Confidence Call 2then when you take the steps to consistently improve in those areas, you will in...

Confidence Call 2 Welcome everybody. You are here for our final call on “Your Path To Massive Confidence.” And I am Bill Baren. I am here to help you show up to your consultations as your most powerful, relaxed and unafraid self. So being confident in your business and especially in your enrollment situations is one of the best ways you can minimize anxiety and stress in your business. Because when you are confident in your business, in your consultations and with your clients, you feel a greater sense of freedom, and you feel like more doors of possibilities are open to you. Unshakable confidence also increases your ability to be more enrolling and allows you to be able to charge exactly what you want for your service and get it. In my experience, it is important to be looking at your business, at your enrollment with an eye on improving your confidence. Because when you do that and then you begin to notice where you currently lack confidence, and then when you take the steps to consistently improve in those areas, you will in time become incredibly successful with your consultations and in your business as a whole. And yet, that is a promise because when you notice where in your consultations you lack confidence and then you stay in the game by consistently making incremental improvements in that area, you will become more confident and you will be successful and become a client-generating machine. On the other hand, this is what I often witness. When you are not confident in your enrollment conversations, you begin to get down on yourself. You make up stories that you are somehow less than, you begin to believe that others are somehow better than you, and you do not schematically set out to improve because you have already psyched yourself out. This is the recipe for staying stuck. And it does not have to be that way. All we have to do is know what we can do to improve in our consultations and in our business and then we set out to incrementally improve in those areas. And I know I am making it sound simple and it is. Know what you can improve and simply improve it a tiny bit every week is a simple recipe for success in everything that you do. Well we all know that it is not easy to stay committed to improvement and it is not always easy to know what to improve. So I am going to help you break it all down for you this week and give you a few more practices and a visualization to get you firmly grounded on your path to more confident. So there are three major components that contribute to you being confident in your consultation. Number one: Your ability to follow the enrollment consultation formula. The very more comfortable you get at following each part of the formula; naturally the more confident you are going to get during your consultations. This is about practice and continued commitment to evaluating your performance after each of your consultations. Number Two: The second part of the confidence boosting formula is increasing your confidence in the results you deliver to your client. When you get better consistently, delivering results to

Transcript of Confidence Call 2then when you take the steps to consistently improve in those areas, you will in...

Page 1: Confidence Call 2then when you take the steps to consistently improve in those areas, you will in time become incredibly successful with your consultations and in your business as

Confidence Call 2

Welcome everybody. You are here for our final call on “Your Path To Massive Confidence.” And I am Bill Baren. I am here to help you show up to your consultations as your most powerful, relaxed and unafraid self. So being confident in your business and especially in your enrollment situations is one of the best ways you can minimize anxiety and stress in your business. Because when you are confident in your business, in your consultations and with your clients, you feel a greater sense of freedom, and you feel like more doors of possibilities are open to you. Unshakable confidence also increases your ability to be more enrolling and allows you to be able to charge exactly what you want for your service and get it. In my experience, it is important to be looking at your business, at your enrollment with an eye on improving your confidence. Because when you do that and then you begin to notice where you currently lack confidence, and then when you take the steps to consistently improve in those areas, you will in time become incredibly successful with your consultations and in your business as a whole. And yet, that is a promise because when you notice where in your consultations you lack confidence and then you stay in the game by consistently making incremental improvements in that area, you will become more confident and you will be successful and become a client-generating machine. On the other hand, this is what I often witness. When you are not confident in your enrollment conversations, you begin to get down on yourself. You make up stories that you are somehow less than, you begin to believe that others are somehow better than you, and you do not schematically set out to improve because you have already psyched yourself out. This is the recipe for staying stuck. And it does not have to be that way. All we have to do is know what we can do to improve in our consultations and in our business and then we set out to incrementally improve in those areas. And I know I am making it sound simple and it is. Know what you can improve and simply improve it a tiny bit every week is a simple recipe for success in everything that you do. Well we all know that it is not easy to stay committed to improvement and it is not always easy to know what to improve. So I am going to help you break it all down for you this week and give you a few more practices and a visualization to get you firmly grounded on your path to more confident. So there are three major components that contribute to you being confident in your consultation. Number one: Your ability to follow the enrollment consultation formula. The very more comfortable you get at following each part of the formula; naturally the more confident you are going to get during your consultations. This is about practice and continued commitment to evaluating your performance after each of your consultations. Number Two: The second part of the confidence boosting formula is increasing your confidence in the results you deliver to your client. When you get better consistently, delivering results to

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your clients, then you will be that much more confident when you are offering your service as a solution to your potential clients getting to where they want to go. And step three, is your energy management before and during the consultation. The more calm and collected and in this zone you feel, the more confident you will appear to your potential client. This is the being piece of the confidence booster puzzle. So I am going to address the second two on this call as we have already placed a great deal of attention on the enrollment consultation formula in this training. So one other thing I wanted to mention before we got into the material is that when I am talking about confident, I am not talking about being over confident to the point of cockiness. When I say confident, I mean someone who has the inner knowing that they can help someone. They do not need to prove it. They just know it and then their potential clients know it too. So I am going to give you one vital shift that you can make that will magically increase your confidence during your one on one consultations and it is all about that one magical word that starts with the letter R. What is the number one thing your clients want? They want this from working with you more than anything else. They want results. Your clients are not paying you to enjoy your service. They are not paying you to be delivered your service. They are investing in getting results. They want what they want and your function is to help them get it. Ultimately, without results of at least forward movement towards those results, your clients are not as satisfied as they can be and you are not as confident as you can be. If your work is merely interesting or enjoyable to your potential clients, your clients are going to only work with you for a short period of time, and they will not trumpet their results in how you have helped them get it to everyone they know. I know from experience that when you help your clients produce results they are incredibly appreciative. They give me great testimonials. They let everyone know how great working with me has been and I begin to own the power of what I do. This is an incredibly powerful cascading effect. My clients are happy with the results and I get more confidence that I can deliver those results. Then it becomes easier for you to be confidently outlining the results you delivered during the consultation that your potential clients are actually willing to pay for. Yeah, the better and more consistent results your clients get while working with you, the easier it becomes for you to be confident during your consultation. And that becomes much easier for you to be enrolling too. When you are able to powerfully communicate the results you offer, it is easier to get clients, you are able to charge more for your service, you will generate word of mouth; you will get amazing testimonials. Results are everything in your business. It is why your clients hire you and that is why they will continue to work with you over an extended period of time. And it really is the number one reason why people will say yes to your services during your consultation. At the end of the day if every single person knew beyond a shadow of a doubt that they will get to where they want to go with you, they would hire you. You would feel more confident. So, in fact, the entire enrolling consultations formula I have given you is designed to systematically show your potential clients the results they can have when they decide to work with you.

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So how does this relate to confidence? If you know for certain that your clients will get results, would not that you show confident and relax in your consultation? If you know that you have a system or method that consistently get results, would you not give, would that not give you a highly level of conviction? Would you not feel like yes, I can really serve this client and would that not show up in a consultation? Now, on the other hand, if you are having trouble communicating the results you provide, you will most likely have more uncertainty during the consultation process. Being results-oriented is a mindset. It means that you are committed to producing results in your business. It also means that you and your clients are essentially partners to produce results. And when your potential clients hire you, it is essentially an agreement to commit together to producing results that are measurable and as predictable as possible. When you begin to operate in your business and with your clients in a results-oriented manner, this is a gain changer for you. So I will give you an example to help bring the results-oriented mindset to life. What would happen if your entire business becomes about delivering one result that your ideal clients want and are willing invest into? So for me, my whole business is about helping you get all the clients you want. Everything I do with my clients is focused around this one ultimate result. So what is the number one thing your clients want that they are actually willing to invest into? What is the number one thing your clients want that they are actually willing to invest into? Every word of what I just said is important, including the word want. We are so good at knowing what our clients need but our clients are only willing to invest into what they want. So I will give you an example of what I mean. One of our amazing graduates of the Big Shift Coaching Program, Tanya, is an acupuncturist. People have all kinds of perceived notions of what acupuncture is. Some people do not even know what it is at all. So in the first month of the Big Shift Coaching Program, Tanya committed herself to a much more focused and more desirable ultimate result to significantly improve fertility in three to four months. Now that result is a lot more attractive than just acupuncture. Just like getting all the clients you want is more attractive than business coaching. So Tanya was getting warmer but still not there yet. Improving fertility is the midway point. Now when she committed to helping women get pregnant, now that is a result women want and are absolutely willing to pay for it. By the way, if that is you and you are a woman who is struggling to get pregnant and you see our sign here, “(___________) women get pregnant without expensive treatment and drugs”, you are rushing to talk to her. So you can see that when you are a powerful stand for delivering a desirable ultimate result, everything in your business changes. That is why I put so much emphasis on this in the Big Shift Coaching Program because it really is a difference maker in your business. So I just gave you one example of what you can do to become more results-oriented in your business. And there are ton more examples for you to explore. So the question is this: On a scale of one to ten, how confident are you that you can consistently deliver great results for your client? How confident are you, one to ten? Hopefully, every single person on this call is going to get something lower than a ten including me because there is always a way to improve. So I believe the sweet spot is somewhere between seven and nine, so how can you get there? So here are some questions that you can ask yourself. What can I do to become a better practitioner?

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What can I do to add additional value to what I do? What can I do to get even better at my profession? What can I do to bring attention of my clients to the results they are already getting? What skills do I need to improve upon to be even better with my service? What can I do to increase my commitment to mastery of my craft? I am just giving you a few of the questions to ask yourself. But the only way to truly evaluate is with total, yet gentle, honesty, which means if you are totally honest with yourself in evaluating your craft without beating yourself up, without comparing yourself to others, without thinking that you are somehow less than. So be honest with yourself as you answer these evaluating questions because remember your ability to enroll depends on your confidence level and your confidence level depends on you knowing that you have a proven record in being able to deliver results to your client. So if you are not at a good confidence level, it is vital that you get yourself in a situation paid or pro bono where you can collect evidence for yourself and for your potential clients that you can do it, that you can be successful with your clients, that you are successful with your clients. And it is vital for you to have that evidence that you can deliver those results. And your confidence level will rise and your ability to enroll will improve when you have the evidence that you can produce results for your clients. So do your best to begin to gather that evidence for yourself. First, look at your next assignment, which is on Handout CON3, CON3. This assignment is designed to guide you to increase your confidence through helping you deliver better results to your client, and also helping you create a more remarkable experience for them too. So the first part is about tangible results. The more you are committed to delivering the results your clients want, the better results your clients will get. So what can you do to become more result-oriented with your clients? So the second part is about the experience. The better the experience your clients have working with you, the more they will talk about your service, and the more likely they are to stick around and this will increase your profit. Sometimes we get used to delivering a good service but what if I told you that good is forgettable. What if I told you that good is the enemy of remarkable and by remarkable I mean something worth remarking on. Getting the result you want is one part of it and the second part is blowing clients away with their experience of working with you. Here is one way to look at it. I felt satisfied and I got what I paid for. My service provider honored their contract and honored our promise; not enough. But what really blew me away was blank. Ah, now we are getting somewhere. What goes in that blank is that something extra that would blow something away; that will blow your client away. I will give you some examples. A restaurant owner came to my table personally and offered me a free dessert on the house. During the first session with my coach we had a key ceremony that was deep, spiritually and unexpected. Every time I have a meeting with my financial planner, he offers me freshly baked muffins that are to die for. I love them. I look forward to meeting with him because I can smell those muffins; I can taste them. I got a birthday gift from my nutritionist in the mail and it was something that I really wanted. How did she know? What blew me away was blank. So what can you do to make the experience who clients have working with you more remarkable? So I would like to work with a volunteer to brainstorm ways you can increase your confidence by boosting your results and improving your client experience too. So please press star two if you would like to volunteer, star two. And if you are not being picked to work with me right

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now, you can always pretend I am talking to you and be showing out Handout CON3 right along with me anyway. Bill: All right Charrie, hi. Charrie: Hi Bill. Bill: How are you? Charrie: Good. How are you? Bill: Good. All right, so what can you do to be more results-oriented in your business? Charrie: Yes, I have been thinking about that and the number one thing people want is to get a job. Bill: Okay. Charrie: I do, I do show my clients to find a hidden job market, how to reach out directly to hiring managers but that is not something that nobody else-- I mean other people do that. Bill: Well don’t worry about other people. I am just asking you the first part of the question. Charrie: Okay. Bill: What can you do to be more results-oriented in your business? Just throw things out; some things that you currently do not do. Charrie: Well maybe it is like hold either group coaching con calls or like I was thinking of doing, putting together like a course for a new graduate, RNs, to teach them how to search for jobs and how to… Bill: So how is that you being more results-oriented in your business? That is you offering another service that you currently do not offer. That is another package. So how can you be more results-oriented in your business? I will give you another, another way to think of it. Charrie: Okay. Bill: Do you consider yourself a coach? Charrie: Yes. Bill: Okay. So how can you be a better coach at delivering the number one result your clients want, which is to get a job? I know it is a tough question.

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Charrie: It is a really tough question. I mean I do give them-- I do have like a-- see what-- I read your examples and the one that said that start tracking their results better is something that I actually was thinking of doing and I have not put it in place yet. But really just keeping notes on all the clients just to make sure that I am holding their vision and mine as we work together and really help them to connect with that. Bill: Okay, that is one. I will give you another example. Charrie: Okay. Bill: If at the end of every session, you outline three actions your client can take to get closer to getting a job that week, but you knew exactly how that action is going to translate into getting a job, that would be something. Charrie: Right. Okay, so I do. As I end every-- when I have a client, as I end each call, I ask them for three action steps that they are going to commit for the week. Bill: That is not enough. You have to know how each of those steps is going to be part of the path that will get them the result. Charrie: Okay. Bill: You have to clearly see the pathway to them getting a job. Charrie: Mmmm hmmm. Bill: And you have to be able to connect the actions they are going to be taking onto that pathway and they need to be able to see it. Charrie: So should I be guiding them on what they should be doing each week? Bill: Absolutely. They should not be doing anything that is not going to be snap dab in the center of the pathway for them to get the number one result they want, which is a job. Everything else is a distraction. That’s you being more results-oriented. Charrie: Okay, can I… Bill: I will give you an example. Charrie: Go ahead, mmmm hmmm. Bill: People are always going to come to you with all kinds of problems; what kinds of things that are getting in their way, all kinds of stuff. And at the end of the day that is the fog that is going to mask their pathway to getting to what they really want, which is a job. So for you to be much more results-oriented in your business is to continue to keep them on track even though

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they are going to come in consciously unconsciously to knock themselves off track. So that is you being a lot more results-oriented. Can you see-- can you feel the difference? Charrie: Yes. That is like I had a client this morning and he is having trouble becoming motivated and he also happens to be a friend of mine and he comes to each call and he is like, “I don’t want to do this today.” And but I get him back on track. By the time we are done with our calls, he is like, he has got his action plan, he is ready to go. So that, yes, I see that. Bill: Yes. So now what can you do on a regular basis to bring attention of your clients to the small successes they are having on the path to getting a job? Charrie: Well I ask them to fill out a prep form prior to our calls and I always make sure to… Bill: I am going to be asking you a question. I hope you understand that I am not asking you what you are doing. Charrie: Okay. Bill: Here is me being results-oriented. In this moment in time what you are already doing, and me knowing that is not going to prove anything. I am asking you what else you can do to bring more of attention to the results that your clients are already getting from working with you; what else? Charrie: Well one thing that I have also been toying with is that after each call to email them, good work today and here is an outline of what you have committed to, the stuff you have committed to this week. Bill: Well that tells them what they have committed to. How can you bring their attention to the successes that you are having with them already? Charrie: The only thing I am coming up with is like acknowledging them as they have had successes. I do not know what else-- I am not coming up with anything else. Bill: Yes, that is good. So instead of you emailing them what they have committed to doing, which you should be asking them to email to you… Charrie: Mmmm hmmm. Bill: …you can send the acknowledgements in written form of what they have already accomplished and how that is going to help them get a job. Charrie: Okay. Bill: Yes. So what can you do to be more masterful at your craft? What else can you do? Charrie: Well I think that I am definitely lacking right now in consultations and I have…

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Bill: That is the business side of it. I am asking you… Charrie: Okay. Bill: …your craft. Charrie: My craft? Bill: Yes. Charrie: I really want to continue to take classes actually learning more about thinking and trying to hitting jobs market and then also even with interviewing one more about interviewing and then also, and I know this goes back to the business side, but I want to really continue to have support in building my business because all of it comes back to the whole confidence thing. Bill: Yes, of course, okay. So out of all the things that you have mentioned, what do you think will get you the best return on your time investment? Charrie: I kind of feel like I have to be doing all of them right now. But definitely, I think the most important step for me right now is just to write out a process that-- I mean I know how to guide these people but I am definitely, I definitely need more of a process; like in writing that I can follow. And it would also add to the class that I am looking to do so that I have this way that I know how I am guiding them each step of the way and week by week. Bill: Beautiful, awesome. Yes, this is really, really good stuff. So now let us look at one thing you can do to make the experience that your clients have with you be something that will blow them away. Charrie: Well I do. You mentioned one thing that is coming up for me and you mentioned the birth date thing, and I know with coaches I have worked with in the past, it is always nice when they acknowledge my birthday and send me a nice card and stuff so I think that that is one thing that I can definitely do for my clients that would be important. Bill: Cool. From you I would like another thing. The reason why, what if the birthday is ten months from now and they have already gotten a job and they are working with you, all right. So… Charrie: Right. Bill: That could be an additional thing but you are generally speaking that should not be the one thing. Charrie: Right. Maybe something else that I could do is like if I know a client is having a particularly tough time, that I could do a check-in, like an email check-in, how are you doing, what support do you need from me type of a thing as a little value added.

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Bill: Yes, that is good. That is already something there then. If you make that a phone call, that would elevate the surprise factor because people are expecting emails, they might not be expecting a phone call. Charrie: Right, right, and then, I would want to do something just in general day to day for my clients, or week to week, just something, just find something that would be just an added. Well one thing that I do offer clients because a lot of times with the job search, it is just very, it is a very tedious process and it gets very discouraging for a lot of people. So the other thing that I offer that I do not know of any other job, career coach that does this is doing, doing like energy tools like tapping or meditations or something to help eliminate the limiting beliefs of, “Oh, you know I am just going to get an auto response anyway or I’m not going to interview well or someone else will get the job.” And release those and have a more positive thought process going into the job search and the interviews. Bill: Awesome; yes. So feature that as like this huge benefit in what you do and continue doing it. Charrie: Right. And I am very careful when I present it. I am very like if, you know if you are open to it, it is here for you type of a thing because not everybody is into it. Bill: Yes. The more that you are confident in offering it, everybody will be into it. Charrie: Okay. Bill: I am just serious. You know… Charrie: Yes, I know. Bill: …I have done this long enough to know that like when you confidently present and position this as something that is going to get them results, people are going to be open to staying on their head and tapping every meridian in the body like if that happens to be what you did, right? Yeah. Charrie: Right, right. Bill: Yes. Yes, good. And the other thing that you did now that would help you be more results oriented, and then you corrected yourself, you said jobs coach and then you said career coach, right? So if you… Charrie: Mmmm hmmm. Bill: …if you said you were “I will help you get your ideal job faster coach”, you will already be more results-oriented because that is what you are trumpeting in the title of who you are as a career coach.

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Charrie: Right. Bill: Just another suggestion. Charrie: Yeah, no, that is, that is great; thank you. Bill: Yes. All right thanks Charrie for being a wonderful volunteer. Charrie: Thank you. Thanks so much for your help. Bill: Oh, you are welcome, bye. Charrie: Bye. All right, so let us go on to the next thing, which is about managing your energy and your emotions before the consultation because that is going to have a major, in fact, how you are being during the consultation as well. So one of the factors that stand in your way of being confident in your consultations is simply for fear. You know that. This is a special avenue that comes to offering your potential client your services and then asking them to pay you money. This here could be paralyzing and can even stop you cold in your tracks. And I will give you a real life example, all right. Let us say you go to a networking run. Do you follow-up with all the potential clients you have met right away and with enthusiasm? (___________) perhaps. Can you say, “I just cannot wait to follow-up with every potential client and setup a one on one consultation right now.” Or do you experience a lot of resistance or reluctance or you are not even aware of the resist or reluctance but you are not doing it and you are consistently procrastinating or just putting off following it up with a potential client even if they expressed interest in hearing from you again. And if this sounds like you, then our familiar partner fear is playing with you. And the good news is that it is okay that you are experiencing fear. It means that you care. If you did not, you would not be having the fear experience anyway. Having fear is not a bad thing unless you allow fear of getting in your way of getting what you want, which is you being confident and having a successful business with lots of ideal clients who love working with you. So I want to talk you to about three of the biggest fears that could be holding you back from success in consultants and how you can breakthrough those fears. And if you can minimize the effect of your fears even just a little bit, this will make a big difference in the confidence level in your consultations because it is not just what you say in your consultations, it is how you are being that creates your success. The way you show up and the emotions you display can make a big difference in whether your potential client feels confident about working with you. So here are the three fears that I want to address today and there is all kinds of fears but these are the three I want to talk about. The first fear is the fear of not knowing enough or being good enough is feeling like perhaps you are a fraud. The second fear is the fear of being pushy or salesy and that you are going to bother or pester people. And the third fear is that you do not know what you are doing during the consultation. Notice that I am not mentioning the dreaded

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fear rejection. To tell you the truth, the most fears on some level are fear of rejection. So I wanted to break it down into smaller pieces. So the first fear is the first fear of not knowing enough or being good enough and feeling like you are a fraud so you find yourself preparing a lot for a consultation. Do you sometimes feel like you are not going to deliver enough value once you get the client? Do you ever think who do I think I am charging all this money for what I do? Does the thought I am not good enough sometimes and maybe even often cross your mind? And if that sounds like you, then I want you go to on a journey with me. Think about the number one result your clients want to get. For example, do your clients want to lose weight? Do they want to make more money in their business? Do they want to get over a deeply painful divorce? And we have been talking about this. When you know what result your clients get from working with you, it is likely that you have more expertise or experience helping people get to the result than the person you are talking to. Of course, you do. You do not need to know everything. You do not need to be the world’s greatest expert at delivering that result. All you need to do is be a couple of steps ahead of your client and that will be enough to get them on their way. You already know enough. You are good enough to help a lot of people today. Think about it. Your potential clients are coming to you because they are totally stuck. Perhaps they are sick and tired of their current situation and they have decided enough is enough and it is time to get help. They are stuck and they have realized that they do not know how to solve their problem or challenge themselves and they need someone who knows more than they do. For example, let us say I had a neck pain. Do I need someone who knows everything there is to know about medicine in the human body? Do I need someone who has their own TV show and is the best known expert in North America? Do I need to track down the best possible person in San Francisco or do I just need someone who is good at dealing with neck pain? Have you ever heard the saying to the fourth grader, actually to the third grader, the fourth grader is God. You just have to be a few steps ahead of your client and the more you serve your clients the more of an expert you will be. I will give you an example. Recently I talked to a healer that already has five training certifications and had helped dozens of people overcome deep, deep emotional pain. And she told me that she just needed just this one more certification before she could help people in a big way. And I am here to tell you that most people I talked to have more than enough expertise to help clients right now. Because here is the thing; if people in your target audience knew how to solve the problem that you can help them solve, they would have already done it. But they are stuck and they are going to stay stuck in a place of pain and struggle possibly for years unless a courageous person like you comes along to offer them help. It is a complete disservice to the world to keep your talent hidden (___________) people of the gift of having their needs met with what you have to offer. You are good enough. You know enough. You are worth it. You have what it takes and you are lovable. Now let us say you have another fear; a fear of being pushy or salesy. Perhaps you are afraid of being seen as manipulative or slimy so you choose to err on the side of offering your service with less confidence. Anything to avoid even getting closer to being pushy or salesy. It is a big one so I want to dive right into it. One of the reasons you have this fear is that you are more focused on whether you will close a sale perhaps than serving the person you have the consultation with.

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And I know we have spoken about this before but it is an important one and it is worth repeating here. Here is the master of enrollment way. The consultation is not about getting the sale. It cannot be just about getting the sale; it is always about exploring whether there is a match between your potential client’s current genuine desire and what you are offering. And when there is a match, it is magical, and when there is not it is about you pointing your potential client in the right direction, so they can find the right to match for themselves. The less pressure and force you put on yourself and on them for there to be a match, the more likely their exploration during the consultation will result in a match, because your service is exactly what your potential client wants. The more you connect to them or what is in it for them, the less you think about yourself and what is in it for you, the less fear you will have and the more successful your consultations will be. When you put more attention on them and in their challenges and less attention on yourself and your desire to get a client, you get a powerful place of connection with your client where is no oxygen for the fear to exist. The other antidote to being pushy is learning to be totally okay with a no. We talked about this and it is important. Your service is simply not a match for their need; then the no is a good thing. And when your services would be just the thing to take your client’s pain away and more them to the result they want, then offering your service with enthusiasm and passion because you really want to be of service is the thing to do. When your passion is coming from a place you are excited about that you can help your client, then you will feel your passion and excitement too and so will they. And that is a consultation that is a far place away from fear. And the last fear I just want to talk about a little bit that you do not know what you are doing during the consultation. And like any other skill, learning a consultation is a learn skill. First, you learn the steps, then you practice, and then over time you get better and better. The beauty is you do not have to remember our system. All you have to do is have a cheat sheet in front of you and then you practice and you get better and then you get more confidence, which makes getting better even easier. And the good news is that all of this has a beautiful compounding effect. The longer you stay in the game, the higher the likelihood of your success. So now let us go deeper into preparing your state of being for your consultation and increasing your confidence in the process. For this, I would love for you to begin by choosing a comfortable position seated or lying down. Have all of your electronics off other than the one you are listening to me on. Switch off your computer at least turn the computer away from you. Make sure that you have no distractions around you and you are not trying to do anything besides focusing on the words, allowing yourself to be more relaxed. Now gently close your eyes. Now imagine in your mind’s eye that you have one on one consultation scheduled with a potential client tomorrow morning. Notice if you have any anxious feelings or fear or any other sensations arise in your body when thinking about this consultation you are going to have tomorrow. And in a gentle, most gentlest possible way, simply notice where these feelings arise in your body. Simply notice where your emotions manifest themselves in your body. Be curious and just take a moment to sit still and scan your body. Put your awareness on the part of the body where you are experiencing the energy of the thought of having a consultation and your desires to simply sit with the sensations that are coming out from your body. There is no need to change anything or do anything different. Just take a deep breath in and breathe out. Just be with your body with the energy of your emotion in the body. You are simply noticing and being.

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Notice the energy of this anticipation of having a consultation. Notice the center of this energy and just dive right into that (___________). Breathe in, breathe in right into the energy in your body and then breathe out. There is nothing to do, there is nothing to run from, there is nothing to avoid. It is just us embracing the energy inside. Imagine giving this energy in your body a warm hug and as you are doing that, the energy may be becoming more intense and that is okay. Or perhaps it is dissipating and that is okay too. You are now becoming more comfortable with just being with all of your emotions and just being in your body. Your emotions no longer control you by being okay with everything that is coming up for you before and doing your consultations you can now be centered peaceful and still with anything that could possibly occur in a consultation. Take a deep breath in, and breathe out. You are now to free experience fully all of your emotions. You are free to experience all of the sensations in the body. There is nothing to do but experience it. You are letting go of all your tension around consultations and getting clients. You are fully experiencing the energy of your emotions in the body so thoroughly that there is nothing left to experience. Breathe in, breathe out. You are preparing to enter a deeper state of relaxation. Your breathing is slowing down and becoming effortless. I will count down from ten to one. As I say each number, you will become even more relaxed. Ten, you are feeling your muscles start to relax even more. Nine, your hands and feet are warming and relaxing. Eight, your muscles are sinking down allowing gravity to do its thing. Seven, you are noticing your tension is beginning to loosen. Six, you are relaxing even further now, peaceful. A tingly sensation is spreading throughout your body from head to toe, pleasant and relaxed. Five, (___________ - Appears to be a gap in the recording) Four, all of the cares of the day are totally releasing. Three, you are present. Two, almost completely relaxed now. And One, ah, you are deeply relaxed and comfortable. You are breathing effortlessly. You have now left the hustle and bustle of the outside world on our place of peaceful stillness; it is your inner world. Now, imagine that the blood circulating in your body reaching every nook and cranny of your body, and the blood circulating in your body is magical, and it is spreading red, loving energy throughout your whole body. Every nook and cranny of your body is now sweetly tingling with a sensation of peace and love. And this energy is now spreading connecting every single person listening to my voice right now. Now, in this place of relaxation and red, loving energy, I want to plant the seed of a new idea within you. How you feel in your body when you experience 101 Consultation is being totally transformed. You can now have a completely different experience, before, during and after consultations. Know that can always tap into your grounded and peaceful inner cord anytime including while you are having consultations. Up and until this moment you have been strongly, connected to the experience of the way it has been for you in the past. Now, we will now go into a journey that will allow a new way of being to take over to help you have a joyful experience of conducting consultation. Imagine what it would be like for you to be the most confident Master of Enrollment self. You are someone who excels in conducting 101 consultations. Imagine the Master of Enrollment, someone who is confident, well-spoken and absolutely authentic. And you see that the person is you. You are the one Master of Enrollment consultations. You are most yourself. Who are you being when you are at your best. You are courageous, full of ease and grace, loving, optimistic. What are the qualities you have when you are most yourself? Allow these qualities to enter your bloodstream and to

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spread throughout your whole body. Now, perhaps a little smile is appearing on your face as you bask in the amazing qualities that you bring to the world. You are simply being you and you are simply receiving that which is already yours and has always been yours. And this is already helping all of your future clients receive that which is already there. And from this place, we are going to visualize your perfect day and your perfect consultation. You wake up in the morning feeling energized and rested. You are feeling confident and excited. You know that you are exactly where you are supposed to be doing exactly what you are meant to be doing. The day is already off to a great start and you are looking forward to serving a new potential client in a consultation coming up later in the day. You are excited about the possibility of talking to someone new and serving them with your gift. We fast forward, and it is now fifteen minutes before your consultation. You are totally relaxed. You are early, you are ready, you have your favorite relaxing drink already in front of you. You are sitting in your favorite chair. You are completely connected to the transformation you are here to create. You have your cheat sheet in front of you and you are breathing nice and slow. Then the phone rings, right on time. You smile and you pick it up. And you instantly you light the voice on the other end. And it is easy for you to create instant rapport and your amazing potential client is already loving how you set up the consultation process. You are coming off as a powerful leader. You are totally confident and relaxed. And your potential client is already grateful to be in the conversation with you and for making this time available. You effortlessly guide your potential client to establish the gap. You can really feel their hopes, their dreams and their desire. Your potential client is effortlessly sharing with you their deepest current challenges and concerns. You can feel this person; you can feel them. And your potential knows that you can feel them. They feel heard, seen and totally understood. And you already know that you like this person and you can tell that they like you too. Now throughout, you are confident about how you are proceeding. You are skillfully guiding your potential client through the call. You are breathing confidently, deeply, pausing between each sentence. You maintain a comfortable, smooth rhythm. You are poised, you are confident and your potential client is noticeably moved. They are grateful for the clarity they are receiving thanks to your skillful questions. And they tell you this is the clearest they have ever been. You smile, you feel good, you know you are creating an opening for transformation to occur. The consultation seems easy. Everything seems so familiar. You are in your element; you are truly enjoying the moment. You are confident, comfortable and having a great time. And the anticipatory excitement you felt at the beginning has moved, smoothed into a feeling of confidence and calm. You feel at home with this person. You listen. You are enjoying hearing them speak and you know just what to say to acknowledge them in just the right moment. You are enjoying this consultation with the fullness of your being. Now when you reach the end of the consultation, you can totally see that what you do is the perfect solution for what they want. You are able to close the gap with your potential client with ease. And your potential client can see how you are a great solution for what they want. You are completely unattached to whether your potential client will become your client or not. You offer your service package and clearly state the benefits to your potential client. You stand confidently in the value of the services that you deliver. You could feel that in offering your service you are being of service to your potential client. You can feel how you are a gift to them. You gave your potential client enough time to address any objections they may have in hiring you and you feel calm and relaxed during that process. You answer every question they have easily and proficiently and you ask just the right questions that you can help your potential client to make a decision. You ask your potential what would be the benefit of you working with you and they give you an enthusiastic list of

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reasons why working with you would be an amazing idea. You are feeling incredible at this point; cloud nine. Your potential client is so impressed with their value that they are going to get working with you that they ask you when they can get started. The consultation has gone great and you congratulate your client in their decision because you know they are taking a big first step to change their life forever. You confidently share with this new client all of the steps needed to be working together and you accept their payment details. You know exactly what to do to welcome your new client on board and your client is giddy, pleased with this consultation. You are both excited about starting working together as you say your goodbyes. The exhilaration of having completed this consultation fills you with joy. It feels great to have this done. You pick up the phone, you call you someone close to you to let them know about your awesome new client, and you celebrate it together. You deserve the success. You have an abundance of wonderful quality skills and experiences that attract your ideal clients. By being your best self, you allow your clients to be their best selves as well. You notice how easy this consultation was, how confident you sell, and how confident you feel. You can be doing consultations all day long. That is how good you feel. You are confident and assertive, authentic and natural. And it feels great to be paid what you are worth. Now with this amazing feeling of the consultation you have just experienced in your mind and in your body, you are ready to come back to this present moment. So, I am going to count down from five to bring you back to be here and now. Five, take a deep breath in and allow Oxygen to freely flow to every part of your body. Four, come back into your body feeling absolutely wonderful. Three, you are putting attention back on the chair you are sitting or laying on and you notice where your body meets your chair. Two, wiggle your fingers and your toes almost completely awake and alert. One, coming all the way back feeling full of energy and refreshed. And when you are ready, gently and slowly open your eyes. You just experienced an awesome consultation. Practicing this visualization in your mind is like practicing your consultation. When you are able this visualization and be calm you can also calmly hold the consultation. I want this feeling to be a familiar experience that you can tap into at will. Let us take a couple of moments to tap into this energy you have just experienced and write down any wisdom that is coursing through you right now. Write down something that you are conscious of in this moment. Did you have any insights and new prospectus? Did you feel anything different? How is your confidence level now? Just write down something that you want to bring back with you from this experience. You can have access to everything you have just experienced anytime you want. Everything you have experienced is already inside of you. You have tapped into your inner Master of Enrollment. What is an inspiration you have received from this new level of consciousness? So, now that you have completed this guided visualization, take a few moments to reawaken your mind and your body, gradually becoming more alert. If you still have something you want to write down for yourself, go ahead and do so. So, you can do this visualization anytime you want and you can use handout CON 4 to help you in the process. I used to do these visualizations before every consultation. So, what I would like to do is open the line and see what you have to share from this experience. So, press star two if you have something to share. Do you have any insights that you want to share with us? Did something shift for you? Share with me the confidence of your experience by pressing star two. In the meantime, you can also take a few minutes to write down any further notes for yourself. So, I would like to hear from a couple of you. I know it is hard to come back from that experience. But I would love to hear a couple of you share some things and you give your gift of what you have noticed, what you have experienced to others on this call as well. All right, someone from Martinas California, 925 area code.

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Christine: Hi there, this is Christine. Bill: Hello Christine, hello. Christine: I want to thank you for that visualization. The work I am doing is directly with (___________) into a business where I get to coach them to have success and help them realize their dreams financially and lots of other ways. And I have been really aware of not being attached to the outcome. So this is really reaffirming, that is that I honor my best self and grow myself and I am able to then help them do the same. And so, I just want to comment that it was very, very affirming and just was an awesome experience; thank you. Bill: Thank you. I appreciate your comments. And your energy is amazing right now. So, thank you for sharing it. Christine: Absolutely. Bill: All right, we have got-- by the way if you have something to share now that there has been a couple of minutes since we have ended the consultation, just press star 2. The more people I wind up talking to, the more everyone benefits. Hi Kathy. Kathy: Hi Bill; can you hear me. Bill: I can perfectly hear you, thank you. Kathy: I have a consultation right after this call and I cannot wait. I have worked with him a couple of times and he kept putting me off. Frankly if he comes on board or not it does not matter, but it just feels so good that I have no doubt that he is going to say yes. Bill: Awesome. Thank you. And we are pulling for you right now together. Let us all send awesome, loving energy towards Kathy right now. Thank you Kathy. Kathy: Thank you. Bill: All right, we have Zeno from New Mexico. Zeno: When Kathy was just talking of saying how beautiful it is to listen to this call, I thought that is one reason to share my experience and just to thank you for really a very beautiful afternoon. It is gorgeous. Bill: Yes, it turns out every day could be beautiful like this . Zeno: I loved-- I thought that the example you had given for the original, job career coach; that was truly brilliant to bring that in to what it means to look at a result. And that was something-- it is revelatory. I think my main thing is to just say Bill the reason I did not press star two sooner is just because I was mute, literally. I was in awe, great, brilliant.

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Bill: Thank you, thank you. Now, I can feel the profound experience you have is seeping into your bones right now. I can feel like it penetrating every cell in your body and the effect of this is going to be profound for you from now on. Zeno: Nice, thank you very much, really; okay, great. Bill: Right. All right, I would like to hear from one more person, you know who you are, you have not raised your hand yet, and it is time; start two. That is right; it is you from Walnut Creek. Kristen: Hi Bill, yes hi, this is Kristen; how are you? Bill: Hi Kristen, good to hear from you. Kristen: I am doing well; I am doing great. I just wanted to share a just really unique experience with you and everyone. Since I can imagine everybody else probably fully had their eyes closed during the process, and I am a deaf individual, and so how I experienced my meditation today-- just recently, the last couple of minutes with you, I use the concept of Buddha’s way which kind of means I close my eyes half way, “dimming the lights” and it is really just kind of diving into that experience. I have an excellent interpreter with me today and this hour was perfect. And I just halfway closed my eyes, which means I really did not see the interpreter’s face. I did not see her head; I did not see her mouth. I just really focused on the hands and the movement of her hands and the words that she was saying. And to me that really represents the race and the beauty of the natural beauty of sign language. And that in itself alone is a transformation, a transformative experience just in a guided meditation and feeling the support from a person. I can constantly visualize everything that you were saying and I truly, truly experience the grounding and the exhilaration and the tingling and the relaxation and all of the excitement that came into everything you were saying. Because I already do practice meditation frequently, I thought it was a neat, cool experience whether I am deaf or whether I am hearing that you can still experience meditation and still get the same end result even in different language. And at the end of that, I felt I, I felt like the hands that were being sent, I felt like they were just swirling around and they were just moving around kind of like water in a river. And it just kept going and going and flowing over rocks and it kept doing more and more inspiring-- yes, yes I know what I am doing is right, I know what I feel and I cannot wait to support my students and to get them on the right track in order to support them in their experience, that amazing shift. So, thank you Bill. Bill: Thank you. My whole body is tingling from what you are saying and that you are continuing to bring increasing awareness of what it is like to have these amazing experiences at a deaf person. And I can feel you having those experiences and it is just amazing; thank you, you are an inspiration. Kristen: Wow, thank you. Bill: Thank you for being the one who knew that it was your turn. Kristen: Oh, thank you.

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Bill: All right, I want to work with a couple of more volunteers. One important question: What is the number one thing stopping you from having confidence right now in your consultations? So what is the number one thing stopping you from having confidence right now in your consultations? So, press star two if you would like us to work through that together. All right, we have someone from the 206 area code. Lisa: Hello. Bill: Hi. Lisa: Hi, this is Lisa. Bill: Hello Lisa. Lisa: This person has been practicing from last week’s call. I was the one you penned the one you wanted to be taunted. I went, “yeah I do not want to be taunted”. So I have been practicing that. I still have fear; what can I say. I am showing up authentically. Bill: Yes, so how would you describe the number one thing stopping you from having confidence right now? Lisa: I would say it is that I do not have my packages, like I do not-- I have not figured out my packages yet. I have not figured out my pricing yet. There is still a piece of me that I am just not sure of what to do. I am taking steps towards that but if someone called today for consultation, I would feel nervous. So when you were doing the guided meditation it really helps me that when I am in that place, I can feel it, yet when I get to the part of making my offer, I do not know what my offers are. I have not figured that out. That is my stumbling point. Bill: Yes, yes. So what is the simplest package that you can offer somebody? Lisa: One on one coaching. Bill: How many sessions a month. Lisa: I would do one a week; four. Bill: Four? Lisa: Yes. Bill: How much? Lisa: Five Hundred a month. Bill: So who says you do not have packages?

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Lisa: Well, I keep thinking about the added value and I really would like something that keeps people for six months and sorting that all out and the added value and how would I structure it. I am still in process figuring out what I would do with them. So, I do not feel like I have the lovely package with the pretty, little bow and okay say here it is; this is what you can do. And I have been doing clients one-on-one for a while now and I have several clients that I want to take it to the next level and create that extraordinary package that I know I am capable of. And like I said, I am working towards that but for right now I still feel stuck. Bill: Lisa, the number one thing stopping you from being confident right now, is not that you do not have packages. Lisa: Okay. Bill: Is that the package that you do have, you are devaluing. You are saying this is not good enough. Only when I make it perfect will it be good enough. I just want to encourage you to get into that energy that what you have now is enough to get lots of clients. Lisa: Okay. Bill: I had, just to give you an example of this; I had a hundred and eighty thousand dollar a year coaching practice with a package that included three coaching sessions a month and one package that included two coach sessions a month, period; that is it. Lisa: Really. Bill: Yes. Lisa: Wow, okay so I do not need big, long elaborate packages? Bill: You do not need it to be successful. I mean it is a nice to have because you could be even more successful. Lisa: Okay. Bill: But it is not necessary. What I am pointing out is the pattern of like this is not good enough yet so I do not feel confident in it and you are waiting for something else to come along in order to feel confident. The reality is those two things are separate. Lisa: Okay. Bill: You can be confident with what you have now and be looking at how you can improve what you got. Lisa: Okay, okay.

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Bill: And they are separate things and your mind is one thing. And you have to decouple them as much as possible. Lisa: Okay. Bill: You have everything you need to be successful right now. Lisa: Okay. Bill: Can you feel that? Lisa: Yes, I know, I know can, I know I can do the work. I know I can. But there is still my not enough just comes up. It just does, that is my old pattern. Bill: Yes. Lisa: So… Bill: But, it is nothing to do with anything tangible. That is your own life’s work. That is your core wound and so the thing for you to do is to do the fear exercise that I think we did and we do a Master Enrollment. If you do that on a regular basis, like really feel in your body the place where I am not enough lives. And remember, that it is the feeling that is generating the thought and the thought is creating a story. So, the more that you can just be with your feeling and not allow your mind to give it meaning; like, I got to do-- I have got to create a better package or any of those things, it will really help you because those two things have nothing to do with each other. Lisa: Okay. Bill: Did that make sense? Lisa: It does, it does and I like how you made the distinction between my own life work, old wound which it is and I can have great work and still-- yes that’s because they do not have to do with each other; I get that. Bill: Yes. I mean look, at the end of the day, every single person on this planet either has a wound of I am not enough or I am not lovable or I am too much. Like, if you take those three things, those three statements, every single person on this planet has one of these three wounds. So, we are all working on the same stuff. Lisa: Right and I know that intellectually it is just amazing where the fear comes in. I mean I get afraid when you are going to call on me yet I still feel compelled to press star two because I want to work through this. Bill: Yes, awesome and that is all you need to get the practice of not allowing fear to get in your way. Like you are already demonstrating those very things that will allow you to be

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successful. I have no doubt in my mind Lisa at all. The courage that you are demonstrating is the very thing that is going to allow you to be a total rock star. So go get what is already yours. Lisa: I like that. Bill: Yes. Lisa: Okay, thank you Bill. Bill: Thank you. All right, one more person, let us see, 913 area code. Elizabeth: Well, that might be me. Bill: I think it is you. Might you have a name attached to the body? Elizabeth: Elizabeth. Bill: Hi Elizabeth. Elizabeth: Hi. Bill: Good to see you again. Elizabeth: Yes. First of all thanks for today, especially the meditation. On calls, you do not usually get that, a meditation from the coaches. So, that is really nice. Bill: Thank you. Elizabeth: In fact, I would like to try to incorporate it into mine at some time. It was such a good-- it gave me such a good feeling. I would like to be able to do that myself. But my-- is pretty much the same as the last caller. I love doing the consultations. I look forward to them; they energize me talking to the people. It is when I get to the end and they are still interested. I do not know; it is so difficult for me to talk about my fees. And I have done-- I have gone over and over. I talk to many people about it, and I have tried it, and they know it too. I have had people tell me that I stumble; that is the only time I stumble is when I get there. I have a whole new fee thing worked out. I actually worked it out sometime when I was coaching with Patrick because he was trying to get me to bring up my fees. And I have it right in front of me and I will look at and I will revert right back to my old lower fees. Bill: Yes. Elizabeth: And I think it is something a lot of people have. I really do not think I am alone on this. Bill: Oh, you are not alone. By the way, every single person has it. It is just that different people have it at different dollar levels. Let me give you an example; as confident as I am, if I set

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my fees at $100,000 a year, I can feel the tension in my chest. I can feel my breathing getting shallower. I think my voice just changed as I am talking to you. So, we all have it. The idea is that you are not trying to get rid of this feeling that comes up in you. All you are doing is you are moving the bar at what dollar amount the feeling comes up. Does that make sense? Elizabeth: Yes. Bill: Yes, and so I will give you an example; did you, did you grow up in a family where talking about money was not really a kosher kind of thing? Elizabeth: Oh, definitely. Bill: Yes. Elizabeth: Yes, definitely. In fact, my mother did not even want to charge people. She was an RN and she did special nursing. She did not even want to charge them. She would always ask them how they could barter. Bill: Right, yes, yes. So this is…go ahead. Elizabeth: That mentality that I will do the nursing for your husband. What can I do for you or what can you do for me. It was just you did not want to say a price. Bill: Right. Yes, so you are through doing this work. You are meant to be healing old, old familiar wounds, probably going back generations. How much do you charge? Elizabeth: Well I am probably be embarrassed to say. I have a three-month program and I charge $599 for the three-month programs. It is for reversing Diabetes. They get two calls every month, they get menus, and they get a twenty-one day program where they change their diet. Bill: Yes, I think $599 for three months to reverse diabetes is too much. It is way too much. Exactly. Elizabeth: Because, I am only saving them $20,000 later in life for not having to go to the doctor and buy medicine. Bill: You may also be saving them amputation. Elizabeth: Well, six years added on to their life. Bill: Six years added on to your life; $599.00. Elizabeth: Yes. Bill: Yes. I think you should be charging $199 for that. Are you going to fight me for it? Elizabeth: No, but I have had wanted to get it up to over a $1000.00.

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Bill: So, how much do you charge for your three month package? Elizabeth: $599. Bill: That was five minutes ago; what about now? Elizabeth: Oh, for right now? Bill: Yes. Elizabeth: I am going to take it up to $799. Bill: Okay, sounds good. Elizabeth: Tomorrow’s consultation will be $799. Bill: Why is it worth people paying $799? This has nothing to do with you by the way. It has to do with the results that you provide. Elizabeth: Because of the transformation that they will have? Bill: You need some tangible benefits. Elizabeth: Well, they will-- actually, if they are type two, they can reverse the Diabetes. So, they would be off all medications eventually. They could save so much money right there. They would not have to worry about going blind; they would not have to worry about Neuropathy setting in. They would not have to worry about having a stroke. Bill: Yes. Elizabeth: Because they would have their blood pressure under control. Bill: So, your job is to be able to paint a picture of yourself of the benefits of the results that people get when they reverse their diabetes. I want you to feel the benefits of it because you are not selling yourself. They are not buying working with you; they are buying the result. They are investing into the result. So the less attention you place on yourself and your patterns and your stuff, and the more it is like-- that is what your business, if you think of yourself as a business, you are the business person that has decided to price a service at $799, period. And you can even pretend that somebody else priced it for you because they have done market research. There is a lot of different ways we can go about helping you with this; that is one way. So before you do a consultation would you please just really write down all of the benefits? Like how this is going to change people’s lives. And every time before a consultation, you can just be looking at that. And one side of the piece of paper you can put down all of the benefits and on the other side of that piece of paper you put down how much you are going to charge. And just have that with you at all times.

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Elizabeth: Okay. Bill: So, the second piece of this that I want to talk to you about is “Make Money Your Friend.” Talk about it, ask people about it. Tell people how much you earn even if you are embarrassed. Ask people how much they charge. Do everything you possibly can to be comfortable having a money conversation. Track how much money you are making. I bet you do not like doing income taxes? Elizabeth: Well, I used to own a text business. Bill: Interesting. Elizabeth: And I could charge those people any amount I wanted to. I mean I did not blink to ask for a $1,000, $1,200, 1,400, $1,500 to do a tax return. I did not blink. However, this is someone, this is, I do not know, it is help; it is something completely different; I do not what it is. It never bothered me before to charge anything. Bill: Well because it is easier translation money to help people save money is easier for you than money to help save lives. Elizabeth: Yes, I think so and I think there is just part of me that is so good and deep down inside I would do this for free. I would never do anyone’s taxes for free. Bill: Right. It is interesting. That which you love doing so much you know this is your place in the world right now. The thinking is this is that this is something that ought to be free; right? Elizabeth: Definitely. Bill: So, your assignment is to journal everyday around the question; why it will benefit the world, not you but why it would benefit the world for you to be charging for your service. Elizabeth: The world, not my clients? Bill: No, your clients. Elizabeth: Okay. Bill: I just meant people other than you. Elizabeth: Okay. Bill: Why it would benefit the people who need your service most for you to be charging for your service. Elizabeth: Okay.

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Bill: And do this every day. Can you commit to that? Elizabeth: I can commit to that. Bill: Okay, thank you Elizabeth. Elizabeth: Okay, thank you. All right, so that will be it for today. I think we are reconvening again; let us see when that is; for our first group coaching call for Master of Enrollment call on November 1st; that is next week. So, I will talk to you guys then. Let me see if I can umute everyone so we can say goodbye. There we go. Goodbye everyone. All: Bye.