Chap 12

12 – 1 Copyright © 2010 Pearson Education, Inc. Publishing as Prentice Hall. Inventory Inventory Management Management 12 For For Operations Management, Operations Management, 9e 9e by by Krajewski/Ritzman/Malhotr Krajewski/Ritzman/Malhotr a a PowerPoint PowerPoint Slides by Jeff Slides by Jeff Heyl Heyl



Transcript of Chap 12

Inventory Management© 2010 Pearson Education
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Inventories are important to all types of organizations
They have to be counted, paid for, used in operations, used to satisfy customers, and managed
Too much inventory reduces profitability
Too little inventory damages customer confidence
Inventory trade-offs
A Pareto chart
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Economic Order Quantity
The lot size, Q, that minimizes total annual inventory holding and ordering costs
Five assumptions
No constraints are placed on the size of each lot
The only two relevant costs are the inventory holding cost and the fixed cost per lot for ordering or setup
Decisions for one item can be made independently of decisions for other items
The lead time is constant and known with certainty
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Make-to-order strategy
(Unit holding cost)
Annual ordering cost
(Ordering or setup costs)
Total annual cycle-inventory cost
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Figure 12.3 – Graphs of Annual Holding, Ordering, and Total Costs
Annual cost (dollars)
Lot Size (Q)
Q = lot size
D = annual demand
A museum of natural history opened a gift shop which operates 52 weeks per year.
Managing inventories has become a problem.
Top-selling SKU is a bird feeder.
Sales are 18 units per week, the supplier charges $60 per unit.
Ordering cost is $45.
Annual holding cost is 25 percent of a feeder’s value.
Management chose a 390-unit lot size.
What is the annual cycle-inventory cost of the current policy of using a 390-unit lot size?
Would a lot size of 468 be better?
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We begin by computing the annual demand and holding cost as
D =
H =
The total annual cycle-inventory cost for the alternative lot size is
The total annual cycle-inventory cost for the current policy is
(18 units/week)(52 weeks/year) = 936 units
0.25($60/unit) = $15
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Best Q (EOQ)
Figure 12.4 – Total Annual Cycle-Inventory Cost Function for the Bird Feeder
3000 –
2000 –
1000 –
0 –
Lot Size (Q)
Annual cost (dollars)
For the bird feeders in Example 12.1, calculate the EOQ and its total annual cycle-inventory cost. How frequently will orders be placed if the EOQ is used?
Using the formulas for EOQ and annual cost, we get
EOQ = =
Finding the EOQ, Total Cost, TBO
Figure 12.5 shows that the total annual cost is much less than the $3,033 cost of the current policy of placing 390-unit orders.
Figure 12.5 – Total Annual Cycle-Inventory Costs Based on EOQ Using Tutor 12.2
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Finding the EOQ, Total Cost, TBO
When the EOQ is used, the TBO can be expressed in various ways for the same time period.
Application 12.1
Suppose that you are reviewing the inventory policies on an $80 item stocked at a hardware store. The current policy is to replenish inventory by ordering in lots of 360 units. Additional information is:
D = 60 units per week, or 3,120 units per year
S = $30 per order
H = 25% of selling price, or $20 per unit per year
What is the EOQ?
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Application 12.1
What is the total annual cost of the current policy (Q = 360), and how does it compare with the cost with using the EOQ?
Current Policy
EOQ Policy
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Application 12.1
What is the time between orders (TBO) for the current policy and the EOQ policy, expressed in weeks?
TBO360 =
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Increase in lot size is in proportion to the square root of D.
Order/Setup Costs

Weeks of supply decreases and inventory turnover increases because the lot size decreases.
Holding Costs
For independent demand items
Tracks inventory position (IP)
Includes scheduled receipts (SR), on-hand inventory (OH), and back orders (BO)
Inventory position = On-hand inventory + Scheduled receipts
– Backorders
Selecting the Reorder Point
Figure 12.6 – Q System When Demand and Lead Time Are Constant and Certain
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Application 12.2
The on-hand inventory is only 10 units, and the reorder point R is 100. There are no backorders and one open order for 200 units. Should a new order be placed?
IP = OH + SR – BO =
10 + 200 – 0 = 210
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Demand for chicken soup at a supermarket is always 25 cases a day and the lead time is always 4 days. The shelves were just restocked with chicken soup, leaving an on-hand inventory of only 10 cases. No backorders currently exist, but there is one open order in the pipeline for 200 cases. What is the inventory position? Should a new order be placed?
(25)(4) = 100 cases
IP = OH + SR – BO
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Continuous Review Systems
Selecting the reorder point with variable demand and constant lead time
Reorder point = Average demand during lead time
+ Safety stock
L = constant lead time in weeks (or days or months)
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Select service level or cycle service level
Protection interval
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Standard deviation of demand during lead time
Safety stock and reorder point
Safety stock = zσdLT
z = number of standard deviations needed to achieve the cycle-service level
σdLT = stand deviation of demand during lead time
σdLT = σd2L = σd L
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Figure 12.8 – Development of Demand Distribution for the Lead Time
σt = 15
σt = 15
Cycle-service level = 85%
Probability of stockout
(1.0 – 0.85 = 0.15)
Figure 12.9 – Finding Safety Stock with a Normal Probability Distribution for an 85 Percent Cycle-Service Level
Average demand during lead time
Let us return to the bird feeder in Example 12.2. The EOQ is 75 units. Suppose that the average demand is 18 units per week with a standard deviation of 5 units. The lead time is constant at two weeks. Determine the safety stock and reorder point if management wants a 90 percent cycle-service level.
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Safety stock = zσdLT = 1.28(7.07) =
9.05 or 9 units
2(18) + 9 = 45 units
In this case, σd = 5, d = 18 units, and L = 2 weeks, so
σdLT = σd L = 5 2 = 7.07. Consult the body of the table in the Normal Distribution appendix for 0.9000, which corresponds to a 90 percent cycle-service level. The closest number is 0.8997, which corresponds to 1.2 in the row heading and 0.08 in the column heading. Adding these values gives a z value of 1.28. With this information, we calculate the safety stock and reorder point as follows:
Reorder point = dL + Safety stock =
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Application 12.3
Suppose that the demand during lead time is normally distributed with an average of 85 and σdLT = 40. Find the safety stock, and reorder point R, for a 95 percent cycle-service level.
Safety stock = zσdLT =
Find the safety stock, and reorder point R, for an 85 percent cycle-service level.
R = Average demand during lead time + Safety stock
R = 85 + 66 = 151 units
1.645(40) = 65.8 or 66 units
Safety stock = zσdLT =
R = Average demand during lead time + Safety stock
R = 85 + 42 = 127 units
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Often the case that both are variable
The equations are more complicated
Safety stock = zσdLT
L = Average lead time
σd = Standard deviation of weekly (or daily or monthly) demand
σLT = Standard deviation of the lead time
σdLT = Lσd2 + d2σLT2
+ Safety stock
Reorder Point
The Office Supply Shop estimates that the average demand for a popular ball-point pen is 12,000 pens per week with a standard deviation of 3,000 pens. The current inventory policy calls for replenishment orders of 156,000 pens. The average lead time from the distributor is 5 weeks, with a standard deviation of 2 weeks. If management wants a 95 percent cycle-service level, what should the reorder point be?
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From the Normal Distribution appendix for 0.9500, the appropriate z value = 1.65. We calculate the safety stock and reorder point as follows:
= 24,919.87 pens
σdLT = Lσd2 + d2σLT2 =
We have d = 12,000 pens, σd = 3,000 pens, L = 5 weeks,
and σLT = 2 weeks
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Application 12.4
Grey Wolf lodge is a popular 500-room hotel in the North Woods. Managers need to keep close tabs on all of the room service items, including a special pint-scented bar soap. The daily demand for the soap is 275 bars, with a standard deviation of 30 bars. Ordering cost is $10 and the inventory holding cost is $0.30/bar/year. The lead time from the supplier is 5 days, with a standard deviation of 1 day. The lodge is open 365 days a year.
What should the reorder point be for the bar of soap if management wants to have a 99 percent cycle-service?
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σd = 30 bars
σLT = 1 day
From the Normal Distribution appendix for 0.9900, z = 2.33. We calculate the safety stock and reorder point as follows;
Safety stock = zσdLT =
= (275)(5) + 660 = 2,035 bars
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Two-Bin system
Visual system
An empty first bin signals the need to place an order
Calculating total systems costs
+ Annual ordering cost
C = (H) + (S) + (H) (Safety stock)
Application 12.5
The Discount Appliance Store uses a continuous review system (Q system). One of the company’s items has the following characteristics:
Demand = 10 units/wk (assume 52 weeks per year)
Ordering and setup cost (S) = $45/order
Holding cost (H) = $12/unit/year
Standard deviation in weekly demand = 8 units
Cycle-service level = 70%
D =
What is the desired safety stock?
Safety stock = zσdLT =
0.525(14) = 8 units
R = Average demand during lead time + Safety stock
R =
3(10) + 8 = 38 units
Application 12.5
Suppose that the current policy is Q = 80 and R = 150. What will be the changes in average cycle inventory and safety stock if your EOQ and R values are implemented?
Reducing Q from 80 to 62
Cycle inventory reduction = 40 – 31 = 9 units
Safety stock reduction = 120 – 8 = 112 units
Reducing R from 150 to 38
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Four of the original EOQ assumptions maintained
No constraints are placed on lot size
Holding and ordering costs
Lead times are certain
Order is placed to bring the inventory position up to the target inventory level, T, when the predetermined time, P, has elapsed
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A distribution center has a backorder for five 36-inch color TV sets. No inventory is currently on hand, and now is the time to review. How many should be reordered if T = 400 and no receipts are scheduled?
IP = OH + SR – BO
That is, 405 sets must be ordered to bring the inventory position up to T sets.
= 0 + 0 – 5 = –5 sets
T – IP =
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Application 12.6
The on-hand inventory is 10 units, and T is 400. There are no back orders, but one scheduled receipt of 200 units. Now is the time to review. How much should be reordered?
= 10 + 200 – 0 = 210
T = d(P + L) + safety stock for protection interval
Selecting T when demand is variable and lead time is constant
IP covers demand over a protection interval of P + L
The average demand during the protection interval is d(P + L), or
Safety stock = zσP + L , where σP + L =
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Again, let us return to the bird feeder example. Recall that demand for the bird feeder is normally distributed with a mean of 18 units per week and a standard deviation in weekly demand of 5 units. The lead time is 2 weeks, and the business operates 52 weeks per year. The Q system developed in Example 12.4 called for an EOQ of 75 units and a safety stock of 9 units for a cycle-service level of 90 percent. What is the equivalent P system? Answers are to be rounded to the nearest integer.
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We first define D and then P. Here, P is the time between reviews, expressed in weeks because the data are expressed as demand per week:
D =
(52) = 4.2 or 4 weeks
With d = 18 units per week, an alternative approach is to calculate P by dividing the EOQ by d to get 75/18 = 4.2 or 4 weeks. Either way, we would review the bird feeder inventory every 4 weeks.
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Calculating P and T
We now find the standard deviation of demand over the protection interval (P + L) = 6:
Before calculating T, we also need a z value. For a 90 percent cycle-service level z = 1.28. The safety stock becomes
Safety stock = zσP + L =
= (18 units/week)(6 weeks) + 16 units = 124 units
T = Average demand during the protection interval + Safety stock
= d(P + L) + safety stock
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Use simulation when both demand and lead time are variable
Suitable to single-bin systems
Total costs for the P system are the sum of the same three cost elements as in the Q system
Order quantity and safety stock are calculated differently
C = (H) + (S) + HzσP + L
Application 12.7
Return to Discount Appliance Store (Application 12.4), but now use the P system for the item.
Previous information
EOQ = 62 units (with reorder point system)
Lead time (L) = 3 weeks
Standard deviation in weekly demand = 8 units
z = 0.525 (for cycle-service level of 70%)
Reorder interval P, if you make the average lot size using the Periodic Review System approximate the EOQ.
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Reorder interval P, if you make the average lot size using the Periodic Review System approximate the EOQ.
P = (EOQ/D)(52) =
Safety stock
Target inventory
T = d(P + L) + safety stock for protection interval
Safety stock =
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Primary advantages of Q systems
Review frequency may be individualized
Fixed lot sizes can result in quantity discounts
Lower safety stocks
Optimal review, min-max, or (s,S) system, like the P system
Reviews IP at fixed time intervals and places a variable-sized order to cover expected needs
Ensures that a reasonable large order is placed
Hybrid systems
Base-stock system
Replenishment order is issued each time a withdrawal is made
Order quantities vary to keep the inventory position at R
Minimizes cycle inventory, but increases ordering costs
Appropriate for expensive items
Solved Problem 1
Booker’s Book Bindery divides SKUs into three classes, according to their dollar usage. Calculate the usage values of the following SKUs and determine which is most likely to be classified as class A.
SKU Number
The annual dollar usage for each item is determined by multiplying the annual usage quantity by the value per unit. As shown in Figure 12.11, the SKUs are then sorted by annual dollar usage, in declining order. Finally, A–B and B–C class lines are drawn roughly, according to the guidelines presented in the text. Here, class A includes only one SKU (signatures), which represents only 1/7, or 14 percent, of the SKUs but accounts for 83 percent of annual dollar usage. Class B includes the next two SKUs, which taken together represent 28 percent of the SKUs and account for 13 percent of annual dollar usage. The final four SKUs, class C, represent over half the number of SKUs but only 4 percent of total annual dollar usage.
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Solved Problem 1
Figure 12.11 – Annual Dollar Usage for Class A, B, and C SKUs Using Tutor 12.2
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Solved Problem 2
Nelson’s Hardware Store stocks a 19.2 volt cordless drill that is a popular seller. Annual demand is 5,000 units, the ordering cost is $15, and the inventory holding cost is $4/unit/year.
a. What is the economic order quantity?
b. What is the total annual cost for this inventory item?
b. The total annual cost is
EOQ = =
C = (H) + (S) =
Solved Problem 3
A regional distributor purchases discontinued appliances from various suppliers and then sells them on demand to retailers in the region. The distributor operates 5 days per week, 52 weeks per year. Only when it is open for business can orders be received. Management wants to reevaluate its current inventory policy, which calls for order quantities of 440 counter-top mixers. The following data are estimated for the mixer:
Average daily demand (d) = 100 mixers
Standard deviation of daily demand (σd) = 30 mixers
Lead time (L) = 3 days
Holding cost (H) = $9.40/unit/year
Ordering cost (S) = $35/order
Cycle-service level = 92 percent
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Solved Problem 3
a. What order quantity Q, and reorder point, R, should be used?
b. What is the total annual cost of the system?
c. If on-hand inventory is 40 units, one open order for 440 mixers is pending, and no backorders exist, should a new order be placed?
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= 26,000 mixers/year
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Solved Problem 3
The standard deviation of the demand during lead time distribution is
A 92 percent cycle-service level corresponds to z = 1.41
Safety stock = zσdLT =
100(3) = 300 mixers
Reorder point (R) = Average demand during lead time + Safety stock
= 300 mixers + 73 mixers = 373 mixers
With a continuous review system, Q = 440 and R = 373
σdLT = σd L =
30 3 = 51.96
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b. The total annual cost for the Q systems is
c. Inventory position = On-hand inventory + Scheduled receipts – Backorders
IP = OH + SR – BO =
40 + 440 – 0 = 480 mixers
Because IP (480) exceeds R (373), do not place a new order
C = (H) + (S) + (H)(Safety stock)
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Solved Problem 4
Suppose that a periodic review (P) system is used at the distributor in Solved Problem 3, but otherwise the data are the same.
a. Calculate the P (in workdays, rounded to the nearest day) that gives approximately the same number of orders per year as the EOQ.
b. What is the target inventory level, T? Compare the P system to the Q system in Solved Problem 3.
c. What is the total annual cost of the P system?
d. It is time to review the item. On-hand inventory is 40 mixers; receipt of 440 mixers is scheduled, and no backorders exist. How much should be reordered?
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b. Figure 12.12 shows that T = 812 and safety stock
= (1.41)(79.37) = 111.91 or about 112 mixers. The corresponding Q system for the counter-top mixer requires less safety stock.
Figure 12.12 –
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c. The total annual cost of the P system is
d. Inventory position is the amount on hand plus scheduled receipts minus backorders, or
IP = OH + SR – BO =
40 + 440 – 0 = 480 mixers
The order quantity is the target inventory level minus the inventory position, or
Q = T – IP =
812 mixers – 480 mixers = 332 mixers
C = ($9.40) + ($35) + ($9.40)(1.41)(79.37)
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Solved Problem 5
Grey Wolf Lodge is a popular 500-room hotel in the North Woods. Managers need to keep close tabs on all room service items, including a special pine-scented bar soap. The daily demand for the soap is 275 bars, with a standard deviation of 30 bars. Ordering cost is $10 and the inventory holding cost is $0.30/bar/year. The lead time from the supplier is 5 days, with a standard deviation of 1 day. The lodge is open 365 days a year.
a. What is the economic order quantity for the bar of soap?
b. What should the reorder point be for the bar of soap if management wants to have a 99 percent cycle-service level?
c. What is the total annual cost for the bar of soap, assuming a Q system will be used?
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a. We have D = (275)(365) = 100,375 bars of soap; S = $10; and H = $0.30. The EOQ for the bar of soap is
EOQ = =
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Solved Problem 5
Consult the body of the Normal Distribution appendix for 0.9900. The closest value is 0.9901, which corresponds to a z value of 2.33. We calculate the safety stock and reorder point as follows:
Safety stock = zσdLT =
(275)(5) + 660 = 2,035 bars
b. We have d = 275 bars/day, σd = 30 bars, L = 5 days, and σLT = 1 day.
σdLT = Lσd2 + d2σLT2 =
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c. The total annual cost for the Q system is
C = (H) + (S) + (H)(Safety stock)
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Solved Problem 6
Zeke’s Hardware Store sells furnace filters. The cost to place an order to the distributor is $25 and the annual cost to hold a filter in stock is $2. The average demand per week for the filters is 32 units, and the store operates 50 weeks per year. The weekly demand for filters has the probability distribution shown on the left below.
The delivery lead time from the distributor is uncertain and has the probability distribution shown on the right below.
Suppose Zeke wants to use a P system with P = 6 weeks and a cycle-service level of 90 percent. What is the appropriate value for T and the associated annual cost of the system?
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Figure 12.13 contains output from the Demand During the Protection Interval Simulator from OM Explorer.
Figure 12.13 – OM Explorer Solver for Demand during the Protection Interval
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Solved Problem 6
Given the desired cycle-service level of 90 percent, the appropriate T value is 322 units. The simulation estimated the average demand during the protection interval to be 289 units, consequently the safety stock is 322 – 289 = 33 units.
The annual cost of this P system is
= $192.00 + $208.33 + $66.00 = $466.33
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Solved Problem 7
Consider Zeke’s inventory in Solved Problem 6. Suppose that he wants to use a continuous review (Q) system for the filters, with an order quantity of 200 and a reorder point of 140. Initial inventory is 170 units. If the stockout cost is $5 per unit, and all of the other data in Solved Problem 6 are the same, what is the expected cost per week of using the Q system?
Figure 12.14 shows output from the Q System Simulator in OM Explorer. Only weeks 1 through 13 and weeks 41 through 50 are shown in the figure. The average total cost per week is $305.62. Notice that no stockouts occurred in this simulation. These results are dependent on Zeke’s choices for the reorder point and lot size. It is possible that stockouts would occur if the simulation were run for more than 50 weeks.
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