Washington Evening Times. (Washington, DC) 1902-08-06 [p...

V f THE EVENING TIMES WASHINGTON WEDNESDAY AUGUST 6 1902 8 C GYPSIES INDULGE IN A CAMPFIRE FIGHT I Citizens of Brookland Aroused by a Fierce Conflict ROVERS THEN DISAPPEAR Leave Injured Man Behind After Tying His Horse to Tree Stroman Investigates and Secures Details of the Trouble The old Glenwood Road was the scene of excitement shortly arter 9 oclock last night when a fight broke out in a band or gypsies who have been en camped near the old wine house on that road for some months past For almost an hour the woods rang with cries of murder and police and the fighters as they rained blow after blow upon each other were observed by passen- gers on the electric railway en route to Brookland After the fight had come to an end the band hurriedly packed up their belong- ings and were soon driving madly up the deserted road in the direction of Brlghtwood leaving behind them one ot their number James Smith who was painfully cut about the face and hands Policeman Goes to Scene In the meantime the passengers on the electric cars had Informed Policeman Stroman at Brookland He immediate- ly boarded a car and went to the scene of the disturbance Upon arriving at the gypsy encampment however he found nothing left but a few smoldering fires He thea discovered Smith who lay on the grass ciprlngas though In great pain Upon questioning him the policeman learned that the fight grew out of fact that Smith had come into the camp In intoxicated condition and had be- come involved In a quarrel with another member of the band whose name be said was Archie Lovell Thwargument- betweou two bad become heated that were struck he said in a few minutes both fighters were rolling on the ground Smith claimed that Lovell during the progress of the fistic combat seized a heavy piece of wood and struck him in the face tearing the skin badly and covering him with blood The lighting then became general the friends of combatants lining up against each other In a few minutes the camp presented an animated appearance the men fighters being distinctly seen by citizens as they wrestled and slugged before camp fires Now and then when aa un- usually clever bloW had been inflicted by one side or another the female ele- ment would rejoice in loud cries their voices being heard for almost a mile through the woods Band Moves Away Hurriedly Grrdualfy however the combatants tired and fearing that the police would saorUy be upon them deemed it best to IeVe the place Accordingly tents were quickly struck and all the lug gage packed in wagons The horses which had been left ia the woods to graze were started after It some little time to secure them as the animals frightened the cries from the camp during the fight had scattered Into the woods They finally M- cijred however and hitched up galloped from the woods on to the road and struck a lively gait In the direction of Brightwood The only person left behind was Smith whose face and clothing were marked with bloodstains Before leav- ing him the gypsy leaders tied beside iim his but left nothing else of his property The Injured Mans Story He explained as well as lie could to Policeman Stroman the cause of the trouble It had been the desire of cer- tain members of the band h said to make him leave the camp but that ie and his friends objected to action and the fight ensued He was extremely desirous of securing a warrant for his assailant but Policeman Stroman in formed him that under the circum- stances nothing could be done as in all probability his assailants were then well on their way outside of the District line With tint assistance of the policeman Smith the blood from his face and clotS He then mounted his horse hreatening dire vengeance upon the heads of his enemies and galloped In the direction taken by the main body The citizens of Brookland heaTed a sigh of relief when they heard of the bands departure It is said that for some time past the band which arrived hire about three months ago indulged ia brawls almost nightly and was a ter- ror to citizens who sometimes walked- or drove past their encampment ELECT TWO NEW MEMBERS Miss Smith and Mr Bogely Become Humane Society Workers At the regular monthly meeting of the executive committee of the Humane held at the Warder Building on Monday Miss H Smith and Mr R A Bogely were elected regular members- of the association The agent for childrens eases made the following report for July Number of investigated 28 number of children involved 10 sent to Washing ton Asylvnr 1 fined for whipping 1 amicably adjusted and warned 21 still under investigation or observation 3 Report jf the collector for small for July Number of cats humane- ly put to death 1SS number of kittens tsicanely put to death 3 6 number of dogs humanely put to death 5 The following are reports of agents during July Number of investi- gated 271 animals examined 904 rem without prosecution 181 prose CUed 100 convicted 99 acquitted 1 eases of animals unfit for work 100 ani- mals killed by the agent horse 19 cases of beating or whipping 16 cases of overloading 5 cases of overdriving 1 driving when tIled 49 driving when lame 31 lack of food or shelter 4 number of cases assisted by police 2 bonds 4 Floral Designs That Excel of Cole HS1 889 NearbyPoliceman the n the lows sad the the by were horse such ihed So- ciety E cases I ani- ma cases t qed In oriliulkJ and bqenty ass always to be sM F Those us personal ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ CLEANING THE SITE FOR STONELEIGH COURT Details of Secretary Hays Fine New Apartment House Workmen have progressed rapidly In the demolition of the dozen houses oc- cupying the site of the big apartment house to be erected by Secretary Hay These properties were purchased at in tervals for two years past The structure will be one of the finest o its kind in the East The cost will be more than SlOOeOOO for the building alone which is to be known as Stone leigh Court named in honor of Mrs Hay whose maiden name was Stone The building will occupy the northwestern third of the Irregularly shaped block bounded by Connecticut Avenue K Street L Street and Seventeenth Street northwest To the north the building will overlook the grounds of the Aca- demy of the Visitation There will be seven elevators ia the new apartment house which is to be equipped with every modern convenience and luxury On the first floor will be a cafe and the private dining rooms The building will contain ninetythree sep- arate apartments and there will be a large court opening into Connecticut Avenue so as to give the three wings of the structure a frontage on the main thoroughfare In this court will be fountains flower beds and circular driveways leading to three entrances PROPERTY SOLD AT TAX SALE DECLARED INVALID Mr Request for Cancelation Approved- The District Commissioners recently received from Mr Fred McKee attorney for Mr Don A Sanford a request for the cancellation of the taA sale of lots 4 and 5 square 699 bounded by North Capitol First Street oat P and Q Streets The taxes fur which the lots sold in April of year were as- sessments for sewer amounting to 5143 on each lot The ground for the request to the effect tiaat the notice of as isessment was wrongly served upon Au gustus Burgdorf who at the time did not own the property The application was referrol to Assessor and by him to J W Daniel special assessment clerk The latter submitted the following statement rela tive to the records in the ease Assessment for sewer acaiast lots 4 and 5 square O was levied May 11 1SS3 at which time the lots stood OR the books of Assessors Office in name of Augustus Burgdorf and bills left at his place of business with his son They were never returned and this office bad no knowledge that the service of the bills Mas not valid until March 31 1992 when Mr Sanford culled at- tention to the fact and bills were at once servei upon him The lots ramed were at that time ad vertised for sale inAprll 1902 for non payment not only ot the assessments mentioned Mr McKee but assessments for water main curb and paving alle3 The only error IB of sale was in date from which intetest was charged viz July 22 1S S Interest should have cal- culated from March 31 19K the date of service of bills jspon Xr Sanford Whether this error iItlst the sale I am unable to say Mr II II Darneille the Assessor ia forwarding the above report to the added the following state mentThe act of August 7 1884 under which special aisessraents are levied pro- vides in as follows and interest shall be charged at the rate of S per ent per annum from the date of the service of such notice on all amounts which shall remain unpaid at the expiration of sixty days after serv- ice of notice of such assessment Said act also provides Any property upon which such assessment and ac- crued interest thereon or any part thereof shall remain unpaid at the ex piration of two years from the date of service of notice of such assessment shall be subject to sain therefor Bidder the same conditions penalties which are imposed by existing laws for the nonpayment of general taxes and any property assessed as herein provid ed for shell become liable to sale for any other assessment or tax whatever then the assessment Ievid under this act shall become immediately due and payable and the property against which they are levied may be sold therefor together with the accrued interest there on and t e cost of advertising to the date of such sale Although the notice in this ease was not served upon the owner uatil March 31 1902 the property was salable for these assessments for the reason that other a Ss mentg for paving alley and water main were due and payable on the property However It will be seen from the report of the Special Assess- ment Clerk that there was included n the sale interest on these assessments for nearly four years more than should have bein included As it is too late to correct this er ror the sale In my opinion Is invalid and I haw the honor to recommend that the sale of lot 5 square 669 assessed- to Don A Sanford sold April 10 102 to C H WilOrfe for 19246 and of lot 4 square 669 assessed to Don A San ford sold April 10 1S2 to the Securi ties Company for 1247 be canceled and the purchase money refunded ac cording to law Colored Club Elects Officers regular monthly meeting of the Ladles Auxiliary of the Blaine Republican Ciub met last night at 247 D Street southwest and the follow- ing officers were elected for the next ensuing year Miss I S Countee president Mrs M E Bacon vice president Mrs A O Hutchinson financial secruary Mrs Jackson recording secretary Mrs Broduft treasurer Mrs Hurly chap lain Col P H Carson marshal chair man of the sick committee Mrs Cooper chairman of the investigating commit tee Miss Powell chairman of the finan- cial committee Mrs M E Ward After the election of officers the La dies Auxiliary decided to accompany the Blaine Invincible Republican Club down the rivor on August 2ft on an ex eurcien trip to Glymont Sanfords Were tills was the Joy ad- vertisement been Com- missioners Part f TIN Invin- cible J j Pil L i I i co t were anSi ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ > ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ = MATTERS OF INTEREST IS DISTRICT AFFAIRS- The Commissioners have accepted the resignation of Joseph H Frye of the Fire Department and have appointed John J Casey watchman to fill the va- cancy The Commissioners have addressed Messrs V X Gait Co sending a copy of the opinion of tee Corporation Counsel In answer to their inquiry con- cerning the status of the Flour Inspec- tor This opinion was in brief that the present Flour Inspector will hold office until his successor is appointed and that his judgment is conclusive as to the quality of flour and that his certi- ficate is a memorandum of that judg- ment indicative of what his testimony would be in a question of controversy Acting upon the recommendation of the Health Officer the Commissioners have directed that Dr Herbert Young be transferred from the position of Sanitary and Food Inspector to the po sition created in the met District ap- propriation act of the same name to assist in the enforcement of the milk and pure food laws The Commission- ers have also directed that Dr John Rome a veterinary surgeon be appoint- ed as food and sanitary inspector vice Dr Young transferred Both positions pay 900 per annum and the transfer and appointment take effect August S The office of the Collector of Taxes is kept busy every day receiving the de- layed payments on water rent and in the issue of dog tags and licenses Two additional clerks have been employed- for ten days at the receiving windows CONCERT AT THE CAPITOL Program to Be Rendered by the Marine Band This Afternoon The following program will be ren dered at the Capitol this afternoon at 544 oclock by the Band of the United States Marine Corps William H San telmann leader March Admiral Ucwey Santelmann- Orertwne Leofiore No 3 Beethoven iokxnke Op 40 Chopin Waltz Vienna Jtlood Straus Grand Fantasia Lobencrin Wagner Intermezzo Kofse Kranke- Kxecrptt from The Ameer Herbert Patriotic Hymn Hail Fjl MUSIC AT THE ARSENAL The United States Engineers to Render- a WellSelected Program The United States Engineers Band stationed at the Arsenal will render the following musical program at S oclock this evening March Ow Savai Heroes Kdvrards Overture A limit in the Ardennes vMari Serenade EspazBoks Schlewzrel By Sir Wmtermrw Selection Pirates ot Ieneanee SoHiran Duct for ccrcetK Drift My By MCMTS Itiiliipg and ttintermyer- Hanwtioa Echoee DORA RELEASED FROM THE HOSPITAL Police Scouring the City for Woman Who Wielded the Knife Dora Linkins the young woman who was stabbed in the breast and abdomen last night by another woman while the two were engaged in a fight on N street southeast was released from the Emer gency hospital this morning after having her injuries dressed The police of the Fourth precinct are endeavoring to locate the young wo mans assailant JOLLY FAT MEN BUY THEIR CLUB PROPERTY- Pay 26000 for Building Which They Now Occupy on D Street Northwest The Jolly Fat Mens Club has pur- chased from the Pabst Brewing Com- pany tbc property at 933 D Street northwest for 526600 The betiding which has been occupied- by the club for about two and onehalf years Is of brick and three stories in height It is used entirely by the club and is one of the best equipped club houses in the city A number of Interior improvements are contemplated this fall There are about 50 members of the club which is in a most flourishing con- dition Marriage Licenses Issued Marvin A Polmore Cumberland coun ty Va and Mazle Jeffs Chesterfield county Va William M Pigott and Lydia A Roth well Charles W SIncell and Minnie E Weenheimer Harry J Brandes Baltimore Md and Anna J Walker District of Columbia Lee Arnold and Camora Beverly George and Katie OBrien both of Baltimore Md Thomas W Grayson and Ada Wood William H Harnest and Lucy Frances Jones Benjamin Marks and Bertha Rose both of Baltimore Md Secretary George S George S Wilson has returned after a visit to Boston and vi- cinity Mr Wilson as secretary of the Board of Charities went to the Hub to inquire into the methods of charitable institution there with a view to utiliz- ing here when applicable the Informa tion obtained of that work A Little Girls Leg Fractured Ella Lewis a little girl who lives at 307 Fourth Street northeast fractured her left leg just below the knee while winging in the yard of a neighbor yes terday afternoon She was treated at Emergency Hospital and then sent to her home To Summer at Colonial Beach Miss Maud F Miller and Miss Alice McAtee 1142 New Jersey Avenue have gone to Colonial Beach for the summer After a rest at the Beach they will visit of the seaside resorts in the East Mr W C Hibbs on His Vacation Waldo C Hibbs secretary to Com- missioner Macfarland is on leave for a tew days and is spending the time with his family in Maryland 10 To Niagara Falls and Return 10 Via Pennsylvania Ilailroml Company Special train ot parior ears and day coached will leave Washington S a HI Thursday August I Tickets limited to ten daya and allow stop- over at Uoffafo Similar excursions August 1 September i and 18 October 2 and Columbia Bark Kueken Coat I WIn WilsonsTrip- Mr ten ay retsraIn If if j i some ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ > < < = = SEWS AND mm Appeal for Money for Varsity Crew White Cap Social Club Adjourns Until September Michael P Foley Injur- ed in a Runaway- Mr M J Thompson graduate man ager of athletics of Georgetown has sent out appeals to the mem- bers of the advisory beard and alumni of the university asking help in the ad- vancement of aquatics Mr Thompson states that unlike baseball and football aquatic sports are a source of expense yet yield no revenue and in order to maintain them it is necessary to ask for assistance The appeal was sent out li- the form of a personarTietter The White Cap Social Club met last evening at the residence of Mr William H Sparsfaptt 142 Thirtythird Street northwest Several new members were admitted At the close of the meeting It was decided to adjourn for the month of August At the first meeting in Sep- tember the members of the club will be entertained at the residence of Miss Stella Hutchins on Thirtythird Street northwest Those present last night were Mr nnd Mrs William H Sparshott Mr and Mrr H Spittle Mr and Mrs Bernard Dyer Mr and Mrs C Chamberlain Miss Mae Sparshott Miss Stella Hutchins Miss Ethel Burdette Mr and Mrs F Mr and Mrs A Potter Mr and Mrs Parker Mr W J Conlin Mr P W Cinch and Mr A Sparshott Mr Michael P Folsy of 1129 Fourth Street northwest war painfully injured last night about S30 oclock He had been out driving up the Conduit Road On his return his horse became fright- ened n L the distributing reservoir and ran down the road at a high rate of speed At the intersection of Thirty seventh and the Conduit Road Mr Koley was thrown from the buggy He re ceived several deep gashes in his head besides other cuts and bruises He was taken to the Georgetown Hospital- A championship baseball game has been arranged to be played on the Georgetown University campus as a spe- cial feature of the opening the Georgetown University Hospital lawn lete on Labor Day The stronger ama- teur teams of the northwest will cross lens and an interesting game is looked for Other athletic features will be held en that day TO REST WOODLAWN Funeral of John Darlington to Be Held Tomorrow Afternoon Funeral services over the remains of the late John Darlington who tiled Tuesday morning at Sibley Hospital will be held at 2 oclock tomorrow at his late residence in Hyatts vllle Md Interment will be made in Woodlawn Cemetery this city Mr Darlington was assistant foreman of the composing room of the Wash- ington Post and a member of Columbia Typographical Union No 191 His death was occasioned by peri- tonitis following an attack of typhoid lever He was taken to Sibley Hospital- on Monday where the end came sudden- ly at 830 oclock the following morning He is survived by a widow and eight children The funeral arrangements are being conducted by his fellowcraft NEWSPAPER MAN MARRIED WellKnowi Washington Correspond- ent Weds Miss Trixie Lavigne Press dispatches received from Rich mond Va this morning announce the marriage of Miss Trixie Lavigne of the Bijou Comedy Company of that city Mr Alfred A Erly a Washington news paper correspondent The wedding took place some time ago in Atlanta Ga but even the most intimate friends of the contracting parties were ignorant of it until today Mrs Erly is at present III in a Rich- mond hospital Her husband is at hr bedside Mrs Endres Funeral The funeral of Mrs Margaret Endres relict of the late Adrian Endres held from the residence of her niece John A Foster 323 D Street southeast at 815 oclock this morning Requiem mass was said at St Marys Church at 9 oclock The interment was private To Attend Brothers Funeral Mr James R Tanner exCommission er of Pensions left the city yesterday for Stamford X Y to attend the funer- al of his brother John W Tanner of that place who was accidentally killed by the cars last Monday B 0 RR WeekEnd Sea Shore Tickete good on all trains FrIday anti Saturday returning until Tuesday following- at rate of for the r jtd trip to Atlantic City Cape nay Sea Isle City and Ocean City We Close at 5 p in Saturdays at 1 p m When in doabt buy at housE 4 HEKRMAXVS REFRIGERATORS- ICE CHESTS GOCARTS BABY CARRIAGES And all kinds of SIMMER FrRMTTKE CASH OR CREDIT Complete Home FurnWiera HOUSE HERRMANN 501003 Seventh St corner of I Eye Si I FROM GEORGETOWN Univer- sity CO S- Well AT after- noon men anti was going X J mlialllmlIm I jEEt 1f1j It I t II as ii f l b ji OfT Mrs En- c rsions r5 SpcIaiBargaills tA ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ = = < ANNUAL REPORT OF EORETOI I MARKET Total Receipts for the Year Amount to 1223 The District Commissioners today re ceived from Mr V H Williams Master of the Georgetown Market a report of the operations there fcr the fiscal year ended on June 39 last The receipts of the market were 1 23 being rent of stands 1995 and collection from farm- ers occupying space in the market 128 The expenditures were for the salary of the master 08 and 5240 for a the market This is a small market says Mr Williams eontaininc only twentytwo stands to rent at 5 per month for each stand fifteen of which are rented and seven are vacant Several who had stands in the market vacated them to do business elsewhere and I find it a difficult matter to stands ia the market in consequence of so many provision stores and a large market in the center of the town Very few farm ers attend this market because they have no space in which they can keep their wagons therefore they have to put their produce In the market and take their teams away I have made this statement in order that the matter may be fully understood why the income the Georgetown Market is so small I have the honor as directed to sub mit to you the estimates for the con- duct of the Georgetown Market for the fiscal year to end June 30 1904 Salary of Market Master 9C0 salary of laborer of market 240 Total THE WEATHER INDICATIONS- Local rains followed by fair and cooler tonight Thursday fair with mod- erate temperature fresh west to north west wInds TEMPERATURE 86 12 rfoon 84 Ip S7- THE SUN AND THE MOON Sun rtees02 AM sels7 PM Mocn rises Moon sets T AM TIDE TAmE Low tide 345 AJ and 4 7PJC High tide 3S AM and PJC STREET LIGHTING Lamps lit today 744PM Lamps out tomorrow 414 AM AMffSEMENT- SKernaas Wine Women and Swig afternoon and evening Butchers Associa- tion Benning afternoon Coliseum Motorpaced bicycle races evening EXCURSIONS River View See schedules Steamer Macalester for Marshall Hall at 16 a m 230 and 630 p m Norfolk and Washington line or Fort ress Monroe and Norfolk at 63 p m Trains leave Pennsylvania Avenue aDd Street for Ale rndria and Arlington every half Mount Vernon hourly m to 3 p Chesapeake Beach See schedules un der Railroads and Steamboats for time Colonial Beach Steamer T V smith See schedule under excursions for time Bay leave B sta- tion 919 a m and 430 p m week days CHESAPEAKE JUNCTION CITIZENS FAJL Attempt to Clean Out Gambling Meets With Little Success The committee of ten citizens of Chesapeake Junction who called on Judge George C Merrick of Upper Marlborough Md yesterday to urge an extra session of the ac the appointment of special for their locality did not meet with unqualified success Judge Merrick while express- ing his willingness to do all in his power to wipe out the lawlessness at the Junction said that the appointment of special officers was not within his power but that he would advise with the sheriff sad see if the request could be ranted In view of the extra expense entailed by a special session of the grand it v as asked for Bay Ridge the Queen Resort of the Chesapeake Bay Salt water Bathing Orchestra and Daaeto Boating FifibiDg and Crabbing Eminently adapted for church and organization Good hotel accommodations specially attractive for Washington folks for over Sun day outings Trains leave B i O R R Sin tiou 910 a m and 430 p m week days 610 a nv and 115 p m Sundays IDc to 20c Wall Paper ROLL This is absolutely same cools other firms are selling at lOc to a roll No old stock Every roll is new Uriglit and ot design Let us prove our statements by comparison There never was an easier chance to save mosey EASTERN WALL PAPER CO 9ta and 6 Sts N W Basement Best Metal Contort IO1O JOHN D fcorfcl Pa Ave SOt Washington Brewing tar U Delivered in unlettered laborer- t farmers or 1 n Sun J IttM BarbecueRetail Thirtc n8ndabal IDa IlL Arrow RidgeTrains 8 O officers jury not excur- sions I A GREAT SURPRISE the i I ft C for WINDOW SCREENS Phone East fur Boor 1- ii l ijf c 0 ir c5 rent itt Pam hour SOt latest 1 Cos famous Golden lIsp Beer wiroca ¬ ± ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ = < = INJURED MAN IMPROVING Francis Wahl Slowly Recovering From Effect of Street Car Accident The condition ot Francis Wahl forty seven years of age living at 914 31 Street southeast who fell from the rear of westbound Anacostia car near the corier of Garfield Avenue and E Street southeast shortly before 12 oclock asl night is slightly improved Wahl was dragged nearly a block by the car be fore the accident became known He sustained a number of painful lacera tions about the scalp He was picked ¬ ¬ up and rffiaeved to Providence Hospital by Policeman Delaney ia Fifth pre- cinct patrol wages The surgeons at that institution dressed his wounds af- ter which he was placed ia ward Uninjured in Buggy Accident Mr M P Foley who w a thrown from his buggy while driving on th Canal Road last evening not seri- ously injured was at first feared sal after being treated at the Georgetown Hospital returned to his home Ii2 Fourth Street northwest Harbaufjhs Whooping Coup Syrup at Drag gist el the a as was ¬ ¬ ¬ S KAhN SONS COMPANY S KANN SONS Si COMPANY ALWAYS THE BEST EVERYTHING FOR THE LEAST MONEY We close at 5 oclock every evening Saturday excepted Let the thermometer register 100 or even more and it will never Inter- fere with the shoppers who patronize The Busy Corner Were you among the crowds the past few days If so you know what a push and jam of ready buyers wore making demands for our very special midsummer ttbder Cut valuesL ff you missed any of them we have others in this list which no dotJKif joey please you fully as well and perhaps better Home Comfort ApparelW- eve reference to three ekgmt lines f Simmer in the bet jKJBibfe manner so that aaek and every garment The Sist we have to offer is sac tot of Tcrcaie Lawn Wrappers made of standard material reareeentfoc a large variety of to neat and design fr which are unde extra p ee in all fe mba price has F M reduced to The next x line of lfee Laws Percale Wrappers brae stripes and fig- ures all Rood wfetesMe uultrines Hfifct pink wl lavender one ia slit extra fall thwogh the hips they bane Utted wafet lines nd esti deep O 8o Bce we you them in afcas were for t sad 156 re 14- daeed to Flue White India Linen Wrappew trhnmcrf with revs of line hemat itching made with ruffe x ver the sJwnildera extra deep Uowiee India hues listed CJ 9 liftee with sizes up to 15 225 wai the oW idling price re I B I- jfaced fci r Secornd Floor t More Shirt Waist News ft a pleasure for any woman to Jo liar sit in tide use with ts not alone prices than ebewhere but maqf and tunics Styles as well as cowtwits attention is what we claim for this department W e s White India ttnea Wants neatly flashed with and hem r9- tit M perfect in At and making sizes up to 38 whIsk wt sold tor fOe White India Linen Wafats tucked aad fcewstttcbcd sad wed wit fee embroidery in aU efaaai sold for fl S can be bought to White fiidiii eJaiiwiteTr trimmed trimmed with tIDe Val lace and tucfcinp the sizot are complete the Twice was 173 ran he Insight tomorrow for Women White India Linen Waists the entire frost k made of wide also souse trimmed with rows Hcmstitclied tucking fancy stock to natch with also tucked cuSs size can be bought tomorrow Plus White Persian Ijiwn WaMtt trimmed with very One Vat iaertin rows of heHKtiidHii Empire neck and elbow sleeves finished with One CJi late tbey conie in both button and button beck sizes Yvf complete the real worth fe iSO bought Waist Dept Second Floor I Bf BUSY CORNER Percale and Lawn Wrappers made I will It t4 a meas- ured aDd wIth LID n n tine alt they sold 0- I A n o that the time tasks gc eaR IMJtIIht trim 6 gr tM u Linen Waists with fine em 8SC tacking some are blind em- broidery of 9 8c 11 tie every the old priee I for tIDe aL frt sty I I THE merest se equsi caters been j Sue and blue every I surety sea lest ho tonionow 10- 1Wouiit5 mor Wmiyas tqeiy sad was 2OO and edge ¬ > = > Handkerchief Values attract i Bewel this nscttlIrtiiSr r nut Jc ffer e Saf Womeas r U cams hue UaiwtCTJrWt with colored printed orders ia JS I3P5 ueswnw and colors bk e guarantee strict- ly list at Another a BJBI lot Womens- Hamikerchiclv suclr s trimmed hem- stitched feKefcerted jiHm hem tiu4ed initial eoraers with isv imreoi and ahter cambric T C- piaw hnnstitcbnl the entire choice Womens Haademhraidend- hritialcornered Hawdkercblefe also AH linen llenistttched Initial Cornets Sheer Linen Initial Ooraen f f f letter from A to Z choice j each V- WotMnV Swm Embroidered Kdce Handkerchiefs lace and lace trimmed with hemstitch all haRd embroidered ccnwrs and Sue g f 1 C all with plain hem stitch each at LL- Womeaa Fre ch Printed HeB tte i- AlMincn Hairfherchwfs also some with edge and lace trimmed another Jot all linen with embroidered and scattO ed edges Sad still another made of t fr strictly pcre Irisfe linen with nar i row hemstitrii each at a First Floor Sections H and J Peter Thompsons Suits for Misses Prom 11 to IS Tears They are made of the best quality speeded and a nmk Cheviot ore are aceordin to the correct idea tilt maker in either white or black three garments are the proper thins for the seaside he CjJ f f- as well as street at the H i 5lj special price of a On our HoadytoWear Dept Second Floor ev 3 C r I I lace j of I 0 lIe in I wmh pckst istOlesdiw enoumrk to they sent very lace corners nest 4 I leach Laundered I I sad C every SeOtIOe4 edge tiara linen I t9 > ¬ ¬ > > Go Carts and Baby Carriages Made by Hayseed Bros WakefieU Co Tho two best of their kind who manu- factured these goods We hove in all reeled 3MtB century Ensliih jonwJHs rears have rubber tires mtfess wheels sad Jxijustniejrts which arc so simple that any child can operate Some are plain others are upholstered 2 GoCarts sold for 1159 C rt can be boas for each JyO 1 Oo Cart which sjM for S 31350 ran be bought for OVO I GeCart which told for 1 GoCart which sold ice 1535 can be boed for 1 CoCart whiii mid for in Q 12159 n be booeit 898 1 CoCart which ttOd for 169S can be boagfat for 1L7 O 1 tieCart which sofa for li4S can be bought for VO7O 1 Carriage which told f r S 13 S can be bought for 7VO 1 Carrette which sold for SI A OC 1045 can be bought for J- On sale in our Toy Dept 4th Floor bout IS left Gut a steak oL 300 iJtese we are to close at NCh- ronttlr 1hIE priee8 are fit ted with t 11 50 I cw Qe for 1 098 5 4 15IS Iw r I which told ion for 1 tloCant which tOld for S 7 9 8 sac be for e el nearly gig be Jew Tly green 1s98 bought can bmgho croCrt GILlS bought = ¬ j 4 IIJ JJ 4 41 SUAT EVER YOU WANT WE fJ a WALL YOU Ii- Ii iti s d5 TWST > I lt It fl l6 lt- 1R This Large Arm Porch Rocker made for comfort Ij 89c 16 M 6ffi a i 6 9 l1eres a home comforter l Uocd Tufted Velour Couch strongly made A bargain for lt 598 L VQ H a > 41 f f Ii- tJ t Iii ti Ii- ti Solid Oak Sideboard t bevel plate glass f 8 98 i- e n Solil Onk Dresser Preach Ii Plate Beveled ijj Glass 1 Bargain ti- ti 798 f- i fi 4La III- L IIIIIi1 AGreat rdntn i = > I w Formerly 9 t 4547 Seventh Street f- JPJIIPJt I e VIIAYER COn3 MAYERETT- ITk

Transcript of Washington Evening Times. (Washington, DC) 1902-08-06 [p...

Page 1: Washington Evening Times. (Washington, DC) 1902-08-06 [p 8].chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn84024441/1902-08-06/ed-1/seq-8.… · road for some months past For almost an hour the

V f





Citizens of Brookland

Aroused by a FierceConflict


Leave Injured Man Behind After Tying

His Horse to TreeStroman Investigates and Secures

Details of the Trouble

The old Glenwood Road was the sceneof excitement shortly arter 9 oclocklast night when a fight broke out in aband or gypsies who have been encamped near the old wine house on thatroad for some months past For almostan hour the woods rang with cries of

murder and police and the fightersas they rained blow after blow uponeach other were observed by passen-gers on the electric railway en route toBrookland

After the fight had come to an end theband hurriedly packed up their belong-ings and were soon driving madly up thedeserted road in the direction ofBrlghtwood leaving behind them one ottheir number James Smith who waspainfully cut about the face and hands

Policeman Goes to SceneIn the meantime the passengers on the

electric cars had Informed PolicemanStroman at Brookland He immediate-ly boarded a car and went to the sceneof the disturbance Upon arriving at thegypsy encampment however he foundnothing left but a few smoldering firesHe thea discovered Smith who lay onthe grass ciprlngas though In great pain

Upon questioning him the policemanlearned that the fight grew out offact that Smith had come into the campIn intoxicated condition and had be-

come involved In a quarrel with anothermember of the band whose name besaid was Archie Lovell Thwargument-betweou two bad become heatedthat were struck he said ina few minutes both fighters were rollingon the ground

Smith claimed that Lovell during theprogress of the fistic combat seized aheavy piece of wood and struck him inthe face tearing the skin badly andcovering him with blood The lightingthen became general the friends ofcombatants lining up against each otherIn a few minutes the camp presented ananimated appearance the men fightersbeing distinctly seen by citizens asthey wrestled and slugged beforecamp fires Now and then when aa un-usually clever bloW had been inflictedby one side or another the female ele-ment would rejoice in loud cries theirvoices being heard for almost a milethrough the woods

Band Moves Away HurriedlyGrrdualfy however the combatants

tired and fearing that the police wouldsaorUy be upon them deemed it bestto IeVe the place Accordingly tentswere quickly struck and all the luggage packed in wagons The horseswhich had been left ia the woods tograze were started after Itsome little time to secure them as theanimals frightened the cries fromthe camp during the fight had scatteredInto the woods They finally M-cijred however and hitched up gallopedfrom the woods on to the road andstruck a lively gait In the direction ofBrightwood

The only person left behind wasSmith whose face and clothing weremarked with bloodstains Before leav-ing him the gypsy leaders tied besideiim his but left nothing else ofhis property

The Injured Mans StoryHe explained as well as lie could to

Policeman Stroman the cause of thetrouble It had been the desire of cer-tain members of the band h said tomake him leave the camp but that ieand his friends objected to actionand the fight ensued He was extremelydesirous of securing a warrant for hisassailant but Policeman Stroman informed him that under the circum-stances nothing could be done as in allprobability his assailants were thenwell on their way outside of the Districtline

With tint assistance of the policemanSmith the blood from his faceand clotS He then mounted hishorse hreatening dire vengeance uponthe heads of his enemies and gallopedIn the direction taken by the main body

The citizens of Brookland heaTed asigh of relief when they heard of thebands departure It is said that forsome time past the band which arrivedhire about three months ago indulgedia brawls almost nightly and was a ter-ror to citizens who sometimes walked-or drove past their encampment


Miss Smith and Mr Bogely Become

Humane Society WorkersAt the regular monthly meeting of the

executive committee of the Humaneheld at the Warder Building on

Monday Miss H Smith and Mr R ABogely were elected regular members-of the association

The agent for childrens eases madethe following report for July Numberof investigated 28 number ofchildren involved 10 sent to Washington Asylvnr 1 fined for whipping 1amicably adjusted and warned 21 stillunder investigation or observation 3

Report jf the collector for smallfor July Number of cats humane-

ly put to death 1SS number of kittenstsicanely put to death 3 6 number ofdogs humanely put to death 5

The following are reports of agentsduring July Number of investi-gated 271 animals examined 904 rem

without prosecution 181 proseCUed 100 convicted 99 acquitted 1eases of animals unfit for work 100 ani-mals killed by the agent horse 19cases of beating or whipping 16 casesof overloading 5 cases of overdriving1 driving when tIled 49 driving whenlame 31 lack of food or shelter 4number of cases assisted by police 2

bonds 4

Floral Designs That Excel

of Cole HS1 889




thelows sad















In oriliulkJ and bqenty ass always to be sMF Those























Details of Secretary Hays Fine NewApartment House

Workmen have progressed rapidly In

the demolition of the dozen houses oc-

cupying the site of the big apartmenthouse to be erected by Secretary HayThese properties were purchased at intervals for two years past

The structure will be one of the finesto its kind in the East The cost will bemore than SlOOeOOO for the buildingalone which is to be known as Stoneleigh Court named in honor of Mrs Haywhose maiden name was Stone Thebuilding will occupy the northwesternthird of the Irregularly shaped blockbounded by Connecticut Avenue KStreet L Street and Seventeenth Streetnorthwest To the north the buildingwill overlook the grounds of the Aca-demy of the Visitation

There will be seven elevators ia thenew apartment house which is to beequipped with every modern convenienceand luxury On the first floor will be acafe and the private dining rooms Thebuilding will contain ninetythree sep-arate apartments and there will be alarge court opening into ConnecticutAvenue so as to give the three wingsof the structure a frontage on the mainthoroughfare In this court will befountains flower beds and circulardriveways leading to three entrances



Mr Request forCancelation Approved-

The District Commissioners recentlyreceived from Mr Fred McKee attorneyfor Mr Don A Sanford a request forthe cancellation of the taA sale of lots4 and 5 square 699 bounded by NorthCapitol First Street oat P and Q

Streets The taxes fur which the lotssold in April of year were as-

sessments for sewer amounting to 5143on each lot The ground for the request

to the effect tiaat the notice of asisessment was wrongly served upon Augustus Burgdorf who at the time didnot own the property

The application was referrol toAssessor and by him to J W Danielspecial assessment clerk The lattersubmitted the following statement relative to the records in the ease

Assessment for sewer acaiast lots 4

and 5 square O was levied May 11

1SS3 at which time the lots stood OR

the books of Assessors Office in nameof Augustus Burgdorf and billsleft at his place of business with hisson They were never returned and thisoffice bad no knowledge that the serviceof the bills Mas not valid until March31 1992 when Mr Sanford culled at-tention to the fact and bills were atonce servei upon him

The lots ramed were at that time advertised for sale inAprll 1902 for nonpayment not only ot the assessmentsmentioned Mr McKee butassessments for water main curb andpaving alle3 The only error IB

of sale was in date fromwhich intetest was charged viz July22 1S S Interest should have cal-culated from March 31 19K the dateof service of bills jspon Xr SanfordWhether this error iItlst the sale Iam unable to say

Mr II II Darneille the Assessor iaforwarding the above report to the

added the following statementThe act of August 7 1884 under whichspecial aisessraents are levied pro-vides in as follows andinterest shall be charged at the rateof S per ent per annum from the dateof the service of such notice on allamounts which shall remain unpaid atthe expiration of sixty days after serv-ice of notice of such assessmentSaid act also provides Any propertyupon which such assessment and ac-

crued interest thereon or any partthereof shall remain unpaid at the expiration of two years from the date ofservice of notice of such assessmentshall be subject to sain therefor Bidderthe same conditions penalties whichare imposed by existing laws for thenonpayment of general taxes andany property assessed as herein provided for shell become liable to sale forany other assessment or tax whateverthen the assessment Ievid under thisact shall become immediately due andpayable and the property against whichthey are levied may be sold therefortogether with the accrued interest thereon and t e cost of advertising to thedate of such sale

Although the notice in this ease wasnot served upon the owner uatil March31 1902 the property was salable forthese assessments for the reason thatother a Ss mentg for paving alley andwater main were due and payable onthe property However It will be seenfrom the report of the Special Assess-ment Clerk that there was included nthe sale interest on these assessmentsfor nearly four years more than shouldhave bein included

As it is too late to correct this error the sale In my opinion Is invalidand I haw the honor to recommend thatthe sale of lot 5 square 669 assessed-to Don A Sanford sold April 10 102to C H WilOrfe for 19246 and of lot4 square 669 assessed to Don A Sanford sold April 10 1S2 to the Securities Company for 1247 be canceledand the purchase money refunded according to law

Colored Club Elects Officersregular monthly meeting of the

Ladles Auxiliary of the BlaineRepublican Ciub met last night at

247 D Street southwest and the follow-ing officers were elected for the nextensuing year

Miss I S Countee president MrsM E Bacon vice president Mrs A OHutchinson financial secruary MrsJackson recording secretary MrsBroduft treasurer Mrs Hurly chaplain Col P H Carson marshal chairman of the sick committee Mrs Cooperchairman of the investigating committee Miss Powell chairman of the finan-cial committee Mrs M E Ward

After the election of officers the Ladies Auxiliary decided to accompanythe Blaine Invincible Republican Clubdown the rivor on August 2ft on an exeurcien trip to Glymont


Were tills













jPil L i I i






































The Commissioners have accepted theresignation of Joseph H Frye of theFire Department and have appointedJohn J Casey watchman to fill the va-


The Commissioners have addressedMessrs V X Gait Co sending acopy of the opinion of tee CorporationCounsel In answer to their inquiry con-cerning the status of the Flour Inspec-tor This opinion was in brief that thepresent Flour Inspector will hold officeuntil his successor is appointed andthat his judgment is conclusive as tothe quality of flour and that his certi-ficate is a memorandum of that judg-ment indicative of what his testimonywould be in a question of controversy

Acting upon the recommendation ofthe Health Officer the Commissionershave directed that Dr Herbert Youngbe transferred from the position ofSanitary and Food Inspector to the position created in the met District ap-propriation act of the same name toassist in the enforcement of the milkand pure food laws The Commission-ers have also directed that Dr JohnRome a veterinary surgeon be appoint-ed as food and sanitary inspector viceDr Young transferred Both positionspay 900 per annum and the transfer andappointment take effect August S

The office of the Collector of Taxes iskept busy every day receiving the de-

layed payments on water rent and inthe issue of dog tags and licenses Twoadditional clerks have been employed-for ten days at the receiving windows


Program to Be Rendered by the Marine

Band This Afternoon

The following program will be rendered at the Capitol this afternoon at544 oclock by the Band of the UnitedStates Marine Corps William H Santelmann leaderMarch Admiral Ucwey Santelmann-Orertwne Leofiore No 3 Beethoveniokxnke Op 40 ChopinWaltz Vienna Jtlood StrausGrand Fantasia Lobencrin WagnerIntermezzo Kofse Kranke-Kxecrptt from The Ameer HerbertPatriotic Hymn Hail Fjl


The United States Engineers to Render-

a WellSelected ProgramThe United States Engineers Band

stationed at the Arsenal will render thefollowing musical program at S oclockthis eveningMarch Ow Savai Heroes KdvrardsOverture A limit in the Ardennes vMariSerenade EspazBoks Schlewzrel

By Sir WmtermrwSelection Pirates ot Ieneanee SoHiranDuct for ccrcetK Drift My

By MCMTS Itiiliipg and ttintermyer-Hanwtioa Echoee


Police Scouring the City for WomanWho Wielded the Knife

Dora Linkins the young woman whowas stabbed in the breast and abdomenlast night by another woman while thetwo were engaged in a fight on N streetsoutheast was released from the Emergency hospital this morning after havingher injuries dressed

The police of the Fourth precinct areendeavoring to locate the young womans assailant



Pay 26000 for Building Which They

Now Occupy on D Street Northwest

The Jolly Fat Mens Club has pur-

chased from the Pabst Brewing Com-

pany tbc property at 933 D Streetnorthwest for 526600

The betiding which has been occupied-by the club for about two and onehalfyears Is of brick and three stories inheight It is used entirely by the cluband is one of the best equipped clubhouses in the city A number of Interiorimprovements are contemplated this fall

There are about 50 members of theclub which is in a most flourishing con-dition

Marriage Licenses IssuedMarvin A Polmore Cumberland coun

ty Va and Mazle Jeffs Chesterfieldcounty Va

William M Pigott and Lydia A Rothwell

Charles W SIncell and Minnie EWeenheimer

Harry J Brandes Baltimore Md andAnna J Walker District of Columbia

Lee Arnold and Camora BeverlyGeorge and Katie OBrien both

of Baltimore MdThomas W Grayson and Ada WoodWilliam H Harnest and Lucy Frances

JonesBenjamin Marks and Bertha Rose both

of Baltimore Md

Secretary George SGeorge S Wilson has returned

after a visit to Boston and vi-

cinity Mr Wilson as secretary of theBoard of Charities went to the Hub toinquire into the methods of charitableinstitution there with a view to utiliz-ing here when applicable the Information obtained of that work

A Little Girls Leg FracturedElla Lewis a little girl who lives at

307 Fourth Street northeast fracturedher left leg just below the knee whilewinging in the yard of a neighbor yesterday afternoon She was treated atEmergency Hospital and then sent toher home

To Summer at Colonial BeachMiss Maud F Miller and Miss Alice

McAtee 1142 New Jersey Avenue havegone to Colonial Beach for the summerAfter a rest at the Beach they will visit

of the seaside resorts in the East

Mr W C Hibbs on His VacationWaldo C Hibbs secretary to Com-

missioner Macfarland is on leave for atew days and is spending the time withhis family in Maryland

10 To Niagara Falls and Return 10

Via Pennsylvania Ilailroml Company Specialtrain ot parior ears and day coached will leaveWashington S a HI Thursday August ITickets limited to ten daya and allow stop-over at Uoffafo Similar excursionsAugust 1 September i and 18 October 2 and


Bark Kueken





ten ay



if j i





























= =


Appeal for Money for VarsityCrew

White Cap Social Club Adjourns UntilSeptember Michael P Foley Injur-

ed in a Runaway-

Mr M J Thompson graduate manager of athletics of Georgetown

has sent out appeals to the mem-

bers of the advisory beard and alumniof the university asking help in the ad-

vancement of aquatics Mr Thompsonstates that unlike baseball and footballaquatic sports are a source of expenseyet yield no revenue and in order tomaintain them it is necessary to ask forassistance The appeal was sent out li-

the form of a personarTietter

The White Cap Social Club met lastevening at the residence of Mr WilliamH Sparsfaptt 142 Thirtythird Streetnorthwest Several new members wereadmitted At the close of the meetingIt was decided to adjourn for the monthof August At the first meeting in Sep-

tember the members of the club willbe entertained at the residence of MissStella Hutchins on Thirtythird Streetnorthwest

Those present last night were Mr nndMrs William H Sparshott Mr and MrrH Spittle Mr and Mrs Bernard DyerMr and Mrs C Chamberlain Miss MaeSparshott Miss Stella Hutchins MissEthel Burdette Mr and Mrs F

Mr and Mrs A Potter Mr andMrs Parker Mr W J Conlin Mr PW Cinch and Mr A Sparshott

Mr Michael P Folsy of 1129 FourthStreet northwest war painfully injuredlast night about S30 oclock He hadbeen out driving up the Conduit RoadOn his return his horse became fright-ened n L the distributing reservoirand ran down the road at a high rate ofspeed At the intersection of Thirtyseventh and the Conduit Road Mr Koleywas thrown from the buggy He received several deep gashes in his headbesides other cuts and bruises He wastaken to the Georgetown Hospital-

A championship baseball game hasbeen arranged to be played on theGeorgetown University campus as a spe-cial feature of the opening theGeorgetown University Hospital lawnlete on Labor Day The stronger ama-teur teams of the northwest will crosslens and an interesting game is lookedfor Other athletic features will be helden that day


Funeral of John Darlington to Be HeldTomorrow Afternoon

Funeral services over the remains ofthe late John Darlington who tiledTuesday morning at Sibley Hospitalwill be held at 2 oclock tomorrow

at his late residence in Hyattsvllle Md Interment will be made inWoodlawn Cemetery this city

Mr Darlington was assistant foremanof the composing room of the Wash-ington Post and a member of ColumbiaTypographical Union No 191

His death was occasioned by peri-tonitis following an attack of typhoidlever He was taken to Sibley Hospital-on Monday where the end came sudden-ly at 830 oclock the following morningHe is survived by a widow and eightchildren The funeral arrangements arebeing conducted by his fellowcraft


WellKnowi Washington Correspond-

ent Weds Miss Trixie LavignePress dispatches received from Rich

mond Va this morning announce themarriage of Miss Trixie Lavigne of theBijou Comedy Company of that cityMr Alfred A Erly a Washington newspaper correspondent The wedding tookplace some time ago in Atlanta Ga buteven the most intimate friends of thecontracting parties were ignorant of ituntil today

Mrs Erly is at present III in a Rich-mond hospital Her husband is at hrbedside

Mrs Endres FuneralThe funeral of Mrs Margaret Endres

relict of the late Adrian Endresheld from the residence of her niece

John A Foster 323 D Streetsoutheast at 815 oclock this morningRequiem mass was said at St MarysChurch at 9 oclock The interment wasprivate

To Attend Brothers FuneralMr James R Tanner exCommission

er of Pensions left the city yesterdayfor Stamford X Y to attend the funer-al of his brother John W Tanner ofthat place who was accidentally killedby the cars last Monday

B 0 R R WeekEnd Sea Shore

Tickete good on all trains FrIday antiSaturday returning until Tuesday following-at rate of for the r jtd trip to AtlanticCity Cape nay Sea Isle City and Ocean City

We Close at 5 p in Saturdaysat 1 p m

When in doabt buy athousE 4 HEKRMAXVS





And all kinds ofSIMMER FrRMTTKE

CASH OR CREDITComplete Home FurnWiera

HOUSE HERRMANN501003 Seventh St corner of I

Eye Si















It It IIas

ii f l b ji




c rsions



























Total Receipts for the Year

Amount to 1223

The District Commissioners today received from Mr V H Williams Masterof the Georgetown Market a report ofthe operations there fcr the fiscal yearended on June 39 last The receipts ofthe market were 1 23 being rent ofstands 1995 and collection from farm-ers occupying space in the market 128

The expenditures were for the salary ofthe master 08 and 5240 for a

the marketThis is a small market says Mr

Williams eontaininc only twentytwostands to rent at 5 per month for eachstand fifteen of which are rented andseven are vacant Several whohad stands in the market vacated themto do business elsewhere and I find it adifficult matter to stands ia themarket in consequence of so manyprovision stores and a large market inthe center of the town Very few farmers attend this market because theyhave no space in which they can keeptheir wagons therefore they have to puttheir produce In the market and taketheir teams away

I have made this statement in orderthat the matter may be fully understoodwhy the income the GeorgetownMarket is so small

I have the honor as directed to submit to you the estimates for the con-duct of the Georgetown Market for thefiscal year to end June 30 1904

Salary of Market Master 9C0 salaryof laborer of market 240 Total


Local rains followed by fair andcooler tonight Thursday fair with mod-erate temperature fresh west to northwest wInds


12 rfoon 84Ip S7-

THE SUN AND THE MOONSun rtees02 AM sels7 PMMocn rises Moon sets T AM

TIDE TAmELow tide 345 AJ and 4 7PJCHigh tide 3S AM and PJC

STREET LIGHTINGLamps lit today 744PMLamps out tomorrow 414 AM

AMffSEMENT-SKernaas Wine Women and Swig

afternoon and eveningButchers Associa-

tion Benning afternoonColiseum Motorpaced bicycle races


EXCURSIONSRiver View See schedulesSteamer Macalester for Marshall Hall

at 16 a m 230 and 630 p mNorfolk and Washington line or Fort

ress Monroe and Norfolk at 63 p mTrains leave Pennsylvania Avenue aDd

Street for Alerndria and Arlington every halfMount Vernon hourly m to 3 p

Chesapeake Beach See schedules under Railroads and Steamboats fortime

Colonial Beach Steamer T Vsmith See schedule under excursionsfor time

Bay leave B sta-tion 919 a m and 430 p m week days


Attempt to Clean Out Gambling MeetsWith Little Success

The committee of ten citizens ofChesapeake Junction who called onJudge George C Merrick of UpperMarlborough Md yesterday to urge anextra session of the ac theappointment of special for theirlocality did not meet with unqualifiedsuccess Judge Merrick while express-ing his willingness to do all in his powerto wipe out the lawlessness at theJunction said that the appointment ofspecial officers was not within hispower but that he would advise withthe sheriff sad see if the request couldbe ranted

In view of the extra expense entailedby a special session of the grandit v as asked for

Bay Ridge the Queen Resort of theChesapeake Bay

Salt water Bathing Orchestra and DaaetoBoating FifibiDg and Crabbing Eminentlyadapted for church and organization

Good hotel accommodations speciallyattractive for Washington folks for over Sunday outings Trains leave B i O R R Sintiou 910 a m and 430 p m week days610 a nv and 115 p m Sundays

IDc to 20c Wall Paper


This is absolutely same coolsother firms are selling at lOc to aroll No old stock Every roll is newUriglit and ot design Let usprove our statements by comparisonThere never was an easier chance to savemosey


9ta and 6 Sts N W Basement

Best Metal ContortIO1O

JOHN D fcorfcl Pa Ave

SOt Washington Brewing

tar U Delivered in unlettered









Thirtcn8ndabalIDa IlL


RidgeTrains 8 O









Phone Eastfur Boor


ii l ijf c 0 ir c5








Cos famous Golden lIsp Beer













= <



Francis Wahl Slowly Recovering From

Effect of Street Car AccidentThe condition ot Francis Wahl forty

seven years of age living at 914 31

Street southeast who fell from the rearof westbound Anacostia car near thecorier of Garfield Avenue and E Streetsoutheast shortly before 12 oclock aslnight is slightly improved Wahl wasdragged nearly a block by the car before the accident became known Hesustained a number of painful lacerations about the scalp He was picked



up and rffiaeved to Providence Hospitalby Policeman Delaney ia Fifth pre-cinct patrol wages The surgeons atthat institution dressed his wounds af-ter which he was placed ia ward

Uninjured in Buggy AccidentMr M P Foley who w a thrown

from his buggy while driving on thCanal Road last evening not seri-ously injured was at first feared salafter being treated at the GeorgetownHospital returned to his home Ii2Fourth Street northwest

Harbaufjhs Whooping Coup Syrup at Draggist el









We close at 5 oclock every evening Saturday excepted

Let the thermometer register 100 or even more and it will never Inter-fere with the shoppers who patronize The Busy Corner Were you amongthe crowds the past few days If so you know what a push and jam ofready buyers wore making demands for our very special midsummer ttbderCut valuesL ff you missed any of them we have others in this list which nodotJKif joey please you fully as well and perhaps better

Home Comfort ApparelW-eve reference to three ekgmt lines f Simmer

in the bet jKJBibfe manner so that aaek and everygarment

The Sist we have to offer is sac tot of Tcrcaie Lawn Wrappers made of standardmaterial reareeentfoc a large variety of to neat and design frwhich are unde extra p ee in all fe mba price has F Mreduced to

The next x line of lfee Laws Percale Wrappers brae stripes and fig-

ures all Rood wfetesMe uultrines Hfifct pink wl lavender one ia

slit extra fall thwogh the hips they bane Utted wafet lines nd esti deep O8o Bce we you them in afcas were for t sad 156 re 14-

daeed toFlue White India Linen Wrappew trhnmcrf with revs of line hemat itching made

with ruffe x ver the sJwnildera extra deep Uowiee India hues listed CJ 9

liftee with sizes up to 15 225 wai the oW idling price re I B I-

jfaced fcir Secornd Floor

t More Shirt Waist Newsft a pleasure for any woman to Jo liar sit in tide use with ts not

alone prices than ebewhere but maqf and tunics Styles as wellas cowtwits attention is what we claim for this department

W e s White India ttnea Wants neatly flashed with and hem r9-

tit M perfect in At and making sizes up to 38 whIsk wt sold tor fOe

White India Linen Wafats tucked aad fcewstttcbcd sadwed wit fee embroidery in aU efaaai sold for fl S can be bought to

White fiidiii eJaiiwiteTr trimmedtrimmed with tIDe Val lace and tucfcinp the

sizot are complete the Twice was 173 ran he Insight tomorrow forWomen White India Linen Waists the entire frost k made of wide

also souse trimmed with rows Hcmstitclied tucking fancy stock tonatch with also tucked cuSs sizecan be bought tomorrow

Plus White Persian Ijiwn WaMtt trimmed with very One Vat iaertin rows ofheHKtiidHii Empire neck and elbow sleeves finished with One CJi

late tbey conie in both button and button beck sizes Yvfcomplete the real worth fe iSO bought

Waist Dept Second Floor



Percale and Lawn Wrappers made


will It t4 a meas-ured


wIth LIDn n

tine alt they sold 0-

I An


that the time

tasks gceaR IMJtIIht

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Linen Waists with fine em 8SCtacking some are

blind em-broidery of

9 8c11 tie every the old prieeI for

tIDe aL frt styI I


merest se equsi


j Sue andblue every


suretysea lest

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tqeiy sad

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Handkerchief Valuesattract

i Bewel thisnscttlIrtiiSr r nut

Jc ffer e Saf Womeas r U cams

hue UaiwtCTJrWt with colored printedorders ia JS I3P5 ueswnw andcolors bk e guarantee strict-ly list at

Another a BJBI lot Womens-Hamikerchiclv suclr s trimmed hem-

stitched feKefcerted jiHmhem tiu4ed initial eoraers withisv imreoi and ahter cambric T C-

piaw hnnstitcbnl the entire choice

Womens Haademhraidend-hritialcornered Hawdkercblefe also AH

linen llenistttched Initial CornetsSheer Linen Initial Ooraen f f fletter from A to Z choice j

each V-WotMnV Swm Embroidered

Kdce Handkerchiefs lace and lacetrimmed with hemstitch all haRd

embroidered ccnwrs and Sue g f 1 Call with plain hemstitch each at LL-

Womeaa Fre ch Printed HeB tte i-

AlMincn Hairfherchwfs also some withedge and lace trimmed another Jot

all linen with embroidered and scattO ededges Sad still another made of t frstrictly pcre Irisfe linen with nar irow hemstitrii each at a

First Floor Sections H and J

Peter ThompsonsSuits for Misses

Prom 11 to IS TearsThey are made of the best quality

speeded and a nmk Cheviot oreare aceordin to the correct idea

tilt maker in either white or blackthree garments are the proper thins for theseaside he CjJ f f-as well as street at the H i 5ljspecial price of a

On our HoadytoWear DeptSecond Floor


3 C






I0lIe in


wmh pckst istOlesdiw enoumrk tothey sent


lacecorners nest



LaunderedII sadC every









Go Cartsand Baby CarriagesMade by Hayseed Bros WakefieU Co

Tho two best of their kind who manu-

factured these goods We hove in all

reeled 3MtB centuryEnsliih jonwJHs rears have rubber tiresmtfess wheels sad Jxijustniejrts which arcso simple that any child can operate Some

are plain others are upholstered

2 GoCarts sold for 1159 C rtcan be boas for each JyO

1 Oo Cart which sjM for S31350 ran be bought for OVO

I GeCart which told for

1 GoCart which sold ice1535 can be boed for

1 CoCart whiii mid for in Q

12159 n be booeit 8981 CoCart which ttOd for

169S can be boagfat for 1L7 O

1 tieCart which sofa forli4S can be bought for VO7O

1 Carriage which told f r S13 S can be bought for 7VO

1 Carrette which sold for SI A O C1045 can be bought for J-On sale in our Toy Dept 4th Floor

bout IS left Gut a steak oL 300

iJtese we are to close at NCh-ronttlr 1hIE priee8 are fit

ted with


11 5 0I

cw Qe for

1 0985 415IS Iw rI which told ion


1 tloCant which tOld for S 7 9 8sac be for e

el nearly

gig beJew Tly


1s98 bought

can bmgho


GILlS bought










1R This Large Arm PorchRocker made for comfort

Ij 89c16 M


a i6

9 l1eres a home comforterl Uocd Tufted Velour Couch

strongly made A bargainfor

lt 598L VQ








Solid Oak Sideboard tbevel plate glass

f8 98 i-

e n

SolilOnkDresserPreach IiPlateBeveled ijjGlass

1Bargain ti-

ti798 f-



4La III-



rdntn i




Formerly 9t

4547 Seventh Streetf-JPJIIPJt Ie