Cloud Computing 101

An Overview of Applications that are Currently Delivered via the Cloud and Potential Applications for the Future Ben Kepes Diversity Limited NZ Cloud Computing Summit October 2009 Photo credit - svanes


Presentation given by Ben Kepes to the New Zealand Cloud Computing Summit

Transcript of Cloud Computing 101

Page 1: Cloud Computing 101

An Overview of Applications that are Currently Delivered via the Cloud and Potential Applications for the Future

Ben KepesDiversity Limited NZ Cloud Computing SummitOctober 2009

Photo credit - svanes

Page 2: Cloud Computing 101


Cloudy Effects

Looking to the future

Who am I?

Understanding Cloud Computing

Understanding SaaS

Understanding PaaS

Understanding IaaS

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Ben Kepes

Editor - CloudAve

Cloud computing commentator



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Understanding Cloud Computing

Software as a Service?

Cloud Storage?

Platform as a Service?


Infrastructure as a Service?

Multi Tenancy?

Web 2.0?


Is it…

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So What is Cloud Computing?

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What is Cloud Computing Really?

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Understanding Cloud Computing



Pay according to use

Focus on core


Reliable/Stable/Ease of use

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Cloud Computing in a few more minutes

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Cloud can be a utility model – a software model of

electricity, water or telco delivery

Users need not have expertise over technology infrastructure

It can be a way to gain infrastructural efficiencies

An easy development platform

Understanding Cloud Computing

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Understanding Cloud Computing

Source – Fronde Blog

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“ …everyone on the planet deserves to have their

own virtual data center in the cloud ”

- Lew Tucker, CTO of SUN cloud group

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“ …we are able to reduce our IT operational costs by

roughly 30% of what we’re spending now ”

- Ingo Elfering, Vice President of Information Technology

Strategy, GlaxoSmithKline

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“ The deployment time is really what impressed us, it's just

shy of instantaneous ”

- Dave Powers Associate Information Consultant, Eli Lilly

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Modern version of application service providers (ASPs)


Custom created for web based delivery

Single instance, multi-tenant architecture

Provider patch and upgrade management

May include application programming interfaces (APIs)

Generally subscription basis – per seat, user, instance

Understanding SaaS

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A cloud based billing system powers online

delivery of micro format news

Cloud Deployment Case Study #1

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Reed Business Information - 400 publications - 200 online properties

Needed comprehensive billing functionality Needed simple integration with SFDC, Oracle, Website

Needed simple implementation

Needed affordability and minimal CAPEX

Saving Traditional Media

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Media content located within traditional media dataspace

utilise advanced tagging to categorise content

subscribe via a SaaS billing platform

Receive the content you want, how you want it

Saving Traditional Media

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Services to develop, test, deploy, host

Web based user interface

Multi-tenant architecture

Integration with web services and databases

Support for development team collaboration

Utility-grade instrumentation

Understanding PaaS

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Quoting system created on PaaS, integrated with

SaaS CRM and SaaS Accounting

Cloud Deployment Case Study #2

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CyberSafe security solution provider

Utilised on-premises contact manager/accounting

Needed quoting system

Wanted integration with contact manager

Wished to retire disconnected legacy system

Driving Efficiencies

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Implemented SaaS CRM in 2002

utilised PaaS to develop custom-built quoting system

integrated automatically via PaaS with

Deployed Coda2go SaaS accounting application

leveraging totally connected cloud based SaaS/PaaS

Driving Efficiencies

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“Services designed to scale to tens or

hundreds or millions of users will

dramatically change the nature and cost

of solutions deliverable to enterprise..”

- Bill Gates Microsoft Internal memo

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“I believe, over time, more and more

software will be delivered as a service.

I totally believe that... We have to be

good at this, or we have a problem”

- Larry Ellison CEO Oracle

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Resources delivered as a service

Dynamic scaling of infrastructure

Variable cost service

Multiple tenants on the same infrastructure resources

Enterprise grade infrastructure

Understanding IaaS

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Manages risks of acquisition of software

Minimises roll-out requirements

Keeps IT strategically focussed

Eases pain of managing on-premise apps

So... About Cloud being just for SMBs

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Utilising data and graphical processing services

from the cloud for an inside-the-firewall


Cloud Deployment Case Study #3

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human readable 3rd party website that is too technical and complex for exec level readership

utilise 3rd party API to get only the data needed for exec summary

summarize this in enterprise dashboard for exec level readership

utilize charting to represent trends over time

Enterprise Data Visibility

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SaaS Deployment Case Study

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How will the cloud affect the organisation?

IT governance implications

Security needs

Service level agreements (SLAs)

Migration strategies



Regulatory impacts

IT Role impacts

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Balancing the financial implications

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Start up company – on premise IT free zone

Cloud Deployment Case Study #4

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Company experienced rapid growth (400% employee count growth in one month)

Philosophy: “IT Free Zone”

Only IT around the office: Laptops, WiFi, Printer

IT Free Zone

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IaaS – GoGrid, Media Temple, Amazon EC2

PaaS -

SaaS – Salesforce, Xero, Google Apps

IT Free Zone

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Quick office set up, just a few hours

Radically reduced cost of IT, setup and ongoing

Minimal Capex

Staff access/collaboration

Remote work, from office to home

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And to the Future?

No more in-house infrastructure

Ubiquitous access from situational devices

Ability to rapidly develop, test and deploy even extreme edge solutions

Upswing in business unit innovation

Better, Stronger, Faster

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Next steps…..

Try it out – Cloud isn’t completely terrifying

Spin up a server on Amazon

Store something on S3 or an end-user service

Try out a consumer SaaS application

[email protected]