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  • 7/27/2019 Chp16Lesson13


    Level 7, Lesson Plan 13, Chapter 16: " The Seven Sacraments"

    Dinner (6:00-6:30) Aim: Seven sacraments save souls. Materials: Bibles, rosaries, Music Issue, Prayer handout, evaluations, pencils Key Words (Vocabulary):

    sacrament: A visible sign instituted by Christ to give us grace and make us holy.

    sign: A symbol that is meant to bring a message to those who see it. A sign can be visible or


    sacred mysteries: An ancient title for the Holy Eucharist and the Mass.

    sacramental grace: The supernatural help we receive from God through the sacraments.

    Explanation1. Opening Prayer, Scripture Reading, and Key Words (Matt) (6:30-6:35 PM)

    Opening Prayer: Heavenly Father, We thank you for sending your only-begotten Son to

    restore grace back to the world. We are grateful for the gift of the seven sacraments as a

    means of receiving your grace. We ask that you help us make room in our hearts and be

    ready for the fruits you intend for us when receiving the sacraments. We ask this through

    Christ our Lord. Amen."

    Scripture Reading: Included in tonight's activity.

    2. Activity (Lance) (6:35-6:50 PM)

    Objective: Teach the youth the scriptural basis for the sacraments. Break the youth into

    groups of two. Assign each group a different scripture reading from page 168 (Develop #5)

    of the Teacher's Manual. Do not tell the youth which sacrament is depicted in the reading.

    Reassemble and have each group read their assigned scripture reading and explain what

    sacrament is depicted.

    3. "Sacraments" (Matt) (6:50-6:53 PM)

    Message: Adam and Eve lost the gift of grace by original sin. Jesus came so that by his life,

    death, and Resurrection, he could restore grace for mankind. Jesus entrusted this grace to

    the Church he founded and distributes this grace through the seven sacraments. They are

    channels of grace whereby we can share in the life of grace won for us by Jesus Christ on the


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    A sacrament is an outward (visible) sign instituted by Christ to give grace. Sacraments are

    not like magic tricks or vending machines. Sacraments are sacred ceremonies through

    which Jesus gives us his grace. They enable us to accept Jesus' love and forgiveness and

    deepen our relationship with him and with the whole Church.

    4. "The Signs of the Sacraments" (Fr. Radloff) (6:53-7:00 PM)

    Message: The outward sign of each sacrament has two parts, special words (the form) and

    actions or things (the matter). Signs are used because they bear a special message for us.

    They help us to see what the sacrament does for our soul. Water, the matter of Baptism,

    washes, nourishes, pours, and satisfies; it represents fun, life, and cleansing. Oil used in

    Confirmation and Anointing of the Sick nourishes, beautifies, heals, and strengthens. Bread

    signifies food and nourishment. Wine signifies drink and merriment. The special words

    used in the sacraments convey the works of absolution or vows.

    The signs of the sacraments differ from ordinary signs because they do what they tell us.

    Imagine a stop sign that physically forces cars to stop when it is seen or a flag that causes us

    to say the pledge of allegiance whenever it is raised.

    When a priest performs the sign of a sacrament, the message he proclaims is carried out.

    When the priest says "This is my Body. . . . This is the cup of my Blood . . . ." over the bread

    and wine at Mass, they really do become the Body and Blood of the Lord, because Jesus gave

    him the power to do this.

    One of the ancient titles for the sacraments is sacred mysteries. We do not know exactly

    how they work, but we do know that Christ is the minister of every sacrament. Jesus works

    through the sacraments and makes them effective. Although we see a priest consecrate theEucharist, it is Jesus who works through the priest to consecrate the Eucharist, it is Jesus who

    works through the priest to consecrate the Eucharist. It is Jesus who baptizes us, absolves

    us, confirms us, etc. The power of the sacraments does not depend upon the holiness of

    the minister, but upon Jesus who works through the minister to confer grace in the


    5. "Sacramental Grace" (Matt) (7:00-7:05 PM)

    Message: Through the sacraments, Jesus continue his saving works. He bestows upon the

    sacraments his power to confer grace. Every sacrament confers sanctifying grace (the free

    and undeserved help that God gives us to help us grow in faith and live holy lives). The

    sacraments also give us a special grace for our journey to heaven called sacramental grace.

    Sacramental grace helps us in various ways, depending upon from which sacrament it comes.

    Baptism: Gives us the grace to live a holy life. We receive the theological virtues of faith,

    hope, and charity, and become part of the Church family.

    Confirmation: Gives us the grace to be strong in faith and loyal to Jesus as we journey to

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    Holy Eucharist: Give us the grace to love Jesus with all our hearts and to love our neighbors

    as ourselves. We are strengthened and nourished by the Eucharist.

    Penance: Gives us the grace to overcome our sinful desires and actions. We are restored

    in sanctifying grace.

    Anointing: Gives us the grace to accept our sicknesses and to die a good death.

    Holy Orders: Gives priests the grace to live good lives dedicated to preaching the Gospel

    and administering the sacraments.

    Matrimony: Gives a husband and a wife the grace of loving each other until death and of

    being good parents.

    6. Evaluation (Matt) (7:05-7:10 PM) (Questions from the Diocesan Confirmation Question list

    are indicated by (CF#).

    1. (CF #62) A sacrament is an outward sign instituted by Christ to give grace.

    2. (CF #63) How many sacraments are there? seven

    3. (CF #63) List the sacraments. Circle those that you have received. Baptism,

    Confirmation, Holy Eucharist, Penance, Anointing of the Sick, Holy Orders, Matrimony

    Write the name of the sacrament next to the corresponding matter (action) and form


    4. Laying on of hands. "We ask you, all-powerful Father. . ." Holy Orders

    5. Laying on of hands; oil. "Be sealed with the Gift of the Holy Spirit." Confirmation

    6. Water. "I Baptize you in the Name of the Father. . ." Baptism

    7. Christian man and woman. Exchange of vows. Matrimony

    8. Bread and wine. "This is my Body. . . . This is the cup of my blood." Holy Eucharist

    9. Verbal confession of sins. "I absolve you of your sins in the Name of the Father. . ."


    10. Oil. "Through this holy anointing may the Lord in his love. . ." Anointing of the Sick

    Write one or more petitions to pray during our Intercessory Prayers. For . . .



    __________________________________________. . . We pray to the Lord.

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    7. Prayer in the Church (Fr. Radloff)(7:10-7:30 pm) (while Father vests)


    Hymn: Father I adore you

    Intercessory Prayers

    Divine Mercy Chaplet

    Hymn: Sanctuary


    Divine Praises

    Hymn: "Your Grace is Enough" (#632 in Music Issue)
