Chapter 7 Sensation zThe raw experience of a sensory stimulus, such as a light or sound zPerception:...

Chapter 7 Sensation

Transcript of Chapter 7 Sensation zThe raw experience of a sensory stimulus, such as a light or sound zPerception:...

Page 1: Chapter 7 Sensation zThe raw experience of a sensory stimulus, such as a light or sound zPerception: The interpretation of sensory information according.

Chapter 7


Page 2: Chapter 7 Sensation zThe raw experience of a sensory stimulus, such as a light or sound zPerception: The interpretation of sensory information according.


The raw experience of a sensory stimulus, such as a light or sound

Perception: The interpretation of sensory information according to expectations and prior learning

Page 3: Chapter 7 Sensation zThe raw experience of a sensory stimulus, such as a light or sound zPerception: The interpretation of sensory information according.

The Senses as Evolved Adaptations

Sensing Tastes and Smells sensitivity to chemicals important for feeding

and reproduction chemical receptors became more

sophisticated Smell vs. Taste receptors evolved

Page 4: Chapter 7 Sensation zThe raw experience of a sensory stimulus, such as a light or sound zPerception: The interpretation of sensory information according.

The Senses as Evolved Adaptations

Sensing Light responsiveness to the sun’s energy provides “remote guidance” for sensing things

at a distance eyes allow us to process form, color,

movement and visual acuity

Page 5: Chapter 7 Sensation zThe raw experience of a sensory stimulus, such as a light or sound zPerception: The interpretation of sensory information according.

The Senses as Evolved Adaptations

Sensing Sounds sensing sound increases range of sensation

beyond that of smellallows localization and identification

sound can be used as a form of communication

Page 6: Chapter 7 Sensation zThe raw experience of a sensory stimulus, such as a light or sound zPerception: The interpretation of sensory information according.

The Senses as Evolved Adaptations

Sensing Touch, Warmth and Pain skin senses allow location of nearby objects touch enables skilled movements pain motivates behavior

Page 7: Chapter 7 Sensation zThe raw experience of a sensory stimulus, such as a light or sound zPerception: The interpretation of sensory information according.


The study of how humans and animals respond to sensory stimuli The mathematical relationship of sensory

intensity to the magnitude of a physical stimulus

Page 8: Chapter 7 Sensation zThe raw experience of a sensory stimulus, such as a light or sound zPerception: The interpretation of sensory information according.

Just Noticeable Difference (JND)

The minimal amount of sensory change in a stimulus that can be detected e.g. how much more weight do you need to

perceive a difference in weights?

Page 9: Chapter 7 Sensation zThe raw experience of a sensory stimulus, such as a light or sound zPerception: The interpretation of sensory information according.

Just Noticeable Difference

Weber’s Law:

jnd = kI Just Noticeable Difference = Constant x Intensity

The size of the just noticeable difference is equal to some some proportion of the standard

Constant varies depending on sensory modality

Page 10: Chapter 7 Sensation zThe raw experience of a sensory stimulus, such as a light or sound zPerception: The interpretation of sensory information according.

Just Noticeable Difference

Fechner: JND is a measure of the “psyche” similar to inches on a ruler

Page 11: Chapter 7 Sensation zThe raw experience of a sensory stimulus, such as a light or sound zPerception: The interpretation of sensory information according.

The Absolute ThresholdMinimum amount of stimulation that can be detected

on half the trialsCount up number of “yes” responses (Frequency of






Stimulus Intensity

Threshold =

50% response point

Page 12: Chapter 7 Sensation zThe raw experience of a sensory stimulus, such as a light or sound zPerception: The interpretation of sensory information according.

Psychophysical Methods: How to Measure Thresholds

Method of Limits Start with a low intensity stimulus, gradually

increase until observer reports a sensation (ascending)

Start with a high intensity, gradually decrease until observer no longer reports a sensation (descending)Problems:

• observer may not pay attention on low intensity trials• observer may anticipate stimulus on descending series

Page 13: Chapter 7 Sensation zThe raw experience of a sensory stimulus, such as a light or sound zPerception: The interpretation of sensory information according.

Psychophysical Methods: How to Measure Thresholds

Method of Constant Stimuli Present stimuli in a random order

observer cannot predict whether stimulus is above or below threshold

Page 14: Chapter 7 Sensation zThe raw experience of a sensory stimulus, such as a light or sound zPerception: The interpretation of sensory information according.

Method of Magnitude Estimation

Stevens: Observers use numbers to describe the

perceived intensity of a stimulus Relationship between stimulus intensity

and magnitude estimates follows a power function

Page 15: Chapter 7 Sensation zThe raw experience of a sensory stimulus, such as a light or sound zPerception: The interpretation of sensory information according.

Signal Detection Theory

The detection of a stimulus involves decision processes as well as sensory processes Observers responses will change with

motivatione.g. paid $1 for each detection of stimulus results

in a greater number of detections

Page 16: Chapter 7 Sensation zThe raw experience of a sensory stimulus, such as a light or sound zPerception: The interpretation of sensory information according.

Signal Detection MatrixJudgment




“Yes” “No”

Hit Miss



Page 17: Chapter 7 Sensation zThe raw experience of a sensory stimulus, such as a light or sound zPerception: The interpretation of sensory information according.

Signal Detection MatrixJudgment




“Yes” “No”

Hit Miss



Pay $1 for each detection


Page 18: Chapter 7 Sensation zThe raw experience of a sensory stimulus, such as a light or sound zPerception: The interpretation of sensory information according.

Signal Detection MatrixJudgment




“Yes” “No”

Hit Miss



Deduct $2 for each False Alarm


Page 19: Chapter 7 Sensation zThe raw experience of a sensory stimulus, such as a light or sound zPerception: The interpretation of sensory information according.

Two-Point Limen

A measure of tactile sensitivity

Sensitivity differs for different body areas Sensitivity

corresponds with Sensory Homunculus

Page 20: Chapter 7 Sensation zThe raw experience of a sensory stimulus, such as a light or sound zPerception: The interpretation of sensory information according.

Subliminal Perception

Perception of stimuli below the absolute threshold e.g. very briefly flashing messages no evidence for effectiveness in advertising However, flashed words can “prime”

awareness of other stimuli e.g. “bread” - “butter”

Page 21: Chapter 7 Sensation zThe raw experience of a sensory stimulus, such as a light or sound zPerception: The interpretation of sensory information according.

A Five-Stage Modelof Sensory Systems

Each sensory system must have:

1. An adequate stimulus

2. Receptors adapted to the stimulus

3. Nerve pathways

4. Destination points in the brain

5. The psychological experience

Page 22: Chapter 7 Sensation zThe raw experience of a sensory stimulus, such as a light or sound zPerception: The interpretation of sensory information according.


The Stimulus: The Visible Spectrum The portion of the electromagnetic spectrum

between 400 to 700 nanometers

Page 23: Chapter 7 Sensation zThe raw experience of a sensory stimulus, such as a light or sound zPerception: The interpretation of sensory information according.
Page 24: Chapter 7 Sensation zThe raw experience of a sensory stimulus, such as a light or sound zPerception: The interpretation of sensory information according.

The Eye

The eye focuses light on the retinaRetina: multilayered structure on the inner

surface of the eye

Page 25: Chapter 7 Sensation zThe raw experience of a sensory stimulus, such as a light or sound zPerception: The interpretation of sensory information according.


The conversion of energy from one type to another The eye transduces light energy into neural

energy at the retina

Transduction occurs at the photoreceptors: Rods: dim-light receptors Cones: bright-light receptors

Page 26: Chapter 7 Sensation zThe raw experience of a sensory stimulus, such as a light or sound zPerception: The interpretation of sensory information according.

The Retina

Photoreceptors receive lightNeural signal sent to Bipolar Cells.Signal then sent to Retinal Ganglion CellsGanglion cells send signal out the eye to

the brain exit point is a “blind spot

Page 27: Chapter 7 Sensation zThe raw experience of a sensory stimulus, such as a light or sound zPerception: The interpretation of sensory information according.

The Retina

Page 28: Chapter 7 Sensation zThe raw experience of a sensory stimulus, such as a light or sound zPerception: The interpretation of sensory information according.

The Retina

Cones: Located in the center of the retina Often see a single cone connecting to a

single ganglion cell

Rods: Located in the periphery of the retina Often see many rods connecting to a single

ganglion cell

Page 29: Chapter 7 Sensation zThe raw experience of a sensory stimulus, such as a light or sound zPerception: The interpretation of sensory information according.

Visual Nerve Pathways

Axons of ganglion cells for the optic nerve pathway

Optic nerve sends signals to the lateral geniculate nucleus (LGN) of the thalamus

Signals are then sent to the primary visual cortex in the occipital lobe primary visual cortex = striate cortex

Page 30: Chapter 7 Sensation zThe raw experience of a sensory stimulus, such as a light or sound zPerception: The interpretation of sensory information according.

Conscious vs. Non-conscious Visual Pathways

Retina - LGN - Striate cortex: “conscious visual pathway”

“Non-conscious pathways”: Retina - Superior Colliculus: Responsible for

perception of peripheral movement Retina - Pretectum: Responsible for changing pupil

size when presented with bright light.

Page 31: Chapter 7 Sensation zThe raw experience of a sensory stimulus, such as a light or sound zPerception: The interpretation of sensory information according.

Dark Adaptation

An increase in visual sensitivity as a result of time spent in the dark Sensitivity appears to plateau at 10 minutes,

but then starts to increase again at 15 minutesRod-Cone Break

Page 32: Chapter 7 Sensation zThe raw experience of a sensory stimulus, such as a light or sound zPerception: The interpretation of sensory information according.

Dark Adaptation

Page 33: Chapter 7 Sensation zThe raw experience of a sensory stimulus, such as a light or sound zPerception: The interpretation of sensory information according.

Color Vision: Trichromatic Theory (Young-Helmholtz)

Color vision results from the activity of three cone pigments, each maximally sensitive to on of three wavelengths Trichromatic Theory explains additive color

mixing - the mixing of colored lights to create other colorsDichromatism: color blindness resulting from

missing one of three color receptors

Page 34: Chapter 7 Sensation zThe raw experience of a sensory stimulus, such as a light or sound zPerception: The interpretation of sensory information according.

Color Vision: Opponent Process Theory (Hering)

Colors are sensed by “opponent pairs” Red-Green Blue-Yellow White-Black

Can be used to explain negative afterimages

Page 35: Chapter 7 Sensation zThe raw experience of a sensory stimulus, such as a light or sound zPerception: The interpretation of sensory information according.

Color-Opponent Cells

Ganglion cells are connected to photoreceptors such that they respond in an opponent process fashion to color e.g. inhibited by green and excited by red

Page 36: Chapter 7 Sensation zThe raw experience of a sensory stimulus, such as a light or sound zPerception: The interpretation of sensory information according.


The Stimulus: Sound Waves a wave of compressed air resulting from


Page 37: Chapter 7 Sensation zThe raw experience of a sensory stimulus, such as a light or sound zPerception: The interpretation of sensory information according.

Sound Waves

Waves of air that can vary in amplitude and frequency

Page 38: Chapter 7 Sensation zThe raw experience of a sensory stimulus, such as a light or sound zPerception: The interpretation of sensory information according.

Sound as a Wave

Amplitude (intensity): related to psychological dimension of loudness

Frequency: related to psychological dimension of pitch

Complexity: related to psychological dimension of timbre

Page 39: Chapter 7 Sensation zThe raw experience of a sensory stimulus, such as a light or sound zPerception: The interpretation of sensory information according.


Determined by size of wave Measured in decibels (dB)

Page 40: Chapter 7 Sensation zThe raw experience of a sensory stimulus, such as a light or sound zPerception: The interpretation of sensory information according.

Frequency Determined by number of waves per second Measured in Hertz (Hz)

Page 41: Chapter 7 Sensation zThe raw experience of a sensory stimulus, such as a light or sound zPerception: The interpretation of sensory information according.

The Ear

Three Parts: The Outer Ear The Middle Ear The Inner Ear

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The Ear

Page 43: Chapter 7 Sensation zThe raw experience of a sensory stimulus, such as a light or sound zPerception: The interpretation of sensory information according.

The Outer Ear

Consists of Pinna Auditory Canal Tympanic Membrane (Eardrum)

Main Function: Gather sounds to send to middle and inner


Page 44: Chapter 7 Sensation zThe raw experience of a sensory stimulus, such as a light or sound zPerception: The interpretation of sensory information according.

The Middle Ear

Page 45: Chapter 7 Sensation zThe raw experience of a sensory stimulus, such as a light or sound zPerception: The interpretation of sensory information according.

The Middle Ear

Ossicles: Transfer and amplify sound to inner ear Malleus (Hammer) Incus (Anvil) Stapes (Stirrup)

Oval Window To inner ear

Page 46: Chapter 7 Sensation zThe raw experience of a sensory stimulus, such as a light or sound zPerception: The interpretation of sensory information according.

Inner Ear (Cochlea)

Sound vibrations enter at oval windowTravel through fluid, vibrating basilar


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Page 48: Chapter 7 Sensation zThe raw experience of a sensory stimulus, such as a light or sound zPerception: The interpretation of sensory information according.

Organ of Corti

Where sound is transduced into a neural signal

Sound is transduced by Hair CellsCilia on hair cells contact tectorial

membraneAs basilar membrane vibrates, hair cells

are pulled and neural signal is generated

Page 49: Chapter 7 Sensation zThe raw experience of a sensory stimulus, such as a light or sound zPerception: The interpretation of sensory information according.

Flowchart of the Ear and Other Things

Airborne Vibrations

Mechanical Vibrations (Eardrum & ossicles amplify)

Pressure Waves (Cochlear Fluid)

Bending (Cilia)

Electrical Charges (Hair cells)

Ripples (Basilar Membrane)

Neuro-transmitter (Auditory Nerve Fibers)


Page 50: Chapter 7 Sensation zThe raw experience of a sensory stimulus, such as a light or sound zPerception: The interpretation of sensory information according.

Place Theory: How we perceive pitch

Sound waves generate vibration in cochlear fluid and basilar membrane - travelling wave

Frequency of sound is encoded by the stimulation of specific place on basilar membrane High frequencies cause vibrations at thin part

of basilar membrane near oval window Low frequencies cause vibrations at thicker


Page 51: Chapter 7 Sensation zThe raw experience of a sensory stimulus, such as a light or sound zPerception: The interpretation of sensory information according.

Place Theory: How we perceive pitch

Page 52: Chapter 7 Sensation zThe raw experience of a sensory stimulus, such as a light or sound zPerception: The interpretation of sensory information according.

Loudness Perception

Increased amplitude of sound wave leads to greater displacement of basilar membrane

Increase displacement of basilar membrane leads to increased activity of hair cells

Increased activity of hair cells leads to greater number of EPSPs

Page 53: Chapter 7 Sensation zThe raw experience of a sensory stimulus, such as a light or sound zPerception: The interpretation of sensory information according.

Conductive Hearing Loss

Hearing loss due to reduced functioning of outer or middle ear e.g. damage to ear drum or damage to

ossicles otitis media: middle ear infection

reduces movement of ossicles

Page 54: Chapter 7 Sensation zThe raw experience of a sensory stimulus, such as a light or sound zPerception: The interpretation of sensory information according.

Sensorineural Hearing Loss

Hearing loss due to damage to the cochlea

Page 55: Chapter 7 Sensation zThe raw experience of a sensory stimulus, such as a light or sound zPerception: The interpretation of sensory information according.

Central Hearing Loss

Hearing loss due to damage to brain areas e.g. Wernicke’s aphasia - an inability to attach

meaning to language

Page 56: Chapter 7 Sensation zThe raw experience of a sensory stimulus, such as a light or sound zPerception: The interpretation of sensory information according.

Central Auditory Processes

Page 57: Chapter 7 Sensation zThe raw experience of a sensory stimulus, such as a light or sound zPerception: The interpretation of sensory information according.


The Stimulus: Chemicals in solution Four basic tastes:


Taste is also a product of what we smell

Page 58: Chapter 7 Sensation zThe raw experience of a sensory stimulus, such as a light or sound zPerception: The interpretation of sensory information according.

How we Taste

Taste receptors are found in taste buds on the tongue

Membranes of receptor cells bathed in solution of chemicals in saliva

Page 59: Chapter 7 Sensation zThe raw experience of a sensory stimulus, such as a light or sound zPerception: The interpretation of sensory information according.

How we Taste

Receptor cells generate action potentials in taste nerves

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The Stimulus: Airborne chemicals (olfactants)

Page 61: Chapter 7 Sensation zThe raw experience of a sensory stimulus, such as a light or sound zPerception: The interpretation of sensory information according.

How we Smell (just terrible)

Olfactants are dissolved in olfactory mucosa at top of nasal passageway

EPSPs are generated in olfactory neuronsSignals sent to the olfactory bulb then to


Page 62: Chapter 7 Sensation zThe raw experience of a sensory stimulus, such as a light or sound zPerception: The interpretation of sensory information according.

How we Smell

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The Stimulus: Mechanical Pressure

The receptor: Receptors found in skin

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Page 65: Chapter 7 Sensation zThe raw experience of a sensory stimulus, such as a light or sound zPerception: The interpretation of sensory information according.

Touch Receptors

Free Nerve Endings Process touch, temperature and pain

Pacinian Corpuscles: Process “deep pressure”

Meissner Corpuscles and Organ of Ruffini Process gradual changes in skin pressure

Page 66: Chapter 7 Sensation zThe raw experience of a sensory stimulus, such as a light or sound zPerception: The interpretation of sensory information according.


The Stimulus: Typically, damaging stimuli - mechanical, heat,


Pain can be influenced by non-sensory factors e.g. rubbing a hurt area

Phantom Limb Pain Pain associated in a “limb” even though it has

been amputated