Chemistry Grade 9 Review Assignment

Grade 9 Review Assignment (Final Exam) Name Due by 08:30 the day of y our final exam. ALL LATE ASSIGNMENTS GET A ZERO!! 1) The table below describes some particles. Particle Electron Proton Neutron  A 12 12 12 B 12 12 14 C 10 12 12 D 10 8 8 E 9 9 10 . a Which three particles are neutral atoms? . b Which particle is a negative ion? What is the charge on this ion? . c Which particle is a positive ion? What is the charge on this ion? . d Which two particles are isotopes? . e Use the periodic table to identify A to E. 2) The following statements are about the particles that make up the atom. For each statement write: p if it describes the proton e if it describes the electron n if it describes the neutron .  A the positively-charged particle . B found with the proton, in the nucleus . C the particle that can occur in different numbers, in atoms of the same element . D held in shells around the nucleus . E the negatively-charged particle . F the particle with negligible mass . G the number of these particles is found by subtracting the proton number from the nucleon number . H the particle with no charge . I the particle with the same mass as a neutron . J the particle that dictates the position of the element in the Periodic Table The atoms of an element can b e represented by a set of three letters, y zX 3) a) What does each letter stand for ? i X ii y iii z  b) How many neutrons are there in these atoms? i 107- 47Ag ii 63- 29Cu iii 1 1H  iv 20- 10Ne v 238- 92U c) Bromine atoms have 36 neutrons. Describe a bromine atom, using the method in b. 4) For each of the six elements aluminium (Al),boron (B), nitrogen (N), oxygen (O), phosphorus (P), and sulfur (S), write down: a) I which period of the Periodic Table it belongs to . ii its group number in the Periodic Table . iii its proton number . iv the number of electrons in its atoms . v its electronic configuration . vi the number of outer electrons in its atoms . b) The outer electrons are also called the _____ electrons. What is the missing word? (7 letters!) . c) Which of the above elements would you expect to have similar properties? Why? 5) This diagram represents the electronic arrangement in an atom of an element. a. a i Give the electron distribution for the atom. ii What is special about this arrangement? b. b Which group of the Periodic Table does the element belong to? c. c Name another element with the same number of outer-shell electrons in its atoms.

Transcript of Chemistry Grade 9 Review Assignment

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Grade 9 Review Assignment (Final Exam) Name _____________________

Due by 08:30 the day of your final exam. ALL LATE ASSIGNMENTS GET A ZERO!!

1) The table below describes some particles.

Particle Electron 

Proton Neutron 

 A 12 12 12

B 12


C 10 12 12

D 10


E 9 9 10

a Which three particles are neutral atoms?

b Which particle is a negative ion? What is the charge

on this ion?

c Which particle is a positive ion? What is the charge on

this ion?

d Which two particles are isotopes?

e Use the periodic table to identify A to E.

2) The following statements are about the particles that 

make up the atom. For each statement write:

p if it describes the proton

e if it describes the electron

n if it describes the neutron 

 A the positively-charged particle

B found with the proton, in the nucleus

C the particle that can occur in different numbers, in

atoms of the same element 

D held in shells around the nucleus

E the negatively-charged particle

F the particle with negligible mass

G the number of these particles is found by subtracting

the proton number from the nucleon number

H the particle with no charge

.  I the particle with the same mass as a neutron

.  J the particle that dictates the position of the element in

the Periodic Table

The atoms of an element can be represented by a set of 

three letters,y

zX3)  a) What does each letter stand for ?

i X ii y  iii z  

b)  How many neutrons are there in these atoms?

i 107-47Ag

ii 63-29Cu

iii 11H


iv 20-10Ne

v 238-92U

c)  Bromine atoms have 36 neutrons. Describe a

bromine atom, using the method in b. 

4) For each of the six elements aluminium (Al),boron (B),

nitrogen (N), oxygen (O), phosphorus (P), and sulfur (S),

write down:

a) I which period of the Periodic Table it belongs to

.  ii its group number in the Periodic Table

.  iii its proton number

.  iv the number of electrons in its atoms

.  v its electronic configuration

.  vi the number of outer electrons in its atoms

.  b) The outer electrons are also called the _____

electrons. What is the missing word? (7 letters!)

.  c) Which of the above elements would you expect to

have similar properties? Why?

5) This diagram represents the electronic arrangement in

an atom of an element.

a.  a i Give the electron distribution for the

atom. ii What is special about this


b.  b Which group of the Periodic Table does

the element belong to?

c.  c Name another element with the same

number of outer-shell electrons in its


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6) Read this passage about metals. Elements are divided

into metals and non-metals. All metals are electrical

conductors. Many of them have a high density and they are

usually ductile and malleable. All these properties

influence the way the metals are used. Some metals are

sonorous and this leads to special uses for them.

a Explain the underlined terms.

.  b Copper is ductile. How is this property useful in

everyday life?

.  c Aluminium is hammered and bent to make large

structures for use in ships and planes. What  property allows it to be shaped like this?

.  d Name one metal that has a low density.

.  e Some metals are cast into bells. What property must 

the chosen metals have?

.  f  Give the missing word: Metals are good conductors of 

.......... and electricity.

.  g Choose another physical property of metals, and give

two examples of how it is useful.

.  h Phosphorus is a solid non-metal at room temperature.

What other physical properties would you expect 

it to have?

.  i Explain how the chemical properties of metals andnon-metals can be used to tell them apart.

7) This question is about the ionic bond formed between

the metal lithium (proton number 3) and the non-metal

fluorine (proton number 9).

.  a How many electrons does a lithium atom have? Draw

a diagram to show its electron structure.

.  b How does a metal atom obtain a stable outer shell of 


.  c Draw the structure of a lithium ion, and write the

symbol for it, showing its charge.

.  d How many electrons does a fluorine atom have? Draw

a diagram to show its electron structure.

.  e How does a non-metal atom become an ion?

.  f  Draw the structure of a fluoride ion, and write a

symbol for it, showing its charge.

.  g Draw a diagram to show what happens when a

lithium atom reacts with a fluorine atom.

.  h Write a word equation for the reaction between

lithium and fluorine.

8)  These are some properties of 

substances A to G.

.  a Which of the seven substances are metals? Givereasons for your choice.

.  b Which of the substances are ionic compounds? Give

reasons for your choice.

.  c Two of the substances have very low melting points,

compared with the rest. Explain why these could

not be ionic compounds.

.  d Two of the substances are molecular. Which two are


.  e i Which substance is a giant covalent structure?

.  ii What other name is used to describe this type of 

structure? (Hint: starts with m.)

.  f  Name the type of bonding found in:

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.  i B

.  ii C

.  iii E

.  iv F

8) Silicon lies directly below carbon in Group IV of the

Periodic Table. Here is some data for silicon, carbon (in the

form of diamond), and their oxides.

.  a In which state are the two elements at room

temperature (20°C)?

.  b Which type of structure does carbon (diamond) have:

giant covalent, or molecular?

.  c Which type of structure would you expect to find in

silicon? Give reasons.

.  d In which state are the two oxides, at room


.  e Which type of structure has carbon dioxide?

.  f  Does silicon dioxide have the same structure as

carbon dioxide? What is your evidence?

9) The compound zinc sulfide has a structure like this: 

a Which does the diagram represent: a giant structure, or a

molecular structure?

b Which type of bonding does zinc sulfide have?

c Look carefully at the structure. How many:

i sulfur ions are joined to each zinc ion?

ii zinc ions are joined to each sulfur ion? 

d i From c, deduce the formula of zinc sulfide.

ii Is this formula consistent with the charges on the two

ions? Explain your answer.

e Name another metal and non-metal that will form acompound with a similar formula.

10) Write the formula for these compounds:

a water

b carbon dioxide

c sulfur trioxide

d magnesium chloride

e methane

f carbon monoxide

g sulfur dioxide

h sodium chloride

i hydrogen chloride

j ammonia

11) For each compound, write down the ratio of atoms


.  a copper(II) oxide, CuO

.  b copper(I) oxide, Cu2O

.  c aluminium chloride, AlCl3 

.  d nitric acid, HNO3 

.  e calcium hydroxide, Ca(OH)2 

.  f  ethanoic acid, CH3COOH

.  g ammonium nitrate, NH4NO3 

.  h ammonium sulfate, (NH4)2SO4 

.  i sodium phosphate, Na3(PO4)2 

.  j iron(II) sulfate, FeSO4 

.  k  cobalt(II) chloride, CuCl2 

12) Write the chemical formulae and name for the

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compounds with the structures shown below:

.  13) Write these as word equations:

a Zn+ 2HClZnCl2 +H2 

b Na2CO3 + H2SO4 Na2SO4 + CO2 + H2O

c 2Mg+CO2 2MgO+C

d ZnO+C Zn+CO

e Cl2 + 2NaBr 2NaCl + Br2 

f  CuO + 2HNO3 Cu(NO3)2 + H2O

14) Complete these equations and please give the type of 

reaction for each:

.  a ... C + ........2CO

.  b 2CuO + C2Cu + ........

.  c C2H6 ........ + H2 

.  d ZnO + C Zn + ........

.  e NiCO3 NiO + ........

.  f  CO2 + ........CH4 + O2 

.  g NaOH + HNO3NaNO3 + ........

.  h C2H6 + O2H2O +........

.  15) Look at this reaction: NaOH (aq) + HCl (aq)NaCl

(aq) + H2O (l)

a Which type of reaction is it?

b It is exothermic. What does that mean?

16) Some magnesium and an excess of dilute hydrochloric

acid were reacted together. The volume of hydrogen

produced was recorded every minute, as shown in the


.  a What does an excess of acid mean?

.  b Plot a graph of the results.

.  c What is the rate of reaction (in cm3 of hydrogen per

minute) during:

i the first minute?

ii the second minute?

iii the third minute?

.  d Why does the rate change during the reaction?

.  e How much hydrogen was produced in total?

.  f  How long does the reaction last?

.  g What is the average rate of the reaction?

.  h How could you slow down the reaction, while keeping

the amounts of reactants unchanged?

17) Suggest a reason for each observation below.

.  a Hydrogen peroxide decomposes much faster in the

presence of the enzyme catalase.

.  b The reaction between manganese carbonate and

dilute hydrochloric acid speeds up when some

concentrated hydrochloric acid is added.

.  c Powdered magnesium is used in fireworks, rather

than magnesium ribbon.

18) In two separate experiments, two metals A and B were

reacted with an excess of dilute hydrochloric acid. Thevolume of hydrogen was measured every 10 seconds.

These graphs show the results:

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a. Which piece of apparatus can be used to measure the

volume of hydrogen produced? What other measuring

equipment is needed?

b. Which metal, A or B, reacts faster with hydrochloric

acid? Give your evidence.

c. Sketch and label the curves that will be obtained for

metal B if:

.  i more concentrated acid is used (curve X)

.  ii the reaction is carried out at a lower temperature

(curve Y)

.  19) Marble chips (lumps of calcium carbonate) react 

with hydrochloric acid as follows:CaCO3 (s) 12HCl (aq)CaCl2 (aq) + CO2 (g) + H2O (l)

a What gas is released during this reaction?

b Describe a laboratory method that could be

used to investigate the rate of the


c How will this affect the rate of the reaction?

i increasing the temperature

ii adding water to the acid

d Explain each of the effects in c in terms of 

collisions between reacting particles.

e If the lumps of marble are crushed first, will

the reaction rate change? Explain your


20) Some pondweed is placed as shown:

a I Name the gas that collects in the test tube  

ii What other product is produced?

.  b This experiment must be carried out in the light.


.  c Using the apparatus above, suggest a method by

which the rate of reaction could be found.

.  d What would be the effect of bringing a lamp close to

the beaker? Explain your answer.

.  21) Please circle the correct answers in the following,

choosing the correct word from each pair in

brackets. Acids are compounds that dissolve in

water giving hydrogen ions. Sulfuric acid is an

example. It can be neutralised by (acids/bases) to

form salts called (nitrates / sulfates). Many

(metals/non-metals) react with acids to give

(hydrogen/carbon dioxide). Acids react with

(chlorides/carbonates) to give (hydrogen/carbondioxide). Since they contain ions, solutions of acids

are (good/poor) conductors of electricity. They

also affect indicators. Litmus turns (red/blue) in

acids while phenolphthalein turns

(pink/colourless). The level of acidity of an acid is

shown by its (concentration/pH number). The

(higher/lower) the number, the more acidic the


22) The table below is about the preparation of salts.

.  i Fill in the missing details. ii Write balanced equations for the eight reactions.

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23) Magnesium sulfate (MgSO4) is the chemical name for

Epsom salts. It can be made in the laboratory by

neutralising the base magnesium oxide (MgO).

.  a Which acid should be used to make Epsom salts?

b Write a balanced equation for the reaction.

.  C. i. The acid is fully dissociated in water. What is the

term that describes this?

ii Which ion causes the ‘acidity’ of the acid? 

.  d What is a base?

24) This extract from the Periodic Table shows the

symbols for the first 20 elements.

Look at the row from lithium (Li) to neon (Ne).

.  a What is this row of the Periodic Table called?

.  b Which element in it is the least reactive? Why?

Look at the column of elements from lithium (Li) to

potassium (K).

c What is this column of the table called?

d Of the three elements shown in this column, which one is

the most reactive?

25) Rubidium is an alkali metal. It lies below potassium in

Group I. Here is data for Group I:

.  a Describe the trends in melting point, boiling point,

and reactivity, as you go down the group.

.  b Now predict the missing data for rubidium.

.  c In a rubidium atom:

i how many electron shells are there?

ii how many electrons are there?

.  iii how many valency electrons are there?

26) The Periodic Table is the result of hard work by many

scientists, in many countries, over hundreds of years. They

helped to develop it by discovering, and investigating, new


The Russian chemist Mendeleev was the first person to

produce a table like the one we use today. He put all the

elements he knew of into his table. But he realized that 

gaps should be left for elements not yet discovered. He

even predicted the properties of some of these.

Mendeleev published his Periodic Table in 1869. The

extract on the right below shows Groups I and VII from his

table. Use the modern Periodic Table to help you answer

these questions.

a What does Period 2 mean?

b I How does Group I in the modern Periodic Table differ

from Group I in Mendeleev’s table? 

.  ii The arrangement in the modern table is more

appropriate for Group I. Explain why.

.  iii What do we call the Group I elements today?

c i The element with the symbol Mn is out of place in

Group VII. Why?

What do we call the Group VII elements?

ii Where is the element Mn in today's table?

.  d Mendeleev left gaps in several places in his table. Why

did he do this?

.  e There was no group to the right of Group VII, in

Mendeleev’s table. Suggest a reason for thisomission.

27) This question is about elements from these families:

alkali metals, alkaline earth metals (Group II), transition

elements, halogens, noble gases.

.   A is a soft, silvery metal that reacts violently with water

.  B is a gas at room temperature. It reacts violently with

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other elements, without heating.

.  C is an unreactive gas that sinks in air.

.  D is a hard solid at room temperature, and forms

coloured compounds.

.  E conducts electricity, and reacts slowly with water. Its

atoms each give up two electrons.

.  F is a reactive liquid; it does not conduct electricity; it 

shows a valency of 1 in its compounds.

.  G is a hard solid that conducts electricity, can be beaten

into shape, and rusts easily.

.  a For each element above, say which of the listed

families it belongs to.

.  b i Comment on the position of elements A, B, and C

within their families.ii Describe the valence

(outer) shell of electrons for each of the elements

 A, B, and C.

.  c Explain why the arrangement of electrons in their atoms makes some elements very reactive,

and others unreactive.

.  d Name elements that fit descriptions A to G.

.  e Which of  A to G may be useful as catalysts?

28) The elements of Group 0 are called the noble gases.

They are all monatomic gases.

.  a Name four of the noble gases.

.  b i What is meant by monatomic? 

.  ii Explain why the noble gases, unlike all other gaseous

elements, are monatomic.

When elements react, they become like noble gases.

c i Explain what the above statement means.

ii What can you conclude about the reactivity of Group VII


.  29)

.  a Which element is stored in oil?

.  b Which elements will react with cold water?

.  c Choose one metal that will react with steam but  not 

cold water. Draw a diagram of suitable apparatus

for this reaction. (You must show how the steam is


.  d i Name the gas given off in b and c. 

ii Name another reagent that reacts with many metals togive the same gas.

.  30) Look again at the list of metals in 29. Carbon can be

placed between zinc and aluminium.

a Which two of these will react?

i carbon + aluminium oxide

ii carbon + copper(II) oxide

iii magnesium + carbon dioxide

b Write a word equation for the two reactions,

and underline the substance that is


31) When magnesium powder is added to copper(II)

sulfate solution, a displacement reaction occurs and solid

copper forms.

.  a Write a word equation for the reaction.

.  b Why does the displacement reaction occur?

.  c. Use the reactivity series of metals to decide whether

these will react together:

i iron 1 copper(II) sulfate solution

ii silver 1 calcium nitrate solution

.  iii zinc 1 lead(II) nitrate solution

.  d For those that react:

i describe what you would see

ii write the balanced equations for the


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32) This table gives information about the extraction of 

three different metals from their main ores:

a Arrange the three metals in order of reactivity.

b i How are the two more reactive metals extracted from

their ores?

ii Explain why this is a reduction of the ores.

c i How is the least reactive metal extracted from its ore?

ii Explain why this is a reduction of the ore.

iii Why can this method not be used for the more reactive


d Which of the methods would you use to extract:

i potassium? ii lead? iii magnesium?

d Gold is found native in the Earth’s crust. Explain what native means.

f Where should gold go, in your list for b?

g Name another metal that occurs native.

33) a Draw a diagram of the blast furnace. Show clearly on

your diagram:

i where air is blasted into the furnace

ii where the molten iron is removed

iii where a second liquid is removed

b i Name the three raw materials used.

ii What is the purpose of each material?

c Name a waste gas from the furnace.

d i Write an equation for the chemical reaction that 

produces the iron.

ii Explain why this is a reduction of the iron compound.

iii What acts as the reducing agent?  

34) In the catalytic converters fitted to modern cars,

carbon monoxide and oxides of nitrogen in the exhaust gas

are converted to other substances.

a i Why is carbon monoxide removed?

ii Give one harmful effect of nitrogen dioxide.

b What is meant by a catalytic reaction?

c In one reaction in a catalytic converter, nitrogen

monoxide (NO) reacts with carbon monoxide to form

nitrogen and carbon dioxide. Write a balanced equation for

this reaction.

34) Dilute sulfuric acid has typical acid properties. An

excess of it is added to test-tubes W, X, Y and Z, which

contain these powdered substances:

W copper(II) oxide X magnesium Y calcium hydroxide Z

sodium carbonate

a In which test-tubes will you observe fizzing?

b In which test-tube will a coloured solution form?

c In which of the test-tubes does neutralization take place?

d Name the four salts obtained, after reaction.

e Write balanced equations for the four reactions.

35) Ethanoic (Acetic) acid is a weak acid.

a. Explain what this means, using an equation to help you.

b. Ethanoic acid reacts with carbonates.

i What would you see during this reaction?

ii Write a balanced equation for the reaction with sodium


36) Ammonium nitrate (NH4NO3) is an important 

fertiliser. The ions in it can be identified by tests.

a Name the cation present, and give its formula.

b Which of these tests will confirm its presence?

 A When aqueous sodium hydroxide is added to a

solution of the compound, a white precipitate

forms. This does not dissolve in excess sodium


B On heating the solid with solid sodium

hydroxide, a gas is given off. It turns damp red litmus

paper blue.

C On heating the solid with dilute hydrochloric

acid, a gas is given off. It turns damp blue litmus paper red.

c Name the anion present, and give its formula


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37) On the line, tell if the the reaction is a Single Replacement Reaction [SR], Double Replacement [DR], Combination [CB],

Decomposition [D], Incomplete Combustion [IC], or a Complete Combustion [CC]. Please also balance each reaction.

___ BaO2 ---------> O2 + Ba

C6H12O6 + O2 -----> H2O + CO2 

Hg + O2 ------> HgO

CH4 + O2 -------> CO + H2O

Li + H2O -------> LiOH + H2 

CuO + H2 -------> Cu + H2O

38) Complete each of the following equations. You need not balance them.

Mg + HCl ------>

Al(OH)3 + Ca3(PO4)2 ------->

C5H10 + O2 ------->

Cl2 + KI ------->

Be + N2 -------->

MgCO3 ---------->

39) Give either the name or the formulae for the following:




tellurium hexafluoride

nitrogen trichloride

trisulfur dinitride







silicon dioxide

sulfur hexafluoride

aluminum acetate

calcium chloride








barium hydroxide

copper II phosphate

phosphoric acid

tellurium hexafluoride

iron II acetate

lead IV sulfide

antimony pentachloride

diiodine pentoxide

acetic acid





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sulfurous acid

40) Give the name and symbol for each of the following elements:

a. 1s22s22p63s1 b. 1s22s22p3

c. 1s22s22p63s23p63d34s2 d. 1s22s22p63s23p64s1 

41) What is the maximum number of electrons in each of the following subshells?

a) 2s b) 4p c) 3d d) 1p

e) 4f f) 2p g) 2d h) 6g

42) Write the orbital electron configurations for the following elements.

a) P

b) Y

c) Cs

d) Re

e) Cm

f) He

g) Ni

h) S


43. Write the orbital electron configuration for each of the following:

a) P3- 

b) Mg2+ 

c) Cs+ 

d) O2- 

e) U3+ 

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3 formed by a slow metal reaction with air

and water

5 describes the fast reaction of hydrogen

near a lit splint 

7 the reaction between sodium and water!

8 this is increased in terms of particle

collision by increasing concentration

11 increasing this usually makes the reaction

go faster

14 particles must do this before they react 

16 more chance of collision when more of this

for a solid?

17 these help reactions go faster

19 reactions are like this at low concentration

20 amount of this increases with time in a


22 a biological catalyst 

25 the particles must have this energy to react 


1 increasing this usually causes a greater

chance of collision

2 the graph line at the start of a fast reaction

looks like this

4 this is usually when the reaction is fastest 

6 particles have this kind of energy

9 the letters of the chemical symbol for

slowest reacting Halogen "Astatine" (at the

bottom of Group 7 of the Periodic Table)

10 the letters of the symbol for a fast reacting

metallic element named after the famous

scientist Marie Curie

12 the reactant that is not all used up is in ....

13 increasing the temperature gives the

particles more ...

15 form of limestone reacting slowly

18 form of limestone reacting fast 

21 heading back to the heart after some fast 

respiration reactions in an exams!

23 an oxide of nitrogen formed by reactions in

a hot car engine

24 the symbol letters for a metal that 

dissolves moderately fast in acid

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