CLOSING OUT SALElast week for a visit with friends. Miss Amelia Andersen went to Council Bluffs...

Plage Four T™wrf «yyw»wwii.i I'jiff i mil jl.U llJ-..)-g I l j'HH I.J 1;- J.J*. Auduiion County Journal Sept. 3. \ 1 V f t 4 * 3 t ,f '•'k I«a Ross returned Tuesday night ;\ ' from cv.ia; K&i-Uir with his wife <• | and they will soon be at home n - ^ thie S. M. Gardner residence. He ",4s in the employ of Arnold. Ross and , Rasmussen. The Audubo® County medical so- ciety 'will hold a meeting in Audu- twn September 9th. . , . •: t f X, ' , The board of supervisors 1 will be in saeeion Monday September p 14th. They will arrange th& taic levy for the following year.; The •levy!.'; 1 ' - in Audubon will be about 5 mills, less' t'than last year, while that of the town of Exira will be about five mills higher, because' Of the erec- ' tion of a new school building. & Mrs. F. S. Watts is in Des Moaner ' Alhis week where she has charge of the baby health contest held in con iijnection with the State fair. ^ - ... >-' Mr. and Mrs. Albert Spencer and 'Florence Kabby left Monday ,. for i?Des Moine to attend the fair, and fePerry to visit at thie Albert and •Ernest Kabby homes. A. S. Culver and daughter, Gene, .-returned Monday from their vaca- , tioin trip to Denver, Colorado Spring •'s and other Colorado points. / C. B. Lively, who hla.> been here f~ -the past seven weeks selling pianos ' < for tiie Audubon Music t Company, left Sunday for his home,' Memphis, Texas. ... Mrs. S. R. Johnson returned Sun- day from her visit at Atlantic with Elmer Johnson and wife. Mr. and Mrs. Wils Staley went to Des Moines Sunday to attend the fair. ,, } Conference meets soon in Atlan- tic. At a meeting of the congrega- tion of the Methodist church held here Monday nilght, a unanimous request was made of the conference that they return Rev. Freedline to thae charge. He is completing a pastocrate of three years here, and £s doing good work here and is loved by all his congregation. School starts Monday. Siix new teachers will be among the corcps^ Three of thie high school teachers for the coming year are men. Th>is is a new departure. shortly and .they .-will make their home. - : this Mrs. Xis Lars en was a visitor in Atlantic Saturday. Hay den Essington of Winner S. D. is visiting his grand parents J. T. Essington and wife. Howard Parrott went to Omaha last week for a visit with friends. Miss Amelia Andersen went to Council Bluffs Saturday, for a two weeks visit with her sisters Anna and Krestense. " , Misses Nora and Lena Lars en and Lydia Jensen have returned from their visit in Nebraska. nual vacation of two weeks and J. W. Cannon is distributing the mail on Route 2. ^ ^ * D. W. Chamberlain and Chris Knut sen were business callers in Audu- bon Monday. asBf'snw.:* Please call and pay your bill. We need the mor-ey light away. La.rss.MI a:;o Son. IS® Mre S. R. Nelson and' daughter Perle of Atlantic were visiting their friends in Brayton Thursday. ' Mrs. A. Kittell and daughter Ada, returned Friday from Harlan where they visited their son. and brother, Howard Kittell.'' f" I, Hazel Gates returned Friday from hter visit at Denjson with friends. Misses Mabel and Mary Ide and Thelma Bartlett spent the latter part of last week at the Holt Cot- ton home in lewis. > Mr. and Mrs. Peter Beck went to Exira Thursday to attend lodge. I Minnie Beck did some sewing for Mrs. Tony Kotmmes Friday and Sat- i urday > "4 E B. VOSS AND SON >.-• To the people that are going to build: r v Remember we make a specialty ol build- Hf ing modern buildings and a few dollars and a H little time can improve tLe value of that land §|§ of yours $15 to $20 an acre. Estimates fur-' niehed promptly. We are not satiffied unless . you are. Builders. Contractors,J^lanins; Mill MTS. Micheal Sorensen is very sick at her home about four males west of Exira with heart trouble. Minnie Beek had an attack of piei Tisy last week. .. " Mrs. O. F. Ide returned Friday from a pleasant visit with her daughter, Mrs-. M. F. Alexander at Hudson, S. D. Peter Andersen spent Wednesday at the Peter Beck home. ' i Marie Jensen and Lillian Johnson returned Friday from Arion, where they visited the latter's sister Mrs. Jesse Metheny. ^ >, , Mr. and Mrs. Frank Drury are re- joicing because of the arrival of a fine boy, which came to gladden their home last Saturday morning. Mr. and Mrs. Nels Hansen of At at present., lantic spent Thursday night at the Dr. Koob home. i,' " „'„.v Elsie and Harley Bills of Grant la., are visiting thfeir uncle, Elam Bu'lls Arthur Berg returned Suniay af- ter an absence of over a year. Most of the time was spent in the west. The past three months he had been working at Syracuse, Kansas. Eleen Rourick of Bridgewater and Nellite Rourick of Atlantic returned to their homes Monday, following visiilt here with Mr. and Mrs. I. D McCarville. Mrs. Will Cook returned to her home in Adel Monday, havifng en- joyed a visit here with her son, S. L. Cook and wife. Her daughter remained for a longer visit. ? 1 fit !; Mrs. J. M. B Clark died at her home in this city last. Friday even- ing, after an illness of several months. Mr. and Mrs. Clark moved to Audubon this spring Waving re- Bided upon a farm in the south part of Carroll county. The funer- al services were conducted at the -home Mvnriav morning, Rev. T. B. jGreti'-ie conducting the same. In- sterment was made near Elkhorn. A husband adu eleven children are 'fief tn mourn tin- taking of a grand and good woman. Mrs. Mary Killian returned to her home in Council Bluffs Monday after a visit here with Mrs. Ball man and Fred Plaelin and wife. \ Mesdames Ohas Bagley and J. Fish- er were visitors in Omaha the lore part of th e week. Mesdames George and Floyd' Free- man were visitors at the J. J. Lewis home in Exira a couple of day last week. **• '*> ,<• "5 * Marie Freeman went to Exira Thursday going from there to the home of Winnie Hensley, east of town, remaining till Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Sennerholm of Britt Iowa were guests a part of last week ajt the L. P. Rasmussen home The ladies are sisters. Hayden Essington of Nebr. visited his cousin Bills Wednesday. ; Soren Petersen of Audubon visited in this vtfeinity over Sunday, f,. 14 \ Mrs. Fred Beck who was hurt by an auto in Exira Wednesday j ; improving nicely after her accident, i | I Molly Hansen visited hter parental home Sunday. Bertel Madeen and Theodore Christeneen autced to Lewis Sun- day to spend the day at the Lake. The Brayton and Oakfield schools openod Monday with Miss Edith An- dersen as Principal at Oakfield, and Miss Gladys Cliamberlen in the low- er room and Vivian Bartlett at Brayton. School started in Oakfield school No. 1 with Jim Hayrlr as teacher. This week we are soh/ool shoes (tue and ted) made by the shoe factory. Now better look them over belore you buy. Lirsen and Son. i Frank Garroutte left Monday for Adel to attend to business matters and also to attend the state fair at Des Moines. Clias Bisom Jr. and Einar Miller have gone to Des Moines, and will take a commercial course at High- land Park college.'V ^) Mk.s Giertrude Dye of Audubon was the guest of lier cousin, Chris- tina Anderson o\er Sunday. Miss Lelia Harris of Atlantic is the guest of Miss Louise Jones. %r Oakfield and Brayton We will have on hand 23 pair of shoes for women at less than cost. Do. you need shoes? Larsen and Son. Mr. and Mrs. Ross Neeley moved Saturday to Audubon where lias ^obtained employment. jK' Mrs. Jones and daughter Louise were guests of Atlantic friends last week. George Hardiwick Mr. and Mrs. : Josh Cousins, and Marinue Ander- . sen were among those who went to Des Moines Satuiday to take in the State Fair. Lloyd Drew made a trip to Den- ver Colo. Friday, returning Monday. Edmund Aneirseiii cf Lorah was in charge of affair; at the depot dur- ing his absence. Harry Miller and sister Agnes and Kathleen Koob were visitors at the State Fair the latter part of last week. Mrs. Frank J nkins arrived in Brayton last week from Red "Deer, Canada. Mr. Jenkins will follow Mrs. Henry Hansen and children were guests of her sister Mrs. R. 'Miller Friday and Saturday. I B. F. Simpsc.n of Atlantic was L visiting last Thursday at the J. W. Cannon home in Oakfield. . . .. Peter Jensen and family who resid west of Audubon visited friends in Brayton Saturday and Sunday. PUBLIC SALE *. * : ^ CLOSING OUT SALE JohnNelsen's Stock of Implerrvervts : : . -" This stock is going fast. You must KS®® 3 g|g ' J- \*if\ ' A, HURRY wmmamm ^ if you get any of these bargains. IMSMM f & - Jack Cannon is taking liis an- I s tl ' fefr* <• Pv- SiV pit fi W? t* i f< Mid Good Business Sale As I intend to go out west for a while oil account of a chauge in climate I will sell my stock of goods and fixtures in Brayton, and from September 10. I will give a discount of 10 per ct. ou tlie following: Dry Goods. Shoes. Over- shoes, Rubber Goods, Hate, Capp, Gloves, Mittens. OuiallH. ShiiH. lhi(k Coats, Sweaters, China and Glass Ware. A good many other article will he sold at cost and below, but goods will be sold for (ash and produce only from above date. I ask all those owing me on accom t to call and settle by cash or bankable note as I have to square up with my houses. J. F. JENSEN. I have decided to> leave my farm ajid will have a cleaning up sale at my home si'x miles west of Exira | and one and one-half miles north. \ Four miles east and one-quarter north of Elkhorn, one-fourth mile north of River to River road. On Tuesday September 8, 1914 Commencing at 10 o'clock. The following property without reserve, to wit 57 head ot li\e>7; G head cf h'orses. * i ' ^ I brown horse 12 years old weighs between 13 and 14 hundred lbs. 'l bay bi'cod mare 7 years old, we' bi't.wcen 13 ai:d 14 hundred. 1 gray driving ho:se 12 years old, weighs alout 1000 lbs. 1 Bay saddle pony, 12 yeais old, weighs about 800 lbs. 1 Bay mare colt, 2 years old, 1 brown mare colt 10 milk cOAV3 8 of them with calves in November and 2 of them in the spring. 1 Heifer two yrs. old. Calf at side. '.-1, one year old hei'fer. 8 Jan. and Feb. calves. 1 calf 2 and one-half months old. 29 shoats, High grade Poland China. 12 doze c h ' i c k e n s . . . . 1 Nearly new Weber Wagon-. 1 Truck Wagon. 1 spring wagon. Two top buggies (one cf them newly new) One McCormick Binder. One Deering Mower. One Hay Rake. One Keystone Disc. One Jenny Dinn Cul- tivator. One Tongueless Cultivator. One Seeder. One 3 section Harrow- One Fanning mill. One Galloway 55 bif. Mamure Spreader (nearly new). One P. O. Corn. Planter with 80 rods of check wire. One pair Boh Sleds. One 14 in. stirring plow One Deljaval Cream Separator,-No. 17. One set heavy farm harness. One set light farm harness. One saddle One Hay Rack. One lawn mower. 1 grind stone. 24 acres of corn, in field, about 20 tons of timothy and clover in stack and barn. Household Goods: One Pellicu- lar Range. One Heating Stove. One Base Burner. 3 Bedsteads. One loun. One Organ, One washing machine. 1 cupboard and many other articles too numerous to mention. Terms of Sale: 12 months time will be given on noies with approve security with interest at 5 per cent if paid when due, otherwise 8 per cent from date. $10 and under cash. 2 per cent off for cash on iums over $10. No property to be removed until terms of sale are com plied with. Fre<~ lunch at noon. C. C. Nelson, Auct. Mariims Larf-e'i Clerk. Fred Gjerloff. sK-:< til r./i Mt ft)- & Harvey r & O" -Vr* > Paint Prices Gone to Smash! Here is Some- thing that Can't be Beat Inside or Outside House Paint, $1.25 a gallon Barn Paint, Four Shades, 85c a gallon These prices are on one gallon cans, on job wfS lots we can do even better. fk YJS We Have Been Able to Make a Contract |i# with one of the largest nianufactuiers in the ; west for House and Barn Paint and can offer ^ ABSOLUTELY GUARANTEED PAINT at these as- tonishingly low prices. These prices are from 2i)c to 42c lower than any mail order jsm. house and from 76c to $1.00 less than most . any other line of paint. The quality is not impaired but we must sell : not less than 100 gallons befojre the fall seas- .a; on closes in order to get these prices. r. * If you are going to paint this fall and if you tm want to save money on a high grade paint, / come in and let us figure on the job. Select your colors and if the job is sufficiently large ; we can get the paint for you on short notice in half or full barrel lots at a cost so low it r is hard to believe. Don't Pay "War Prices" but Come In and Let Us Show You .tm IIP Exira Drug Co "We Lead" jri , «• t ^ ^ . ' 1" ' j y ' t V " * V ' - / K. * , i t " v i \ ' '' ' {•''i 'r ^ i-* c ^ v ^ ^ " 1*' ^ r 'r i Ov

Transcript of CLOSING OUT SALElast week for a visit with friends. Miss Amelia Andersen went to Council Bluffs...

Page 1: CLOSING OUT SALElast week for a visit with friends. Miss Amelia Andersen went to Council Bluffs Saturday, for a two weeks visit with her sisters Anna and Krestense. " , Misses Nora

Plage Four

T™wrf «yyw»wwii.i I'jiff i mil jl.U llJ-..)-g I l j'HH I.J 1;- J.J*.

Auduiion County Journal Sept. 3.

\ 1


f t 4



,f '•'k

I«a Ross returned Tuesday night ;\ ' from cv.ia; K&i-Uir with his wife <• | and they will soon be at home n - ^ thie S. M. Gardner residence. He

",4s in the employ of Arnold. Ross and , Rasmussen.

The Audubo® County medical so­ciety 'will hold a meeting in Audu-twn September 9th.

. , . •: t f X, ' ,

The board of supervisors1 will be in saeeion Monday September p 14th. They will arrange th& taic levy for the following year.; The •levy!.';1' - in Audubon will be about 5 mills, less'

t'than last year, while that of the town of Exira will be about five mills higher, because' Of the erec-

' tion of a new school building.

& Mrs. F. S. Watts is in Des Moaner ' Alhis week where she has charge of the baby health contest held in con

iijnection with the State fair. ^ - ...

>-' Mr. and Mrs. Albert Spencer and 'Florence Kabby left Monday ,. for

i?Des Moine to attend the fair, and fePerry to visit at thie Albert and •Ernest Kabby homes.

A. S. Culver and daughter, Gene, .-returned Monday from their vaca-

, tioin trip to Denver, Colorado Spring •'s and other Colorado points.

/ C. B. Lively, who hla.> been here f~ -the past seven weeks selling pianos ' < for tiie Audubon Music t Company,

left Sunday for his home,' Memphis, Texas. ...

Mrs. S. R. Johnson returned Sun­day from her visit at Atlantic with Elmer Johnson and wife.

Mr. and Mrs. Wils Staley went to Des Moines Sunday to attend the fair. ,, }

Conference meets soon in Atlan­tic. At a meeting of the congrega­tion of the Methodist church held here Monday nilght, a unanimous request was made of the conference that they return Rev. Freedline to thae charge. He is completing a pastocrate of three years here, and £s doing good work here and is loved by all his congregation.

School starts Monday. Siix new teachers will be among the corcps^ Three of thie high school teachers for the coming year are men. Th>is is a new departure.

shortly and .they .-will make their home. - :


Mrs. Xis Lars en was a visitor in Atlantic Saturday.

Hay den Essington of Winner S. D. is visiting his grand parents J. T. Essington and wife.

Howard Parrott went to Omaha last week for a visit with friends.

Miss Amelia Andersen went to Council Bluffs Saturday, for a two weeks visit with her sisters Anna and Krestense. " ,

Misses Nora and Lena Lars en and Lydia Jensen have returned from their visit in Nebraska.

nual vacation of two weeks and J. W. Cannon is distributing the mail on Route 2. „ ^

^ * D. W. Chamberlain and Chris Knut sen were business callers in Audu­bon Monday. asBf'snw.:*

Please call and pay your bill. We need the mor-ey light away.

La.rss.MI a:;o Son.


Mre S. R. Nelson and' daughter Perle of Atlantic were visiting their friends in Brayton Thursday. '

Mrs. A. Kittell and daughter Ada, returned Friday from Harlan where they visited their son. and brother, Howard Kittell.'' f" I,

Hazel Gates returned Friday from hter visit at Denjson with friends.

Misses Mabel and Mary Ide and Thelma Bartlett spent the latter part of last week at the Holt Cot­ton home in lewis. >

Mr. and Mrs. Peter Beck went to Exira Thursday to attend lodge. I

Minnie Beck did some sewing for Mrs. Tony Kotmmes Friday and Sat- i urday > "4

E B. VOSS AND SON >.-• To the people that are going to build: r


Remember we make a specialty ol build-

Hf ing modern buildings and a few dollars and a

H little time can improve tLe value of that land

§|§ of yours $15 to $20 an acre. Estimates fur-'

niehed promptly. We are not satiffied unless

. you are. •

Builders. Contractors,J^lanins; Mill

MTS. Micheal Sorensen is very sick at her home about four males west of Exira with heart trouble.

Minnie Beek had an attack of piei Tisy last week. .. "

Mrs. O. F. Ide returned Friday from a pleasant visit with her daughter, Mrs-. M. F. Alexander at Hudson, S. D.

Peter Andersen spent Wednesday at the Peter Beck home. ' i

Marie Jensen and Lillian Johnson returned Friday from Arion, where they visited the latter's sister Mrs. Jesse Metheny. ^ >, ,

Mr. and Mrs. Frank Drury are re­joicing because of the arrival of a fine boy, which came to gladden their home last Saturday morning.

Mr. and Mrs. Nels Hansen of At at present., lantic spent Thursday night at the Dr. Koob home. i,' " „'„.v

Elsie and Harley Bills of Grant la., are visiting thfeir uncle, Elam Bu'lls

Arthur Berg returned Suniay af­ter an absence of over a year. Most of the time was spent in the west. The past three months he had been working at Syracuse, Kansas.

Eleen Rourick of Bridgewater and Nellite Rourick of Atlantic returned to their homes Monday, following visiilt here with Mr. and Mrs. I. D McCarville.

Mrs. Will Cook returned to her home in Adel Monday, havifng en­joyed a visit here with her son, S. L. Cook and wife. Her daughter remained for a longer visit.

? 1


!; Mrs. J. M. B Clark died at her home in this city last. Friday even­ing, after an illness of several months. Mr. and Mrs. Clark moved to Audubon this spring Waving re-Bided upon a farm in the south part of Carroll county. The funer­al services were conducted at the

-home Mvnriav morning, Rev. T. B. jGreti'-ie conducting the same. In-sterment was made near Elkhorn. A

husband adu eleven children are 'fief tn mourn tin- taking of a grand and good woman.

Mrs. Mary Killian returned to her home in Council Bluffs Monday after a visit here with Mrs. Ball man and Fred Plaelin and wife.

\ Mesdames Ohas Bagley and J. Fish­er were visitors in Omaha the lore part of th e week.

Mesdames George and Floyd' Free­man were visitors at the J. J. Lewis home in Exira a couple of day last week.

**• '*> ,<• "5 *

Marie Freeman went to Exira Thursday going from there to the home of Winnie Hensley, east of town, remaining till Monday.

Mr. and Mrs. Sennerholm of Britt Iowa were guests a part of last week ajt the L. P. Rasmussen home The ladies are sisters.

Hayden Essington of Nebr. visited his cousin Bills Wednesday. ;

Soren Petersen of Audubon visited in this vtfeinity over Sunday, f,.14 \

Mrs. Fred Beck who was hurt by an auto in Exira Wednesday j ; improving nicely after her accident, i

| I

Molly Hansen visited hter parental home Sunday.

Bertel Madeen and Theodore Christeneen autced to Lewis Sun­day to spend the day at the Lake.

The Brayton and Oakfield schools openod Monday with Miss Edith An­dersen as Principal at Oakfield, and Miss Gladys Cliamberlen in the low­er room and Vivian Bartlett at Brayton.

School started in Oakfield school No. 1 with Jim Hayrlr as teacher.

This week we are soh/ool shoes (tue and ted) made by the shoe factory. Now better look them over belore you buy. •

Lirsen and Son. i

Frank Garroutte left Monday for Adel to attend to business matters and also to attend the state fair at Des Moines.

Clias Bisom Jr. and Einar Miller have gone to Des Moines, and will take a commercial course at High­land Park college.'V ^)

Mk.s Giertrude Dye of Audubon was the guest of lier cousin, Chris­tina Anderson o\er Sunday.

Miss Lelia Harris of Atlantic is the guest of Miss Louise Jones.


Oakfield and Brayton

We will have on hand 23 pair of shoes for women at less than cost. Do. you need shoes?

Larsen and Son.

Mr. and Mrs. Ross Neeley moved Saturday to Audubon where h© lias ^obtained employment.

jK' Mrs. Jones and daughter Louise were guests of Atlantic friends last week.

George Hardiwick Mr. and Mrs. : Josh Cousins, and Marinue Ander-. sen were among those who went to

Des Moines Satuiday to take in the State Fair.

Lloyd Drew made a trip to Den­ver Colo. Friday, returning Monday. Edmund Aneirseiii cf Lorah was in charge of affair; at the depot dur­ing his absence.

Harry Miller and sister Agnes and Kathleen Koob were visitors at the State Fair the latter part of last week.

Mrs. Frank J nkins arrived in Brayton last week from Red "Deer, Canada. Mr. Jenkins will follow

Mrs. Henry Hansen and children were guests of her sister Mrs. R.

'Miller Friday and Saturday.

I B. F. Simpsc.n of Atlantic was L visiting last Thursday at the J. W. Cannon home in Oakfield. . . ..

Peter Jensen and family who resid west of Audubon visited friends in Brayton Saturday and Sunday.


*. * : ^


JohnNelsen's Stock of Implerrvervts : :

. -" This stock is going fast. You must KS®®3 g|g

' J- \*if\ ' A,

H U R R Y wmmamm

^ if you get any of these bargains. IMSMM f & -

Jack Cannon is taking liis an-

I s

tl '

fefr* <• Pv-



fi W? t* i f< Mid

Good Business Sale

As I intend to go out west for a while oil account of a chauge in climate

I will sell my stock of goods and fixtures in Brayton, and from September 10.

I will give a discount of 10 per ct. ou tlie following: Dry Goods. Shoes. Over­

shoes, Rubber Goods, Hate, Capp, Gloves, Mittens. OuiallH. ShiiH. lhi(k

Coats, Sweaters, China and Glass Ware. A good many other article will he

sold at cost and below, but goods will be sold for (ash and produce only

from above date. I ask all those owing me on accom t to call and settle by

cash or bankable note as I have to square up with my houses.


I have decided to> leave my farm ajid will have a cleaning up sale at my home si'x miles west of Exira | and one and one-half miles north. \ Four miles east and one-quarter north of Elkhorn, one-fourth mile north of River to River road.

On Tuesday September 8, 1914 Commencing at 10 o'clock.

The following property without reserve, to wit

57 head ot li\e>7; G head cf h'orses. * i ' ^

I brown horse 12 years old weighs between 13 and 14 hundred lbs. 'l bay bi'cod mare 7 years old, we' bi't.wcen 13 ai:d 14 hundred. 1 gray driving ho:se 12 years old, weighs alout 1000 lbs. 1 Bay saddle pony, 12 yeais old, weighs about 800 lbs. 1 Bay mare colt, 2 years old, 1 brown mare colt 10 milk cOAV3 8 of them with calves in November and 2 of them in the spring. 1 Heifer two yrs. old. Calf at side. '.-1, one year old hei'fer. 8 Jan. and Feb. calves. 1 calf 2 and one-half months old. 29 shoats, High grade Poland China. 12 doze c h ' i c k e n s . . . .

1 Nearly new Weber Wagon-. 1 Truck Wagon. 1 spring wagon. Two top buggies (one cf them newly new) One McCormick Binder. One Deering Mower. One Hay Rake. One Keystone Disc. One Jenny Dinn Cul­tivator. One Tongueless Cultivator. One Seeder. One 3 section Harrow-One Fanning mill. One Galloway 55 bif. Mamure Spreader (nearly new). One P. O. Corn. Planter with 80 rods of check wire. One pair Boh Sleds. One 14 in. stirring plow One Deljaval Cream Separator,-No. 17. One set heavy farm harness. One set light farm harness. One saddle One Hay Rack. One lawn mower. 1 grind stone.

24 acres of corn, in field, about 20 tons of timothy and clover in stack and barn.

Household Goods: One Pellicu­lar Range. One Heating Stove. One Base Burner. 3 Bedsteads. One loun. One Organ, One washing machine. 1 cupboard and many other articles too numerous to mention.

Terms of Sale: 12 months time will be given on noies with approve security with interest at 5 per cent if paid when due, otherwise 8 per cent from date. $10 and under cash. 2 per cent off for cash on iums over $10. No property to be removed until terms of sale are com plied with.

Fre<~ lunch at noon. C. C. Nelson, Auct. Mariims Larf-e'i Clerk.

Fred Gjerloff.

sK-:< til r./i Mt


& Harvey

r & O" -Vr* >

Paint Prices Gone to Smash! Here is Some-thing that Can't be Beat

Inside or Outside House Paint, $1.25 a gallon Barn Paint, Four Shades, 85c a gallon

These prices are on one gallon cans, on job wfS lots we can do even better.


YJS We Have Been Able to Make a Contract |i#

with one of the largest nianufactuiers in the ; west for House and Barn Paint and can offer ^

ABSOLUTELY GUARANTEED PAINT at these as­tonishingly low prices. These prices are from 2i)c to 42c lower than any mail order jsm. house and from 76c to $1.00 less than most . any other line of paint.

The quality is not impaired but we must sell : not less than 100 gallons befojre the fall seas- .a;

on closes in order to get these prices. r. *

If you are going to paint this fall and if you tm want to save money on a high grade paint, / come in and let us figure on the job. Select your colors and if the job is sufficiently large ;

we can get the paint for you on short notice in half or full barrel lots at a cost so low it r is hard to believe.

Don't Pay "War Prices" but Come In and Let Us Show You



Exira Drug Co "We Lead"

jri , «• t ^ ^ . ' 1" ' j y ' t • V " * V

' - / K. * , i t "

• • v i \ ' '' '

{•''i 'r ̂i-*c ^ v ̂ ̂" 1*' ̂ r 'r i
