Comedonal Acne Cure in 10 Easy Steps!


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Zap your Comedonal Acne. Learn how I beat my adult Jawline Acne. You can too!

Transcript of Comedonal Acne Cure in 10 Easy Steps!

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Comedonal Acne Cure in 10 Easy Steps!

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My Acne Story

Adult comedonal acne sucks. To be an adult with acne is not only embarrassing, but painful. I know. In my 30's,

I developed hardened bumps under my skin on my chin and jawline. I had closed comedones.

Unfortunately, what worked in my teens and early twenties for acne did not work in my 30's. Even worse, harsh over the counter products stripped moisture from

my adult skin. Through trial and error, I found strategies that worked to heal my skin...

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Step 1 Skin pH Is Everything

Our facial skin is more acidic than water. That means that if you are using harsh alkaline soaps or overly acidic cleansers, you're harming your skin. Look for facial skin cleansers that have a pH of around 4 - 5.5.

This is the perfect pH for radiant skin.

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Step 2 Exfoliation Is Key

Exfoliate your skin daily. Without proper exfoliation, oil and dead skin will clog your pores.

And if you have skin that is prone to comedonal acne, you cannot afford to skip this crucial step in your skin

care regimen.

You can use either mechanical scrubs or chemical exfoliants ,like alpha and beta hydroxy acids.

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Step 3 Balance Your Oily Skin

Excessively oily skin is unbalanced skin. Use blotting papers that can absorb excess sebum (oil). Use natural topical sebum regulators like argan oil,

jojoba oil, sesame seed oil, or saw palmetto extract.

Avoid washing your skin too many times during the day as this can cause your skin to over produce oil.

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Step 4 Retinoids Work

In my battle against comedones, topical retinoids have been a lifesaver. Retinoids are cell communicators that

increase the cell turnover in your skin.

They work from the bottom-up so to speak by increasing the production of skin cells in the lower level

of the top layer of the skin called the epidermis. Retinoids are also great at reducing wrinkles.

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Step 5 Moisture Matters

Despite being oily, acne prone skin needs moisture. That doesn't mean slathering on thick, heavy creams. It's best to use light water-based moisturizers. My favorites are those that contain aloe or hyaluronic

acid. I find that these two ingredients are very healing for blemished skin.

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Step 6 Heal Your Hormones

Our hormones play a huge role in the development of comedonal acne. Both males and females can

suffer from acne when hormones become unbalanced.

Excessive amounts of the male hormone DHT leads to clogged pores. Out of whack female hormones

during pregnancy and the menstrual cycle can bring about chin and jawline acne.

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Step 7 Kill 'Em with Oxygen

Acne prone skin is skin that is starved for oxygen. Bacteria that causes pimples thrives in an oxygen

free environment.

Using products like benzoyl peroxide deeply infuses skin pores with oxygen, eliminating zit

causing microbes. The trick is to use a low dose benzoyl peroxide gel with 2.5% added.

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Step 8 Extract Those Bad Boys

Sometimes no matter how much scrubbing and exfoliation you do, comedones will not come to the

surface. This is when you need to extract them.

Extractions can be done (carefully!) at home or at an dermatologist's or aesthetician's office. You can use a comedone extractor or a sterilized needle to remove

hardened plugs from the skin.

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Step 9 Consider Chemical Peels

I know. Chemical peels sound scary. However, they work wonders for healing comedonal acne. With

chemical peels, acids are applied topically to literally burn off the upper layers of skin.

Yes, you may look red and crusty for a few days. But once your skin peels, you'll be left with smooth,

glowing skin.

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Step 10 Ditch Your Diet Surprise! Your acne may be caused by a food allergy. I've found that eliminating

dairy and wheat products from my diet totally zapped my zits.

Others have found that nixing high glycemic foods like cookies and sugary snacks helped to clear their skin. To keep your complexion clear, focus on eating whole foods.

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Want even more tips and techniques on getting rid of stubborn comedonal acne, acne scars, and

hyperpigmentation marks?

Visit the link below