Clinical Psychologist | Self Directed Change and Confidence

Positive Intelligence: An indication of control you have over your own mind and how well your mind acts in your best interest. The percentage of time your mind is acting as your friend rather than your enemy, or in other words, the percentage of your time your mind is serving you versus sabotaging you. To increase PQ you need to: 1. weaken your saboteurs: Judge, Stickler, Pleaser, Hyper Achiever, Victum, Hyper Rational, Hyper Vigilant, Restless, Controll, Avoider. 2. strengthen your PQ brain 3. strengthen your Sage which has access to your greatest powers: empathy, exploration, innovation, navigation, and decisive action. The Sage- the deeper, wiser part of you. Focuses on how to actively turn any challenge into an opportunity. The most effective strategy for weakening your Saboteurs is to simply observe and label your Saboteur thoughts or feelings every time you notice them. Every time you notice the Saboteur, shift your attention to PQ for 10 seconds. The third and final way the Judge sabotages us is by judging the circumstances and events in our lives and finding them lacking. This leads to one of the Judge’s biggest and most destructive lies: “You will be happy when.”…CHOOSE to be happy right now!! Difference Between Judging and Discerning: If you are calmly noticing what isn’t working or what has gone wrong in order to figure out how to move forward, you are discerning. If you are feeling upset, disappointed, anxious or resentful you are judging. Sage Perspective versus Judge Perspective: The sage perspective is about accepting what is, rather than denying, rejecting, or resenting what is. Your sage moves you into action without feeling bad, but out of empathy, inspiration, the joy of exploration, a longing to create, a desire to contribute, and an urge to find meaning in the midst of even the greatest crises. Three Gifts Technique: I ask people to come up with at least three scenarios where their supposedly bad situation could turn into a gift and opportunity. Power Game: Play the role of fascinated Anthropologist. This allows you to become a keen observer and discover what simply is, without trying to judge, change, or control the situation. Do not selectively filter information that fits his or her pre-existing judgments or desired outcome. The only goal is to discover things exactly as they are.

Transcript of Clinical Psychologist | Self Directed Change and Confidence

Page 1: Clinical Psychologist | Self Directed Change and Confidence

Positive Intelligence: An indication of control you have over your own mind and how well your mind acts in your best interest. The percentage of time your mind is acting as your friend rather than your enemy, or in other words, the percentage of your time your mind is serving you versus sabotaging you. To increase PQ you need to:

1. weaken your saboteurs: Judge, Stickler, Pleaser, Hyper Achiever, Victum, Hyper Rational, Hyper Vigilant, Restless, Controll, Avoider.

2. strengthen your PQ brain

3. strengthen your Sage which has access to your greatest powers: empathy,

exploration, innovation, navigation, and decisive action. The Sage- the deeper, wiser part of you. Focuses on how to actively turn any challenge into an opportunity. The most effective strategy for weakening your Saboteurs is to simply observe and label your Saboteur thoughts or feelings every time you notice them. Every time you notice the Saboteur, shift your attention to PQ for 10 seconds. The third and final way the Judge sabotages us is by judging the circumstances and events in our lives and finding them lacking. This leads to one of the Judge’s biggest and

most destructive lies: “You will be happy when.”…CHOOSE to be happy right now!! Difference Between Judging and Discerning: If you are calmly noticing what isn’t

working or what has gone wrong in order to figure out how to move forward, you are discerning. If you are feeling upset, disappointed, anxious or resentful you are judging. Sage Perspective versus Judge Perspective: The sage perspective is about accepting what is, rather than denying, rejecting, or resenting what is. Your sage moves you into action without feeling bad, but out of empathy, inspiration, the joy of exploration, a longing to create, a desire to contribute, and an urge to find meaning in the midst of even the greatest crises. Three Gifts Technique: I ask people to come up with at least three scenarios where their supposedly bad situation could turn into a gift and opportunity. Power Game: Play the role of fascinated Anthropologist. This allows you to become a keen observer and discover what simply is, without trying to judge, change, or control the situation. Do not selectively filter information that fits his or her pre-existing judgments or desired outcome. The only goal is to discover things exactly as they are.

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Power Game: “Yes, and…” To play “Yes…and…” follow every new idea you have by saying “Yes, what I love

about that idea is…and” Keep going as fast as you can in rapid succession. Pg. 88-89 Find fulfillment that comes from living life in alignment with your ideals and principles!! When navigation is needed: People feel stuck when they don’t have full clarity about their purpose in life or what

would make their life happiest or most meaningful. I tell them to consult their Sage’s

Navigation compass for their little steps, knowing that these steps will eventually get them to a very meaningful place. Without the compass, we could take many steps that on their own might appear successful but in the end could have us running in circles. Power Game: Flash Forward When faced with the fork in the road, imagine yourself at the end of your life, looking back at the choices you are now facing. From that vantage point, what do you wish you had chosen at this juncture? The reason this exercise works is that at the end of our lives, many of the trivial Saboteur related concerns fall away and are revealed false. Power Game: Preempt the Saboteurs In this game, you put yourself in the shoes of your top Saboteurs and try to anticipate how they might try to sabotage your action. When the brain is in survival mode, it is so focused on seeing signs of danger, and finding someone or something to blame that it misses signs of opportunity and fails to appreciate what is right. This vicious cycle that feeds on itself until you learn to quiet your Survivor Brain and activate it’s antidote, the PQ Brain. Building PQ Muscles: Shift as much of your attention as you can to your body and any of your five senses for at least 10 seconds. The PQ Brain equivalent is doing one hundred PQ reps every day. Do it in your daily routines (brushing teeth, smell toothpaste, or taking a shower, feel the water hitting your skin), physical exercise, close your eyes and focus on your breathing or the sounds around you), eating (focus on the flavor and texture of the food). Every time you catch and label a Saboteur, do a 10 second PQ rep.

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How Habits Form: Dr. Maxwell Maltz, a plastic surgeon, noticed that it took twenty one days for patients to cease feeling phantom sensations in amputated limbs. With further research, he concluded it takes twenty one days to create a new habit and postulated that it takes that long for new neural pathways to be built and old ones to atrophy. Feeling resentful and pitying yourself are parts of the Victum. Every ounce of your energy wasted on anxiety, stress, anger, frustration, self-doubt, impatience, despair, regret, resentment, restlessness, guilt or shame is a choice that was made by the saboteurs in your mind. The fastest way to detect whether your mind is acting as your friend (Sage) or enemy (Saboteurs) is by noticing the feelings you are experiencing. The PQ Tipping Point/Vortex If your personal PQ or your teams PQ is below 75, you are wasting a lot of your energy just dealing with distress- energy that could otherwise be used to get things done. At a PQ of 75, the system switches from a built in, self-reinforcing loop that is biased toward “languishing” into a loop biased toward “flourishing”. In other words, below a PQ of 75, an individual or team is constantly being dragged down by the invisible forces of a net negative vortex. Above a PQ of 75, an individual or team is constantly being uplifted by a net positive vortex. The human brain is wired to perform two primary functions: survive and thrive. Few people realize that when you go into fight or flight mode, the mind-not just the body-becomes narrowly focused. It begins to selectively look for the negative signs of danger while ignoring positive signs of opportunity. Why do we need three positives to counteract each negative? The reason is that the brain is biased toward survival and the Survivor Brain is wired to hang on to the negative and amplify it while ignoring or discounting the positive. Application: Practice being in PQ mode with the people who really matter to you for just 5 minutes and see the great impact it makes on the relationship. Parenting: Most of us work too hard as parents, because we inadvertently micromanage our children. Instead, help them build high PQ. Their careers and relationships matter but not as much as helping them master their own mind and gain access to their deeper wisdom.

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To practice, take every opportunity to remind our kids to get a few PQ reps every day. For example, at dinner you can pause and ask them in focus closely on the next few bites of food. Or, practice gratitude with them. When solving difficult life problems: Do a fifteen minute PQ gym routine to fully activate your PQ brain and then gently introduce the question to your mind. If you are straining the mind by thinking hard then you are using your Survivor Brain and not your PQ one. You may find that you need to do this three times before you find your answers. Play the Flash Forward Game: At the end of my life, how will I wish I had conducted myself in this period, regardless of the outcome? When you change, consider which Saboteurs are going to cause distraction, diversion, or delay as you take action on your problems. For example, a Stickler’s perfectionist

tendencies may kick in stronger at times of high stress as a way of bringing some sense of security and comfort. Think of one person whose behavior you have been hoping to change. When you are interacting with him or her, do you experience Sage or Saboteur feelings in yourself? If you are experiencing Saboteurs, how are they sabotaging the change you are hoping to see in the other person? Judge: Your judge causes you to make a whole lot of assumptions about the other persons intentions. Avoider: directs your attention away from the conflict. You will either hope the conflict goes away or convince yourself that it isn’t important. You might sugarcoat and soften

your message to the point where the other person doesn’t understand the severity of the problem until it has gotten out of hand. Hyper Achiever: Can make you too goal focused, causing you to miss the relationship building gift of the conflict. The other person might feel you are treating them only as a means of getting to your goal. Pleaser: Prevents you from asking what you really want or need and encourages you to accommodate the other person too much during any conversation about the conflict. This only causes you to feel resentful afterward. Victum: causes you to take things too personally. You might spend too much time venting and dwelling on the wrong that was done to you. Others might lose their patience with you and opt to focus on what should be done looking forward. Restless: causes you to avoid dealing with the pain and drama of conflict. You might choose to shift your focus to more exciting and pleasant things and be hard to pin down on issues of conflict. Hyper Vigilant: Your level of danger awareness will likely be calibrated too extremely for most when your Hyper Vigilant is flexing it’s muscle.

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Dealing with Rejection: The point of accepting rejection as a gift is to shorten the recovery time, to recover quickly from the Saboteurs that are activated by failure. Do you put yourself in new situations while still in the Saboteur mode from the last rejection? Recovery time is the length of time it takes to no longer feel a significant pang of anger, disappointment, or regret when recalling the failure. more info Visit Please :