目錄 Contents - golden100.hk ·...

目錄 Contents 1. 歡迎辭 Foreword 2. 賽事簡介 Race Info 3. 主辦單位及合作伙伴 Organizer & Partners 4. 跑手包 Race Pack 5. 重要事項 Importand Notes 6. 紀念品及獎項 Awards & Sovenirs 7. 路線及高度圖 Routes 8. 路標 Waymarks 9. 檢查站及補給物資 Checkpoints & Supplies 10. 起點資料 Start Point Info 11. 終點資料 Finist Point Info 12. 起點及終點交通 Start & Finish Transport 13. 海外參加者資訊 Info for Oversea Racers 14. 活動期間不適或受傷 Injury 15. 退賽程序 Withdrawl 16. 完整比賽規則 Rules & Regulations 17. 參加者聲明及保證 Disclaimer

Transcript of 目錄 Contents - golden100.hk ·...


1. 歡迎辭 Foreword

2. 賽事簡介 Race Info

3. 主辦單位及合作伙伴 Organizer & Partners

4. 跑手包 Race Pack

5. 重要事項 Importand Notes

6. 紀念品及獎項 Awards & Sovenirs

7. 路線及高度圖 Routes

8. 路標 Waymarks

9. 檢查站及補給物資 Checkpoints & Supplies

10. 起點資料 Start Point Info 11. 終點資料 Finist Point Info

12. 起點及終點交通 Start & Finish Transport

13. 海外參加者資訊 Info for Oversea Racers

14. 活動期間不適或受傷 Injury

15. 退賽程序 Withdrawl

16. 完整比賽規則 Rules & Regulations

17. 參加者聲明及保證 Disclaimer


賽事緣起: 一位越野跑者的心願



黃金賽道,兩場比賽。Golden 100 Hong Kong 香港黃金百里,一個由香港出品的100英里山賽,帶你跑遍新界九龍。

Development of the trail-running community has been flourishing in the past few years. Among all events, the Oxfam Trailwalker, reaching its 39th anniversary next year, is truly one of the best representing races. The 100km charity event routes around the world famous MacLehose Trail, attracting thousands of participants from around the world. KK Chan, aka Mr Trailwalker, has won the race in several editions. Lately, aside from the local trails, KK has also travel to many other overseas trail races. He wishes to design an ideal race route that can not only uplift the skill-set of the runners, but also to better equip them for overseas races.

Race background: a trail runner’s dreamFamed as the City of Concrete Jungle, Hong Kong’s trails might not be comparable to the rainforest or the snow peaks overseas, but they still have their uniqueness. For example, Tai Mo Shan, with an elevation of 957 meter, is already the highest peak in Hong Kong and Southern China. Among all the big and small trails are the neighbor-hoods close by the urban areas and shorelines. All these attracted trail runners from around the globe.

賽事簡介Race Info

「香港黃金百里」設有「100英里」及「100公里」兩個組別: 「100英里」總距離為163公里,總爬升9180米,是打算參加海外頂尖山賽的朋友,難得的磨練機會;100英里參加者,於比賽日亦可於 CP7 (鉛礦凹) 轉組至100公里組別,完賽仍可獲得100公里組別的紀念品。(轉組後不獲完賽名次,但仍可獲得ITRA 5分)

One golden Trail. Two races. The Golden 100 Hong Kong is an 100 miles trail race that tours you around Kowloon and the New Territories.

There are two categories in Golden 100 Hong Kong: 100 miles and 100km. The 100 miles category has a total distance of 163 km, with 9180 m of elevation. This catego-ry is an ideal preparatory course for those who plan to take part in the top overseas races.

The 100 miles racers have an option to switch to the 100km category at Check Point 7 (Lead Mine Pass), and receive the 100 km finisher souvenirs at finish point. (Racers would not be eligible for ranking. 5 ITRA points will be awarded.)


創始伙伴Co. Founder



鑽石合作伙伴Diamond Partner

支援伙伴Supporting Partner

大會指定飲品O�cial Drink


環保伙伴Environmental Partner

主辦單位及合作伙伴Organizer & Partners

更多赛事视频关注抖音 KINETIK


跑手包內含: 跑手衣 (如有訂購)、號碼布、比賽用閃燈、個人垃圾袋、支援包、終點行李包

Includes: Runner Tee, Race number bib, flashing light, personal rubbish bag, support bags and baggage bag.

跑手包Race Pack

重要事項Important Notes




● 能接收香港訊號的手提電話,全程 (包括終點) 均有足夠電量啟動● 兩個頭燈/手電筒 (已裝電池) 連備用電池● 連帽防水雨衣 (以防水氣透氣物料縫製及接縫密封,見下圖)● 至少1公升的飲用水或運動飲料 (水袋或水樽)● 食物 (最少300卡路里)● 飲食用具、杯/碗 (大會不會提供即棄餐具)● 哨子● 救生毯或同等裝備 (規格: 130cm x 200cm 或以上)● 個人垃圾袋 (大會提供)● 閃爍的腕燈或反光帶 (大會提供)● 現金 (最少港幣壹佰圓HK$100)● 大會派發的號碼布和比賽計時裝置

Racers must take special note on the following information:

Mandatory Items

Each racer must carry with them at all times during the race:

● A mobile phone able to call and receive in Hong Kong during the entire race (including finish point)● Two headlamps/torches (with batteries), plus additional replacement batteries● A waterproof rain jacket with hood (made of waterproof and breathable material such as Gore-Tex or similar); seams must be seam-sealed;● At least 1 liter of water or sports drinks (water bladder or water bottles) at the start line and upon leaving each checkpoint with refreshment post.● Energy Bars/food portion (min. 300 kcal)● Cup & eating utensils (neither disposable cup nor eating utensils will be provided throughout the race)● A whistle● An emergency space blanket or equivalent (minimum size of 130cm x 200cm)● A personal rubbish bag (included in Racer’s pack)● Flashing reflector light – put it outside of your backpack during the race so that motor vehicles drivers will be able to see you at night (included in Racer’s pack)● Some cash (HK$100 or above)● Race number bib and timing device, such as IC Chip, provided by the organizer, if applicable.

中途轉組Category Change

100英里與100公里路線,SP1至CP6的截止時間相同,惟100英里參加者必須在28/12 14:30前離開CP7鉛礦坳方可繼續100英里比賽,否則將被強制轉組至100公里組別。

請注意: 於限時前成功到達SP1至CP6之100英里跑手,並不代表能在截止前到達CP7繼續100英里比賽,請在比賽期間留意時間。如任何100英里參加者,在限時前希望轉組至100公里,可在CP7檢查站向工作人員提出。

With regards to the 100 miles and the 100 km courses, the cutoffs at SP1 to CP6 would be the same. 100 miles racers would have to check in at CP7 at Lead Mine Pass before 14:30 on 28 Dec in order to proceed to the rest of the race. Racers arriving after would be switched to the 100km course automatically.

Please note: arriving at SP1 to CP6 before cutoff do not guarantee arriving at CP7 before cutoff and proceed to the rest of the 100 miles course. Please take note on the cutoff times. Any 100 miles racers who would like to switch to 100km course can inform officials at CP7.



With this arrangement, we hope that 100 miles racers, even if arriving CP7 after cutoff, can still have the chance to complete the 100 km race. However, if racers arrive at SP1 to CP7 after the 100 km cutoff, they would not be able to proceed.

From CP8 to Finish, there will be separate cutoffs for the 100 miles and 100 km courses. For details, please refer to “Checkpoints and Supplies” section.

計時系統Timing Devices


From Start to CP7, timing mats will be used. Racers please step onto mat in order to be timed accurately.

離開CP8至CP16檢查站,均會採用手提計時裝置 (智能電話),參加者必須停步等候計時人員確認時間後,方可繼續比賽。

From CP8 to CP16, timing will be recorded manually by officials. Racers will need to confirm will the officials before they proceed into the race.

嚴禁陪跑No Pacers


Racers must complete the entire course at their own effort. Racers may run, walk or crawl to pass through checkpoints in sequence. Carrying, pulling by other racers or member of the public are prohibited. Pacers or and support runners are also strictly prohibited except a prior consent granted by the event organizer.

行李寄存Drop Bage參加者可自行選擇寄存「檢查站支援包」和「終點行李包」。每位參加者只准使用大會提供的物料用作寄存支援包和行李包。寄存「支援包」的檢查站位置為沙田坳 CP4 及 鶴藪 CP11 (100英里)。

Racers can choose to leave support bags at the designated checkpoint(s) and baggage bags at the Finish. The Race organizers shall not be responsible for any loss or damage to any items in the drop bags or whatsoever. Racers are advised not to leave any valuable items in the drop bags.

●大會只會於賽事當天在比賽起點接受參加者寄存行李 (包括支援包及終點行李包)。屆時請按照工作人員指示投放 寄存。●大會將把參加者寄存的行李包運往終點行李區,而支援包則 只會負責運往大會預定的檢查站。當該檢查站關閉後,大會 將把支援包運送到終點以待認領。●參加者可以親身或委托別人取回寄存行李,提取行李時必須 出示參加者的號碼布。比賽完結後,大會會因應實況情況而 處理任何未被領取的行李,包括銷毀或捐贈慈善機構,參加 者不得異議。

● Racers are required to use the drop bag provided by the event organizers as support bag and baggage bag; All drop bags must be dropped at the designated area with the race staff;● Organizers will deliver the drop bags to the designated checkpoints. All support Bags will be transported to the Finish after operating hours of each checkpoint.● Racers can retrieve their own drop bags or by a representative upon presenting their race bibs. Any unclaimed drop bags will be disposed of or donated to relevant charity immediately after the race.

(左) 鶴藪支援包、(中) 終點行李包、(右) 沙田坳支援包

(Left) Hok Tau Support Bag, (Middle)Finish Baggage Bag (Right) Shatin Pass Support Bag

尺寸 Size終點 行李包 Finish Baggage Bag 55cm x 44cmCP4沙田坳 支援包 Support Bag 55cm x 44cm CP11鶴藪 支援包 Support Bag 49cm x 40cm


*Racers can collect the support bags at designated checkpoints. They will be transported to the Finish after operating hours of each checkpoint.

公眾支援區Public Support Zone參加者可自行組織支援隊,在特定檢查站中的「公眾支援區」支援。


Outside support from racers’ supporters is allowed within the desig-nated support zone at the checkpoints determined by the event organizers. Details will be released in due course.

There will not be any carpark available at the start, checkpoints and support points. Racers and their supporters are encouraged to rely entirely on public transportation.

地點: CP3 水浪窩、CP6 城門、CP10 鹿頸*、CP11 鶴藪*、CP12 粉嶺*、CP14 大帽山 (*100英里)


Location: CP3 Shui Long Wo, CP6 Shing Mun, CP10 Luk Keng*, CP11 Hok Tau*, CP12 Fanling*, CP14 Tai Mo Shan (*100 miles)

Outside support is prohibited except in the support zones.

成績爭議和投訴Dispute & Complaints


If a racer would like to file any dispute or complaints, please notify the event center or nearby checkpoints within one hour upon racer’s arrival at the finish. A written record has to be submitted to the organizer, along with any available photos or video clips. Decisions made by GOC will be final and conclusive without appeal.




Golden 100 Organizing Committee reserves the right to change rules and regulations, race course and/ or other arrangements are deemed to be appropriate.

紀念品及獎項Awards & Sovenirs

完賽風衣所有完賽跑手,均可獲 Kinetik 香港黃金百里特別版完賽風衣一件。

Finisher JacketAll finishers will receive a Kinetik’s Golden 100 Hong Kong finisher jacket.

若跑手能以下列時間內完成賽事,可在終點另加印製所屬級別徽章。金級跑手: 30小時內 (100英里) / 18小時內 (100公里)銀級跑手: 33小時內 (100英里) / 22小時內 (100公里)銅級跑手: 36小時內 (100英里) / 24小時內 (100公里)

Finishers who meet the below criteria are eligible for the Finisher Badge printing on their jackets at the finish.

Gold RunnersSub-30 hrs (100 miles) / Sub-18 hrs (100 km)

Silver RunnersSub-33 hrs (100 miles) / Sub-22 hrs (100 km)

Bronze RunnersSub-36 hrs (100 mile) / Sub-24 hrs (100km)

完賽鈴鐺Finisher Cowbell

完賽證書Certificate of Achievement

總排名獎項Top 10 Finisher Trophies

組別獎項Age Categories Winners Awards

男子 18-29歲 / 女子 18-29歲男子 30-39歲 / 女子 30-39歲男子 40-49歲 / 女子 40-49歲男子 50-59歲 / 女子 50-59歲男子 60歲或以上 / 女子 60歲或以上

Male: 18-29 years old / Female: 18-29 years oldMale: 30-39 years old / Female: 30-39 years oldMale: 40-49 years old / Female: 40-49 years oldMale: 50-59 years old / Female: 50-59 years oldMale: 60 years old or over / Female: 60 years old or over

Age Categories Winners AwardsTop 3 finishers from each age group will be awarded with a trophy.


精英背心Elite Vest

精英背心100英里及100公里總排名頭30名 (不分男女),可獲 Kinetik 香港黃金百里精英背心一件

Elite VestTop 30 finishers of each race (regardless of gender) will be awarded with a Kinetik Elite Vest.


The 「實至名歸」(Special Recognition) Award recognizes outstanding achieve-ment in finishing time among all finishers. Finishers who meet the below time limits will be awarded accordingly:

100英里男子組 23小時內 (≤ 22:59:59) 女子組 27小

時內 (≤ 26:59:59)獎牌: 約32克 九九九九金

100公里男子組 11小時內 (≤ 10:59:59) 女子組 13小

時內 (≤ 12:59:59)獎牌: 約25克 九九九九金

100 MilesMale Category: Sub-23 hrs (≤ 22:59:59)

Female Category: Sub-27 hrs (≤ 26:59:59)Gold Plate: approx. 32g of .9999 gold

100km Male Category: Sub-11 hrs (≤ 10:59:59)

Female Category: Sub-13 hrs (≤ 12:59:59)Gold Plate: approx. 25g of .9999 gold

全場總排名獎品 Prizes

各分齡組別 首三名可獲由 NRC Sunglasses, Ultimate Direction, ArchMax, Naked, Oxsitis 等送出的越野跑裝備禮品包

Top 3 finishers of each age category of 100 miles and 100km race:Trail Running Gift Packs sponsored by NRC Sunglasses, Ultimate Direction, ArchMax, Naked, Oxsitis

100英里距離: 163公里總爬升: 9180米總下降: 9130米時限: 43小時ITRA: 6分

100 milesDistance: 163kmTotal Ascend: 9180mTotal Descend: 9130mTime Limit: 43 hoursITRA: 6 points

路線北潭涌 > 赤徑 > 鹿湖郊遊徑 > 北潭坳 > 水浪窩 > 基圍爾營 > 獅子亭 > 城門水塘 > 針山草山 > 鉛礦坳 > 大埔頭村 > 九龍坑山頂 > 沙羅洞 > 屏風山 > 新娘潭 > 谷埔 > 鹿頸 > 龜頭嶺 > 丹竹坑 > 鶴藪 > 北大刀刃 > 梧桐寨 > 四方亭 > 大帽山頂 > 大欖郊遊徑 > 河背水塘 > 四排石山 > 吉慶橋 > 大棠終點

途經主要山峰西灣山 (314米)、牛耳石山 (425米)、雞公山 (399米)、馬鞍山 (馬鞍坳550米)、大老山 (500米)、筆架山 (457米)、針山 (532米)、草山 (600米)、九龍坑山 (416米)、黃嶺及八仙嶺 (600米)、龜頭嶺 (412米)、北大刀屻 (483米)、大帽山 (916米)、四排石山 (268米)


● 大致沿麥理浩徑及衛奕信徑,需注意路段如下● 到達赤徑CP1後,左轉上鹿湖郊遊徑至北潭坳,比麥徑水泥路較艱難● 過基維爾營後,於觀坪路右轉再往茅笪村方向,由沙田坳出獅子亭士多● 鉛礦坳落大埔頭,再上九龍坑山,經沙羅洞再上八仙嶺● 橫過新娘潭路到烏蛟騰,上分水㘭過谷埔、鳳坑至鹿頸● 鹿頸士多上衞奕信徑往南涌郊遊徑上龜頭嶺、平頂坳落丹竹坑● 到達鶴藪燒烤場後,沿石屎馬路直上流水響郊遊徑至九龍坑山馬路落山腳, 再出粉嶺● 上北大刀刃、白牛石、梧桐寨,再由萬德苑上四方亭接回100公里路線上大帽山● 過大帽山CP14後,完全不走麥徑石屎路,經大欖郊遊徑往河背水塘方向● 於大欖隧道轉車站前右上四排石山,技術要求較高● 四排石山沿郊遊路徑往吉慶橋CP16,最後經元荃古道往大棠終點

RoutePak Tam Chung > Chek Keng > Luk Wu Country Trail > Pak Tam Au > Shui Long Wo > Shatin Pass > Shing Mun > Needle Hill > Grass Hill > Lead Mine Pass > Tai Po Tau > Cloudy Hill > Sha Lo Tung > Ping Fung Shan > Bride’s Pool > Luk Keng > Kwai Tau Leng > Tan Chuk Hang > Hok Tau > Tai To Yan > Ng Tung Chai > Sze Fong Shan > Tai Mo Shan > Tai Lam Country Trail > Ho Pui Reservoir > Sze Pai Shek Shan > Kat Hing Bridge > Tai Tong

PeaksSai Wan Shan (314m), Ngau Yee Shek Shan (425m), Kai Kung Shan (399m), Ma On Shan (Ma On Au 550m), Tate's Cairn (500m), Beacon Hill (457m), Needle Hill (532m), Grass Hill (600m), Cloudy Hill (416m), Pat Sin Leng (600m), Kwai Tau Leng (412m), Tai Tao Yan (483m), Tai Mo Shan (916m), Sze Pai Shek Shan (268m)

路線及高度圖Routes 100 英里



100公里距離: 101公里總爬升: 5400米總下降: 5350米時限: 32小時ITRA: 5分

100kmDistance: 101kmTotal Ascend: 5400mTotal Descend: 5350mTime limit: 32 hoursITRA: 5 points

路線北潭涌 > 赤徑 > 鹿湖郊遊徑 > 北潭坳 > 水浪窩 > 基圍爾營 > 獅子亭 > 城門水塘 > 針山草山 > 鉛礦坳 > 四方亭 > 大帽山頂 > 大欖郊遊徑 > 河背水塘 > 四排石山 > 吉慶橋 > 大棠終點

途經主要山峰西灣山 (314米)、牛耳石山 (425米)、雞公山 (399米)、馬鞍山 (馬鞍坳550米)、大老山 (500米)、筆架山 (457米)、針山 (532米)、草山 (600米)、大帽山 (916米)、四排石山 (268米)


● 赤徑至北潭坳: 到達赤徑CP1後,路線左轉上鹿湖郊遊徑至北潭坳,比麥徑二段水 泥路較艱難● 沙田坳: 於觀坪路右轉再往茅笪村方向,由沙田坳出獅子亭士多● 大欖: 過大帽山CP14後,完全不走麥徑石屎路,經大欖郊遊徑往河背水塘方向於 大欖隧道轉車站前右上四排石山,技術要求較高。四排石山沿郊遊路徑往吉慶橋CP16 ,最後經元荃古道往大棠終點。

RoutePak Tam Chung > Chek Keng > Luk Wu Country Trail> Pak Tam Au > Shui Long Wo > Shatin Pass > Shing Mun > Needle Hill > Grass Hill > Lead Mine Pass > Sze Fong Shan > Tai Mo Shan > Tai Lam Country Trail > Ho Pui Reservoir > Sze Pai Shek Shan > Kat Hing Bridge > Tai Tong

PeaksSai Wan Shan (314m), Ngau Yee Shek Shan (425m), Kai Kung Shan (399m), Ma On Shan (Ma On Au 550m), Tate's Cairn (500m), Beacon Hill (457m), Needle Hill (532m), Grass Hill (600m), Tai Mo Shan (916m), Sze Pai Shek Shan (268m)

100 公里KM


基本標記: 於一般路段,我們採用白色路標及黄色絲帶。

Racers please take note on the markers along the course, to ensure that they are on the right route. Runners will be penalized if found taking short cuts.

Basic waymarks: along the course, white and yellow waymarks will be used.


At entry and exit points and major road splits, there will be arrows indicating directions. Flashlights will be placed at some points at night for easier vision.


There will also be some signs with big cross, reminding racers not to proceed. .

路 標Waymarks

檢查站及補給物資Checkpoints & Supplies

100英里與100公里路線,SP1至CP6的截止時間相同,惟100英里參加者必須在28/12 14:30前離開CP7鉛礦坳方可繼續100英里比賽,否則將被強制轉組至100公里組別。

請注意: 於限時前成功到達SP1至CP6之100英里跑手,並不代表能在截止前到達CP7繼續100英里比賽,請在比賽期間留意時間。如任何100英里參加者,在限時前希望轉組至100公里,可在CP7檢查站向工作人員提出。


With regards to the 100 miles and the 100 km courses, the cutoffs at SP1 to CP6 would be the same. 100 miles racers would have to check in at CP7 at Lead Mine Pass before 14:30 on 28 Dec in order to proceed to the rest of the race. Racers arriving after would be switched to the 100km course automatically.

Please note: arriving at SP1 to CP6 before cutoff do not guarantee arriving at CP7 before cutoff and proceed to the rest of the 100 miles course. Please take note on the cutoff times. Any 100 miles racers who would like to switch to 100km course can inform officials at CP7.

檢查站及補給物資Checkpoints & Supplies100英里


檢查站及補給物資Checkpoints & Supplies

100英里與100公里路線,SP1至CP6的截止時間相同,惟100英里參加者必須在28/12 14:30前離開CP7鉛礦坳方可繼續100英里比賽,否則將被強制轉組至100公里組別。

請注意: 於限時前成功到達SP1至CP6之100英里跑手,並不代表能在截止前到達CP7繼續100英里比賽,請在比賽期間留意時間。如任何100英里參加者,在限時前希望轉組至100公里,可在CP7檢查站向工作人員提出。

100 公里KM

檢查站及補給物資Checkpoints & Supplies

With regards to the 100 miles and the 100 km courses, the cutoffs at SP1 to CP6 would be the same. 100 miles racers would have to check in at CP7 at Lead Mine Pass before 14:30 on 28 Dec in order to proceed to the rest of the race. Racers arriving after would be switched to the 100km course automatically.

Please note: arriving at SP1 to CP6 before cutoff do not guarantee arriving at CP7 before cutoff and proceed to the rest of the 100 miles course. Please take note on the cutoff times. Any 100 miles racers who would like to switch to 100km course can inform officials at CP7.


起點資料Start Point Info

起點: 西貢北潭涌保良局度假營Po Leung Kuk Jockey Club Pak Tam Chung Holiday Camp, Sai Kung

前往起點北潭涌 (於北潭涌巴士總站落車)1. 巴士 94號 西貢市中心—黃石碼頭2. 小巴 7號 西貢市中心—海下 / 9號 西貢市中心—麥理浩夫人度假村


To: Pak Tam Chung (Bus Stop: Pak Tam Chung Bus Terminal)1. Bus No.94 Sai Kung — Wong Shek Pier2. Minibus No.7 Sai Kung—Hoi Ha / No.9 Sai Kung—Lady MacLehose Holiday Village

*No parking space available inside the holiday camp. Drivers please use the public carpark near the campsite.

檢查站資料Checkpoint Info

起點 北潭涌 特別事項: 行李寄存

Start Pak Tam Chung Remarks: Bag Drop

Google Map: https://goo.gl/maps/UjHT6c8fTiN9dVP66

SP1 東壩洗手間: 東壩流動廁所

SP1 East DamToilet: East Dam Portable Toilets

Google Map: https://goo.gl/maps/yYGPierkUP3nbUs57

洗手間: 赤徑公廁 Toilet: Chek Keng Public Toilet

CP1 赤徑 CP1 Chek Keng

Google Map: https://goo.gl/maps/62BKMjCrodCeFv2i8

CP2 北潭坳

CP2 Pak Tam Au

洗手間: 北潭坳公廁 Toilet: Pak Tam Au Public Toilet

Google Map: https://goo.gl/maps/HC911jtLR5DapnvC6

洗手間: 西沙路燒烤區5號場公廁 Toilet: BBQ Area No.5 Public ToiletAu Public Toilet

Google Map: https://goo.gl/maps/HC911jtLR5DapnvC6

CP3 水浪窩

CP3 Shui Long Wo

CP4 沙田坳

CP4 Shatin Pass

洗手間: 十二笏村公廁 Toilet: Shap Yi Watt Village Public Toilet

特別事項: 支援包 Remarks: Support Bag

Google Map: https://goo.gl/maps/Sf1FWM6fJQ6UNuBU8

特別事項: 公眾支援區 Remarks: Public Support

CP6 城門

CP6 Shing Mun

洗手間: 城門燒烤場公廁 Toilet: BBQ Area Toilet

Google Map: https://goo.gl/maps/HC911jtLR5DapnvC6

洗手間: 鉛礦坳公廁 Toilet: Lead Mine Pass Public Toilet

Google Map: https://goo.gl/maps/CC1S6BR7KaUWaHtE7

CP7 鉛礦坳

CP7 Lead Mine PassCP9 烏蛟騰

CP9 Wu Kau Tang

洗手間: 烏蛟騰公廁 Toilet: Wau Kau Tang Public Toilet

Google Map: https://goo.gl/maps/qpa8ogwAnsjpaMTCA

CP5 筆架山洗手間: 無特別事項: 只設計時,不設補給

CP5 Beacon HillToilet: NoneRemarks: Timing only

Google Map: https://goo.gl/maps/5aYCA75wzfR7niQk7

特別事項: 公眾支援區 Remarks: Public Support

特別事項: 100英里 轉 100公里 Remarks: Category change 100 miles to 100km

CP8 大埔

CP8 Tai Po

洗手間: 大埔頭遊樂場公廁 Toilet: Tai Po Tau Playground Public Toilet

Google Map: https://goo.gl/maps/P6LVXWX126nzPkPo8

SP2 沙羅洞洗手間: 沙羅洞公廁

SP2 Sha Lo TungToilet: Sha Lo Tung Public Toilet

Google Map: https://goo.gl/maps/pRbYi6yUgrJyznXv9

CP10 鹿頸

CP10 Luk Keng

洗手間: 鶴藪燒烤場公廁 Toilet: BBQ Area Public Toilet

Google Map: https://goo.gl/maps/tkWSw1qDbCZZhYfC9

CP11 鶴藪

CP11 Hok Tau

CP12 粉嶺

CP12 Fanling

洗手間: 無 Toilet: None

Google Map: https://goo.gl/maps/473zjawgxNjcCgq49

洗手間: 鹿頸公廁 Toilet: Luk Keng Toilet

特別事項: 公眾支援區 Remarks: Public Support

Google Map: https://goo.gl/maps/e43qgkhhqWEeg5FQA

特別事項: 支援包、公眾支援區 Remarks: Support Bag, Public Support

Remarks: Public Support特別事項: 公眾支援區

洗手間: 梧桐寨公廁 Toilet: Ng Tung Chai Public Toilet

CP13 梧桐寨

CP13 Ng Tung Chai

Google Map: https://goo.gl/maps/VBni1vmiZ8vfRFjp6

CP14 大帽山

CP14 Tai Mo Shan

Google Map: https://goo.gl/maps/YhGGujBfmgTEWsDn8

洗手間: 大帽山茶水亭公廁 Toilet: Tai Mo Shan Country Park Toilet

CP16 吉慶橋

CP16 Kat Hing Bridge

洗手間: 吉慶橋流動廁所 Toilet: Kat Hing Bridge Portable Toilet

Google Map: https://goo.gl/maps/bPV1cZedUvQnEbFN8

特別事項: 公眾支援區 Remarks: Public Support

Google Map: https://goo.gl/maps/z362brC2MPu6QSU49

洗手間: 大欖轉車站流動廁所 Toilet: Tai Lam Bus Station Portable Toilet

CP15 大欖

CP15 Tai Lam

Google Map: https://goo.gl/maps/zRQLUuzQmgX3QUbD9

終點 大棠

Finish Tai Tong

特別事項: 領取行李 Remarks: Baggage

到達終點程序1. 100英里及100公里完賽者,均可在衝線後獲得完賽鈴鐺一個2. 領取完賽風衣,若為金、銀或銅級跑手,可即場印刷級別徽章3. 到「行李處」出示號碼布領取行李4. 若為100英里及100公里總排名頭30位跑手 (不分男女),可同時獲得精英背心一件, 及拍攝精英照一張5. 得獎跑手屆時務請留意頒獎典禮安排及時間

終點食物終點將提供熱食,參加者可以號碼布,到食物攤位領取食物一份。食物包括: 意粉、薄餅、炒飯、雞中翼、咖喱魚蛋、港式燒賣、杯麵、果醬三文治、蔬菜拼盤、咖啡/茶、啤酒/汽水 (*按時段供應、不保證全部能同時提供)12月28日(星期六) 下午3 時至9 時,終點將有雞蛋仔及爆谷供應,參加者親友亦可領取,派完即止。

Procedures1. Collect your Finisher Cowbell after crossing the finish line2. Collect your Finisher Jacket. Finishers who meet the specified criteria will be eligible for the Finisher Badge printing.3. Collect your bagge by displaing your bib4. Top 30 finishers of each race (regardless of gender) can collect your Kinetik Elite Vest and have your elite finisher photo taken inside the hall5. Award winners will be notified on the award ceremony arrangements

Food at FinishThere will be hot food available at Finish for racers with their bib. Food includes: pasta, pizza, fried rice, chicken wings, curry fish balls, siumai, cup noodles, jam sandwich, veggie plate, coffee/tea, beer/soda. (*May not be all available at the same time.)On 28 December at 15:00 to 21:00, there will be bubble waffles and popcorn available at the Finish for racers and their family and friends, while supply lasts.

終點資料Finish Point Info

終點: 元朗大棠保良局渡假營Po Leung Kuk Jockey Club Tai Tong Holiday Camp, Yuen Long

前往終點大棠巴士: 乘搭九巴968號由銅鑼灣方向入元朗;53、68M 由荃灣至元朗;68A、68X、268B、268C 由九龍至元朗;或64K、269D、276、276P 號,由大埔/沙田/上水至元朗;


港鐵: 乘搭港鐵西鐵線至朗屏站;再轉乘西鐵接駁巴士K66號,由朗屏站開出至大棠,抵大棠山路口下車,步行約二十分鐘抵營。

新界的士:元朗市到大棠村 (車資約$45)。

離開終點大棠1. 的士2. 步行15分鐘,乘搭港鐵巴士 K66線到西鐵朗屏站3. 免費接駁巴士到元朗市中心 (服務時間 28/12 23:00 - 29/12 07:00, 約30分鐘一班)


To: Tai TongPublic Bus: Take KMB Bus No. 968 from Causeway Bay to Yuen Long or; No.53/68M from Tsuen Wan to Yuen Long or; No.68A/68X/268B/268C from Kowloon to Yuen Long or;No.64K/269D/276/276P from Tai Po/Sha Tin/Sheung Shui to Yuen Long.

West Rail: In Yuen Long, take the KCR/West Rail Feeder Bus No.K66 at Long Ping Estate and alight at Tai Tong Shan Road, then walk 20 minutes uphill from the road junction to the Camp.

Taxi (green): A taxi from the city district of Yuen Long to Tai Tong Holiday Camp costs around $45.

Leaving Tai Tong1. Taxi2. West Rail Feeder Bus No.K66 (walk for 15 minutes from Finish)3. Golden 100 Shuttle Bus (Service Hours: 28/12 23:00 - 29/12 07:00)

*No parking space available inside the holiday camp. Drivers please use the public carpark near the campsite.

海外參加者資訊Info for Oversea Racers


香港國際機場至起點北潭涌機場巴士 A29號 至 坑口培成路下車港鐵坑口站公共運輸交匯處 轉乘 小巴101M線 至 總站西貢市中心西貢巴士總站 轉乘 巴士94號或小巴7號 至 北潭涌下車

西九龍高鐵站至起點北潭涌柯士甸站 乘坐西鐵 至 紅磡站轉乘 東鐵 至 九龍塘站轉乘 觀塘線 至 油塘站轉乘 將軍澳線 至 坑口站坑口站公共運輸交匯處 轉乘 小巴101M線 至 總站西貢市中心西貢巴士總站 轉乘 巴士94號或小巴7號 至 北潭涌下車


Hong Kong International Airport to Pak Tam Chung, Sai Kung (Start)Airbus No.A29 to Pui Shing Road, Hang HauHang Hau Station MTR Public Transport Interchange Mini Bus No.101M to Sai KungSai Kung Bus Terminal Bus No.94 or Mini Bus No.7 to Pak Tam Chung

High Speed Rail West Kowlooon Statuib to to Pak Tam Chung, Sai Kung (Start) West Rail Austin Station to Hung Hom StationChange East Rail to Kowloon Tong StationChange MTR Kwun Tong Line to Yau Tong StationChange Tseung Kwun O Line to Hang Hau StationHang Hau Station MTR Public Transport Interchange Mini Bus No. 101M to Sai KungSai Kung Bus Terminal Bus No.94 or Mini Bus No.7 to Pak Tam Chung


1. 請時刻留意自己的身體狀況,必須量力而為,切勿勉強行事。

2. 如傷勢嚴重或不能走動,應立即撥緊急電話號碼 (列印於參 加者之號碼布上) 通知大會工作人員,說明所在位置,等待 救援人員到達。

3. 為安全起見,建議每位參加者隨身攜帶最少兩部電量充足的 手提電話供求救時使用。求救時,請清楚說明參加者編號、 位置、標距柱號碼、受傷情況及聯絡電話,以確保大會盡快 到達現場作出救援。

1. Take good care of your health. In case of sickness, do not hesitate to call for help.

2. If you become seriously injured and cannot move, you must call the emergency phone number immediately (printed on racer’s bib) to inform the organiser and specify your location. Please be patient and wait for assistance.

3. We advise that each racer should have at least two fully charged mobile phones for emergency use. If you require emergency assistance, please inform us your bib number, location, distance post number, state of injury and phone number to facilitate our immediate response.


1. 若有參加者決定退賽,請立刻通知大會工作人員及遵從他們指示。保留號碼 布取回寄存行李。退賽後不得進入比賽路線。2. 除緊急情況,請盡量在檢查站範圍內退賽。已退賽之參加者,可逗留在檢查 站內休息直至安排好自己去向。檢查站一般是車路可達或離公共交通可達處 不遠。3. 若有參加者在賽道上因傷病而被迫退賽,或不能前往就近的檢查站/補給站, 請立刻通知大會工作人員或直接致電緊急電話號碼 (列印於參加者之號碼布 上),該參加者應遵從賽事中心指示。若位置偏僻,請諒解耐心等候。

1. If a racer decided to drop out of the race, he/she must notify race staff and follow their instructions. Once dropped out, racers will not be allowed to return to the race. Race bib, however, would be needed to retrieve drop bags.2. Except for injury or sickness, racer should drop out only at checkpoints. Race will be able to rest at checkpoint with refreshment post and arrange own transportation. Most checkpoints are accessible by public transportation within a short distance on foot.3. If a racer need to drop out due to an injury or sickness and require assistance, please notify the nearby race staff or call Event Centre. It would be best to make drop out decision at Checkpoints with Refreshment Posts.


完整比賽規則Rules & Regulations



1. 所有參加者必須:

○ 了解賽事路線、補給及天氣狀況等情況。比賽的賽道難度頗高,部分路段 位置偏僻,一 旦發生事故,救援人員可能需要較長時間才能到達現場;○ 賽前進行合適訓練;○ 在比賽期間能獨立自主面解決問題;○ 須以自身技巧及能力完成比賽。2. 比賽是半自給自足形式,參加者在比賽期間須攜行指定裝備。3. 在比賽當日須年滿十八歲。4. 參加者須依大會的正式路線作賽,切勿抄捷徑。5. 參加者必須自力走畢全程,並且順序於大會的檢查站或補給站登記。除 了賽前獲大會確定認可外,嚴禁陪跑。並且禁止借助其他參加者或公眾 人仕以揹,拖動或推行。不許使用任何機動式或有車輪的交通工具。6. 若有參加者在離開賽道後欲繼續賽事,該位參加者必須徒步回到離開賽 道地點才再可進入賽道繼續 比賽。7. 參加者切勿在賽道存放任何物品。大會工作人員 (包括大會的糾察、救援 隊伍或義工等等) 若發現這些物品有權沒收不予發還。8. 比賽期間參加者須掛上號碼布於身體的前方及衣服的最外層,不許把號 碼布摺細。注意別讓攜行物品遮擋。9. 切勿亂拋垃圾。10. 參加者嚴禁服食有助提升表現的藥物。一經發現和有具體証據,賽委會 保留權利立刻取消參加者參賽資格或比賽成績。 (禁藥名單根據 World Anti-Doping Agency 的最新公佈)11. 大會已購買公眾責任保險,但不包括參加者及其支援人員的個人意外保 險。大會建議參加者須酌情按個人需要另投買保險。參加者若擅自離開 賽道,大會不會負上任何責任。12. 參加者須同意讓大會使用賽事期間之任何形式的記錄 (包括相片、錄像) 作為推廣用途。


1. Racers should:○ understand the unique nature and what it needs to compete in an ultra-long distance trail running race. The race course is very tough and demanding. Some sections are quite remote and could result in slower emergency response times.○ ensure good health and physical fitness to handle such race ○ be able to deal with rough times on their own ○ be able to finish the course solely at their own effort 2. Racers will get refreshments at the checkpoints. They are expected to carry with them the mandatory gear at their own effort.

3. Racers must be at least 18 years old on race day (27 December 2020)

4. Racers must stay on the marked race course at all times. Shortcut is strictly prohibited.

5. Racers must complete the entire course at their own effort. Racers may run, walk or crawl to pass through checkpoints in sequence. Carrying, pulling by other racers or member of the public are prohibited. Pacers or and support runners are also strictly prohibited except a prior consent granted by the event organizer.

6. Racers who departed from the race course must return to the point of departure on foot before resuming.

7. Racers are not allowed to place any items along the course prior to the race. Race staff (including Race Marshals, volunteers and Emergency Crew) will dispose any items on the course without prior notice

8. Race bib must be entirely visible at all times on the outside of clothing and on the front of body. Do not fold the race bib.

9. Do not litter on the race course.

10. Use of performance enhancing drugs or blood doping is forbidden. Golden 100 Organizing Committee (a.k.a GOC) reserves the right to disqualify a racer/finisher based on competent evidence of such use.

11. The event organizer have its own public liability insurance. However, it does not include racers’ personal accidents. Racers and their supporters are recommended to have their own personal accidents covered. Any racer who voluntarily leaves the race course is no longer covered by the responsibility of the race organizers.

12. There will be video/live footage and photographs taken during the race. By registering the races, all racers have agreed that these rights belong to the race organizer.


1. 100 miles racers may choose to switch to the 100km race at the Lead Mine Pass checkpoint.

2. Race staff will provide instructions should a racer decided to switch race.

3. Racers who make such decision will not be eligible to win any podium prizes. They will be recognized as the official finishers of 100km race if they could make the cutoffs of 100km race from Lead Mine Pass.

4. No ranking will be given to such finishers and 5 ITRA points will be awarded.


1. During the race, if an injured or distressed racer is found along the course, please assist and report to the Event Centre for assistance. An emergency telephone number can be found on your race bib. GOC will consider deducting race time from the finish time of the racer providing assistance in such cse.

2. The race course is opened to the general public during the race. Please be considerate of other trail or road users, such as hikers and bikers, at all times.

3. Take great care when crossing or running on roads. Observe Highway Code or follow race marshal’s instruction whenever crossing roads. Certain sections of the race course will be on cycling tracks that racers have to run on the sidewalk of them.

4. On the race course, racers are expected to ensure safety when passing other racer. There could be some “NO-PASSING” sections set up along the race course where racers will be prohibited from passing other person. Race organizers will announce the sections in due course.

5. Please protect the nature. Leave no trace along the course.

6. Parts of the race course will pass through residential areas. Please do not disturb the neighbourhood while crossing.

7. Please treat race staff and local support with respect at all times.


1. Race cutoff times are based on departure time from the checkpoints. Checkpoints will be closed at cutoff time. Racers must leave checkpoints before cutoff time in order to continue the race.2. Racers will be disqualified if they arrive at the checkpoint after cutoff time without rational explanation.3. Racers are allowed to return to the checkpoint after crossing. They are allowe to continue the race if it is within the cutoff time. If a racer decides to return to the checkpoint, please notify the race staff and use the dedicated path to avoid crossing the checkpoint again. Race time will be recorded as the time a racer first cross the checkpoint. Racers must leave the checkpoint before the cutoff time, or will be disqualified from the race.4. Racers who cross the finish line after the race cutoff time will not be considered as official finishers.


1. 百英里組別的參加者在比賽開始後,可決定轉至百公里組別。2. 參加者可在鉛礦坳檢查站向大會工作人員提出,並按工作人員指示轉到百公里賽 繼續比賽。3. 轉賽參加者在限時前完成百公里賽後,只會獲大會確認百公里完賽成績和相關完 賽紀念品,不許競逐百公里賽任何優勝獎項。4. 完賽者將不獲發名次,但仍可獲得ITRA 5分。


1. 比賽期間遇到有參加者受傷或不適,應馬上協助,通知大會工作人員或直接致電 到賽事中心。賽委會可考慮在協助傷者而耽誤的時間,在完成賽事時間中扣除。2. 賽事期間,賽道及比賽場地仍會開放給公眾使用,參加者須注意公眾安全,以不 打擾公眾使用者為原則。比賽時注意其他使用行人路、車路和單車徑之人仕。3. 橫過馬路時必須注意交通情況及遵守交通規則,或依從大會工作人員指示。若賽 道設在單車徑上,參加者須在與單車徑並行的行人路上進行比賽。4. 參加者比賽期間欲超越前方時請先揚聲,及考慮在賽道較寛闊處和安全地點進行 。賽委會按情況會在賽道中劃分若干路段為「不准超越」區域,參加者嚴禁在此路 段內超越位於前方參加者或其他公眾人仕。5. 參加者須奉行山野不留痕原則,愛護郊野。6. 為免滋擾民居及市民,參加者在比賽時請注意聲浪。7. 敬請參加者尊重所有工作人員及義工。


1. 檢查站有預定截止時間,並以參加者離開檢查站的時間為基準。參加者必須在截 止時間前離開檢查站才可繼續比賽。2. 任何參加者在截止時間後進入檢查站,若沒有合理原因一律會被視作自願退賽。3. 參加者通過了檢查站後可在截止時間前隨時返回該檢查站。屆時請通知大會工作 人員及在特別通道離開,該參加者的分段時間是按首次通過檢查站的時間為準。 若折返參加者在截止比賽時間後仍逗留在該檢查站,會被視作自願退賽。4. 參加者在終點截止時間後才能通過終點線,將不會確認為正式完成比賽的「完賽 參加者」。





● 能接收香港訊號的手提電話,全程 (包括終點) 均有足夠電量啟動● 兩個頭燈/手電筒 (已裝電池) 連備用電池● 連帽防水雨衣 (以防水氣透氣物料縫製及接縫密封,見下圖)● 至少1公升的飲用水或運動飲料 (水袋或水樽)● 食物 (最少300卡路里)● 飲食用具、杯/碗 (大會不會提供即棄餐具)● 哨子● 救生毯或同等裝備 (規格: 130cm x 200cm 或以上)● 個人垃圾袋 (大會提供)● 閃爍的腕燈或反光帶 (大會提供)● 現金 (最少港幣壹佰圓HK$100)● 大會派發的號碼布和比賽計時裝置


● 個人食具● 防磨劑/凡士林● 防曬用品● 太陽眼鏡● 行山杖● 帽或頭巾● 備用襪子● 保溫衣物● 備用電池 (電話用)● 八達通 (便於乘坐公共交通工具或自助售賣機付款)● 賽區地圖● 膠粘劑鬆緊帶卷 / 彈性繃帶卷● 急救包 (含: 藥水膠布、無菌敷料、水泡護理、消毒濕巾、止痛藥或個人藥品)


It is the racers’ own responsibility to ensure they are properly equipped at all times during the race. There will be mandatory gear check along the course. Racers who fail to show proper gear at the gear checks will not be able to proceed until the missing item(s) has been replaced. For the sake of fairness to others racers, time penalty or even disqualification could be resulted, depending on the severity of the breach.


Each racer must carry with them at all times during the race:

● A mobile phone able to call and receive in Hong Kong during the entire race (including finish point)● Two headlamps/torches (with batteries), plus additional replacement batteries● A waterproof rain jacket with hood (made of waterproof and breathable material such as Gore-Tex or similar); seams must be seam-sealed;● At least 1 liter of water or sports drinks (water bladder or water bottles) at the start line and upon leaving each checkpoint with refreshment post.● Energy Bars/food portion (min. 300 kcal)● Cup & eating utensils (neither disposable cup nor eating utensils will be provided throughout the race)● A whistle● An emergency space blanket or equivalent (minimum size of 130cm x 200cm)● A personal rubbish bag (included in Racer’s pack)● Flashing reflector light – put it outside of your backpack during the race so that motor vehicles drivers will be able to see you at night (included in Racer’s pack)● Some cash (HK$100 or above)● Race number bib and timing device, such as IC Chip, provided by the organizer, if applicable.

Recommended Items

● Anti-chafing cream / White Petroleum Jelly● Sunscreen, Sunglasses● Trekking poles● Cap or sunhat or buff● Spare socks, Warm clothing● Backup power device for mobile/smartphone● Octopus card (payments for vending machine or traffic fares)● Race Course Map● Adhesive elastic tape/band (minimum 80cm x 3cm)● First-aid Kit (band-aids, sterile dressing, roll of strapping tape, blister care, antiseptic wipes, painkillers, etc. and any relevant personal medications)


參加者可自行選擇寄存「檢查站支援包」 (以下簡稱: 支援包)和「終點行李包」。大會是不會為寄存行李內所有物品負上任何責任,參加者請不要放進貴重物品。

1. 每位參加者只准使用大會提供的物料用作寄存支援包和行李包。2. 大會只會於賽事當天在比賽起點接受參加者寄存行李 (包括支援包及終點行李包)。 屆時請按照工作人員指示投放寄存。3. 大會將把參加者寄存的行李包運往終點行李區,而支援包則只會負責運往大會預 定的檢查站。當該檢查站關閉後,大會將把支援包運送到終點以待認領。4. 參加者可以親身或委托別人取回寄存行李,提取行李時必須出示參加者的號碼布 。比賽完結後,大會會因應實況情況而處理任何未被領取的行李,包括銷毀或捐贈 慈善機構,參加者不得異議。5. 寄存「支援包」的檢查站位置為沙田坳 CP4 及 鶴藪 CP11 (100英里)。


1. 大會將在各個補給站會提供合適食物及飲品,參加者可於在站內範圍享用,或按 個人需要將糧水帶離 (請不要浪費食物,並不要亂拋垃圾)。2. 參加者應自備容器在檢查站/水站補給及。大會在賽前公佈各個檢查站的補給物資。3. 參加者可自行組織支援隊。參加者的支援人員只可在部份檢查站裏特定的 「支援區」內進行支援工作,設有支援區的檢查站另行公布。4. 賽事期間所有檢查站/補給站和比賽起點均不設泊車位。請所有參加者及其支援 人員盡量使用公共交通工具前往。5. 檢查站和補給站裏所有物資只供給參加者,參加者的支援人員請遵從大會工作人 員指示。6. 大會不會為支援人員的行蹤和安全負上任何責任。7. 參加者也可使用自己攜行的金錢在沿賽道商店/飲品售賣機購買所需補充物品。8. 除上述特定支援區內,其餘賽道/檢查站/補給站一律不許參加者接受來自外間的 支援。


1. 若有參加者決定退賽,請立刻通知大會工作人員及遵從他們指示。保留號碼布取 回寄存行李。退賽後不得進入比賽路線。2. 除緊急情況,請盡量在檢查站範圍內退賽。已退賽之參加者,可逗留在檢查站內 休息直至安排好自己去向。檢查站一般是車路可達或離公共交通可達處不遠。3. 若有參加者在賽道上因傷病而被迫退賽,或不能前往就近的檢查站/補給站,請立 刻通知大會工作人員或直接致電賽事中心,該參加者應遵從賽事中心指示。若位 置偏僻,請諒解耐心等候。


Racers can choose to leave support bags at the designated checkpoint(s) and baggage bags at the Finish. The Race organizers shall not be responsible for any loss or damage to any items in the drop bags or whatsoever. Racers are advised not to leave any valuable items in the drop bags.

1. Racers are required to use the drop bag provided by the event organizers as support bag and baggage bag;2. All drop bags must be dropped at the designated area with the race staff;3. Organizers will deliver the drop bags to the designated checkpoints. All support Bags will be transported to the Finish after operating hours of each checkpoint.4. Racers can retrieve their own drop bags or by a representative upon presenting their race bibs. Any unclaimed drop bags will be disposed of or donated to relevant charity immediately after the race.5. Information of drop bags such as the location of the checkpoints with baggage areas, specifications, etc. will be released prior to the race.


1. Food and drink will be provided at the checkpoints and refreshment posts. Only water will be provided at the support posts. Neither drinking water nor sports drink will be provided at the start.2. Racers should refill their own hydration systems in refreshment posts/support posts and will not be allowed to take away any containers. A full list of food and beverages to be provided at refreshment posts and support posts will be released prior to the race.3. Outside support from racers’ supporters is allowed within the designated support zone at the checkpoints determined by the event organizers. Details will be released in due course.4. There will not be any carpark available at the start, checkpoints and support points. Racers and their supporters are encouraged to rely entirely on public transportation.5. The food and beverages at the refreshment posts and water posts will be provided to the racers but not their supporters. Racers’ supporters can stay at the support zone and must follow the race staff’s instructions.6. Event organizers are not responsible for the safety of racers’ supporters.7. Racers can purchase food and supplies from shops along the course at their own cost.8. Outside support is prohibited except in the support zones


1. If a racer decided to drop out of the race, he/she must notify race staff and follow their instructions. Once dropped out, racers will not be allowed to return to the race. Race bib, however, would be needed to retrieve drop bags.2. Except for injury or sickness, racer should drop out only at checkpoints. Race will be able to rest at checkpoint with refreshment post and arrange own transportation. Most checkpoints are accessible by public transportation within a short distance on foot.3. If a racer need to drop out due to an injury or sickness and require assistance, please notify the nearby race staff or call Event Centre. It would be best to make drop out decision at Checkpoints with Refreshment Posts.


參加者一經被發現有以下其中一項後,將會被警告及罰加完成時間120分鐘,若該參加者再犯則會取消參賽資格。此外,若個案涉及嚴重違規行為,例如: 禁藥、作弊、破壞路標等等,賽委會可能會立該取消該名參加者的參賽資格,甚至無限期禁止該名參加者參加日後大會舉辦的任何賽事。

1. 抄捷徑或近路。2. 不正確放置號碼布或甚至遺失號碼布。3. 沒有攜帶由賽會提供的計時裝置。4. 攜行的「指定裝備」不齊全。5. 破壞公物或及故意傷害動植物 (支援人員也須遵守)。6. 亂拋垃圾 (支援人員也須遵守)。7. 非自力進行比賽,借助其他參加者或公眾人仕以揹,拖動或推行。8. 與非本賽事參加者一起比賽。9. 在「支援區」以外地方接受非大會安排的支援。10. 不遵從大會工作人員指示 (支援人員也須遵守)。11. 在「不准超越」區域內超越別人。12. 服食禁藥或違規藥物。13. 作弊,包括:使用交通工具,他人代跑等等。14. 破壞或更改賽道路標 (支援人員也須遵守)。15. 違法行為 (支援人員也須遵守)

比賽期間緊急情況處理遇有緊急情況,大會視情況而啟動搜救工作。參加者如遇到緊急情況但無法到最近檢查站的參加者,可致電賽事中心或直接撥 「999」 要求救援。

1. 大會按情況調派人員往外協助搜救。參加者請停留在安全環境,等待救援。 盡量不要離開賽道。2. 若干段賽道的救援工作較花時間,請諒解耐心等候。3. 大會授權的救援人員有權制止任何傷病參加者繼續比賽。4. 參加者在比賽期間接受過任何外間救援,請盡快通知賽事中心或工作人員。5. 參加者需要承擔各自所有外間救援而招致的費用開支 (如有。一般而言,香港公 營機構的救援不會收取任何費用)。

取消比賽在比賽期間,當遇上自然災害、颱風、極端惡劣天氣、山火、突發事故、大型意外、大型流行病爆發、動亂等等,大會有權於賽前更改賽道、暫停比賽或取消賽事,並不會退回繳交費用。上述決定之相關消息,將在大會網站及 Facebook 專頁發布。




PROHIBITED ACTIONSBelow is a list of events that may result in a time penalty (120 min) if observed during the race. If the same event is observed again, the racer will be disqualified. GOC will disqualify any racers involving race misconduct (such as doping and use of prohibited drugs, taking short cuts, removing course marks, etc) without warning and may prohibit such racers to sign up for any future GOC events.

1. Taking shortcuts off the trails2. Misplacing race bib or race without race bib3. Race without time chip4. Missing mandatory equipment.5. Vandalization to the nature (also applicable to Support Crew).6. Littering (applicable to Racers’ Supporters)7. Using outside force to proceed (ie. carrying, pulling or pushing by other racers or member of the public)8. Running with pacer9. Receiving outside support at any place other than the support zones10. Not abiding by the instructions given by race staff (applicable to racers’ supporters).11. Passing any racer and hiker along “NO-PASSING” section12. Doping and the use of prohibited drugs13. Cheating (ie. using other means of transportation, substitute runner, etc.)14. Remove and/or alter the race course markings deliberately (applicable to racers’ supporters)15. Unlawful actions (applicable to racers’ supporters)

EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT DURING THE RACEEvent organizer will prepare and arrange for rescue and medical assistance during the race. However, each racer must understand that there are risks in trail running that could cause injuries and/or accidents. Racers must take their own responsibility and participate at their own risk. In case of emergency, please notify the Event Centre (telephone number can be found on race bib) or dial public emergency number “999” for assistance if you are unable to reach a checkpoint.

1. Depending on the situation, event organizer will deploy race crew for emergency situation. Racer please stay in a safe area along the course while waiting for assistance. 2. Depending on the location, emergency rescue may take a longer time to reach the injured racer.3. Emergency crews have the authority to stop an injured racer from continuing the race.4. If racer receives outside emergency assistance, please contact the Event Centre.5. Costs incurred by outside emergency assistance will be at the racer’s own cost.

RACE CANCELLATIONIn the event of natural disasters such as typhoon, wild fire, accident, epidemics, the race organizers reserve the right to alter race course or even to cancel the race. There will be no refunds in such cases. Cancellation will be announced on the official website, and on Facebook page.

DISPUTE & COMPLAINTSIf a racer would like to file any dispute or complaints, please notify the event center or nearby checkpoints within one hour upon racer’s arrival at the finish. A written record has to be submitted to the organizer, along with any available photos or video clips. Decisions made by GOC will be final and conclusive without appeal.




I, the undersigned, wish to enter Golden 100 Hong Kong. I confirm and agree that I take part in this event entirely at my own risk and responsibility and that I will not hold the Organiser of this event, any sponsor of this event or any organisation or person providing medical, catering, logistical, IT or other support or services for this event (or any director, employee, agent or contractor of any of the foregoing or any person otherwise associated with any of the foregoing) responsible for death or any injury or for any damage to or loss or destruction of property or any other economic loss or for any consequential loss, in any such case arising from any accident or mishap or otherwise arising from or connected with this event, including, if this happens, after I withdraw from Golden 100 Hong Kong 2019 without finishing it, and whether during or after this event, in preparation for it, travelling to or from it or otherwise. I also agree to indemnify or reimburse the Organiser of this event in respect of any additional expenses or costs incurred by the Organiser of this event arising from or in connection with my participation in this event. I acknowledge that the Organiser reserves the right to cancel Golden 100 Hong Kong 2019 at any time without prior notice.