Chinese Dance By Polly Sara Rabinowitz Introduction Even before there were Chinese characters, there...

Chinese Dance By Polly Sara Rabinowitz

Transcript of Chinese Dance By Polly Sara Rabinowitz Introduction Even before there were Chinese characters, there...

Chinese Dance

By Polly Sara Rabinowitz


Even before there were Chinese characters, there was Chinese dance.

There are lots of different kinds of Chinese dance:

There is Folk dancing, such as Chinese Ribbon dancing, Dragon dancing, and Lion dancing; There is also Court dancing, Ceremonial dancing (for praying Chinese gods for generously giving us harvests), Dramatic dancing (for reporting and showing respect for historical events), Martial dancing (for demonstrating fighting techniques), and Agricultural (for celebrating nature and work).

Although Folk dancing and Court dancing are the two main kinds of Chinese dance, all kinds of Chinese dance is important to the Chinese people, for Chinese dance is full of grace, harmony, and peace.

The History of Chinese Dance

Chinese dance has been around for as long as we can remember, and is very important to the Chinese people.

Here are some things you need to know about Chinese dancing:

• Chinese dancers use a lot of props, like handkerchiefs, ribbons, and fans.

• Chinese dancers like to make lots of gestures with their hands and fingers while they dance: their movements are often spirals and circles, because they symbolize harmony.

• All the groups of Chinese dancers have different folk dances, because they all have different customs and cultures.

Chinese Lion DancingThe Lion dance is the most popular dance in China.

Because the Lion is the king of beasts, he guards us against evil spirits. In other words, the lion in the Lion dance is believed by the Chinese to chase away harm.

The Lion dance is one kind of Chinese folk dance. Tons of people love watching the excitement and enthusiasm of bongos, drumming to the beat while the Lion charges at its opponent.


• 2 or more people are needed inside the Lion to move its head, body, and tail in order for the Lion costume to work properly.

Chinese Dragon DancingThe Dragon dance is also very popular in China.

In China, a dragon symbolizes wisdom and power, and it is known to bring wealth at the start of Chinese New Year. The dragon in the Dragon dance also symbolizes the coming of spring and sunshine. A dragon has characteristics of lots of different animals which symbolize Chinese tribes. Dragon dances have a lot of acrobatics, because a real dragon leaps up and down a lot.


• It can take as many as 50 dancers to do the Dragon dance, so this dance is harder to do than the Lion dance.

• Dragons are often 100 feet long. This is longer than 3 school busses!!!

• Dragons are made of bright, sparkly cloth.


As you now know, Chinese dance is not just entertainment, but is an art. It’s harder than it looks. Chinese people spend time and hard work to learn how to do Chinese dancing, not just because they want to impress others, but because they enjoy Chinese dance, for it is full of grace, harmony, and peace.