers of the Board of Education, shall be filled by appointment by the City Council. Vacancies in the Board of Education jliall be filled by appointment by the Board of Education. In the event of the City Council or the Board of Education, respectively, failing to fill a vacancy by a] pointment within thirty days after such vacancy occurs, the City Council must immediately^ after the expiration of said thirty days, cause an election to be held to fill such vacancy. An person appointed or elected t fill any vacancy shall hold o ficc only until the next reg ular municipal election at whic Ijme a person shall be electee to serve for the remainder o such unexpired term. In th^ "^KMit-Councilmen or members <?r^r*»KSfce^as-^«caUon where full terms afi*^8rir?1bf'

filled, no distinction shall b made in nomination or voting between the full terms an,d th unexpired terms, but the per son or persons elected by th highest number of votes shall b elected for the full terms o term and the persons receiving the next highest vote shall b elected for the unexpired term or term, as the case may be.

Section 6.' Eligibility for Elec live Office. No person shall b eligible to hold any elective ft fice In this city unless he be a resident and elector therein and sha'l have resided in such City for at least one year next pre coding the date qf his election If an elective officer shall deas to pos-sess any ofcthe^auapCio: tions for office herefifset forth or shall be convicted of a crim

shall resign, or be adjudged ai incompetent, his office shal: im med.ately become vacant. Ircase a member of the City Coun cil or Board of Education ab sents himself from all regular meetings of the body to which he shall belong, for a period o sixty days consecutively, from and after the last regular meet ing of such body attended by said m«mber, unless by the ex pressed permission of such body duly recorded in its official min utes, his office shall automa tically become vacant and the same shall be filled as in case of other vacancies.

Section 7. Compensation. The members of the Board of Edu cation shall receive no compen sation for their services as such The members of the City Coun cil shall receive such compen sation as may have been, 01 may hereafter be approved by the majority vote of the elec tors voting at any special or general municipal election anc in addition thereto, shall receive their actual and necessary ex penses while engaged on city business at the direction of the City Council. Any change in compensation approved at any such election, shall commence at the beginning of the term of office of all members of the City Council who take office subse­ quent to the canvassing of the returns of any such election The compensation of any mem­ ber of the City Council ap- Minted or elected to fill a vacancy shall be the same as that payable to such member whose office was vacated. No change in compensation shall ap­ ply to any member of the City Council during his term of of­ fice.

The City Clerk and City Treas­ urer shall severally receive, at stated times, a compensation to >e fixed by ordinance adopted by the City Council; which com­ pensation shall not be increased or diminished after their election or during their respective terms of office.

Section 8. Election An To Mak­ ing Clerk or Treasurer Appoin­ tive Office*. The City Council may submit to the electors at any special or general munlcl- >al election, the question as to whether the City Clerk or City Treasurer, or either of them, shall be appointed by the City Council instead of being elected, as provided in this Charter. If a majority of votes cast on any such proposition arc In favor of

he appointment of such offic­ ers or either of them, Hum at

"Public Notices" -

the expiration of any such of ficial's terms of office, or on the occurrence of a vacancy In such office, such office shall be filled by appointment by the City Council and tho appointee shall hold office in tho snme mannei as other appointive officers.



Section 1. Civil Service System- All appointments and promo tions in the classified service ol the City shall be made accord­ ing to merit and fitness, to be ascertained, so far as practica

The Civil Service system hereto fore adopted by ordinance of the

full force and effect unless amended, modified, enlarged or extended by ordinance adoptee by the City Council or by amend mcnt to the rules and rogula tions heretofore adopted by sale City Council pursuant to th< provisions* of said ordinance The City Council shall not have the authority to withdraw, anj departments, appointive officer; or employees from tho oporatior of such system, cither by out right repeal of the Civil Service Ordinance or otherwise, nrrles! and until the withdrawal thereol shall have been submitted-- t( the qualified electors of_ sale City at a regular or spccla municipal election hold in sale City and shall have been ap proved by not loss than a two thirds vote of the electors vot ing at such election.

Section 2. Political Activity o Those Under System. No persor in the classified service pf.-thl City "shall seek or accept elec


lion, nomination or appointment as an officer of a political. club^^e^^ss^-^^ks^L^,campaign or serve as a mcmbe of a committee of such club,' 01 ganlzation or circle, or seck'sig natures to any petition or act a; a worker at the polls, -or. dls tribute badges, pamphlets,- doc gers or handbills of any 'Kind favoring or opposing any car didatc for election, or for norr inatiofi to a public office or fo nomination to a county or mi nicipal public office; providee however, that nothing in thi Act shall be construed to pre vent any such officer Or- en ployee from becoming or con tinuing to bo a member of political group or organizatior or from attendance at a politics mooting, or from enjoying entii freedom from all interference i casting his voto or from seekin or accepting election or appoin


Any wilful violation hereof, o violation through culpable negli genco shall be sufficient ground;

officer or employee. Section 3. Appointive Officers

Appointive officers of the Cit shall bo, a City Judge, a Cit Attorney, a City Engineer, Street Superintendent, a Par Superintendent, a Transportatio Superintendent, a Chief of Po ice, a Chief of the Fire Depart ment, a Building Inspector. Th 2lty Council may also provld by ordinance for such addition: appointivo boards, commission! officers, assistants,- deputies an employees as it .deems necei sary. Tho Council may also pre vide for the holding by one; pel son, of several offices, providin that such offices arc not li compatible with one another.

The City Council shall hav the power of appointment of a appointive officers, with the ej coption of such deputies ' as i may provide for in the office e the City Clerk and City Treas urer, as to which deputies th loads of the respective dopar

mcnts shall have the power o ftppointmerit.

Section 4. Compensation. A| mlntive Officer.!* and Employed Compensation of all appointiv

officers and employees of th City, othor than those sorvln gratuitously, shall be fixed o changed by the City Council. N officer or employee shall hjTjial by the City any fee or umoh mcnt In addition to, or aSVc a embraced in, tho salary or con fcnsation fixed by tho Counci md all fees received by sue officer or employee for tho pe formance of any of his officir

uties shall be. paid by him il.t tho City Treasury.



Section 1. Official Buntlx. Th City Clerk and tho City Treas urer and such other officers o employees as may bo require o do so by ordinance of th

City Council, shall each exccut a bond to the City for the faltt ul performance of official di es ; which bonds shall be . I 10 amount fixed by 'the Cit

Council. Said bonds shall be 8] Droved by tho City Council an with tho exception of the bon of the City Clerk, shall be fll* with tho Cltv Clerk. The bon of tho ritv Clerk shall be f»A with tho Mayor. Premiums>upo said bonds shall be paid by th City out of 1U) general luill AI' tho provisions of any lai