Characteristics of Cholerics The Choleric Dynamic, self-motivated leader Strong-willed individual...

Characteristics of Cholerics The Choleric Dynamic, self-motivated leader Strong-willed individual who makes decisions quickly and decisively Readily and easily grasps difficult concepts & strategies. Likes to take immediate action. Thinks logically & pragmatically Does not readily reveal deep emotions - except anger. Often accused of being

Transcript of Characteristics of Cholerics The Choleric Dynamic, self-motivated leader Strong-willed individual...

Page 1: Characteristics of Cholerics The Choleric Dynamic, self-motivated leader Strong-willed individual who makes decisions quickly and decisively Readily and.

Characteristics of CholericsThe Choleric• Dynamic, self-motivated leader• Strong-willed individual who

makes decisions quickly and decisively

• Readily and easily grasps difficult concepts & strategies. Likes to take immediate action.

• Thinks logically & pragmatically• Does not readily reveal deep

emotions - except anger.• Often accused of being

stubborn, domineering, and dictatorial.

• Demand loyalty from your friends, and thrives when in control.

Page 2: Characteristics of Cholerics The Choleric Dynamic, self-motivated leader Strong-willed individual who makes decisions quickly and decisively Readily and.

Characteristics of CholericsThe Choleric-Melancholic• Mixture combines two

passionate and persevering temperaments

• Creates a strong leader with the ability to envision a great plan of action

• Someone who is both meticulous and strategic.

Page 3: Characteristics of Cholerics The Choleric Dynamic, self-motivated leader Strong-willed individual who makes decisions quickly and decisively Readily and.

Characteristics of CholericsThe Choleric-Sanguine• Blending of two extroverted

temperaments• Will be somewhat less extraverted

than the sanguine-choleric, because the choleric’s extraversion often takes a back-seat to his goal-oriented behavior.

• Second only to the sanguine-choleric in terms of being outgoing and people-oriented.

• Enthusiastic, motivational, and highly driven leader (choleric) whose social skills and interest in other people (sanguine nature) make him less dictatorial and capable of some flexibility.

Page 4: Characteristics of Cholerics The Choleric Dynamic, self-motivated leader Strong-willed individual who makes decisions quickly and decisively Readily and.

Strengths & Weaknessesof Cholerics

Vices Virtues Spiritual Aides

aggressive, ambitious, angry, antagonistic, argumentative, bossy, combative, defiant, dismissive, domineering, harsh, impatient, intolerant, oppositional, prideful, pushy, relentless, shrewd, stubborn, unempathic, unsympathetic

active, assertive, bold, brave, capable, compelling, confident, competitive, determined, decisive, driving, dynamic, effective, energetic, enterprising, focused, forceful, goal-oriented, independent, opinionated, passionate, persevering, positive, pragmatic, productive, purposeful, quick, resolute, self-motivated, sharp, strong-willed, vigorous, zealous

meditation and frequent reception of the sacraments

Page 5: Characteristics of Cholerics The Choleric Dynamic, self-motivated leader Strong-willed individual who makes decisions quickly and decisively Readily and.

Characteristics of MelancholicsThe Melancholic• Time alone is vital for this

reflective, introspective person• A perfectionist, sometimes to the

point of scrupulosity.• Longs for a deep soul mate, yet

when around people, he finds himself mistrustful & disappointed.

• Others keep their distance - further entrenching him in his solitary life.

• Tends to be slow to initiate, cautious, hyper-critical, and pessimistic

• Once committed, they are unwaveringly loyal and self-sacrificing.

Page 6: Characteristics of Cholerics The Choleric Dynamic, self-motivated leader Strong-willed individual who makes decisions quickly and decisively Readily and.

Characteristics of MelancholicsThe Melancholic-Choleric• Also a leader with the potential to

accomplish great works.• Where the choleric-melancholic is

driven by the challenge and the opportunity, the melancholic-choleric is inspired more by the nobility of the task.

Page 7: Characteristics of Cholerics The Choleric Dynamic, self-motivated leader Strong-willed individual who makes decisions quickly and decisively Readily and.

Characteristics of Melancholics• The Melancholic-Phlegmatic• Is tidier, more procedural and less

flexible than the phlegmatic-melancholic.

• May be slower to take on new projects, as the melancholic fear of new situations and tendency to perfectionism takes over.

• The double-dose of introversion, along with the melancholic tendency to negativity, makes it difficult for him to give compliments & make upbeat small talk.

Page 8: Characteristics of Cholerics The Choleric Dynamic, self-motivated leader Strong-willed individual who makes decisions quickly and decisively Readily and.

Strengths & Weaknessesof Melancholics

Vices Virtues Spiritual Aides

aloof, apprehensive, brooding, cool, critical, demanding, distrusting, envious, fearful, grudge-bearing, haughty, hypochondria, highbrow, jealous, judgmental, nitpicking, perfectionist, pessimistic, reluctant, scrupulous, self-righteous, skeptical, snooty, standoffish, strict, superior, suspicious, timid, uncommunicative, unsocial, undemonstrative, wary

analytical, artistic, careful, cautious, choosy, conscientious, deliberate, delicate, discreet, detailed, elegant, exacting, guarded, idealistic, introspective, judicious, lover of truth and beauty, meticulous noble, orderly, painstaking, particular, quietly passionate, persevering planned, pondering precise, prudent reasoned, reflective, religious, reserved, restrained, romantic, shy, serious, sensitive, studious, thorough, thoughtful

strong spiritual life with a focus on intimacy with God and frequent reception of the sacraments

Page 9: Characteristics of Cholerics The Choleric Dynamic, self-motivated leader Strong-willed individual who makes decisions quickly and decisively Readily and.

Characteristics of PhlegmaticsThe Phlegmatic• Possesses a dry wit and a steady,

amicable demeanor.• Dependable, polite, & even-tempered.• Feels more comfortable in a small group

of friends or at home.• Never flashy, belligerent, or self-

aggrandizing.• Would rather take the blame (even

unjustly) than stir up controversy.• Seeks neither power nor the limelight,

but work steadily, patiently, and methodically.

• Can work alone, or with the most difficult of personalities.

• Prefers job security, working within a structured organization, but can also be a leader of great character and service.

Page 10: Characteristics of Cholerics The Choleric Dynamic, self-motivated leader Strong-willed individual who makes decisions quickly and decisively Readily and.

Characteristics of PhlegmaticsThe Phlegmatic-Melancholic• Introverted (though less so than the

melancholic-phlegmatic), which means that his deep emotions and anxieties tend not to be clearly expressed.

• Reacts extremely slowly when confronted by antagonism or strong emotions.

• Personable, quiet, and gentle.• Value harmonious relationships.• Easy-going and agreeable, but often

they are not revealing the depth of their emotions to you.

Page 11: Characteristics of Cholerics The Choleric Dynamic, self-motivated leader Strong-willed individual who makes decisions quickly and decisively Readily and.

Characteristics of PhlegmaticsThe Phlegmatic-Sanguine• Phlegmatic side will dominate.• This results in a greater tendency to

introversion (though still less than a melancholic’s or pure phlegmatic’s)

• Congenial and cooperative and get along well with most everyone.

• Because of emphasis on harmony in relationships, they are usually are peace-loving, conservative, well-balanced, and easy-going

• Often have a dry wit and a talent for bringing people together

Page 12: Characteristics of Cholerics The Choleric Dynamic, self-motivated leader Strong-willed individual who makes decisions quickly and decisively Readily and.

Strengths & Weaknessesof Phlegmatics

Vices Virtues Spiritual Aides

apathetic, boring, distant, indecisive, indifferent, impassive, inattentive, lackadaisical, listless, lukewarm, obtuse, passionless, procrastinating, sluggish, slow, simple, spiritless, unconcerned, unenthusiastic, unopinionated, unmotivated, unresponsive, languid, content with status quo, lack of aspirations

amiable, calm, collected, composed, conservative, coolheaded, cooperative, courteous, constant, content, deliberate, dependable, diplomatic, dry, easy-going, efficient, even-tempered, fair, friendly, gentle, good-humored, kind, level-headed, meek, mellow, mild, modest, neutral, peaceful, philosophical, polite, quiet, relaxed, reliable, self-controlled, self-possessed, serene, sincere, sober, stable, steady, sympathetic, tactful, traditional, understanding, undisturbed, unflappable, untroubled, without hostility

formulaic prayers, prayer journal, prayer groups

Page 13: Characteristics of Cholerics The Choleric Dynamic, self-motivated leader Strong-willed individual who makes decisions quickly and decisively Readily and.

Characteristics of SanguinesThe Sanguine• Likely the life of the party.• Funny & relish the limelight.• Affectionate, enjoys social

activities, & makes friends easily.

• Imaginative & creative• Enthusiastically promotes new

ideas• Vivacious, generous, & light-

hearted.• Wear emotions on their sleeve,

but quick to “forgive and forget.”• Struggles with follow-through,

are chronically late, & tend to be forgetful.

• Lose interest when something ceases to be fun.

Page 14: Characteristics of Cholerics The Choleric Dynamic, self-motivated leader Strong-willed individual who makes decisions quickly and decisively Readily and.

Characteristics of SanguinesThe Sanguine-Choleric• Most extraverted of all the

temperament combinations.• More adept (than pure

sanguine) at follow-through, taking significant leadership roles, & juggling many projects without unduly sacrificing productivity.

• Tends to be a happy combination of charm and decisiveness, creativity and analytical skill, friendliness and focus.

Page 15: Characteristics of Cholerics The Choleric Dynamic, self-motivated leader Strong-willed individual who makes decisions quickly and decisively Readily and.

Characteristics of SanguinesThe Sanguine-Phlegmatic• An extraverted, optimistic,

warm individual who readily connects with others & is well-liked by all.

• His sanguine side makes him creative, enthusiastic, friendly, & inspiring.

• His phlegmatic side makes him somewhat cautious at times, & also highly sensitive to other people’s moods, emotions, likes and dislikes.

• He keenly desires harmony in relationships.

Page 16: Characteristics of Cholerics The Choleric Dynamic, self-motivated leader Strong-willed individual who makes decisions quickly and decisively Readily and.

Strengths & Weaknessesof Sanguines

Vices Virtues Spiritual Aides

attention-seeking, changeable, chatty, distractible, disorganized, emotional, tendency to exaggerate, faddish, fickle, flighty, frivolous, forgetful, gossipy, inconstancy, insincere, lacking depth, scattered, sensuality, smart-alecky, superficial, prone to vanity, undisciplined

active, affectionate, affable, animated, ardent, carefree, compassionate, cheerful, creative, docile, eager, enthusiastic, entertainer, expressive, generous, fashionable, flexible, forgiving, funny, fun-loving, high-spirited, imaginative, joyful, light-hearted, lively, open, optimistic, outgoing, popular, responsive, resilient, sensitivity, sparkling, spontaneous, story-teller, vivacious, warm-hearted

prayer and study that will focus on depth and constancy, prayer group with accountability