Chapter 2 Lesson 3 - Aska

Overcrowding 过过过过 Most people live in the Middle Latitudes . 中中中中 () 6 60 0 N 30 0 N WHY ? warm rainy BEST CONDITION

Transcript of Chapter 2 Lesson 3 - Aska

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Most people live in the Middle Latitudes. (中纬度)




warm rainy


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Can you believe this!!!

Overcrowding In a Swimming Pool

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Most people used to live in rural areas  (农村地区) Now about half the world‘s people live in urban areas.                   (城市地区) Cities are the centres of Government, Business and Learning.


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Population densities in Cities Cities with over 1,000,000

1950 - 83 cities 2008 - 400 cities Geographers say urban

areas have high population density – the number of people living in a certain space.

Pudong and Hong Kong

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The largest cities



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The largest cities



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The largest cities



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The largest cities



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The largest cities



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The largest cities

Mexico City


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The largest cities

Sao Paulo 圣保罗


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Why do People Move to Cities?

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Effects of   Urbanization (城市化)

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Effects of Urbanization(城市化) Lack of jobs Poverty Lack of services like

Schools, hospitals, power, water, garbage collection, buses, roads, sewerage(排水系统) , etc.

What results?

Slums, shanties

( 贫民窟)(简陋木屋)

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People must understand those who live in other cultures because we communicate with and do business with them regularly.

United States of America TV, movies, fast food, and fashion clothes are popular in many

countries in the world now.

Maybe English is becoming a global language because most English speaking countries have

strong developed economies in the world.

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For most of the world’s people, life is poor, hard and seemingly hopeless.

Poverty, war and disease are three serious problems in the world today.

The world population is growing very quickly in poor countries and falling slightly

in rich ones.

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All people have the right to liberty and safety, to education and freedom of thought and


In troubled areas the UN sends in peace keeping troops to stop the fighting.

People flock to cities, causing these areas to have high population


Slums develop in some areas because city governments don’t have enough money to

provide services for everyone so the poorest set up shacks to live in.

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W or k b o o k A c tiv i ty 5 G lob a l P rob le m s :

1 . P eo p le m us t und er sta nd those w ho live in o ther cu lture s beca use we co m m unica te w ith a nd d o b us ines s w ith them reg u la rly . 2 . U nited Sta tes o f A m er ica T V, m ov ies , fa s t fo od , a nd fash io n c lo thes a re po p u la r in m a ny co un tries in the w or ld no w. 3 . M ayb e E ng lish is b eco m ing a g lob a l la ng uag e beca use m o st E ng lish spea k ing co untr ie s ha ve s tro ng d eve lo ped eco no m ies in the w or ld . 4 . F or m os t o f the wo rld ’s p eo p le, life is po or, ha rd a nd seem ing ly ho peles s. 5 . P over ty , w ar a nd d is ea se a re three ser io us p rob lem s in th e wo rld to day.

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6 . T h e w o rld p o p u la tio n i s g ro w in g ve ry q u ick ly in p o o r co u n tries a n d fa l lin g slig h t ly in rich o n e s. 7 . A ll p eo p le h a ve th e r ig h t to l ib e rty a n d sa fety, to ed u ca t io n a n d fr eed o m o f th o u g h t a n d sp e ech . 8 . In tro u b led a rea s th e U N sen d s in p ea ce k eep in g tro u p s to s to p th e fig h tin g . 9 . P eo p le flo ck to c it ie s , ca u sin g th ese a rea s to h a v e h ig h p o p u la tio n d en si ties . 1 0 . S lu m s d ev elo p in so m e a rea s b e ca u se ci ty g o ve rn m en ts d o n ’t h a v e en o u g h m o n ey to p ro v id e se rv ice s fo r ev eryo n e so th e p o o res t