Comparison of Advertising Strategies Adopted by Tat2

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  • 8/3/2019 Comparison of Advertising Strategies Adopted by Tat2




    SESSION: 2007-2010










  • 8/3/2019 Comparison of Advertising Strategies Adopted by Tat2



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    No task is a single persons effort. Various factors, situations and persons integrate to

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    I want to thank, the company guides, Mr. Ankur Goel and Mr. Vishal Gaurav, who

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    Insurance is a legal contract that protects people from the financial costs that

    result from Loss of life, loss of health, lawsuits, or property damage. Insurance

    provides a means for individuals and societies to cope with some of the risks

    faced in everyday life. People purchase contracts of insurance, called policies,

    from a variety of insurance organizations.

    F Insurance has been divided into twosegments

    Life Insurance

    General Insurance

    Life insurance is a contract for payment of a sum of money to the person assured

    on the happening of the event insured against. Usually the contract provides for

    the payment of an amount on the date of maturity or at specified intervals or at

    unfortunate death. The contract also provides for the payment of premium

    periodically to the corporation by the assured. General Insurance includes many

    areas of insurance like marine, motor, engg. Health, fire etc. the contract

    provides for the payment of an amount on the happening of some contingency.

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    Insurance is a federal subject in india and has a history dating back to 1818. Life and general insurancein India is still a nascent sector with huge potential for various global players with the life insurancepremiums accounting to 2.5% of the country's GDP while general insurance premiums to 0.65% of

    India's GDP. The Insurance sector in India has gone through a number of phases and changes,particularly in the recent years when the Govt. of India in 1999 opened up the insurance sector byallowing private companies to solicit insurance and also allowing FDI up to 26%. Ever since, the Indianinsurance sector is considered as a booming market with every other global insurance company wantingto have a lion's share. Currently, the largest life insurance company in India is still owned by thegovernment

    History of Insurance in India

    company was started by Europeans in kolkata At the dawn of the twentieth century, insurance

    companies started mushrooming up. In the year 1912, the Life Insurance Insurance in India has itshistory dating back till 1818, when Oriental Life Insurance Company was started by Europeans in

    kolkata to cater to the needs of European Insurance in India has its history dating back till 1818, whenOriental Life Insurance Cocommunity. Pre-independent era in India saw discrimination among the life

    of foreigners and Indians with higher premiums being charged for the latter. It was only in the year1870, Bombay Mutual Life Assurance Society, the first Indian insurance company covered Indian livesat normal Companies Act, and the Provident Fund Act were passed to regulate the insurance business.The Life Insurance Companies Act, 1912 made it necessary that the premium rate tables and periodical

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    valuations of companies should be certified by an actuary. However, the disparage still existed asdiscrimination between Indian and foreign companies. The oldest existing insurance company in India is

    National Insurance Company Ltd, which was founded in 1906 and is doing business even today.Insurance industry earlier comprised of only two state insurers. Life Insurers life insurance corporation

    of India (LIC) and General Insurers i.e. General insurance corporation of India (GIC). GIC had foursubsidiary companies.

    The insurance sector went through a full circle of phases from being unregulated to completely regulateand then currently being partly deregulated. It is governed by a number of acts, with the first one beingthe Insurance Act, 1938.

    The Insurance Act, 1938

    The Insurance Act, 1938 was the first legislation governing all forms of insurance to providestrict:


    Even though the first legislation was enacted state control over insurance business.


    in 1938, it was only in 19 January1956, that life insurance in India was completely nationalized,

    through a Government ordinance; the Life Insurance Corporation Act, 1956 effective from 1.9.1956was enacted in the year to, inter-alia, form LIFE INSURANCE CORPORATION after nationalization ofthe 245 companies into one entity. There were 245 insurance companies of both Indian and foreignorigin in 1956. Nationalization was accomplished by the govt. acquisition of the management of thecompanies. The Life Insurance Corporation of Indiawas created on 1st September, 1956, as a resultand has grown to be the largest insurance company in India as of 2006

    General Insurance Business (Nationalization) Act, 1972

    TheGeneralInsuranceBusiness(Nationalization)Act,1972wasenacted to nationalize the 100 odd generalinsurance companies and subsequently merging them into four companies. All the companies wereamalgamated into National Insurance, New India Assurance, Oriental Insurance, and United IndiaInsurance which were headquartered in each of the four metropolitan cities.

    Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority (IRDA) Act, 1999
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    Till 1999, there were not any private insurance companies in Indian insurance sector. The Govt. of Indiathen introduced the Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority Act in 1999, thereby de-regulating the insurance sector and allowing private companies into the insurance. Further, foreigninvestment was also allowed and capped at 26% holding in the Indian insurance companies. In recentyears many private players entered in the Insurance sector of India. Companies with equal strength

    competing in the Indian insurance market. Currently, in India only 2 million people (0.2 % of totalpopulation of 1 billion), are covered under Med claim, whereas in developed nations like USA about75 % of the total population are covered under some insurance scheme.


    It helps in planning, analyzing and presenting the information necessary for marketing decisions.

    It provides information about consumers and markets, and their reaction to various products, prices,distribution and promotion strategies. The methods, tools and techniques, research instrument and thesources which I adopted in designing my research plan and to collected data are as follows:

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    Tools and techniques


    Sampling: In sampling a portion of population to be surveyed is used which represent the entirepopulation so will survey some of the insurance companies as a sample to know about marketing

    strategy of the companies.

    Data collection techniques

    Primary Data: This is the first hand information gathered to solve the research need.

    Personal interview : Conducted when an interviewer and interviewee are physically present atone place. It can be one to one or to many. By this data collecting technique I will collect importantinformation.

    Secondary Data: This is the second hand information gathered to solve the research need.

    Information from internet.

    Internet resources: company annual report etc.

    External report: Independent magazines ,journal, legal document , case studies.



    It is a methodical and purposeful study conducted to obtain solution for specific marketingproblems.

    It refers to the systematic gathering ,recording and analyzing of data about problem relating to

    the marketing goods and services.


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    Step1) Define the problem , the decision alternatives ,and the research objectives

    Marketing management must be careful not to define the problem too narrowly for the

    marketing researcher .The problem should be specific to certain extent .

    Step2) The second stage of marketing research calls for developing the most efficient plan

    for gathering the needed information .The marketing manager needs to know the cost of the

    research plan before approving it.


    After deciding on the research approach and instruments the marketing researcher must design a sampling planthree decision:

    1) Sampling unit:

    Who is to surveyed?

    The marketing researcher must define the target population that will be sampled. Once the sampling unit is detsampling frame must be developed so that everyone in the target population has an equal or know chance of bein

    2) Sample Size:

    How many people should be surveyed?

    Large sample give more reliable result than small samples. However , it is not necessary to sample the entire targeven a substantial portion to achieve reliable result .

    3) Sampling Procedure:

    How should the respondents be chosen?

    To obtain a representative sample , a probability sample of the population should be drawn. Probability sampling

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    calculation of confidence limits for sampling error. Three type of probability sampling are described inTable A. When the cost of time involved in probability sampling is too high , marketing researcher will take no psamples.

    Contact Methods:Once the sampling plan has been determined, the marketing researcher must decide how

    should be contacted: mail, telephone, personal , or online interview.

    Mail Questionnaire:

    The mail questionnaire is the best way to reach people who would not give personal interviews or whose responsbiased or distorted by the interviewers .mail questionnaires require simple and clearly worded questions.Unfortunresponse rate is usually low or slow.

    Telephone Interview:

    Telephone interviewing is the best method for gathering information quickly, the interviewer is also able to clarifrespondents do not understand them. The response rate is typically higher than in the case of mailed questionnair

    Personal interview:

    Personal interviewing is the most versatile method. The interviewer can ask more question and record additional the respondent such as dress and body language. At the same time, personal interviewing is the most expensive mrequires more administrative planning and supervision than the other three.

    4) Collect the Information:

    The data collected phase of marketing research is generally the most prone to error .In the case of survey , four m

    1) Some respondents will not be home and must be contacted again or replaced.

    2) Other respondents will refuse to cooperate.

    3) Still other will give biased or dishonest answer.

    4) Finally some interviewers will be biased or dishonest.

    5) Analyze the information :

    The next to-last step in the process is to extract findings from the collected data.

    researcher tabulates the data and develops frequency distributions . Average and m

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    dispersion are computed for the major variables.

    6) Present the findings:

    As the last step the researcher presents the findings. The researcher should present finding that are relevant to thedecision facing management

    7) Make the decision:

    The manager who commissioned the research need to weigh the evidence. If their confidence in the findings is lodecide against the findings of the research they may even decide to study the issues further and do more research.


    Life insurance is a contract that pledges payment of an amount to the person assured (or his nominee) on the event insured against.

    The contract is valid for payment of the insured amount during:

    The date of maturity, or Specified dates at periodic intervals, or Unfortunate death, if it occurs earlier.

    Among other things, the contract also provides for the payment of premium periodically to the Corporatiopolicyholder. Life insurance is universally acknowledged to be an institution, which eliminates 'risk', subsfor uncertainty and comes to the timely aid of the family in the unfortunate event of death of the breadwinBy and large, life insurance is civilization's partial solution to the problems caused by death. Life insuranconcerned with two hazards that stand across the life-path of every person:

    1. That of dying prematurely is leaving2. A dependent family to fend for itself.3. That of living till old age without visible means of support.
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    The story of insurance is probably as old as the story of mankind. The same instinct that prompts mo

    today to secure themselves against loss and disaster existed in primitive men also. They too soughtconsequences of fire and flood and loss of life and were willing to make some sort of sacrifice in order toThough the concept of insurance is largely a development of the recent past, particularly after the industrcenturies yet its beginnings date back almost 6000 years.

    Life Insurance in its modern form came to India from England in the year 1818. Oriental Life Insuranceby Europeans in Calcutta was the first life insurance company on Indian Soil. All the insurance compduring that period were brought up with the purpose of looking after the needs of European community awere not being insured by these companies. However, later with the efforts of eminent people like Babu foreign life insurance companies started insuring Indian lives. But Indian lives were being treated as sub-heavy extra premiums were being charged on them. Bombay Mutual Life Assurance Society heralded

    Indian life insurance company in the year 1870, and covered Indian lives at normal rates. Starting as Indihighly patriotic motives, insurance companies came into existence to carry the message of insurance athrough insurance to various sectors of society. Bharat Insurance Company (1896) was also one oinspired by nationalism. The Swadeshi movement of 1905-1907 gave rise to more insurance Madras, National Indian and National Insurance in Calcutta and the Co-operative Assurance at Lahorein 1906. In 1907, Hindustan Co-operative Insurance Company took its birth in one of the rooms of the Jothe great poet Rabindranath Tagore, in Calcutta. The Indian Mercantile, General Assurance and SwBombay Life) were some of the companies established during the same period. Prior to 1912 India hadregulate insurance business. In the year 1912, the Life Insurance Companies Act, and the Provident FundThe Life Insurance Companies Act, 1912 made it necessary that the premium rate tables and periodcompanies should be certified by an actuary. But the Act discriminated between foreign and Indian co

    accounts, putting the Indian companies at a disadvantage.


    Some of the important milestones in the life insurance business in India are:

    1818: Oriental Life Insurance Company, the first life insurance company on Indiafunctioning.

    1870: Bombay Mutual Life Assurance Society, the first Indian life insurance compabusiness.

    1912: The Indian Life Assurance Companies Act enacted as the first statute to reinsurance business.

    1928: The Indian Insurance Companies Act enacted to enable the government to co

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    information about both life and non-life insurance businesses.

    1938: Earlier legislation consolidated and amended to by the Insurance Act with thprotecting the interests of the insuring public.

    1956: 245 Indian and foreign insurers and provident societies are taken over bgovernment and nationalised. LIC formed by an Act of Parliament, viz. LIC Act,capital contribution of Rs.5 crore from the Government of India.

    The General insurance business in India, on the other hand, can trace its rootsInsurance Company Ltd., the first general insurance company established in theCalcutta by the British.

    CHINTAMANI, the mascot of the middle class, has become a household name. Even kids atoys modelled around his scraggly old figure. Thanks to him, ICICI Prudential now enjoysof 92 per cent next to LIC's 97 per cent, according to AC Nielsen's Brandtrack 7 study outInsurance brand building has certainly come a long way. Financial services advertising ha

    been tactical. It usually just imparts information, given the complexity of the products.

    With the liberalisation of the insurance market in 2000, building a separate insurance bratowering public sector unit like LIC that held 100 per cent of the market share proved to bas well as a daunting task. Awareness of the brand was the first goal that had to be met. Vice-President (Marketing), Tata AIG, says, "Insurance buying involves a high degree of iAt the outset, people were not aware that Tata had forayed into the insurance business. Ato be driven to a level where it culminates in a transaction. It is unlike some FMCG compaand Pepsi where marketing has to be driven only to the extent of preference."

    Insurance agents demanded that the companies support them by advertising. People theyshould at the very least know that the brand they are selling really exists. Initially, all advprivate insurers ended up reinforcing the LIC brand image as the PSU was still synonymoinsurance.

    Historically, print was the traditional choice for the medium of advertising. The break withcame when ICICI Prudential arguably became the first private insurance company to recoharness the power of TV advertising, with its `Sindoor' campaign in 2001. Then came its

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    solutions campaign with the tagline `Retire from work, not life.'

    The second campaign saw ICICI Prudential getting into product-specific advertising. With insurance advertising got a new treatment. Sujit Ganguli, Head (Marketing), ICICI Pruden

    "Chintamani is a very interesting character. The claymation (clay animation), particularly,the clutter. To add to it, the jingle is also very catchy."

    Now, most private players have 50-70 per cent of their ad spend skewed in favour of teleMarketing budgets have been soaring for the past three years. Reportedly, on a budget offor February 2005 alone, ICICI Prudential's `Retirement solutions campaign' was the highbrand, pipping several HLL brands to the post. The fact that insurance selling activity reacaround March also needs to be taken into account.

    The advertising has been spread across mass as well as niche TV channels. S.MuralidharaMarketing Officer, SBI Life, says, "We have advertised in 10 languages. We chose TV becafootprint is quite large. The visual is always more effective and more universal. Print advetwo-level abstraction, in terms of language and in terms of the thought."

    The campaigns have also tapped several ideas associated with insurance; an alternative tSharma', which harped on the idea of protecting your family against the wage earner's decurrent campaigns are less dark and foreboding. Some even use humour while others spasentimentality.

    HDFC Standard Life, for instance, uses the idea of `self respect' as its platform. M. SureshManager (Sales), says, "While selling insurance, it does not work if you remind people of t

    imminent death. Instead of selling insurance by offering protection and safety, we use theself-respect." The TV ad features multiple relationships those between husband and wifson, grandfather and grandson. The family members refuse help from each other becausetheir `self-respect.' The print ads use the characters from the television ad to extend the campaign. The press ad is, however, packed with more information about the products.

    Tata AIG's `boy planting a sapling that grows into a tree' works on the idea of planning acompany also uses brand ambassadors. Says Mull, "We have two ambassadors - NaseeruNirvana Pension and Harsha Bhogle for Maha Life. Both ambassadors connote credibility aHarsha, for instance, signifies being an IIM Ahmedabad product, a `numbers' guy and so

    Kotak Mahindra's Old Mutual Life campaign saw the focus shift to print and outdoor once icampaign fell flat. "We decided on a more outdoor-and print-heavy marketing strategy. Itpeople needed to be provided with information rather than be hit with visuals. Press ads aads serve that purpose," says Rahul Sinha, Vice-President (Marketing), Kotak Mahindra O

    Kotak uses catch phrases with a twist in all its hoardings. Lines like "Eat your cake and ha"Bulls you win, bears you win" have been used in its outdoor campaigns to explain its equ

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    Kotak and SBI Life use the same brand colours and logo as the mother brand. As much asof Kotak's business comes from bancassurance. "We call it the "6=1" approach. The line "

    Investment, think Kotak" applies to the bank, the insurance wing as well as the mutual futrying to project a traditional Indian brand with the same core values," says Sinha.

    SBI Life has 63 per cent business coming from bancassurance. So, its advertisements aretowards telling people that they can buy insurance from the bank. "Advertising, thereforebranch merchandising. Its more about point-of-purchase sort of advertising," says MuralidLife's TV campaigns have been more for the non-bank customers. The tone of our ad wascorporate and less about products," he adds.

    Throughout this barrage of ad campaigns, LIC has not been keeping quiet. According to apension products and ULIPs are the relatively unsuccessful products in LIC's business porbeen attributed to low commissions for agents because of the low risk content of the prodcase of ULIPs, the agents are still grappling with understanding the complexity of its equitfeatures. They say private players have cashed in on this and usually advertise for pensioULIPs.

    Many private players have trained their sights on SEC A and B. Lalit Kumar Dash, Executi(Marketing), LIC, says, "Most private players aim at segments of high net worth. They givthe premium income. On the other hand, LIC has to fulfil a social responsibility. Our spreathe country and we have to cater to the high, middle and lower income segments."

    Last year, LIC's Rs 125-crore budget was divided with 20 per cent going to TV, 25-30 perand 35 per cent for outdoor. Through March, LIC had ads across all products being beameinsurance major also undertook scientific studies to look at its target audience. The compthe Rs 2 crore it spent on the Internet has been successful in reaching the urban middle aclass.

    With the private players flexing their muscles, the LIC pie has hit a down curve - down frocent last year to 78 per cent this year. Many private companies say that there will be a 30increase in their marketing expenditure by next year, with senior executives handling FMCsuch as ITC, Coke and Cadbury getting roped into marketing insurance wares. The emphacreatives and the accent on awareness. And it is TV that is proving to be new vehicle to c

    insurance business.

    Targeting a youth community in big way, Life Insurance Corporation (LIC) is planning to increase its spend in thmarket. As of now what we spend is very small and for the last three years our spend has not changed, but this yraised it by 16%, AK Shukla, chairman said.

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    LIC has sponsored the Zee cine awards and also has spots on the Kaun Banenga Crorepati 2 show to reach out tocreate mindspace for LIC. The corporations spend this year will be at Rs 116 crore.

    While it is confident about retaining its existing customers, the LIC is making a conscious attempt to grab the min

    younger lot who will be prime buyers of insurance in the coming years.

    Mr Shukla said LIC was keen on getting into health insurance but this would only be done along with an internatexpertise in the business. This is a high risk business as there is no experience in underwriting in health insurancnor was there any reliable data to fall back on about diseases and treatment in the country, Mr Shukla LIC was aproducts and one of them was a new product that would combine savings with insurance cover and this was mainsavings especially among small policy holders but it would not haSingle Premium Insurance policy Tags:investment, one time premium insurance plan,Single Premium Insurance policy

    LIC Jeevan Nischay Summary: (Table No.199)Jeevan Nischay is a close ended single premium policy with guaranteed maturity benefits exclusively for existholders.

    Advantages of Jeevan Nishchay:

    Single Premium policy. Guaranteed Maturity benefits with provision of loyalty additions. Plan is exclusively for LIC policyholders. Wide range of policy terms options. Assured maturity benefits (Guaranteed Return + Loyalty Additions)

    Assured maturity benefits equal to the Maturity Sum Assured are pre-defined. The specimen Maturity Sum Assusingle premium is given below for some ages and terms:

    Age 5 Years Plan 7 Years Plan 10 Years Plan

    30 1256 1409 1715

    40 1249 1400 1699

    50 1226 1369 1645

    In addition to the assured maturity benefits, there is provision for the loyalty additions. Depending upon the LIC

    policy will be eligible for Loyalty Addition on death during the last policy year or on the Life Assured surviving date of maturity at such rate and on such terms as may be declared by the LIC.

    Death benefit:

    Death benefit underJeevan Nishchay policy is equal to five times the single premium, if death is within first ypolicy. In case of the death in subsequent years, the death benefit is equal to the maturity sum assured. In case of year of the policy, death benefit is equal to the maturity sum assured with declared loyalty additions, if any.
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    prices and thus lead to wider distribution and greater availability of goods and services.

    Advertising is essential and integral to the marketing system. It is sometimes maintained that the mnothing but the consequences of a countrys social and economic growth. The fact is that marketing and

    used to aid a countrys social and economic growth. The fact is that marketing and advertising are kcompany growth.


    Some of the benefits of advertising done by companys are as follows:-

    Source of Information- Consumers need information about various services. Due to ignorance,purchase an inferior product, pay higher prices or even not know that the product exists.Information given in an advertisement could be about the company and its products or services.

    Brand image building- Very often advertising is used to build a brand image. Images are mental pthat may appeal to different target audience in varying degrees. They may have their origin in real or Favourable images will help in generating brand loyalty and a disposition to buy that brand in preference

    What is Creative Showcase?

    Creative Showcase is one of the largest hubs of Advertising Campaigns across all forms of Media, incl

    Radio, Digital and OOH. It is a place where any creative person can upload advertising campaigns they

    or enjoy - and want to share with others. The best way to promote good creative work and that too for f

    Who all can register with Creative Showcase?

    An Agency, an individual, a film production house, a brand or even an advertising enthusiast can regist

    their campaigns on Creative Showcase.

    Why should I Register with Creative Showcase?

    In this world where even a high-end product loses its appeal if it stops its marketing activities, similarly

    Showcase is a place where you are allowed to market your ads. Also, you have the option of providing

    any ad; all the appreciation goes to the person who actually worked hard in making a campaign see the


    How do I Register with Creative Showcase?

    To Register at Creative Showcase is even simpler than boiling an egg. All you need to do is fill up a sim

    Registration Form, which you will find when you click on the Register(add link) button on the leftmost p

    your details and click on the activation link sent to your E-mail id and you become a registered member

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    been rejected or is still under the process of being reviewed.

    a. What is meant by Pending?

    f you see your ad's status as Pending, it implies your submission is still being reviewed by us. Ugets published within 2 working days, but please be patient as in some cases it may take much

    b. What is meant by Rejected?

    If you see your ad's status as Rejected, it implies your submission has not been approved by ou

    work not being published is not a reflection on the quality of your work. afaqs! is completely inde

    decision to publish material is not influenced by any network.

    c. What is meant by Online?

    If you see your ad's status as Online, it implies your submission has been reviewed and is live o


    Why don't I see my ad?

    Submissions will not be posted automatically.

    Do not send the same work several times as it disqualifies the submission

    Usually work gets published within 2 working days, but please be patient as in some cases it may take

    Once your ad has been reviewed, you shall be receiving a mail stating the status of your ad, whether it

    approved or rejected.

    How do I delete or modify my ad?

    If you wish to remove your ad or modify it, you will have to send us a Delete/Change request along with

    as to why should this ad be deleted or modified. The 'Delete/Change' request button appears once you

    available under the 'My Uploads' page.

    Is there a problem with an ad?

    If you have trouble viewing or playing an ad, you might not have the required software to view the ad in

    format. Kindly download the software required and then try playing it again.

    How do I make changes in my account information?

    You can edit/update details in your account information, under the 'Edit account info' button available o

    panel. The fields available for editing are:

    First Name

    Last Name


    Phone No.

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    *Please note, you are not entitled to change your username. You shall have to register again, if you wisusername.

    What is Keyword Search?

    If you wish to search for a particular campaign and are unable to find it, then you can simply type in the

    or a keyword that might be associated with the ad in the Keyword Search and you shall see the relevan

    matching your criteria.

    What is Browse?

    The Browse option helps you search for an ad by terms of Media: TV, Print, Radio, Digital, OOH and byCategories available.

    Public service advertising

    The same advertising techniques used to promote commercial goods and services can be used to inform, educate public about non-commercial issues, such as HIV/AIDS, political ideology, energy conservation and deforestatio

    Advertising, in its non-commercial guise, is a powerful educational tool capable of reaching and motivating large"Advertising justifies its existence when used in the public interest - it is much too powerful a tool to use solely f

    purposes." - Attributed to Howard Gossage byDavid Ogilvy.

    Public service advertising,non-commercial advertising, public interest advertising, cause marketing, andare different terms for (or aspects of) the use of sophisticated advertising and marketing communications techniqassociated with commercial enterprise) on behalf of non-commercial, public interest issues and initiatives.

    In the United States, the granting of television and radio licenses by the FCC is contingent upon the station broadamount of public service advertising. To meet these requirements, many broadcast stations in America air the burequired public service announcements during the late night or early morning when the smallest percentage owatching, leaving more day and prime time commercial slots available for high-paying advertisers.

    Public service advertising reached its height during World Wars I andII under the direction of several governme

    Types of advertising
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    Paying people to hold signs is one of the oldest forms of advertising, as with this Human directional pictured above

    A bus with an advertisement forGAP in Singapore. Buses and other vehicles are popular mediums for advertiser

    ADBAG Class 101with UNICEF ads at Ingolstadt main railway station

    Virtually any medium can be used for advertising. Commercial advertising media can include wall paintingsfurniture components, printed flyers andrack cards, radio, cinema and television adverts, web banners, mobilscreens, shopping carts, web popups,skywriting, bus stop benches, human billboards, magazines, newspaperssides of buses, banners attached to or sides of airplanes ("logojets"),in-flight advertisements on seatback trayoverhead storage bins, taxicab doors, roof mounts andpassenger screens, musical stage shows, subway platfoelastic bands on disposable diapers,doors of bathroom stalls,stickers on apples in supermarkets, shopping cart h(grabertising), the opening section ofstreamingaudio and video, posters, and the backs of event tickets and supeAny place an "identified" sponsor pays to deliver their message through a medium is advertising.

    TelevisionMain articles: Television advertisementandMusic in advertising

    The TV commercial is generally considered the most effective mass-market advertising format, as is reflected byTV networks charge for commercialairtime during popular TV events. The annual Super Bowlfootball game iStates is known as the most prominent advertising event on television. The average cost of a single thirty-secondthis game has reached US$3 million (as of 2009).
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    The majority of television commercials feature a song orjingle that listeners soon relate to the product.

    Virtual advertisements may be inserted into regular television programming through computer graphics. It is typiotherwise blank backdrops or used to replace local billboards that are not relevant to the remote broadcast audien

    controversially, virtual billboards may be inserted into the background where none exist in real-life. Virtual produalso possible.


    Main article:Infomercial

    Aninfomercial is a long-format television commercial, typically five minutes or longer. The word "infomercial"of the words "information" and "commercial". The main objective in an infomercial is to create an impulse purcconsumer sees the presentation and then immediately buys the product through the advertised toll-free telephonwebsite. Infomercials describe, display, and often demonstrate products and their features, and commonly have tconsumers and industry professionals.

    Radio advertising

    Radio advertising is a form of advertising via the medium ofradio.

    Radio advertisements are broadcasted as radio waves to the air from a transmitter to an antenna and a thus to a reAirtime is purchased from astation ornetwork in exchange for airing the commercials. While radio has the obvbeing restricted to sound, proponents of radio advertising often cite this as an advantage

    Print advertising

    Print advertising describes advertising in a printed medium such as a newspaper,magazine, or tradejournaleverything from media with a very broad readership base, such as a major national newspaper or magazine, to motargeted media such as local newspapers and trade journals on very specialized topics. A form of print advertisingadvertising, which allows private individuals or companies to purchase a small, narrowly targeted ad for a low fproduct or service.

    Online advertising

    Online advertising is a form ofpromotion that uses the Internet andWorld Wide Web for the expressed purpomarketing messages to attract customers. Examples of online advertising include contextual ads on search eng

    pages,banner ads, Rich Media Ads, Social network advertising,online classified advertising,advertisine-mail marketing, including e-mail spam.

    Billboard advertising

    Billboards are large structures located in public places which display advertisements to passing pedestrians and moften, they are located on main roads with a large amount of passing motor and pedestrian traffic; however, they any location with large amounts of viewers, such as on mass transit vehicles and in stations, in shopping malls or
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    and in stadiums.

    Mobile billboard advertising

    TheRedEyenewspaper advertised to its target market at North Avenue Beach with a sailboat billboard on Lake Mi

    Mobile billboards are truck- or blimp-mounted billboards or digital screens. These can be dedicated vehicles bucarrying advertisements along routes preselected by clients, or they can be specially-equipped cargo trucks. The boften lighted; some being backlit, and others employing spotlights. Some billboard displays are static, while otheexample, continuously or periodically rotating among a set of advertisements.

    Mobile displays are used for various situations in metropolitan areas throughout the world, including:

    Target advertising One-day, and long-term campaigns Conventions Sporting events Store openings and similar promotional events Big advertisements from smaller companies Others

    In-store advertising

    In-store advertising is any advertisement placed in a retail store. It includes placement of a product in visible locasuch as at eye level, at the ends of aisles and near checkout counters, eye-catching displays promoting a specific padvertisements in such places as shopping carts and in-store video displays.

    Covert advertising

    Main article:Product placement

    Covert advertising, also known as guerrilla advertising, is when a product or brand is embedded in entertainmentexample, in a film, the main character can use an item or other of a definite brand, as in the movie MinorityRep
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    Cruise's character John Anderton owns a phone with theNokia logo clearly written in the top corner, or his watctheBulgarilogo. Another example of advertising in film is in I, Robot, where main character played byWill SmConverseshoes several times, calling them "classics," because the film is set far in the future.I, Robotand Spashowcase futuristic cars with theAudiand Mercedes-Benzlogos clearly displayed on the front of the vehicles.

    advertise in the movie The Matrix Reloaded, which as a result contained many scenes in which Cadillac cars wSimilarly, product placement forOmega Watches, Ford, VAIO,BMW and Aston Martin cars are featured in rBond films, most notably Casino Royale. In "Fantastic Four 2: Rise of the Silver Surfer", the main transporlarge Dodgelogo on the front.Blade Runnerincludes some of the most obvious product placement; the whole show aCoca-Colabillboard.


    Main article:Celebrity branding

    This type of advertising focuses upon using celebrity power, fame, money, popularity to gain recognition for theipromote specific stores or products. Advertisers often advertise their products, for example, when celebrities shar

    products or wear clothes by specific brands or designers. Celebrities are often involved in advertising campaigns or print adverts to advertise specific or general products.

    The use of celebrities to endorse a brand can have its downsides, however. One mistake by a celebrity can be detpublic relations of a brand. For example, following his performance of eight gold medals at the 2008 Olympic GaChina, swimmer Michael Phelps' contract with Kellog was terminated, as Kellog did not want to associate with hphotographed smoking marijuana.

    ] Media and advertising approaches

    Increasingly, other media are overtaking many of the "traditional" media such as television, radio and newspaper

    toward consumer's usage of the Internet for news and music as well as devices like digital video recorders (DV

    Advertising on the World Wide Webis a recent phenomenon. Prices of Web-based advertising space are depend"relevance" of the surrounding web content and the traffic that the website receives.

    Digital signage is poised to become a major mass media because of its ability to reach larger audiences for less signage also offer the unique ability to see the target audience where they are reached by the medium. Technologalso made it possible to control the message on digital signage with much precision, enabling the messages to be target audience at any given time and location which in turn, gets more response from the advertising. Digital sigsuccessfully employed in supermarkets Another successful use of digital signage is in hospitality locations such amalls

    E-mail advertising is another recent phenomenon. Unsolicited bulk E-mail advertising is known as "spam". Spamproblem for email users for many years. But more efficient filters are now available making it relatively easy to cyou get.

    Some companies have proposed placing messages or corporate logos on the side of boosterrockets and theStation. Controversy exists on the effectiveness ofsubliminal advertising (see mind control), and the pervasivmessages (seepropaganda). can be seen as the pinnacle of any advertising campaign. However, some companie,_Robot_(film),_Robot_(film),_Robot_(film)
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    of their brand name to label an object. Equating a brand with a common noun also risks turning that brand into atrademark - turning it into a generic term which means that its legal protection as a trademarkis lost.

    As the mobile phone became a new mass media in 1998 when the first paid downloadable content appeared on m

    Finland, it was only a matter of time untilmobile advertisingfollowed, also first launched in Finland in 2000. Bof mobile advertising had reached $2.2 billion and providers such as Admobdelivered billions of mobile ads.

    More advanced mobile ads include banner ads, coupons,Multimedia Messaging Servicepicture and video meadvergames and various engagement marketing campaigns. A particular feature driving mobile ads is the2D Bareplaces the need to do any typing of web addresses, and uses the camera feature of modern phones to gain immeweb content. 83 percent of Japanese mobile phone users already are active users of 2D barcodes.

    A new form of advertising that is growing rapidly is social network advertising. It is online advertising with a fnetworking sites. This is a relatively immature market, but it has shown a lot of promise as advertisers are able toof the demographic information the user has provided to the social networking site. Friendertising is a more preci

    term in which people are able to direct advertisements toward others directly using social network service.

    From time to time, The CW Television Network airs short programming breaks called "Content Wraps," to advcompany's product during an entire commercial break. The CW pioneered "content wraps" and some products feHerbal Essences,Crest,Guitar Hero II,CoverGirl, and recently Toyota.

    Recently, there appeared a new promotion concept, "ARvertising"; its supported onAugmented Reality techno

    Criticism of advertising

    While advertising can be seen as necessary for economic growth, it is not without social costs. Unsolicited Com

    and other forms ofspamhave become so prevalent as to have become a major nuisance to users of these servicea financial burden oninternet service providers.[18]Advertising is increasingly invading public spaces, such as ssome critics argue is a form of child exploitation.[19] In addition, advertising frequently uses psychological pressurappealing to feelings of inadequacy) on the intended consumer, which may be harmful.

    Hyper-commercialism and the commercial tidal wave

    Criticism of advertising is closely linked with criticism of media and often interchangeable. They can refer to its aspects (e. g. cluttering of public spaces and airwaves), environmental aspects (e. g. pollution, oversize packagingconsumption), political aspects (e. g. media dependency, free speech, censorship), financial aspects (costs), ethicaaspects (e. g. sub-conscious influencing, invasion of privacy, increasing consumption and waste, target groups, c

    honesty) and, of course, a mix thereof. Some aspects can be subdivided further and some can cover more than on

    As advertising has become increasingly prevalent in modern Western societies, it is also increasingly being criticcan hardly move in the public sphere or use a medium without being subject to advertising. Advertising occupiesmore and more invades the private sphere of people, many of which consider it a nuisance. It is becoming hardeadvertising and the media. Public space is increasingly turning into a gigantic billboard for products of all kinand political consequences cannot yet be foreseen. Hanno Rauterberg in the German newspaper Die Zeit calls
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    kind of dictatorship that cannot be escaped.

    Ad creep: "There are ads in schools, airport lounges, doctors offices, movie theaters, hospitals, gas stations, elevconvenience stores, on the Internet, on fruit, on ATMs, on garbage cans and countless other places. There are ads

    and restroom walls.]

    One of the ironies of advertising in our times is that as commercialism increases, it makes difficult for any particular advertiser to succeed, hence pushing the advertiser to even greater efforts. Within a din radios climbed to nearly 18 or 19 minutes per hour; on prime-time television the standard until 1982 was no mminutes of advertising per hour, today its between 14 and 17 minutes. With the introduction of the shorter 15-setotal amount of ads increased even more dramatically. Ads are not only placed in breaks but e. g. also into basebathe game itself. They flood the internet, a market growing in leaps and bounds.

    Other growing markets are product placements in entertainment programming and in movies where it has bpractice and virtual advertising where products get placed retroactively into rerun shows. Product billboards ainserted into Major League Baseball broadcasts and in the same manner, virtual street banners or logos are projeccanopy or sidewalks, for example during the arrival of celebrities at the 2001Grammy Awards. Advertising pre

    showing of films at cinemas including lavish film shorts produced by companies such as Microsoft or DaimlerClargest advertising agencies have begun working aggressively to co-produce programming in conjunction with thfirms creating Infomercials resembling entertainment programming.

    Opponents equate the growing amount of advertising with a tidal wave and restrictions with damming the floone of the most outspoken critics of advertising on the international stage, considers advertising the most prevalthe mental pollutants. From the moment your radio alarm sounds in the morning to the wee hours of late-night TVcommercial pollution flood into your brain at the rate of around 3,000 marketing messages per day. Every day anbillion display ads, 3 million radio commercials and more than 200,000 television commercials are dumped into collective unconscious In the course of his life the average American watches three years of advertising on telev

    More recent developments are video games incorporating products into their content, special commercial patient hospitals and public figures sporting temporary tattoos. A method unrecognisable as advertising is so-called guewhich is spreading buzz about a new product in target audiences. Cash-strapped U.S. cities do not shrink back fpolice cars for advertising. A trend, especially in Germany, is companies buying the names of sports stadiums. Thsoccer Volkspark stadium first became the AOL Arena and then the HSH Nordbank Arena. The Stuttgart NecktheMercedes-Benz Arena, the Dortmund Westfalenstadion now is theSignal Iduna Park. The former SkyDowas renamed Rogers Centre. Other recent developments are, for example, that whole subway stations in Berlininto product halls and exclusively leased to a company. Dsseldorf even has multi-sensorial adventure transit stwith loudspeakers and systems that spread the smell of a detergent. Swatch used beamers to project messages on tower and Victory column, which was fined because it was done without a permit. The illegality was part of the spromotion.

    Its standard business management knowledge that advertising is a pillar, if not the pillar of the growth-orientaeconomy. Advertising is part of the bone marrow of corporate capitalism. Contemporary capitalism could not fglobal production networks could not exist as they do without advertising.

    For communication scientist and media economist Manfred Knoche at the University of Salzburg, Austria, adversimply a necessary evil but a necessary elixir of life for the media business, the economy and capitalism as a wAdvertising and mass media economic interests create ideology. Knoche describes advertising for products and b
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    producers weapons in the competition for customers and trade advertising, e. g. by the automotive industry, as acollectively represent their interests against other groups, such as the train companies. In his view editorial articleprogrammes in the media, promoting consumption in general, provide a cost free service to producers and sponmuch used means of payment in advertising. Christopher Lasch argues that advertising leads to an overall inc

    consumption in society; "Advertising serves not so much to advertise products as to promote consumption as

    [edit] Advertising and constitutional rights

    Advertising is equated with constitutionally guaranteed freedom of opinion and speechTherefore criticizing adveattempt to restrict or ban advertising is almost always considered to be an attack on fundamental rights (First AmUSA) and meets the combined and concentrated resistance of the business and especially the advertising communin the near future, any number of cases are and will be working their way through the court system that would seegovernment regulation of ... commercial speech (e. g. advertising or food labelling) on the grounds that such reguviolate citizens and corporations First Amendment rights to free speech or free press. An example for this debafor tobacco or alcohol but also advertising by mail or fliers (clogged mail boxes), advertising on the phone, in the

    advertising for children. Various legal restrictions concerning spamming, advertising on mobile phones, addressitobacco, alcohol have been introduced by the US, the EU and various other countries. Not only the business comrestrictions of advertising. Advertising as a means of free expression has firmly established itself in western socieargues, that the government deserves constant vigilance when it comes to such regulations, but that it is certainlyantidemocratic force in our society. ...corporations and the wealthy enjoy a power every bit as immense as that enlords and royalty of feudal times and markets are not value-free or neutral; they not only tend to work to the adwith the most money, but they also by their very nature emphasize profit over all else.Hence, today the debate advertising or food labelling, or campaign contributions are speech...if the rights to be protected by the First Amebe effectively employed by a fraction of the citizenry, and their exercise of these rights gives them undue politicaundermines the ability of the balance of the citizenry to exercise the same rights and/or constitutional rights, thennecessarily legitimately protected by the First Amendment. In addition, those with the capacity to engage in fre

    position to determine who can speak to the great mass of citizens and who cannot. Critics in turn argue, that advprivacy which is a constitutional right. For, on the one hand, advertising physically invades privacy, on the other,uses relevant, information-based communication with private data assembled without the knowledge or consent otarget groups.

    For Georg Franck at Vienna University of Technology advertising is part of what he calls mental capitalism, ta(mental) which has been used by groups concerned with the mental environment, such as Adbusters. Franck bleEconomy of Attention with Christopher Laschs culture of narcissm into the mental capitalism: In his essay the Edge of the Apocalypse, Sut Jhally writes: 20. century advertising is the most powerful and sustained systin human history and its cumulative cultural effects, unless quickly checked, will be responsible for destroying thknow it.

    The price of attention and hidden costs

    Advertising has developed into a billion-dollar business on which many depend. In 2006 391 billion US dollars wworldwide for advertising. In Germany, for example, the advertising industry contributes 1.5% of the gross natiofigures for other developed countries are similar.[citation needed] Thus, advertising and growth are directly and causallas a growth based economy can be blamed for the harmful human lifestyle (affluent society) advertising has to bethis aspect concerning its negative impact, because its main purpose is to raise consumption. The industry is acc
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    of the engines powering a convoluted economic mass production system which promotes consumption.

    Attention and attentiveness have become a new commodity for which a market developed. The amount of attentabsorbed by the media and redistributed in the competition for quotas and reach is not identical with the amount

    is available in society. The total amount circulating in society is made up of the attention exchanged among the pand the attention given to media information. Only the latter is homogenised by quantitative measuring and only the character of an anonymous currency. According to Franck, any surface of presentation that can guarantee a cattentiveness works as magnet for attention, e. g. media which are actually meant for information and entertainmthe arts, public space etc. It is this attraction which is sold to the advertising business. The German Advertising Athat in 2007 30.78 billion Euros were spent on advertising in Germany 26% in newspapers, 21% on television, 1515% in magazines. In 2002 there were 360.000 people employed in the advertising business. The internet revenudoubled to almost 1 billion Euros from 2006 to 2007, giving it the highest growth rates.

    Spiegel-Online reported that in the USA in 2008 for the first time more money was spent for advertising on interUS dollars) than on television (98.5 billion US dollars). The largest amount in 2008 was still spent in the print me

    US dollars) For that same year, Welt-Online reported that the US pharmaceutical industry spent almost double thadvertising (57.7 billion dollars) than it did on research (31.5 billion dollars). But Marc-Andr Gagnon und Joel LUniversity, Toronto, estimate that the actual expenses for advertising are higher yet, because not all entries are reresearch institutionsNot included are indirect advertising campaigns such as sales, rebates and price reductions. Faware of the fact that they are the ones paying for every cent spent for public relations, advertisements, rebates, psince they ordinarily get included in the price calculation.

    Influencing and conditioning

    Advertising for McDonald's on the Via di Propaganda, Rome, Italy

    The most important element of advertising is not information but suggestion more or less making use of associati(appeal to emotion) and drives dormant in the sub-conscience of people, such as sex drive, herd instinct, of deshappiness, health, fitness, appearance, self-esteem, reputation, belonging, social status, identity, adventure, distrafears (appeal to fear), such as illness, weaknesses, loneliness, need, uncertainty, security or of prejudices, learnecomforts. All human needs, relationships, and fears the deepest recesses of the human psyche become mere expansion of the commodity universe under the force of modern marketing. With the rise to prominence of modecommercialism the translation of human relations into commodity relations although a phenomenon intrinsi,_Via_Propaganda_-_Rome.jpg,_Via_Propaganda_-_Rome.jpg
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    has expanded exponentially.[42] Cause-related marketing in which advertisers link their product to some worthyboomed over the past decade.

    Advertising exploits the model role of celebrities or popular figures and makes deliberate use of humour as well

    with colour, tunes, certain names and terms. Altogether, these are factors of how one perceives himself and onesdescription of mental capitalism Franck says, the promise of consumption making someone irresistible is the iobjects and symbols into a persons subjective experience. Evidently, in a society in which revenue of attention mconsumption is drawn by ones self-esteem. As a result, consumption becomes work on a persons attraction. Fsubjective point of view, this work opens fields of unexpected dimensions for advertising. Advertising takes oncouncillor in matters of attraction. The cult around ones own attraction is what Christopher Lasch described as Narcissism.

    For advertising critics another serious problem is that the long standing notion of separation between advertisingeditorial/creative sides of media is rapidly crumbling and advertising is increasingly hard to tell apart from newsentertainment. The boundaries between advertising and programming are becoming blurred. According to the me

    commercial involvement has no influence over actual media content, but, as McChesney puts it, this claim fails most basic giggle test, it is so preposterous.

    Advertising draws heavily on psychological theories about how to create subjects, enabling advertising and mara more clearly psychological tinge (Miller and Rose, 1997, cited in Thrift, 1999, p. 67). Increasingly, the emphahas switched from providing factual information to the symbolic connotations of commodities, since the cruciaof advertising is that the material object being sold is never in itself enough. Even those commodities providing fmundane necessities of daily life must be imbued with symbolic qualities and culturally endowed meanings via th(Williams, 1980) of advertising. In this way and by altering the context in which advertisements appear, things cmean "just about anything" (McFall, 2002, p. 162) and the same things can be endowed with different intendeddifferent individuals and groups of people, thereby offering mass produced visions of individualism.

    Before advertising is done, market research institutions need to know and describe the target group to exactly pimplement the advertising campaign and to achieve the best possible results. A whole array of sciences directly dadvertising and marketing or is used to improve its effects. Focus groups, psychologists and cultural anthropologrigueur in marketing research. Vast amounts of data on persons and their shopping habits are collected, accumaggregated and analysed with the aid of credit cards, bonus cards, raffles and, last but not least, internet surveyingaccuracy this supplies a picture of behaviour, wishes and weaknesses of certain sections of a population with whican be employed more selectively and effectively. The efficiency of advertising is improved through advertisingUniversities, of course supported by business and in co-operation with other disciplines (s. above), mainlyPsychAnthropology, Neurology and behavioural sciences, are constantly in search for ever more refined, sophisticatecrafty methods to make advertising more effective. Neuromarketing is a controversial new field of marketing w

    medical technologies such as functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging (fMRI) -- not to heal, but to sell producand marketing firms have long used the insights and research methods of psychology in order to sell products, of these practices are reaching epidemic levels, and with a complicity on the part of the psychological profession thathe past. The result is an enormous advertising and marketing onslaught that comprises, arguably, the largest singproject ever undertaken. Yet, this great undertaking remains largely ignored by the American Psychological AssoMcChesney calls it "the greatest concerted attempt at

    Dependency of the media and corporate censorship
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    Almost all mass media are advertising media and many of them are exclusively advertising media and, with the epublic service broadcasting are privately owned. Their income is predominantly generated through advertisingnewspapers and magazines from 50 to 80%. Public service broadcasting in some countries can also heavily depenas a source of income (up to 40%).In the view of critics no media that spreads advertisements can be independen

    the proportion of advertising, the higher the dependency. This dependency has distinct implications for the naturcontent. In the business press, the media are often referred to in exactly the way they present themselves in themoments: as a branch of the advertising industry.

    In addition, the private media are increasingly subject to mergers and concentration with property situations oftenentangled and opaque. This development, which Henry A. Giroux calls an ongoing threat to democratic culturesuffice to sound all alarms in a democracy. Five or six advertising agencies dominate this 400 billion U.S. dollar

    Journalists have long faced pressure to shape stories to suit advertisers and owners . the vast majority of TV sfound their news departments cooperative in shaping the news to assist in non-traditional revenue developmenundesired reporting can be prevented or influenced when advertisers threaten to cancel orders or simply when the

    such a cancellation. Media dependency and such a threat becomes very real when there is only one dominant or vadvertisers. The influence of advertisers is not only in regard to news or information on their own products or serto articles or shows not directly linked to them. In order to secure their advertising revenues the media has to creapossible advertising environment. Another problem considered censorship by critics is the refusal of media to aadvertisements that are not in their interest. A striking example of this is the refusal of TV stations to broadcast ato place advertisements and are refused by networks.

    It is principally the viewing rates which decide upon the programme in the private radio and television business. to absorb as much attention as possible. The viewing rate measures the attention the media trades for the informaservice of this attraction is sold to the advertising business and the viewing rates determine the price that can be advertising.

    Advertising companies determining the contents of shows has been part of daily life in the USA since 1933. Pro(P&G) . offered a radio station a history-making trade (today know as bartering): the company would producfor free and save the radio station the high expenses for producing contents. Therefore the company would wanspread and, of course, its products placed in the show. Thus, the series Ma Perkins was created, which P&G skpromote Oxydol, the leading detergent brand in those years and the Soap opera was born

    While critics basically worry about the subtle influence of the economy on the media, there are also examples of influence. The US companyChrysler, before it merged with Daimler Benz had its agency, PentaCom, send outnumerous magazines, demanding them to send, an overview of all the topics before the next issue is published toconflict. Chrysler most of all wanted to know, if there would be articles with sexual, political or social conten

    be seen as provocative or offensive. PentaCom executive David Martin said: Our reasoning is, that anyone loo$ product would want it surrounded by positive things. There is nothing positive about an article on child pornogrexample, the USA Network held top-level off-the-record meetings with advertisers in 2000 to let them tell thetype of programming content they wanted in order for USA to get their advertising. Television shows are createthe needs for advertising, e. g. splitting them up in suitable sections. Their dramaturgy is typically designed to enleave an unanswered question in order to keep the viewer attached.

    The movie system, at one time outside the direct influence of the broader marketing system, is now fully integrat
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    the strategies of licensing, tie-ins and product placements. The prime function of many Hollywood films today isselling of the immense collection of commodities. The press called the 2002 Bond film Die Another Day featurpromotional partners an ad-venture and noted that James Bond now has been licensed to sell As it has becpractise to place products in motion pictures, it has self-evident implications for what types of films will attract

    placements and what types of films will therefore be more likely to get made.

    Advertising and information are increasingly hard to distinguish from each other. The borders between advertisibecome more and more blurred. What August Fischer, chairman of the board ofAxel Springerpublishing comto be a proven partnership between the media and advertising business critics regard as nothing but the infiltratiduties and freedoms. According to RTL-executive Helmut Thoma private stations shall not and cannot serve anonly the goal of the company which is the acceptance by the advertising business and the viewer. The setting oforder actually says everything about the design of the programmes by private television. Patrick Le Lay, formedirector of TF1, a private French television channel with a market share of 25 to 35%, said: "There are many waytelevision. But from the business point of view, lets be realistic: basically, the job of TF1 is, e. g. to help Coca Cproduct. () For an advertising message to be perceived the brain of the viewer must be at our disposal. The job

    programmes is to make it available, that is to say, to distract it, to relax it and get it ready between two messages.human brain time that we sell to Coca Cola.

    Because of these dependencies a widespread and fundamental public debate about advertising and its influence ofreedom of speech is difficult to obtain, at least through the usual media channels; otherwise these would saw offare sitting on. The notion that the commercial basis of media, journalism, and communication could have troublfor democracy is excluded from the range of legitimate debate just as capitalism is off-limits as a topic of legitiU.S. political culture.

    An early critic of the structural basis of U.S. journalism wasUpton Sinclairwith his novel The Brass Checkstresses the influence of owners, advertisers, public relations, and economic interests on the media. In his book O

    Voice Advertising the social ecologistJames Rorty (18901973) wrote: "The gargoyles mouth is