Consumer Behavior

Introduction In this project we will describe three of the factors that may influence consumer behavior and suggest ways in which marketers use this knowledge to make marketing decisions or attempt to influence. Why do we buy what we bay? Because we have to satisfy our needs and desires, so we buy things (food, clothes, furniture etc.). According to Maslow some of those satisfy our physiological needs, others may satisfy our self- esteem needs or accomplishment needs. And our decision to choose a specific brand from the variety of brand available on the market is influence by our individual characteristics such as perception, past experience and attitudes. Also consumers are influenced by their friends, family, or colleagues, and by social class, lifestyles and culture. Consider all of these; marketers develop strategies to influence consumer behavior to purchase their products. Main Body One of the factors that influence consumer behavior is the economic situation, this factor has a great influence on consumer decision. When you are thinking about buying something, price plays an important role in your decision process. For example if you have a low income and you need to buy a car you probably buy one that has a low fuel consumption like a Ford with a small engine not a Mercedes or Bentley. On the other hand if you have high income you would probably buy a Bentley or another prestige brand that confers you self-esteem. Most of the people analyses what to buy (and how much) to satisfy their basically needs. We consider many brands before we decide which to buy, taking in consideration: price, quantity, and quality. “A state of equilibrium is reached when all products and services acquired have the same utility in relation to their price and Andrei Robert Manole – Consumer Behavior & Marketing 1



Transcript of Consumer Behavior

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In this project we will describe three of the factors that may influence consumer behavior and suggest ways in which marketers use this knowledge to make marketing decisions or attempt to influence. Why do we buy what we bay? Because we have to satisfy our needs and desires, so we buy things (food, clothes, furniture etc.). According to Maslow some of those satisfy our physiological needs, others may satisfy our self-esteem needs or accomplishment needs. And our decision to choose a specific brand from the variety of brand available on the market is influence by our individual characteristics such as perception, past experience and attitudes. Also consumers are influenced by their friends, family, or colleagues, and by social class, lifestyles and culture. Consider all of these; marketers develop strategies to influence consumer behavior to purchase their products.

Main Body

One of the factors that influence consumer behavior is the economic situation, this factor has a great influence on consumer decision. When you are thinking about buying something, price plays an important role in your decision process. For example if you have a low income and you need to buy a car you probably buy one that has a low fuel consumption like a Ford with a small engine not a Mercedes or Bentley. On the other hand if you have high income you would probably buy a Bentley or another prestige brand that confers you self-esteem. Most of the people analyses what to buy (and how much) to satisfy their basically needs. We consider many brands before we decide which to buy, taking in consideration: price, quantity, and quality.

“A state of equilibrium is reached when all products and services acquired have the same utility in relation to their price and consumer, therefore, has no reason to favour the purchase of one product over other.” (Dubois, 2000)

Marketers are using this economic factor to make you purchase products that may seems cheaper and also they are using strategies that can make you buy more products that you wanted to buy. For example they use price quotes; like buy one get one free or buy two and get one free. Also you can have a loyalty card – helps you to spend less money on you groceries or electric supply’s. Tesco and Sainsbury’s use this technique to win their customers. Another way is to offer customers, when they purchase online free delivery for their products, let’s say if you spend more than 30 pounds for example you will get free delivery service. This way costumers are saving money (because you need to take the bus or you need to drive to the supermarket) and time.

Perception is also a factor that can influence consumer behavior. Perception is the process by which these stimuli are selected, organized and interpreted. We are bombarded by a symphony of colors, sounds and odours. Marketers certainly contribute to this commotion, advertisements, product packages, radio and television commercials that clamour for their attention. When we do make a decision to purchase, we are responding not only to these influences but to our interpretation of them. Sensations are absorbed by costumer and used to interpret the surrounding world. The five senses (sight, smell, sound,

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touch and taste) affect consumers. Marketers develop products and communications that appeal to the senses.

Colors are rich in symbolic value and cultural meanings. For example, the display of red, white and blue evokes feelings of patriotism for British people. Some color combinations come to be so strongly associated with a particular corporation that they become known as the company’s trade dress and the company may even be granted exclusive use of colors.

Music and sound are also important for marketers. Music creates desired moods and affects people’s feelings and behaviors. Music is played in stores, shopping centers and offices either to relax or stimulate costumers.

Touch has been shown to be a factor in sales interactions. People associate the textures of fabrics and others products with underlying product qualities. The perspective richness or quality of the material in clothing, bedding, or upholstery is linked to its ‘feel’ whether it is rough or smooth, soft or stiff. (Solomon et al. 2002)

Marketers try to retain this information that supports their beliefs. They use advertising to catch consumer attention. As a promotional strategy, advertising provides a major tool in creating product awareness and condition the mind of a potential consumer to take final purchase decision. As advertiser’s primary mission is to reach potential customers and influence their awareness, attitudes and buying behavior (Ayanwale et al., 2005 and Adelaar et al., 2003). In the ads you will have special effect, famous people, beautiful pictures, music etc. All of these may influence you to purchase that product you seen in commercials. For example if you are a fan of David Beckham and he is doing a commercial for some pairs of trainers from Nike you may buy it, because David Beckham has one of those.Also product packages may influence you with their shape and beautiful color contrasts. Or the description may influence you “Best Quality” or “More the 200 years of experience and tradition”, brand reputation.

Personal factors can also affect the consumer behavior.

- Age and life-cycle have potential impact on the consumer buying behavior. As we grow older, our need and preferences change, often in union with others who are close to our own age. Marketers often target products and services to one or more specific age class. They recognize that the same offering will not appeal to people of different ages, nor will the language and images they use to reach them.

- Occupation The occupation of a person has significant impact on his buying behavior. For example a lawyer will try to purchase more suits then a lower worker class.

- LifestyleLifestyle refers to the way a person lives in a society how he chose to spend his time and money. Costumers often choose products, services and activities over others

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because they associated with a certain lifestyle. A lifestyle don’t last forever, people tastes and preference evolve over time and each life time is unique.Because a goal of lifestyle marketing is to provide customers with opportunities to pursue their chosen ways to enjoy their lives and express their social identities a key aspect is to target the right costumer group (lifestyle may be considered as group identities). (Solomon et al. 2002)

- PersonalityPersonality changes from person to person, time to time and place to place. Personality is most often defined as the collection of an individual’s stable and coordinated actions to their environment. The fundamental hypothesis says that a person’s behavior, attitudes and opinions are influenced to some extent by a central and integrated ego. You are influence by your personality when you buy clothes. Everyone has a style, whether they think they do or not. (Dubois 2000)


The conclusion we draw from this project is that money has a very important role when comes to buy something but self-esteem is also important. The state of mind costumers have about their own personal situation, as well as their feelings about their overall economic prospect, helps to determine whether they will purchase goods and services, take on debt or save their money. Advertising is a powerful tool that can influence consumer awareness, attitudes and buying behavior. Personal factors like age, lifestyle, and occupation can also influence your preferences. Consider all of these; marketers develop strategies to influence consumer behavior to purchase their products.

Are many factors that can influence the consumer behavior from age and life-cycle to salary and consumer perception. Also there are many strategies that marketers can apply to influence and change consumer behavior.


1. Dubois, B (2000) Understanding the Costumer. Prentice Hall, London (chapter 1 & 4)2. Foxall, G. et al (1998) Consumer Psychology For Marketing 2nd Edition International

Thomson Business Press, London (Chapter 2 & 6)3. Solomon et al.(2002) Consumer Behavior a European Perspective. 2rd Prentice Hall,


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