Community Update Advent

Advent Lutheran Community Update June 22, 2018 Upcoming Dates Click here for our complete calendar Your Input is Needed Worship and Music is eager for feedback about your experience with our single service. If you haven't already done so, we would appreciate you taking 1 - 2 minutes to take our survey. Gathering Students, Families and Chaperones Advent's youth, their families and chaperones are invited to take the communion elements to the altar for recognition of their stewardship at Advent and to receive a blessing from Pastor Warner. Read more about the ELCA Youth Gathering... Advent Group off to ELCA Youth Gathering This Sunday we will commission and send the group off to Houston with our prayers.

Transcript of Community Update Advent

Page 1: Community Update Advent Barber's Summer Music for Wind Quintet, Selections from Antonio Vivaldi’s Four Seasons

Advent LutheranCommunity Update

June 22, 2018

Upcoming DatesClick here for our complete calendar

Your Input is Needed

Worship and Music is eager for

feedback about y our experience with

our single serv ice. If y ou hav en't

already done so, we would appreciate

y ou taking 1 - 2 m inutes to take our


Gathering Students,Families andChaperones

Adv ent's y outh, their fam ilies and

chaperones are inv ited to take the

com m union elem ents to the altar for

recognition of their stewardship at

Adv ent and to receiv e a blessing from

Pastor Warner. Read more about the

ELCA Youth Gathering...

Advent Group off toELCA Youth Gathering

This Sunday we will com m ission and

send the group off to Houston with our

pray ers.

Page 2: Community Update Advent Barber's Summer Music for Wind Quintet, Selections from Antonio Vivaldi’s Four Seasons

NorCal Music Festival

The NorCal Music Festiv al will be

hosting two concerts at Advent.

Friday , June 22nd, 7 :3 0pm

The NorCal Music Festiv al will

present an anim al them ed

concert. The concert will feature

Cam ille Saint-Saëns’ Carniv al of the

Anim als as well as other m usic on the

them e. Artwork featured at this

ev ent will be auctioned to benefit

Wildlife Education Rehabilitation

Center or WERC.

Sunday , June 24th, 5:3 0pm

The final concert of the festiv al,

“Music for All Seasons,” will feature

Sam uel Barber's Summer Music for

Wind Quintet, Selections from Antonio

Viv aldi’s Four Seasons , and Soir d'Été

by our own Ky le T. Jones. Artwork

featured at this ev ent will be

auctioned to benefit Belov ed

Com m unity Arts Center (BCAC),

Adv ent's new outreach m inistry for

y oung m usicians in our local

com m unity .

Please v isit for

m ore inform ation and schedule of

ev ents.

Safe CommunityTraining

Are y ou discerning whether y ou are

called to serv e children and/or y outh

of Adv ent? You m ight be a leader, a

Page 3: Community Update Advent Barber's Summer Music for Wind Quintet, Selections from Antonio Vivaldi’s Four Seasons

teacher, an aide or chaperone,

prov ide refreshm ents or

transportation, play gam es, or

som ething else. If y our answer is "Yes,

I am discerning!" then

it is a requirem ent of Adv ent's Safe

Com m unity Policy that y ou attend


Com m unity Training. The next

training opportunity is scheduled for

June 24 from 1 2:00 P.M. to 3 :00 P.M.

Please contact the church office to

confirm y our attendance for this

upcom ing training session.

Watch Live Video fromthe ELCA YouthGathering

The ELCA Youth Gathering starts

next week! If y ou’re interested in

seeing what our y outh are

experiencing, y ou can watch liv e

v ideo from the ev ent. Throughout the

week, all v ideo will be av ailable on

the Youth Gathering hom epage


The ELCA Youth Gathering will be

liv estream ing: MYLE worship: June 26 at6:45 P.M. (all tim es CDT)The tAble worship: June 27 at1 0 A.M.Daily Bible studies: June 27 -3 0 at 3 :3 0 P.M.Mass Gatherings: June 27 -3 0at 7 :3 0 P.M.Sunday m orning worship:July 1 at 1 0 A.M.

Also, check out Adv ent's Instagram

page @adv entm organhill as Adv ent's

y outh will be posting daily from


Reach Out Thank You

The Reach Out Bluegrass Concert

fundraiser was a success. We raised

$1 ,01 2. WOW! Besides that, we had

two full grocery carts loaded with

cans and boxes of food to feed the

hungry . Such generous giv ing by

ev ery one who attended the wonderful

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concert and a special thank y ou to all

of the m usicians.

St. Catherine GhanaMission Project Dinnerand Dancing

On June 3 0 at 5:00 P.M., St.

Catherine's in Morgan Hill is hav ing a

night of dinner and dancing to raise

m oney to support Awaso Academ y in

Ghana. The night will include door

prizes, raffle and a silent auction.


Book Collection

The y outh going to Houston are

collecting these books to help support

literacy in Houston. There is a

bookshelf in the Gathering Area at

church where books can be donated.

Thank y ou for y our support of

literacy and the joy of reading for

Houston children and fam ilies- y ou

hav e donated 7 8 books so far! Read

more about Blast off for Books...

Time to Register

We hav e heard from m any form er

cam pers that Christian Music

Theatre (CMT) was one of the biggest

shapers of their faith and

dev elopm ent all through childhood

and that their liv es hav e changed

through the m em ories and friends

they m ade each sum m er at Adv ent

Lutheran. We inv ite y our children to

join us at CMT this sum m er.

There will be one session offered in

August. If y ou hav en't already

registered, now is the tim e! Please

v isit the Advent Website.

Also, please share this inform ation

with y our friends and fam ily

(especially those with y ounger

children who m ay not hav e attended

in the past). CMT is open to children

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of all faiths entering kindergarten

through ninth grade. Ev ery child is

in the perform ance and by the end of

the week, the children perform a full-

length m usical.

Second QuarterMission: BelovedCommunity Art CenterScholarships

The Belov ed Com m unity Art Center

is under dev elopm ent, along with

com m unity partners. The

dev elopm ent group is planning a pilot

program of m usic ensem ble classes

beginning this fall. Scholarships will

enable us to com pensate the m usic

teachers while m aking the program

accessible to all children in the

com m unity , regardless of their

fam ily ’s ability to pay . We inv ite

y our pray ers and support for this

exciting new m inistry ! To contribute,

m ake checks av ailable to Adv ent with

notation 2nd Quarter Mission, or

BCAC scholarships.

Follow Us

408-779-3551 [email protected]
