CircDayLA 2010 Brochure

Benefits » Breakfast, Luncheon & Cocktail Reception » LEARN New Business Strategies » Informative Sessions from Experts » Powerful NETWORKing Opportunity » Exhibitors Showcasing Products & Services » Play the Game & WIN PRIZES » Plus MORE Expert Speakers | Breakfast | Luncheon | Cocktails October 7, 2010 Los Angeles Athletic Club PO Box 15281 North Hollywood, CA 91615-5281 Keynote speaker Charles G. McCurdy. Chairman and CEO. Apprise Media LLC & Canon Communications LLC Expert Speakers | Breakfast | Luncheon | Cocktails October 7, 2010 Los Angeles Athletic Club Building Audiences for Today & Tomorrow Play the Game & Win Prizes! RESOLVE EVOLVE to .org 125 MEMBERS $ JUST Learn, Network & Win Prizes! Register By 9/15/10

Transcript of CircDayLA 2010 Brochure

Page 1: CircDayLA 2010 Brochure

Benefits» Breakfast, Luncheon & Cocktail Reception» Learn New Business Strategies» Informative Sessions from Experts» Powerful networking Opportunity» Exhibitors Showcasing Products & Services» Play the Game & win Prizes» Plus More

Expert Speakers | Breakfast | Luncheon | Cocktails

October 7, 2010 Los Angeles Athletic Club

PO Box 15281North Hollywood, CA 91615-5281

Keynote speakerCharles G. McCurdy.Chairman and CEO.Apprise Media LLC &Canon Communications LLC

Expert Speakers | Breakfast | Luncheon | Cocktails

October 7, 2010 Los Angeles Athletic Club

Building Audiences for Today & Tomorrow

Play the Game & Win Prizes!








Learn, Network & Win Prizes!Register By 9/15/10

Page 2: CircDayLA 2010 Brochure

Register&Early Save!

Benefits» Breakfast, Luncheon & Cocktail Reception

» Learn New Business Strategies

» Informative Sessions from Experts

» Powerful networking Opportunity

» Exhibitors Showcasing Products & Services

» Play the Game & win Prizes» Plus More

Learn From The Experts

Membership Type

WFMA Members

Non-WFMA Members

EARLY BIRD COST(9/15/10 & Before)

$125/person SAvE $24

$175/person SAvE $24

REGULAR COST(9/16/10 & After)



CircDayLA is the #1 audience development event on the west coast. Join 150+ professionals and find out how to build audiences for today and

tomorrow. Adapting to change in a fast-paced environment is key to surviving in today’s publishing world. Resolve challenging business dilemmas and learn how to evolve into a more profitable entity. Listen to experts who will share their successful experiences and demonstrate new strategies for a promising and stable future. Topics include online marketing, social media, digital magazines, audit changes, proven test ideas, direct mail, renewals, and bills. Play the game and visit the exhibitors for a chance to win prizes (more details will be announced at CircDayLA)!

Register Online .org/cdla

Page 3: CircDayLA 2010 Brochure

Social Media StrategyAbraham Langer, VP Digital Media, Audience Marketing, 1105 Media, Inc.

Tony Napoleone, Audience Marketing Manager, Bobit Business Media

Abraham and Tony will offer a roadmap for launching and maintaining social media programs for media proper-ties. They will cover the art of getting “buy-in” from executive management, how to integrate social media marketing into your existing business plans, how to structure ownership and responsibility for social media projects with your publishers and editors, how to measure the impact of your social media marketing, and much more.

Postal Mailing StrategiesErv Drewek, Postal Affairs Manager, Brown Printing Company

Publishers and the United States Postal Service have a common interest in ensuring a cost-effective delivery method for magazine distribution. Here is your opportunity to hear from an industry insider about new mailing standards, rates, and postal operation changes. You’ll receive timely, relevant informa-tion on:• Co-Mailing and Co-Palletiza-

tion Opportunities for Magazines to Save Postage

• Complying with the New Addressing Requirements

• How Volume Declines are Causing Postal Processing Changes

Digital Edition Experts Share Marketing InsightsCharles Mast, President, Mast Circulation Group

Jeanniey Mullen, Global Executive Vice President, Chief Marketing Officer, Zinio LLC and VIV Mag

Are you making the absolute most of your digital edition promotions and strategy? Two industry experts share their insights into managing digital editions. Find out what the best practices are in digital edi-tion marketing, reporting, and analysis. Learn about the unique challenges of managing digital editions, and the tips and tools you need to overcome them.

Direct Mail: What Worked, What Didn’tJohn Cote, Executive Vice President, The Ballantine Corporation

Greg Wolfe, President, Circulation Specialists, Inc.

Featuring several case studies, Greg and John will show direct marketing samples from clients, including direct mail, renewals, inserts, online, and more. See the latest creative and offer trends being used throughout the industry, and what worked and didn’t. Tests that saved money and when spending a bit more on a mailing was a smart decision will also be discussed.

Search Engine and Social Media Marketing: A Step-by-Step Guide Desiree Bennett Forsyth, Sr. Audience Marketing Manager, Bobit Business Media

Are you ready to tackle Search Engine and Social Media Mar-keting, but don’t know where to start? This how-to session is the perfect complement to the Social Media Strategy session. Learn the steps of operat-ing profitable pay-per-click campaigns, including step-by-step instructions for setting up Google Adwords accounts and placing display advertising within Facebook and LinkedIn, plus tools and tips to make the most of your campaigns.

CirCulation EssEntials

E-MarkEting FunDaMEntals auDiEnCE DEvElopMEntCirCulation EssEntials

SeSSion one TRACKS 8:30 am – 9:30 am

SeSSion Two TRACKS 10:00 am – 11:00 am

CircDayLA 2010 Session Schedule

E-MarkEting FunDaMEntals auDiEnCE DEvElopMEnt

Register Online .org/cdla

Multivariable Testing in MarketingKristy Kaus, Research Director, Active Interest Media

Gordon Bell, President, LucidView

Multivariable testing adds new ways to test more variables ef-ficiently, with deeper insights and greater ROI. The ROI equation must also include the cost of sam-ple size, creative time, campaign complexity, and the production of multiple mail packages, e-mails, or magazine covers. You will learn: • The Right Sample Size

for Different Tests • Best Practices for

Split-run Testing • The Basic Science Behind

Multivariable Testing • How to Get Started


tote Bag sponsor

Breakfast sponsor

luncheon sponsor

Cocktail reception sponsor

Brochure sponsor

parking sponsor

name Badges sponsor

prize sponsor

Page 4: CircDayLA 2010 Brochure

Audit Bureau Update: What’s New with ABC and BPAGlenn Hansen, President and CEO, BPA Worldwide

Teresa R. Perry, Senior Vice President, Publisher Member Audit and Report Processing Services, Audit Bureau of Circulations

Partnering with your audit bureau is critical to your success as an audience marketer. Stay on top of important changes that have taken place over the last year. New audit rules, filing procedures, and enhanced services are among the topics to be discussed.

Proven Digital Ideas to Drive AudienceRyan Dohrn, CEO/Founder, Brain Swell Media

No theories, just proven solu-tions that grow audiences for publishing companies around the globe. Learn tips and tricks to automate marketing, deliver digital premiums, and increase retention. Find out how suc-cessful magazines are taking full advantage of the social media landscape. Learn what’s hot, what’s not, and where you need to look for digital success.

Resolve to EvolveSandra Martin, Director of Circulation, Canon Communications LLC

Thea Selby, Principal, Next Steps Marketing

Laura Simkins, Audience Marketing and Planning Director, AFAR Media

Join us for a participatory discussion about new, inno-vative practices in audience development. The pros and cons, potential roadblocks, and real experiences about the next big idea will be covered. We will be challenging conventional wisdom and drawing upon other industries’ successes, and thinking about how they apply to media companies. This will be a give and take session, so be prepared to share your opinions and experiences.

CirCulation EssEntials

Early Bird Rates Expire 9/15/10

E-MarkEting FunDaMEntals auDiEnCE DEvElopMEnt

SeSSion FouR TRACKS 2:30 pm – 3:30 pm

CirCulation EssEntials

SeSSion ThRee TRACKS 11:30 am – 12:30 pm E-MarkEting FunDaMEntals auDiEnCE DEvElopMEnt

New Ideas for Bills and RenewalsJosef Kottler, Founding Partner, Sage Communications Group

Anne Kottler, Partner, Sage Communications Group

Kristi Dougherty, Director of Paid Circulation, 1105 Media, Inc.

Marketers know that the founda-tion of profitable circulation is in pay-up and renewal rates. In this session, our panelists will share new ideas that lift response, test key variables, and develop winning offers. Our panel will take you through new ideas that work, from creative to e-efforts and more. You’re guaranteed to leave this session with new in-spiration you can use to increase response rates on your retention and invoicing.

Industry Trends and BenchmarksCary Zel, President and Co-Founder, ProCirc

How is your publication doing compared to others? There is no universal response rate for various efforts, but you’ll get industry ranges and averages in today’s environment on many sources from newsstand and inserts to direct mail and renew-als. Put your own numbers in context with this valuable infor-mation. Feel free to bring your own numbers and get some feedback if they’re great, weak, or perfectly average.

50 Useful Online Marketing TipsBarbara Besser, Group Circulation Director, Active Interest MediaDebbie Kane, Director of Web and Partnership Marketing, Active Interest Media

Publishers are generating huge numbers of orders from their website…are you? This fast-paced session will teach some of the most successful web-based tips and strategies for subscriptions. Learn about positioning your ads, successful premiums, and other offers; successful creative strategies; find out if pop-ups and other potentially annoying tools actually work; and much more. Plus, get the scoop on techniques that didn’t work – learn and don’t repeat them! This is a vital web-marketing session you don’t want to miss!




Media Sponsors


Page 5: CircDayLA 2010 Brochure

Keynote Speaker Agenda At-A-Glance

7:30am - 8:30am Registration, Breakfast, & Exhibits

8:15am - 8:30am Welcome Reception

8:30am - 9:30am Session #1

9:30am - 10:00am Coffee Break, Exhibits, & Networking

10:00am - 11:00am Session #2

11:00am - 11:30am Coffee Break, Exhibits, & Networking

11:30am - 12:30pm Session #3

12:30pm - 2:30pm Luncheon, Keynote Address, & Prizes

2:30pm - 3:30pm Session #4

3:30pm - 4:00pm Cocktail Reception & Prizes

Register Online .org/cdla

Building Audiences for Today & Tomorrow



October 7, 2010Los Angeles Athletic Club

It is not the strongest of the species that survive, nor the most intelligent, but the one most responsive to change.

— Charles Darwin

Charles G. McCurdyChairman and CEO, Apprise Media LLC & Canon Communications LLC

It’s All About the Audience

ABOUT COMPANY: Apprise Media LLC in Los Angeles has closed more than 200 niche media and information company investments over the last 20 years. In 2005, they acquired Canon Communications LLC that evolved into the leading global B-to-B multimedia company. Canon produces 17 publications, 37 trade shows, and over 50 e-media offerings (websites, e-newsletters, digital magazines, and more).

ABOUT KEYNOTE: Charles G. McCurdy is Chairman and CEO of Apprise Media LLC and its’ Canon Communications LLC unit. Mc-Curdy has more than 30 years of experience in managing and invest-ing in niche media, information, and education companies. He led the acquisition and development of Canon Communications LLC, Beckett Media LP, and Action Pur-suit Group LLC. McCurdy was also a Co-founder, President and Director of PRIMEDIA Inc., who oversaw the acquisition, development, and build-up of more than 20 platform niche media companies.

TOPIC: Of the three key drivers of the media business, revenue genera-tion, content management, and audience development, guess which holds the most potential for the successful future of what we still call the Publishing Industry? Keynote Charles McCurdy will tell you why audience development holds the key to a successful future. He will also discuss how the creation of their Master Audience File transformed team member perspectives, audience management, and their companies’ future of print and online publishing - wherever it may go.

Page 6: CircDayLA 2010 Brochure

Membership Type

WFMA Members

Non-WFMA Members

EARLY BIRD COST(9/15/10 & Before)

$125/person SAvE $24

$175/person SAvE $24

REGULAR COST(9/16/10 & After)



2Ways To Register1. ONLINE: .org/cdla2. PHONE: (310) 318-9697

Event Details Travel & Hotel





Thursday, October 7, 20107:30 am - 4:00 pm

Los Angeles Athletic Club431 West 7th Street, Los Angles, CA 90014-1691(corner of 7th Street & Olive Street)(800) 421-8777 •

Magazine publishing professionals involved in circulation, audience development, marketing, and subscription fulfillment.

Entrance is at 646 South Olive Street (around the corner from the hotel entrance). FREE PARKING is AvAilAble. Must validate parking ticket at the Hallmark Data systems exhibitor table.

Arrive the Night Before the Event! beat the traffic, network, and stay at the los Angeles Athletic Club or at a nearby hotel. Do some sight seeing at l.A. live. Take the bus, train, subway, or drive. see for directions and travel/hotel tips.

Hotel AccommodAtions Stay at the Los Angeles Athletic Club. Reserve a room at the discounted rate of $139.00 per night plus tax. Includes complimentary breakfast

buffet for two and access to the athletic club. ROOMS WILL SELL OUT FAST!

Call (800) 421-8777 & Say Promo Code WFmA ciRc lA 10

Building Audiences for Today & Tomorrow

