Computer Science & Engineering 2111 Outer Joins 1CSE 2111 Lecture- Inner Vs. Outer Jioins.

Computer Science & Engineering 2111 Outer Joins 1 CSE 2111 Lecture- Inner Vs. Outer Jioins

Transcript of Computer Science & Engineering 2111 Outer Joins 1CSE 2111 Lecture- Inner Vs. Outer Jioins.

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Computer Science & Engineering 2111

Computer Science & Engineering 2111

Outer Joins

CSE 2111 Lecture- Inner Vs. Outer Jioins

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CSE 2111 Lecture- Inner Vs. Outer Jioins


Inner Join between Client and Payments

Notice that only records with matching values in the foreign key fields of the related tables are included in the resulting dynaset

Resulting DynasetPK FK

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CSE 2111 Lecture- Inner Vs. Outer Jioins


Outer Join between Client and PaymentsOuter join relative to the Client table (the primary key side of the relationship)

Resulting Dynaset

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CSE 2111 Lecture- Inner Vs. Outer Jioins


Outer Join between Client and PaymentsOuter join relative to the Payments table (the many side of the relationship)

Resulting Dynaset

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Valid and Invalid Relationships in Queries

Many-One-Many NOT VALID!!

One-Many-One OK!

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Many to One to Many RelationshipsWrite a query to summarize by client, their total charges, total payments and balance due. List the Client ID, First Name, Last Name, total charges, total payments, and balance.

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Running a Query with Client, Charges and Payments: The Design View

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Resulting DynasetFirst-what should the results look like?

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What we actually get

• Should Nancy have total charges of $750 and total payments of $700?

Now let’s see what really happens…..What we WANT


What we GET

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So what happened?




Intermediate Dynaset 1

Intermediate Dynaset 2

Final Dynaset

Aggregate functions applied/Expressions


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Resulting Intermediate Dynaset 1 (Partial View)

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Intermediate Dynaset 1 Payments

Resulting Intermediate Dynaset 2 (Partial View)



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Aggregate functions & expressions are applied last:

Final Dynaset

Resulting Intermediate Dynaset 2

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Split up the relationship!


So what do we do?



CSE 2111 Lecture-Many to One to Many Relationships in Queries

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PaymentsByClient Tables: Client, Payments

Join On: ClientID Join Type: Outer

Field: ClientID FirstName LastName Amount

Table: Client Client Client Payments

Total: Group By Group By Group By Sum


Show: X X X X



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ChargesByClient Tables: Client, Charges

Join On: ClientID Join Type: OuterField: ClientID Amount

Table: Client Charges

Total: Group By Sum


Show: X X X X



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Notice that each client is listed exactly once in both queries.



Now we can put the relationship back together!

Join on ClientID

PaymentsByClient ChargesByClient

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BalanceDue Tables: PaymentsByClient,ChargesByClientJoin On: ClientID Join Type: Inner

Field: ClientID FirstName LastName SumOfAmount SumOfAmount Balance*

Table: PaymentsByClient







Show: X X X X X X

Balance: [ChargesByClient]![SumOfAmount] – [PaymentsByClient]![SumOfAmount]

Now put the two summaries together & calculate the balance due…

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Final Dynaset

Karen Day was charged $100 but hasn’t made a payment. Her balance should be $100 - $0 = $100, but it’s blank. Why?CSE 2111 Lecture-Many to One to Many

Relationships in Queries 19

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Many-One-Many NOT VALID!!

One-Many-One OK!


Using 3 or more tables in a query

CSE 2111 Lecture- One to Many to One Relationships in Queries

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Using 3 or more tables in a query

Write a query to list the Client ID, first name, last name, and the Method Type, for all Clients.

One-Many-One Relationship

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What we get

Now let’s see what really happens…..

What we WANT

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Client Payments

Intermediate Dynaset 1

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Intermediate Dynaset 1


Final Dynaset

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Client Payments

Let’s take a closer look at the PaymentsByClient Query….in an outer join with respect to Clients, when a record from Clients doesn’t have any matching records in Payments, it’s included in the results, but the fields that would have come from Payments are NULL.

CSE 2111- NZ Function 25

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Access doesn’t know what $100 – NULL is, so it returns NULL as the result.

But we know that in this case, NULL should be treated like zero – can we help Access out?

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NZ Function

Syntax: Nz(variant, value_if_null)

If this argument evaluates to NULL….

Return this value

If the variant argument does NOT evaluate to NULL, Nz will return whatever the variant argument does evaluate to.

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BalanceDue Tables: PaymentsByClient,ChargesByClientJoin On: ClientID Join Type: Inner

Field: ClientID FirstName LastName SumOfAmount SumOfAmount Balance*

Table: PaymentsByClient







Show: X X X X X X

Balance: Nz([Charges]![SumOfAmount],0) – Nz([Payments]![SumOfAmount],0)

Balance Due with the Nz function…..

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