Colored American. (Washington, DC) 1902-08-02 [p...

ESS COLORED AMERICAN WASHOTGTOK D C 10 12 C fir 5 t Washington Under the Calcium n TO E E COOPER Colored American wizard Oh what a tog you can raise Only hustler thats all you are iladdlnx mid censure and praise Ever alert for nay and biz Keallr old man Von is a wiz Wbizil New York J Iy 22nd 1902 Found on top of Ml Ararat In one of Mr old beavers and translated from the Seen aot by Bruce Glt Note This pome probably appeared in The Commoner during the doubtless inspired by Editor Coopers agility in chasing the silver cart wheel Express charges piepiid Read the next Issue for special feat urea of the Amphlom outing August Miss Mary Thomas has been the Ruest of Mrs Charles Doisey in Brook lynMies Clodra Butler Js In Baltimore the guest of her friend Miss Hattie Lucas Mrs Maggie L Brooks of Concord streets te in Philadelphia spending the summer with her cousin Col W H Lester The trip of the Amphions August 16th will afford the stayathomes a charming outing a Gee Bry- an tree of the oz and was 1 16 r sear t r sa Governor P B S PInchback Is at I Saratoga Springs where te will spend the heated term Miss Belle M Scott of Baltimore IB spending a portion of her outing with Anacoatia friends Mr A J Gaskins of Gaskins and Gains vas a visitor at Highland Beach Md last Saturday Mrs Brown and daughter of 1148 6th street left last week for Atbury Park for the rest of the summer Mrs M E Grimabaw was pleasantly entertained in Philadelphia by Miss Pauline Williams 90S S 19th street Saturday evening August 16th the friends of Amphions and they are legion will accompony them on trip by moonlight Mrs T J Houston accompanied by her daughter Miss Clotille and Theophllua left last week to epend the anoth- er i 1 eon ¬ the summer in Marion Ma s Mrs BlackwtH the mother of Mrs Alice Hall of the Hotel Clyde left last week for Warrenton Va where she will spend two or three weeks The new machines for book typewrit ing just placed in the Recorders of- fice are model of beauty and oonven ence Mr Pinchback gets the first The Amphions will have just another one of those delightful outings before their tour through Virginia conceit- Ing August 16 la the date for the outing Mrs Dr E D visiting relf ttoni in Flushing New York B fore leaving the city Mr Scott had been HI for a few weeks and her physician ordered that she exepenence a change of climate one s z Scottie f 2 ¬ Mr J H Hblmas it at Ocean City where he will spend the summer Mrs Holmes was guest for ten days dur- Ing the month of July and visited Annapolis and other points In Mary- land before she returned to the city Miss Atwena MaNe ll of the Bureau of Engraving and Printing is spend InK her vacation neat Hagei a- Md with Xn BirnBa obe M j hit ii b r I r t J Stewart 1 C F ¬ will no doubt return to her oftVala V duties much refreshed after rusticating hlrty days A big Washington delegation will attend the Young Peoples Christian and Educational Congress which con- venes at Atlanta August 6th to 11th Those who have not vet made arrange- ments for entertainment etc should communicate with Rev A C Garner 1021 17th sreet northwest Miss Annie C Jacobs of Sumter S O a teacher at Clafiln University Orangeburg S C hat been spending the summer in the city the guest of Mrs C Peters 1916 llth street north- west Miss Jacobs will leave this week favorbly Imp eased with Washingtons society Mr JJ Dickerson of the National Congressional Library in company with his wife visited his old home near Frederickburc Va this week Mr Dickorson owns a valuable farm consisting of some 165 acres all under cultivation After a brief stay farm be and his wife will visit City where tney will remain until August 7th Dr and Mrs William H Johnson of Albany N Y celebrated their fortieth marriage anniversary Friday I I I I I at his J Atlan- tic ¬ ¬ ¬ evening August 1st at their copy home 319 Orange street The invite tIons pent out are very unique and e oherche containing SB they do hrnd some enf ravings of Mr and Mrs Johnson and printed In gold Dr Johnson has lived a most active and useful life and is one of the solid citizens of Albany Master Lincoln S Payne the sprightly little son of W C Payne who is summering at his fathers cot tage Thoroughfare Va celebrated his eighth birthday Sunday last It is hard to tell which was proudest father or son when the little fellow adorned himself with a beautiful little watch and chain which had een brought from Washington for him PS a present There were some thirty or more chil- dren present and plenty of good things which they enpygd Mater Lincoln Is receiving special lessons halftone > ¬ ¬ during vacation from Miss Maria V Butler a recent graduate from the Business High School this city The Negro in Business Emmett J Sott of Tuskegee Ale chairman of the buine a bureau or tie AfroAmerican Council stated recent- ly that during the year 1002 he hed by correspondence and t er ora1 visits come In touch with 326 coored bus ness men representing S9 different lines of business IL 37 dlflent states They were prosperous and as a rule Some of them ware doing from 40 000 to 75000 per year but the average was much lower He recommended that the council en courage colored men to engage in all lines oi business and to cultivate all classes of trade rather than to confine contentd general > ¬ to the trade of their own race la the South the prosperous colored merchants derived a large revenue from the patronage of the whites who supported them liberally The National Negro Business League he said was icing very effective work In the enoctxagement of colored men to engage in business for them aelTe HKFULTOFS Office 314 9th Street IJortlrwest ESTABLISHED 1870 MosEY LOANED OK Watches Diamonds Jewelry Silverware Etc Unredeemed Watches Jewehy For Eale Old GOLD and SILVER Bought The most Reliable Place in the City to Borrow Money je r i k 5 DiawOJ de and Loan S s k k 4 a ic SC T id C 2c f C atitas I C i l t1 PHOttE J PHONE MAI 2339 A Imported English Serge in All Shades TheseSuitH we will make to order at Prices Ranging From 15 to 20 These coats are made skeltcn with bellows Dockets to button Hf Orders by mail will promp attention COOPER M FINE LINEO- F receIve our A H 925 18TH STREET N W tIN i3 READ TilLS BOOK 1 1 j THE PROCEEDINGS OF THE NA TIONAL NEGRO BUSINESS LEAGUE Which Held Its first convention In Boston Mass August aji iyc BOOKER T WASHINGTON President and Founder This convention the first National Convention of color eo business men ever held in this or any other country Every s of business was represented the farmer the banker the the doctor the the manufacturers the author the Merchant and milers of municipalities The addresses deliv- ered and papers read are all in this book besides over fifty cuts of delegates and others which makes it a valuable souvenir of the convention BOUND IN CLOTH ONLY PRICE SlOO Express or Postofficc Mono Order to i R HAMM PUBLISHER 46 HOWARD ST BOSTON MAaj j J vas tor I I y F S- eaL S Stud saesases ¬ Nearly 50000 Copies Sold Greatest Negros Greatest Book T Washingtons Autobiography other or TVf b S3 lecturer h the cal value of the book and its t r t and the great anu b ccraph r- eTcaterslimnlus luc selfhelp toe M r ak a his to troat by his own efforts nl by Mail Postpaid for Only The Boo U uTHE STORY Of MY lifE ANn WORK Mr Washinrton more than any wrJ1 solved race problem I 1 STORY liT LIFE AND WORK place It t t library a1oug with the of Franklin Er OOi- iE Tre 0 no J way the s vs- TKE a G ent is mxleia is a vc4ume a Life F = > > > Th bok contains ahoot into halltoao emrraria s promptly refund the moacy 6 sold about 53000 on this guarantee and not a opy hen returned Pn helpful and inspiring lock H the arc Everybody wants trait of the grounds and buildings of VrashintoaTs great school tree PH duct one of the most rvmarkaWe institutions in existence Individuate ia this and other countries who market prouucts of this r Is in business for Mussel or herself a much so the parent l a 3 cooperation exists bctwrtai the two and sues has I result of this method It is a writ kn m fat that the p bkshiasbu for the greatest number of competent indmdnals who earn unlimited incotae SPECIAL TO OUR READERS If you desire to improve spar cccdit5 n fa fp rf Uw it for at this time of honest men and women If you cannot ss at their own exp Your chants are better il you eau ccdcr the bock THE COLORED AM 1 li tall in cdo an It WASttIGTOf this treat are not satf ed have T Its the has Par mast It a I xrg r trIO A WONDERFUL INSTITUTION The ofNr A1 d They r LI t as l 11411 i P ordtf a XJtI rn Washingtron from us and instruct us to refet to UtIS nurnle to set upinb think order back at write US tV 3J AnSU1 U toe we can do sorrethiag fo you But please write this long ADDRESS c C St N W I r t rP- burad and beantitnltytilu trattd R Jy Ko a stDdt tthrra Booty T aSe to be witoat wtrk Ot will rca after recei er ti We N publishers Washintrrr ty aroherteRi dual the yrs ind dial o rn ir tarsi iail espy of Mr txua you PUt ni they are prepares the tees 3 t immediately as vppxt- opm RICAN 4b1 De = ° + ° + >

Transcript of Colored American. (Washington, DC) 1902-08-02 [p...

Page 1: Colored American. (Washington, DC) 1902-08-02 [p 10] Johnson and printed In gold Dr Johnson has lived a most active and


12 C



Washington Under the Calciumn


Colored American wizardOh what a tog you can raiseOnly hustler thats all you areiladdlnx mid censure and praiseEver alert for nay and biz

Keallr old man Von is a wiz


New York J Iy 22nd 1902

Found on top of Ml Ararat In one of Mrold beavers and translated from the

Seen aot by Bruce Glt Note This pomeprobably appeared in The Commoner during the

doubtless inspired by Editor Coopers agility inchasing the silver cart wheel Express chargespiepiid

Read the next Issue for special featurea of the Amphlom outing August

Miss Mary Thomas has been theRuest of Mrs Charles Doisey in Brook

lynMiesClodra Butler Js In Baltimore

the guest of her friend Miss HattieLucas

Mrs Maggie L Brooks of Concordstreets te in Philadelphia spendingthe summer with her cousin Col WH Lester

The trip of the Amphions August16th will afford the stayathomes acharming outing





tree of the oz and was





t r


Governor P B S PInchback Is at I

Saratoga Springs where te will spendthe heated term

Miss Belle M Scott of Baltimore IB

spending a portion of her outing withAnacoatia friends

Mr A J Gaskins of Gaskins andGains vas a visitor at HighlandBeach Md last Saturday

Mrs Brown and daughter of 1148

6th street left last week for AtburyPark for the rest of the summer

Mrs M E Grimabaw was pleasantlyentertained in Philadelphia by Miss

Pauline Williams 90S S 19th street

Saturday evening August 16th thefriends of Amphions and they arelegion will accompony them on

trip by moonlight

Mrs T J Houston accompanied byher daughter Miss Clotille andTheophllua left last week to epend







the summer in Marion Ma s

Mrs BlackwtH the mother of Mrs

Alice Hall of the Hotel Clyde left lastweek for Warrenton Va where shewill spend two or three weeks

The new machines for book typewriting just placed in the Recorders of-

fice are model of beauty and oonvenence Mr Pinchback gets the first

The Amphions will have just anotherone of those delightful outings beforetheir tour through Virginia conceit-Ing August 16 la the date for theouting

Mrs Dr E D visiting relfttoni in Flushing New York B foreleaving the city Mr Scott had beenHI for a few weeks and her physicianordered that she exepenence a changeof climate







Mr J H Hblmas it at Ocean Citywhere he will spend the summer MrsHolmes was guest for ten days dur-

Ing the month of July and visitedAnnapolis and other points In Mary-

land before she returned to the city

Miss Atwena MaNe ll of the Bureauof Engraving and Printing is spendInK her vacation neat Hagei a-

Md with Xn BirnBa obe


j hitii


Irt J






will no doubt return to her oftVala V

duties much refreshed after rusticatinghlrty days

A big Washington delegation willattend the Young Peoples Christianand Educational Congress which con-

venes at Atlanta August 6th to 11thThose who have not vet made arrange-ments for entertainment etc shouldcommunicate with Rev A C Garner1021 17th sreet northwest

Miss Annie C Jacobs of Sumter SO a teacher at Clafiln UniversityOrangeburg S C hat been spendingthe summer in the city the guest ofMrs C Peters 1916 llth street north-west Miss Jacobs will leave this weekfavorbly Imp eased with Washingtonssociety

Mr J J Dickerson of the NationalCongressional Library in companywith his wife visited his old homenear Frederickburc Va this weekMr Dickorson owns a valuable farmconsisting of some 165 acres all undercultivation After a brief stayfarm be and his wife will visit

City where tney will remain untilAugust 7th

Dr and Mrs William H Johnsonof Albany N Y celebrated theirfortieth marriage anniversary Friday






at his






evening August 1st at their copyhome 319 Orange street The invitetIons pent out are very unique and eoherche containing SB they do hrndsome enf ravings of Mr andMrs Johnson and printed In goldDr Johnson has lived a most activeand useful life and is one of the solidcitizens of Albany

Master Lincoln S Payne thesprightly little son of W C Paynewho is summering at his fathers cottage Thoroughfare Va celebratedhis eighth birthday Sunday last It ishard to tell which was proudest fatheror son when the little fellow adornedhimself with a beautiful little watchand chain which had een broughtfrom Washington for him PS a presentThere were some thirty or more chil-dren present and plenty of goodthings which they enpygd MaterLincoln Is receiving special lessons





during vacation from Miss Maria VButler a recent graduate from theBusiness High School this city

The Negro in Business

Emmett J Sott of Tuskegee Alechairman of the buine a bureau or tieAfroAmerican Council stated recent-ly that during the year 1002 he hedby correspondence and t er ora1 visitscome In touch with 326 coored busness men representing S9 differentlines of business IL 37 dlflent statesThey were prosperous andas a rule Some of them ware doingfrom 40 000 to 75000 per year butthe average was much lowerHe recommended that the council encourage colored men to engage in alllines oi business and to cultivate allclasses of trade rather than to confine





to the trade of their ownrace la the South the prosperouscolored merchants derived a largerevenue from the patronage of thewhites who supported them liberally

The National Negro Business Leaguehe said was icing very effectivework In the enoctxagement of coloredmen to engage in business for themaelTe


314 9th Street IJortlrwestESTABLISHED 1870


Watches Diamonds Jewelry Silverware EtcUnredeemed Watches Jewehy For Eale Old

GOLD and SILVER Bought

The most Reliable Place in the City to Borrow Money je




DiawOJ de and




k4 a

ic SC T id C 2c f C atitas I C i l t1


AImported English Serge in All Shades

TheseSuitH we will make to order at Prices

Ranging From 15 to 20These coats are made skeltcn with bellows Dockets to button

HfOrders by mail will promp attention




receIve our


tIN i3



Which Held Its first convention In Boston Mass August aji iycBOOKER T WASHINGTON President and Founder

This convention the first National Convention of color

eo business men ever held in this or any other country Every

s of business was represented the farmer the banker the

the doctor the the manufacturers the author

the Merchant and milers of municipalities The addresses deliv-

ered and papers read are all in this book besides over fifty cuts

of delegates and others which makes it a valuable souvenir of


Express or Postofficc Mono Order to












Nearly 50000 Copies Sold

Greatest Negros Greatest Book T

Washingtons Autobiography

other orTVf b S3

lecturer h thecal value of the book and its t r

tand the great anu b ccraph r-

eTcaterslimnlus luc selfhelp toe M r ak ahis to troat by his own efforts

nl by Mail Postpaid for Only

TheBoo U


Mr Washinrton more than any wrJ1solved race problem




place It t t

library a1oug with the of Franklin Er OOi-

iETre 0 no

Jway the





is mxleia is a vc4ume a

Life F


> > >

Th bok contains ahoot

into halltoao emrraria s

promptly refund the moacy 6

sold about 53000 on this guarantee and not a opy hen returned Pnhelpful and inspiring lock H the arc Everybody wants

trait of the grounds and buildings of VrashintoaTs great school tree PH

duct one of the most rvmarkaWe institutions in existenceIndividuate ia this and other countries who market prouucts of this r

Is in business for Mussel or herself a much so the parent l a3cooperation exists bctwrtai the two and sues has I

result of this method It is a writ kn m fat that the p bkshiasbufor the greatest number of competent indmdnals who earn unlimited incotae

SPECIAL TO OUR READERS If you desire to improve spar cccdit5 n fa


rf Uwit

for at this timeof honest men and women If you cannot

ss at their own exp

Your chants are better il you eau ccdcr the bock



li tallin cdo an


WASttIGTOfthis treat

are not satf ed haveT Its the

has Par

mast It aI xrg

r trIO


Theyr LI

tas l 11411


ordtf aXJtI rn

Washingtron from us and instruct us to refet to UtIS nurnleto set upinb think

order back at write US tV 3J AnSU1 Utoe

we can do sorrethiag fo you But please write thislong


C St N W I

r t rP-

burad and beantitnltytilu trattd R

Jy KoastDdt tthrra

Booty T aSe to be witoat wtrk Ot will

rca after recei erti


publishers Washintrrr tyaroherteRi dual

the yrs inddialo

rnir tarsi


espy of Mr txua you PUt nithey are prepares

the tees 3 timmediately as vppxt-


4b1 De



+ °

