Chapter 10 Cell Growth and Division. Vocabulary Word Sort.

Chapter 10 Cell Growth and Division

Transcript of Chapter 10 Cell Growth and Division. Vocabulary Word Sort.

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Chapter 10

Cell Growth and Division

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Vocabulary Word Sort

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Largest Cell?

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Largest Cell?

Giant Squid – Nerve Cells Up to 36 Feet!

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Section 10-1 Cell GrowthWhat problems does growth cause for cells?

I. Limits to cell growth

1. Why do cells divide rather than continue to grow indefinitely?

2. DNA Overload

3. Exchanging Materials


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Section 10-1 Cell GrowthWhat problems does growth cause for cells?

I. Limits to cell growth1. Why do cells divide rather than continue to grow indefinitely?

a.      The ___________ the cell is the more demands are placed on the cell’s _____b.      Its more difficult to move enough ____________ and ___________ across the cell membrane  


wastes nutrients


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Section 10-1 Cell GrowthWhat problems does growth cause for cells?

I. Limits to cell growth2. “DNA Overload”:a.DNA controls_______________ ; found in nucleus of eukaryotes

b. DNA meets the needs of the cell when the cell is_________, however as the cell increases in size, the DNA cannot meet its needs anymore “_____________”

Cell function


Information Crisis

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I. Limits to cell growth

3. Exchanging Materials:  a. ________, _________, and _______

enter a cell through its cell membrane.

b. _____________ leave the same way.

  c. Rate of this exchange depends on the surface area to volume ratio


Food oxygen water

Waste Products

Section 10-1 Cell GrowthWhat problems does growth cause for cells?

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II. Surface Area to Volume Ratio 1. To obtain the ratio of surface area to volume, __________ the surface area by the volume.divide

Section 10-1 Cell GrowthWhat problems does growth cause for cells?

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Cell Sizes

Ratio of surface area to volume


Surface Arealengthxwidthx6 6 cm2

1 cm3



8 cm3

54 cm2

24 cm2

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•II. Surface Area to Volume Ratio• Notice that volume _________ much more rapidly than surface area. 

• This causes the _______________________________________, which is a serious problem for the cell. 

• As cells get _________ it makes it more difficult to get sufficient amounts of oxygen and nutrients in and waste products out. 


surface area to volume

Too large

ratio to decrease

Section 10-1 Cell GrowthWhat problems does growth cause for cells?

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Question: How does an organism get bigger if the cells that it is made of do not get larger?

 Answer: _____________________It grows more cells.

Section 10-1 Cell GrowthWhat problems does growth cause for cells?

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III. Division of the Cell

  1.  Before the cell gets too large it divides into two “_________” cells



Section 10-1 Cell GrowthWhat problems does growth cause for cells?

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III. Division of the Cell

2. The process is called ___________________.  Cell division solves the problem of cells getting too large by _______________ while __________________ (more small cells instead of one large cell)

Cell division

Increasing sizereducing volume

Section 10-1 Cell GrowthWhat problems does growth cause for cells?

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Section 10-1 Cell GrowthWhat problems does growth cause for cells?

III. Division of the Cell

3. Before cell division, the cell ____________, or copies, its entire DNA.

This solves the problem of ___________________ because each daughter cell gets a complete set of __________ information


information storage


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 III. Division of the Cell

4. Each cell has an increase in ratio of surface area to volume that allows for more efficient __________________ with the of materials

Section 10-1 Cell GrowthWhat problems does growth cause for cells?

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IQ # 1 10.1-10.2

1. Why is it advantageous to have smaller cells as opposed to larger cells?

2. Explain “DNA Overload”?

3. Draw a chromosome and label its parts.

4. Define Mitosis. What is the difference between Mitosis and Cell Division?

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• IQ # 1 & Check Homework• Lecture and Discussion 10.2• Overhead Drawings

• Homework – 10.1 Section Assessment

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10-2 Cell DivisionWhat are the main events of the cell cycle? What are the phases of mitosis?

All cell division must involve the replication of DNA before cell division so the genetic information can be transferred to the daughter cells. 

In Prokaryotes the rest of cell division is simply to __________________. 

In Eukaryotes the division is more complex it occurs in two stages:a.      Mitosis: ________________________b.      ______________: division of the cytoplasm


divide the contents

division of the nucleusCytokinesis

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Unicellular organisms use mitosis and cytokinesis to ________________.

This is a type of _______________ reproduction producing two identical daughter cells from ______ identical parent



10-2 Cell DivisionWhat are the main events of the cell cycle? What are the phases of


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Multicellular organisms use mitosis and cytokinesis to _____________________________________________________

10-2 Cell DivisionWhat are the main events of the cell cycle? What are the phases of


add new cells to the organismfor growth and development

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I. Chromosomes 1.     Chromosomes are composed are ______ and __________ (histones) and carry the genetic information in eukaryotic cells. a.      Each species of organism has a _________ ________ of chromosomes.1.      Drosophila melanogaster (Fruit Fly) has ___ chromosomes2.      Humans have ____ chromosomes





10-2 Cell DivisionWhat are the main events of the cell cycle? What are the phases of


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Page 24: Chapter 10 Cell Growth and Division. Vocabulary  Word Sort.

10-2 Cell DivisionWhat are the main events of the cell cycle? What are the phases of


I. Chromosomes

b.    Chromosome are ___________ except during cell division. (known as ___________ when not dividing)

Not visiblechromatin

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I. Chromosomes

c.    Replication (copying) of the DNA occurred _______________________ therefore every chromosome is actually two identical “______” chromatids

before cell divisionsister

10-2 Cell DivisionWhat are the main events of the cell cycle? What are the phases of


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Page 27: Chapter 10 Cell Growth and Division. Vocabulary  Word Sort.

I. Chromosomes

d. Pair of chromatids connected to each other ___________,

usually located near the center of the chromosome.


10-2 Cell DivisionWhat are the main events of the cell cycle? What are the phases of


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Sister chromatids

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Chromosome Drawing

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II.  The Cell Cycle

1.Cell Cycle: the series of events the cell goes through as they ________________ separated by periods of “in-between” time called ___________.

grow and divide


10-2 Cell DivisionWhat are the main events of the cell cycle? What are the phases of


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II. The Cell Cycle

2. During the cell cycle the cell ________, prepares for __________, and divides to form two daughter cells, each of which then __________________________.

3. _______ phases of the cell cycle

10-2 Cell DivisionWhat are the main events of the cell cycle? What are the phases of



begins the cycle again


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III. Events of the Cell Cycle a. G1 phase: __________, increase in size and ______________ new proteins and organelles.

b. S phase: chromosome __________ (synthesis)

cell growth



10-2 Cell DivisionWhat are the main events of the cell cycle? What are the phases of


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III. Events of the Cell Cycle 

c. G2 phase: shortest of the phases, organelles and molecules required for ___________ are produced.

d. M Phase: _________and ____________

G1, S, and G2 are all taking place during ____________ : the phase between divisions.

cell division

mitosis cytokinesis


10-2 Cell DivisionWhat are the main events of the cell cycle? What are the phases of


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Cell Cycle Drawing

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• Lecture and Discussion 10.2• Overhead Drawings

• Homework – 10.2 Section Assessment

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I. Mitosis

a.The mitotic phase can be sub-divided into four phases ______________, _____________, _____________ and _____________ (PMAT).




10-2 Cell DivisionWhat are the main events of the cell cycle? What are the phases of


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I. Mitosis

b. Mitosis is strictly _____________ division.Difference between Cell Division and Mitosis?

c. Mitosis is followed by cytoplasmic division, or ___________, to complete cell division



10-2 Cell DivisionWhat are the main events of the cell cycle? What are the phases of


Page 40: Chapter 10 Cell Growth and Division. Vocabulary  Word Sort.

10-2 Cell DivisionWhat are the main events of the cell cycle? What are the phases of


I. Mitosis

d.      Mitosis results in two “daughter cells”, which are ________ to each other, and is used for growth and asexual reproduction.


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10-2 Cell DivisionWhat are the main events of the cell cycle? What are the phases of

mitosis? I. Mitosis

e.     The growth and synthesis phases are collectively called _________

(i.e. in between cell division).


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10-2 Cell DivisionWhat are the main events of the cell cycle? What are the phases of


I. Mitosisf. The only source of genetic variation in the cells is via __________.

How do mutations form? mutations

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between division

  This is when the cell is not dividing, but is carrying out its ____________________.

 Chromatin _____ visible     _____, histones and

centrioles all replicated  Replication of

______________ e.g. mitochondria, occurs in the cytoplasm.

 G1, S and G2 phases are occurring

normal cellular functions is not


cell organelles

10-2 Cell DivisionWhat are the main events of the cell cycle? What are the phases of


Page 44: Chapter 10 Cell Growth and Division. Vocabulary  Word Sort.

ProphaseBeginning of mitosis(nuclear division)

• chromosomes ___________ and become ___________.

• Due to DNA replication during interphase, each chromosome consists of two identical sister ______________ connected at the ____________

• centrioles move to _________ poles of cell (in animal cells)

• Nucleolus ______________

• Spindle fibers (microtubules) begin to form and ___________ to chromosomes near the centromere

• Phase ends with the breakdown of the _________________






nuclear envelope

10-2 Cell DivisionWhat are the main events of the cell

cycle? What are the phases of mitosis?

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Page 46: Chapter 10 Cell Growth and Division. Vocabulary  Word Sort.

Metaphase (middle)

Spindle fibers (microtubules) connect ______________ to chromosomes

Chromosomes align along ___________of cell.



Centromeres _______, allowing sister chromatids to ________________

Chromatids move towards __________poles, centromeres first, creating a “V” shape






10-2 Cell Division

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Page 49: Chapter 10 Cell Growth and Division. Vocabulary  Word Sort.

TelophaseNew nuclei


Spindle fibers _____________________________form around each set of chromatids Nucleoli ___________End of nuclear division


Nuclear membrane


10-2 Cell DivisionWhat are the main events of the cell cycle? What are the phases of


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Page 51: Chapter 10 Cell Growth and Division. Vocabulary  Word Sort.

•Asexual reproduction is the production of offspring from a single parent using mitosis.

•The offspring are therefore genetically identical to each other and to their “parent”- in other words they are clones.

•Asexual reproduction is very common in nature, and we humans have developed artificial methods.

•The Latin terms in vivo (“in life”, i.e. in a living organism) and in vitro (“in glass”, i.e. in a test tube) are often used to describe natural and artificial techniques.

10-2 Cell DivisionWhat are the main events of the cell cycle? What are the phases of


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Centrioles_______________(paired chromatids)

Nuclear envelope

Nuclear envelope








SpindleDaughter Cells

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Animal Cell Division in White Fish Blastula

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V. Cytokinesis: a. Division of the ________________

b. End of the __________ c. Production of two ______________ daughter cellsd. Different in _________ and _________ cells

Vesicles containingcell wall material

Cell plateforming

Cell plate Daughtercells

Wall ofparent cell


Cell wall New cell wall



Contracting ring ofmicrofilaments

Daughter cells


Cell cycleidentical

plants animals

10-2 Cell Division

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Cytoplasmic division

New daughter cells form


In animal cells a _______________ forms, which splits the cell in two.

In plant cells vesicles move to the equator, line up and fuse to form two membranes called the __________. A new _________ is laid down between the membranes, which fuses with the existing cell wall.

cleavage furrow

cell plate

cell wall

10-2 Cell Division

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Page 58: Chapter 10 Cell Growth and Division. Vocabulary  Word Sort.

Agenda Review Quizzes Review Cancer Project and Answer Questions Begin 10.3 Lecture

Homework: 10.3 Section Assessment

Page 59: Chapter 10 Cell Growth and Division. Vocabulary  Word Sort.

10-3 Regulating the Cell CycleKey Concepts: How is the cell cycle regulated? How are cancer cells different from other cells?

______________ organisms control cell growth and division very carefully

-way to increase number of cells and size of organism

F.Y.I. In different cell types the cell cycle can last from hours to years. For example bacterial cells can divide every 20-30 minutes under suitable conditions, skin cells divide about every 12 hours on average, liver cells every 2 years, brain and muscle cells do not divide.


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This provides the _______________ of cells that ________________________.wear out or are broken down


10-3 Regulating the Cell CycleKey Concepts: How is the cell cycle regulated? How are cancer cells different from other cells?

Page 61: Chapter 10 Cell Growth and Division. Vocabulary  Word Sort.

I. Controls on Cell Division:

1. Cells in a ________________ will continue to divide until they come into ___________ with other cells.

2. Then the cells ________ _____________3. Cells are ______________ from the center of the

dish.4. Then the cells _______________ the open space

will begin dividing.5. Until they have _______ the empty space.6. The controls for cell growth and division can be

___________________.7. We can see the same thing happen in our


petri dish




turned on and off

own bodies


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Question: What happens when you cut your finger or break your bone? Answer: The cells bordering the injury will begin

dividing to fill in the gap in the tissues that have been torn or broken. This is the process known as healing.

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II. Cell Cycle Regulators1. Scientists wondered what ____________cell division.2. Tim Hunt and Mark Kirschner discovered that cells in mitosis contained a protein that when injected into a cell would cause the formation of spindle fibers.3. Protein group known as ____________ regulates the cell cycle. 4. They rise and fall in time with the ________.



cell cycle

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5. Cyclins _____________ the timing of the cell cycle in __________cells.

a. Two main groups of protein regulators1. Internal Regulators: respond to events __________________ .

Ex. Make sure cell doesn’t enter mitosis until chromosomes have all replicated

2. External Regulators: respond to events _________________________.

Ex. Embryonic growth and healing



inside the cell

outside the cell

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III. Uncontrolled Cell GrowthA. Cancer

1. Cell Growth is so controlled because when it is not controlled things go very, very______.

2. _________ is a disorder in which some of

the body’s own cells lose the ability to control growth.



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3. Cancer cells do not respond to the _____________that regulate the growth of most cells.4. When cells divide ___________________ they form masses of cells called __________ that can damage the surrounding tissue.5. Cancer cells can break off and _____________ throughout the body disrupting normal activities and causing serious medical problems or even death.





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B. Causes of Cancer1. Smoking ____________2. _____________ exposure3. ______________4.____________ defect in gene p53

C. Cancer is a disease of the __________.

tobaccoRadiation Viral InfectionGenetic

cell cycle