CJA 334 Course Career Path Begins Cja334dotcom

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  • 7/25/2019 CJA 334 Course Career Path Begins Cja334dotcom


    CJA 334 Course Career PathCJA 334 Course Career Path

    Begins /Begins /cja334dotcomcja334dotcom

    For More Tutorialswww.cja334.com

  • 7/25/2019 CJA 334 Course Career Path Begins Cja334dotcom


    CJA 334 Course CareerCJA 334 Course Career

    Path Begins /Path Begins /cja334dotcomcja334dotcom

    CJA 334 Entire CourseCJA 334 ee! " #iscussion

    $uestion "

    CJA 334 Week 1 DiscussionQuestion 1

    CJA 334 Week 1 DiscussionQuestion 2

    CJA 334 Week 1 DiscussionQuestion 3

    CJA 334 Week 1 Discussion

    Question 4 CJA 334 week 1 individual

    assignment Research Processand erminolog! Pa"er

    CJA 334 Week 2 DiscussionQuestion 1

    What are the similaritiesand di#erences $etween

    %ualitative and%uantitative research&

  • 7/25/2019 CJA 334 Course Career Path Begins Cja334dotcom


    CJA 334 Course CareerCJA 334 Course Career

    Path Begins /Path Begins /cja334dotcomcja334dotcomCJA 334 ee! " #iscussion

    $uestion %CJA 334 ee! " #iscussion

    $uestion 3

    What is a varia$le& '("lainthe di#erence $etween an

    inde"endent varia$le anda de"endent varia$le)Provide an e(am"le o*each)

    What is a research"o"ulation& What is a

    research sam"le& Providean e(am"le o* each)

  • 7/25/2019 CJA 334 Course Career Path Begins Cja334dotcom


    CJA 334 Course CareerCJA 334 Course Career

    Path Begins /Path Begins /cja334dotcomcja334dotcomCJA 334 ee! " #iscussion

    $uestion 4CJA 334 ee! " indi&idual assignment

    'esearch Process and Terminolog( Pa)er

    What is a random sam"le&Wh! is this im"ortant to

    the e+cac! o* an e#ectiveresearch stud!&

    o $e "ro-cient in research.one must know language and"rocess) During thisassignment. !ou will

    *amiliari/e !oursel* withresearch terminolog! as !ouuse the terms to write !our"a"er

    Pre)area 1.00 to 1.0word "a"er in which !oudescri$e the research "rocess)

    *ncludethe *ollowing

    5nclude new terminolog!learned *rom the reading)

  • 7/25/2019 CJA 334 Course Career Path Begins Cja334dotcom


    CJA 334 Course CareerCJA 334 Course Career

    Path Begins /Path Begins /cja334dotcomcja334dotcomCJA 334 ee! % #iscussion

    $uestion "CJA 334 ee! % #iscussion

    $uestion %

    Wh! are timeseriesdesigns "articularl! use*ul

    in criminal 6ustice studies&

    What are someconsiderations one must

    take into account in doing5nternet surve!s&

  • 7/25/2019 CJA 334 Course Career Path Begins Cja334dotcom


    CJA 334 Course CareerCJA 334 Course Career

    Path Begins /Path Begins /cja334dotcomcja334dotcomCJA 334 ee! % #iscussion

    $uestion 3CJA 334 ee! % indi&idual assignment

    +athering 'esearch #ata Pa)er

    What e#ect does%uestionnaire wording

    have on res"onse surve!s."u$lic o"inion "olls. andvictim surve!s&

    7ou are interested inconducting researchconcerning "olice o+cers andtheir 6o$s) he in*ormation !ouwant to gather. including 6o$satis*action or 6o$ ha/ards. isu" to !ou as long as !ou clearl!state the goal o* !our research)he method !ou use should $ea""ro"riate *or the goal o* !ourresearch

    #e&elo)a 1.00 to 1.0word "a"er addressing what!ou have learned a$out criteria

  • 7/25/2019 CJA 334 Course Career Path Begins Cja334dotcom


    CJA 334 Course CareerCJA 334 Course Career

    Path Begins /Path Begins /cja334dotcomcja334dotcomCJA 334 ee! 3 #iscussion

    $uestion "CJA 334 ee! 3 #iscussion

    $uestion %

    What is a standarddeviation&

    What is a null h!"othesis&

  • 7/25/2019 CJA 334 Course Career Path Begins Cja334dotcom


    CJA 334 Course CareerCJA 334 Course Career

    Path Begins /Path Begins /cja334dotcomcja334dotcomCJA 334 ee! 3 #iscussion

    $uestion 3CJA 334 ee! 3 #iscussion

    $uestion 4

    8ind 3 di#erent terroristgrou"s and "rovide a s!no"sisor summar! o* the "articulargrou") o locatethe $ackground summaries

    1) 9o to :;P

  • 7/25/2019 CJA 334 Course Career Path Begins Cja334dotcom


    CJA 334 Course CareerCJA 334 Course Career

    Path Begins /Path Begins /cja334dotcomcja334dotcomCJA 334 ee! 3 #iscussion

    $uestion ,CJA 334 ee! 3 Team assignment

    'esearch Pro)osal- Part *

    8ind 23 criminal 6usticerelatedto"ics and "rovide the relevanto""osing views >"ro and con? o*the articles)

    1) 9o to :;P

  • 7/25/2019 CJA 334 Course Career Path Begins Cja334dotcom


    CJA 334 Course CareerCJA 334 Course Career

    Path Begins /Path Begins /cja334dotcomcja334dotcomCJA 334 ee! 4 #iscussion

    $uestion "CJA 334 ee! 4 #iscussion

    $uestion %

    What is the "rinci"aldi#erence $etween

    validit! and relia$ilit!&

    What is a *re%uenc!distri$ution&

  • 7/25/2019 CJA 334 Course Career Path Begins Cja334dotcom


    CJA 334 Course CareerCJA 334 Course Career

    Path Begins /Path Begins /cja334dotcomcja334dotcomCJA 334 ee! 4 #iscussion

    $uestion 3CJA 334 ee! 4 #iscussion

    $uestion 4

    Wh! is it im"ortant todistinguish $etween

    correlation and causation&

    CJA 334 Week 4 DiscussionQuestion 4

  • 7/25/2019 CJA 334 Course Career Path Begins Cja334dotcom


    CJA 334 Course CareerCJA 334 Course Career

    Path Begins /Path Begins /cja334dotcomcja334dotcomCJA 334 ee! , #iscussion

    $uestion "CJA 334 ee! , #iscussion

    $uestion %

    Wh! should a literaturereview $e su$stantive and


    What are the varioussections o* the research


  • 7/25/2019 CJA 334 Course Career Path Begins Cja334dotcom


    CJA 334 Course CareerCJA 334 Course Career

    Path Begins /Path Begins /cja334dotcomcja334dotcomCJA 334 ee! , #iscussion

    $uestion 3CJA 334 ee! , indi&idual assignment

    'esearch article anal(sis

    Wh! is grant and "ro"osalwriting im"ortant to the

    research endeavor&

    0ocatea recent criminal6ustice research article *rom arecogni/ed "eerreviewed

    "ro*essional 6ournal or

    government "u$lication)

    Note.Fon"eerreviewednews"a"er articles or articles

    *rom "o"ular maga/ines. such

    as Time or Newsweek.are notacce"ta$le) 8or assistance on

    determining what constitutes

    a "ro*essional "eerreviewedresource. contact !our*acilitator

  • 7/25/2019 CJA 334 Course Career Path Begins Cja334dotcom


    CJA 334 Course CareerCJA 334 Course Career

    Path Begins /Path Begins /cja334dotcomcja334dotcomCJA 334 ee! , 0earning Team 'esearch

    Pro)osal Part **- and Presentation

    his assignment is the

    culmination o* the ResearchPro"osal) Goth "arts are

    reHected in the total word

    count) 5nclude a revised Part 5.$ased on *acilitator *eed$ack.and Part 55) Additionall!. !our

    "resentation must re"resent

    $oth "arts o* the assignment)Write a 1.0 to 2.I0word

    research "a"er and "re"are

    an accom"an!ing"resentation

  • 7/25/2019 CJA 334 Course Career Path Begins Cja334dotcom


    CJA 334 Course Career PathCJA 334 Course Career Path

    Begins /Begins /cja334dotcomcja334dotcom

    For More Tutorialswww.cja334.com
