Chapter 3 learning how to learn.

1).How do you think you learn? I am a musical, Interpersonal and Linguistic Thinker and Learner. I comprehend and create meaningful sounds, able to communicate and understand how others feel by relating to it. • Why explore who you are as a learner? By understanding who I am as a learner it will give me a greater insight into my strengths and weaknesses which can also help me how to response to others in a group situation. • What tools will help you assess how you learn and interact with others? By taking the Learning and personality assessment I not only determine how to interact with other but also how I think and learn. Some of those tools are musical, interpersonal, Linguistic, organizer and adventure. Knowing who you are is one of the most important tools you need to know in order to interact with others. • How can you use your self-knowledge? By admitting to myself when I don’t understand something or someone; playing my strengths, working on strengthening weaker areas and asking for help when needed. One also has to learn to adapt on how your professor teaches a class. • When you have trouble doing something, what is your first reaction – to try again, or to give up? I was always though as a child to never give up, yes it is discouraging when you fail but I always try again

Transcript of Chapter 3 learning how to learn.

Page 1: Chapter 3 learning how to learn.

1).How do you think you learn? I am a musical, Interpersonal and Linguistic Thinker and Learner. I comprehend and create meaningful sounds, able to communicate and understand how others feel by relating to it.

• Why explore who you are as a learner? By understanding who I am as a learner it will give me a greater insight into my strengths and weaknesses which can also help me how to response to others in a group situation.

• What tools will help you assess how you learn and interact with others? By taking the Learning and personality assessment I not only determine how to interact with other but also how I think and learn. Some of those tools are musical, interpersonal, Linguistic, organizer and adventure. Knowing who you are is one of the most important tools you need to know in order to interact with others.

• How can you use your self-knowledge? By admitting to myself when I don’t understand something or someone; playing my strengths, working on strengthening weaker areas and asking for help when needed. One also has to learn to adapt on how your professor teaches a class.

• When you have trouble doing something, what is your first reaction – to try again, or to give up? I was always though as a child to never give up, yes it is discouraging when you fail but I always try again learning from my mistakes is what will make me successful in the long run, when I come across something I just can’t understand no matter how many times I try I seek help from someone who understand the particular subject or scenario.

• Do people perceive their own strengths accurately? I believe they have an idea but to fully know for sure ones must take action on knowing your strengths and weaknesses take this book for example. It provided me with the assessment test and helped me know my strengths and understand how to use them on my daily life.

• Do you see strengths in others that they don’t see in themselves? Yes I have, sometimes it takes a friend or family member to help you realize something’s you didn’t know about yourself.

Page 2: Chapter 3 learning how to learn.

• What effects go beyond your world? As if right now I have no physical or mental limitations, but effects that are beyond my world is other people limitations which can affect in a group environment personally because I am interpersonal I can deal with it in a better way than most.