Central record (Lancaster, Ky.). (Lancaster, Ky.) …nyx.uky.edu/dips/xt7n8p5v8159/data/0303.pdff wZ...

f wZ rThe C ntra 1 Record Lancaster Ky May 6 igol SUPPLEMENT A Good Law The recent Legislature passed a bill which has been approved by the Gov 1ernor and is therefore a law making it a felony to draw flourish or wave a dadley weapon on a passenger train With a penitentiary staring them in the face maybe the drunken rioters on Sunday excursion trains will put a check on their wild west exhibition Tough on Rastus It takes only 2 vrorth of chicken- to send Sambo to the pen now An lfthe fowl is extra highbred one swipe will do the business He can- can take his neighbors poor old cow her fine young calf the best plow a the place two or three sheep or an- other coveted property not to exceed in value 20 and he may escape wit a fine But when he approaches the chicken roosttake carelHartford Herald A New Deal We see it stated a bill was passed by the late Legislature and approved by the Governor requiring livery sta- ble keepers to keep a record of all ve- hicles used securing the signature of the patron and requiring him to state how long he wishes to use the borseor conveyance and how far he intends to go Any violations of the law are de- clared ¬ to be a misdemeanor Th will be a little tight on the boys by it may work all right Flemingsburg TimesDemocratThe Consequence A Lexington exchange says There will be more tobacco raised in Fayette county this season than in many yrs previous The high price reached for the Burley leaf during the past fe weeks has encouraged farmers a n many immense fields that have been in bluegrass for stock grazing for sev eralyears back will be this season put in tobacco Nearly every farm InFay ette county will raise some tobacco this season and many breeders of fine J cattle and horses are sparing at least a portion of their farms for tobacco Better StayHome Young men are flocking to St Lou from all parts of the country seeking r employment laboring under the sad impression that positions are seeking them instead of them seeking the posi tions says the Jessamine Journal One employment bureau in St Louis has on its list the names of 150 young men looking for employment at an easy job In the dawn of the twen- tieth century there was never such demand for moral young men as there is today but they must be well equipp ed for what they undertake The trades people of St Louis and other large cities are commanding wages of 350 to 8 per day but the average young man desires to be in the profes- sional world which is so overdone th a large proportion of them are bare eeking out a living Young man you desire a place in this busy equip yourself with thorough busln deas Would Get Rich r The Kansas Mail and Breeze says We drove out through the country south of here the other day and on one farm we saw the son cultivating the corn in the field the husband sow ing millet In another field and his wife driving a team harrowing in the seed one daughter was at the wood- pile chopping wood with which to pre- pare dinner another daughter was work in the yard and two small ch dren were carrying drinking water to the workers in the field If the people in the bluegrass worked that way they would all become million ¬ aires A Common Offense On a warrant issued Tuesday DuckwortbJ arrested and brought into court Geo T Marks who plead guilty to the offense of cutting and removing sod from the side of the street on Central Avenue in front of Dr Brownes grounds but was released on bond to replace the sod and incidental expense the culprit convincing the court that he was ig ¬ IgnoranceIs know that the adjacent land owner in town and county own the land to the centre of the road for all purposes ex ¬ roadstor Selecting Good Teachers The spring crop of school teachers will soon bloom out in beautiful luxu ¬ riance and the trustees will have the tbedulcet fall the lips of the would be ped 1agogues who will be pressing their superioritytheir lea in Wltbthe of Kentucky it is up to the trustees to lay aside any preconceived notions whohave enongh to keep on their feet during nuher m y Through Sleeper from Lexington to St Louis via Chesapeake k Ohio Bail way Beginning April 28th the Ches apeake do Ohio Railway will Inaugu¬ rate a through sleeping car line to St Louis via Louisville and the Southern Railway to leave Lexington dally 730k a Lye St Louis atlO10 p m and will r each Lexington on CO train number J22 1110 a m the next morning t f Japalac varnish makes old furni ¬ ture new At Thompsons tl r r r f l The Best Place The farm 110 s3 goal p4iri t mi which to he burls on wliiuh to lisp tlmuiiih Ones prime work on width to die Some times it happens that one who has spent his boyhood days on alarm may when he comes to struggle for himself stray away to town and en- gage in one of the numerous vocations which men there pursue for a liveli hood However successful he may prove in business in town there comes a time as old age approaches when his earlierlife in the country its indpen ence its calm healthful enjoyments and scenes and products of nature and he feels a strong overmastering desire to spend his later years and die in the bed earth = Cropsy suh horse He stands at the head of the list in highclass horses J W Swee- ney 415tr Oats are about all sown and comin up slowlyra Early potatoes and some garden truck have been planted Wheat is generally reported to be in fair condition but is making hard ly any growth Pastures and meadows look fairly well but are not advancing much Tobacco plants are up but at a hayt e Corn planting is progressing satis- factorily and a good acreage will b put in ET Jones of Winchester bought an extra nice pair of mules for 220 WB Taylor of Bourbon county a work mu Ld In Hardin county AS Hamilton bought a 100 mule from Henry Carr Windows and lots of them on t sunny side of the cow barn is the sov ereign preventive of tuberculosis and lots of other mean things In Clark county SW Willis bought of Gentry Bros of Lexington a fine pair of mules for 350 and sold a pa isof 3yearold mules jor 300 As milk and butter are easily affect ed by odors or flavors it is possible to get some very piquant results by pla- cing delicately scented flowers or fruit in th3 refrigerator with them Or- anges give a delicious flavor to bu cr Fruit has been seriously injured > the heavy frosts but the extent of c cannot be determined at S Za crop has suffered severely in nearly localities During the eight months ending February 29 1904 the United States exported 17441532 worth of fruit huts against 15362671 worth in t corresponding period of 19023 and moatly ifThe unprecedented amount of un threeess Dry very mu Ch behind with their work Not even all the oat crop is sown yet and very little ground yet broken for the corn crop Most all the potatoes are plant ed but not a great deal of garden truck is put out except onions and lettuce The Lower House of Congress this week passed a bill repealing the ittt nal revenue tax of six cents a pound on leaf tobacco We do not now r hil free trade in leaf tobacco It is not thought the bill will get through the f uate at this session The strawberry growers of the Chatt- anooga district are figuring on a crop argby ewa weeks has been a help to them in much as in some of the more Nort ern latitudes the vines were killed by the cold weather This they r will insure better prices for the Soul era crop Chattanooga will ship more berries into Northern cities than ev before Last year thelocal crop r over 150000 crates and the chances are that the present crop will approx- Imate 200000 crates with an average price of 75 cents a crate This would bring the sum of 150000 into the pockets of the Chattanooga growers Nashville Banner- Information from the chief burl ey tobacco centers of Kontucky Includ ing Cincinnati and also including the sales on the local market lead to the conclusion that the Continental To- bacco Company has purchased upward of 80000000 pounds of the 1903 crop burley tobacco The 1903 crop thought to have aggregated about 125000000 to 150000000 pounds It is reasonable to expect that the inde pendents and others have taken what the Continental did not get Many gardners fail in raising cucum- bers and melons on account of the rav ages of the striped melon bug drab lice vittata The pest Is easily con trolled Take four ounces of soap and boil in one quart of water un tit soap is dissolved Add four tables- poonfuls coal oil Beat while hot for ten minutes This quantity will last all summer it put away in a cool place Take one tablespoonful of the jelly to bucket of water stirriag togeth eryJ1 Water the vines once 6rtwlce a we mat oat tl clde A red heifer calf tJiboutllyeor six months old Has been In Lowell since about first of January Owner have same by proving property paying y > A Scott Lowell r 1 k l zr te- rv e 3 Habins Isnt It Tliove wlut pdSist in iisUriir dm pb igi qijestU1 h Mioud tukc Burning roof Ills following article pub hilled in the Nlcholasville News Sunday night when the rain was coming down in a nasty drizzle two gentlemen met in front of Tbe News office one carrying an1 umbrella when the following conversation was over- heard by the editor fEh Raining isnt it IIldlike to see you privately for a moment was the reply Come into this doorway The two took shelter and then num r two turned to number one with interrogation Do you take me for an infernal idiotWhy no of course not liDo you suppose Im carrying an umbrella over my head to keep off the- n at this time of the year IINoIm carrying it to keep the rain off am I not courseg it rains You know it ins Fverybody in town knows it rains Now you trot along and let people alon- eButbut Thats all You let it rain She knows her business You attend to yours and let the weather alone Good- night sir And he strode off up town leaving the other fellow with something to pondfer over KENTUCKYe State TournaIIJe t Be Y ancaster = Athletic AssociationI heo Bel1eldPtI Lancaster Ky June 2223 24 1904 Lancasterit R W McRoberts Manager LANCASTER K1t LIST OF Contests and Prizes VOCAL CONTEST Vocal Contest Male Medal by R immer Confectionery and Restau Uniall Female Scholarship to Hamilton College or gold medal bv Curry Davidson Grocers PIANO SOLO Selecthe Hon Harve Helm Stanford candi hsFemaleScholarship by Jessamine Female Institute Nicholasville or a scholarship to Caldwell College Dan ule Ky PIANO DUETI CampbellHagerman two medals by Lancaster Ahtletic As- sociation ORATORICAL CONTEST Scholarship by Kentucky Universi- ty or medal by Gaines Hotel DECLAMATORY CONTEST Scholarship Georgetown College or medal by New Mason Hotel erATHLETICS HURDLE RACE racee eight placed 10 yards apart first 15 byHon gress THROWING BASE RALL Scholarship Kentucky State College Lexington BICYCLE RACE Onehalf mile Scholarship Wilbur Smiths Business College Lexing- ton Ky TENNISn silk umbrella by J Joseph Dry Goods Shoes Hontn erCLAY PIGEON SHOOTING anMedal by Mount Elkin Hard ware RUNNING Hop step and jumpMedal by Hon Appellate THBEELEGOBD RACE Two handsome gold pins by Lan ¬ caster Athletic Association SHOT PUT Medal by H T Logan Clothing MILE RUN Medal by FT Friable Pharmacist CROWNING QUEEN OF TOURNAMENT handsomegoldmedal STANDING HIGH JUMP Dentistsis Medal by HM Ballou Grocery RUNNING BROAD JUMP candidate RUNNING HIGH JUMP Lillardcandldate Potato Race Pojtatoes to be 2 yards Livr ervFitty yard Dash For boys under 16 McRoberts byVictor lIleRanKedalbYWHWard TwentyyardDashMedal QaaltMedal by 13H Batson Goods contendingtl tIMFlagand OleM1J6Kedalbia caRULIS L AU judges shall be disinterested coinpete ntppoli1tedbtDlllobJec s < p y 6 < w > y wW t wXi LEWIIY LkA ELL J S UOHINSON Pres fc I < The GITIZENS NATIONAL BANK- Of LANCASTER KY CAPITAL 150000 SURPLUS iooo B F HUDSON Cashier TY O RIGNEY Asst Cashr C D WALKER Bookkeeper < Business Solicited Prompt and Gareful Attention S < Lewis Y J Leavell J DIRECTORSI = C 000000000000 00000 O 0pg y 493 A 0 The National Bank A X OF LANCASTER KY CAPITAL 5OOOO SURPLUS 10000 2 0 A R DENNY Pretldtat JOHN B STOR1IES Vice Prest Y S C DENNY Cashier 0 > J F Robinson Asst Cashr B T Embry Bookkeeper V DIRECTORS tSaml D Cochran Alex R Donny A C Robinson 6 Jno E Stormes W H Kinnaird Q 00000 8 Removal Sale I I warn mt We have on hand TWENTY SETS of and MARKERS and save boxing and hauling will close toI out at prices that will pay you to call once Several new designs for in this lot These stones must be sold by Jan 1sti IMarkers and get our prices for Spring delivery j Garrard Bounty Marble Works J STANFORD ST LANCASTER ii 4 8f B PllOs SPENCER sad Expert MAINSTREETS AND t HEADSTONES Business Success Jt Too INFORMATION i DaM Building KY j 1 CHAS 4 4 High Class Most Photos We furnish every style of Portrait at prices Open every Friday from A M to 3 p M Call early Come us for ¬ ish We cannot af- ford to handle but the We have new in and will please you in prices too f E D TI tothe approval of the 2 Judges the direction of the managers shall fix of contests 3 Judges in music and elocution be 4 Not more than two from each town shall enter any con ¬ test in athletics and not more than one in music and elocution 5 Entries shall close June 4 6 Within a week after entries close a list of same will be sent to each contestant 7 Only bonafide amateur shall enter all de barred 8 Those the who obtain a from their local agent can secure a return ticket at onethird the usual rate If certifi ¬ cate is signed by the Secretary of the and to the agent at Lancaster 9 All will be entertain ¬ ed by the citizens of Lancaster For further address agLancaster gr Ky At thjf season the needs a good Spring fine line of medicines and can furnish to 4224t Store AarouafanLEducates Young People For Good Employment and CALL OR WRITE FULL UIIoIIliUtaI LOUISVILLE EXPERT ACCOUNTING DEPARTMENT Business College THOSE TURNER G HARRIS 9 to styl best all shall of MANAGERS THE FOX STUDIO LANCASTER BRANCH i Satisfactory reasonable I II The LADIES ADMIRE OUR MILLINERY uptodate Millinery anything creations Millinery SALLI ey Association limitations professionals contestants contest- ants professional attending tournament certificate Tournament presented contestants InformatioB veateveryonea 1011nttb1Di1OUWJ TrtebleBDrog KILL THE COUCHA- ND CURE THE LUNGS WITH Dr Kings New Discovery ONSU FOR OUGHS aid Surest UOLDS and BAOLj THROAT and LXS or MONEY DRPIERCLS j GOLDENMEDICAL I I IDISCOVERVFOR7HE 1 BLOOOUVERLIIWCS Kttrajr KoUe- eA red yearling heifer calf name to my farm about April 1st Owner can have same by proving property and paying an charges 42D 3t ADScottBaen VIsfeb r t r FAnI6I Faris III Dentists t Office over Thomp on3 store Danville at r WinIlernuton aI it lSwl Herndon lJroudI Attorneys at KentuckYJOffice ORDINANCES IN REGARD TO CONTROL OP LANCASTER WATER WORKS PASSED AND ADOPTED BY CITY COUNCIL MARCH 7 1104- t An ordinance providing the rules regulations and rates of the City adoptedshall shall he a part of the contract between the City of Lancaster and the con ¬ sumers of water in so dar as they may apply and shall govern and be WorksTherefore as follows ARTICLE 1 underthe SEC 2 There shall be appointed by the Mayor each year when otter standing committees arc appointed a committee consisting of threo quorumsaid mittea shall have the immediate supervision of the Water Works system prudentand system not inconsistent with the ordinances of said city andrules soil cityin providedfor proceedings to the Council at each regular meeting of the Council thereafter and when bebinding approved by the City Council Said recordshall each month show the monththe other information and suggestions as the committee may deem proper to emuody therein SEC 4 The City Council shall on the first Monday night in Jan ¬ uary after each biennial election and after their qualification elect a theWater years subject to removal at the pleasure of the City Council and if for any cause a Superintendent be elected at some other time his term of office shall not extend beyond the term of office of the Council by whom ofhis to be approved by the Council in the penal sum of 1000 for the faithful performance of his duties as such Superintendent according to the ordi ¬ nances rules and regulations governing said Water Works and for the Superintendcnt ¬ SEC 5 The City Council shall on the first Monday in January after each biennial election and after their qualification elect an engineer who shall be known as the Water Works Engineer Said engineer shall thoCity Councilhy upon the discharge of his duties execute and file with the City Council a bond with good security to be approved by the Council in the penal sum of 500 for the faithful performance of his duties as such engineer according to the ordinances rules and regulations governing said Water Works Said bond shall be payable to the City of Lancaster Sic G The salary of the Superintendent and of the Water Works Councilfor monthly so long as they hold their respective offices SIc 7 The salary of the Superintendent for the term ending Jan ¬ WaterWorks per month derivede a separate fund to be known as the Water Works Revenue Fund and shall in no event be mixed with or confused with the general fund or other funds of the city and upon said fund and no other shall be drawn the war ¬ rants for the payment of expenses salaries accounts indebtedness etc arising from the control and management of the Water Works system and each warrant or voucher drawn on said fund shall have written or printed across its face Water Works Revenue Fund and no warrant or meetingt r at any time it becomes necessary to pay any indebtedness payable out shallC of the general fund to meet such warrants and the amount thereof as soon as expedient shall be returned to the general fund Strict account suchE ea jxccss of money in the water works funds if not needed therein to meet CityCouncil City1roasurerhall he Water Works Fund except as to the amounts placed therein from tho amountstherefrom lily the compensation of the one per cent for the one fund AUTICLE rr superdsion fficer of the Water Works It shall be his duty to see that the ordinances and resolutions rules and regulations in reference to the Water Works arc executed and fully complied with that the condition of all contracts by or with saidworks are faithfully complied with that the assessments of water Citycouncil iccounts and claims and submit the same to the Water Committee with such explanation ofdl > same a correct record of the location size and length of all the ipes hydrants and valves in use for said works and on January 1st of ach year to submit to the Council a detail report of the conditions and yelrdth car with such other duties as the City Council or the Water Committee byhe citySEC shall have the care and safekeeping he books and papers belonging to the Water Works and luty to keep an account and record of all receipts and disbursement and other transactions of the Water Works ta same from the records of the pity Council when necessary to keep a register of all private wit he name of the person using the same a record of all applications and Hermits io keep a separate account with each consumer or user of water ie shall keep a register of the exact location the number and sixes of ill aps street service pipes and cocks and the length of each street service jipe at each tap CityJouncilmllke Lures for the preceding month including water rents collected and tao ourccs of such ther receipts as may be collected the amount and to whom sue of any indebtedness contracted for the number of applications for rater and by whom and to whom granted withthe rate thereof the amount rnd account of rents delinquent the amount deposited by him with the Treasurer during said month which report when approved by the Council Sectionl SKC 4 The Superintendent shall personally superviaezthe tapping of all mains and t the laying of the necessary street d cocks y Of

Transcript of Central record (Lancaster, Ky.). (Lancaster, Ky.) …nyx.uky.edu/dips/xt7n8p5v8159/data/0303.pdff wZ...

Page 1: Central record (Lancaster, Ky.). (Lancaster, Ky.) …nyx.uky.edu/dips/xt7n8p5v8159/data/0303.pdff wZ rThe C ntra 1 Record Lancaster Ky May 6 igol SUPPLEMENT A Good Law The recent Legislature


rThe C ntra 1 RecordLancaster Ky May 6 igol


A Good LawThe recent Legislature passed a bill

which has been approved by the Gov

1ernor and is therefore a law makingit a felony to draw flourish or wave adadley weapon on a passenger trainWith a penitentiary staring them in

the face maybe the drunken rioters onSunday excursion trains will put acheck on their wild west exhibition

Tough on Rastus

It takes only 2 vrorth of chicken-to send Sambo to the pen now Anlfthe fowl is extra highbred oneswipe will do the business He can-

can take his neighbors poor old cowher fine young calf the best plow a

the place two or three sheep or an-

other coveted property not to exceedin value 20 and he may escape wita fine But when he approaches thechicken roosttake carelHartfordHerald

A New DealWe see it stated a bill was passed

by the late Legislature and approvedby the Governor requiring livery sta-

ble keepers to keep a record of all ve-hicles used securing the signature ofthe patron and requiring him to statehow long he wishes to use the borseorconveyance and how far he intends togo Any violations of the law are de-


to be a misdemeanor Thwill be a little tight on the boys by

it may work all right Flemingsburg


A Lexington exchange says Therewill be more tobacco raised in Fayettecounty this season than in many yrsprevious The high price reached forthe Burley leaf during the past feweeks has encouraged farmers anmany immense fields that have beenin bluegrass for stock grazing for severalyears back will be this season putin tobacco Nearly every farm InFayette county will raise some tobaccothis season and many breeders of fine

J cattle and horses are sparing at leasta portion of their farms for tobacco

Better StayHomeYoung men are flocking to St Lou

from all parts of the country seekingr employment laboring under the sad

impression that positions are seekingthem instead of them seeking the positions says the Jessamine JournalOne employment bureau in St Louishas on its list the names of 150 youngmen looking for employment at an

easy job In the dawn of the twen-tieth century there was never suchdemand for moral young men as thereis today but they must be well equipped for what they undertake Thetrades people of St Louis and otherlarge cities are commanding wages of

350 to 8 per day but the averageyoung man desires to be in the profes-sional world which is so overdone tha large proportion of them are bareeeking out a living Young manyou desire a place in this busyequip yourself with thorough buslndeas

Would Get Rich

r The Kansas Mail and Breeze saysWe drove out through the country

south of here the other day and onone farm we saw the son cultivatingthe corn in the field the husband sowing millet In another field and hiswife driving a team harrowing in theseed one daughter was at the wood-pile chopping wood with which to pre-pare dinner another daughter waswork in the yard and two small chdren were carrying drinking water tothe workers in the field If thepeople in the bluegrass worked thatway they would all become million¬

airesA Common Offense

On a warrant issued TuesdayDuckwortbJarrested and brought into court Geo

T Marks who plead guilty to the offenseof cutting and removing sod from theside of the street on Central Avenuein front of Dr Brownes grounds butwas released on bond to replace thesod and incidental expense the culpritconvincing the court that he was ig ¬

IgnoranceIsknow that the adjacent land owner intown and county own the land to thecentre of the road for all purposes ex ¬

roadstorSelecting Good TeachersThe spring crop of school teachers

will soon bloom out in beautiful luxu ¬

riance and the trustees will have the

tbedulcetfall the lips of the would be ped1agogues who will be pressing their


Wltbtheof Kentucky it is up to the trusteesto lay aside any preconceived notions

whohaveenongh to keep on their feet duringnuher my

Through Sleeper from Lexington toSt Louis via Chesapeake k Ohio Bailway Beginning April 28th the Chesapeake do Ohio Railway will Inaugu¬

rate a through sleeping car line to StLouis via Louisville and the SouthernRailway to leave Lexington dally730k a


St Louis atlO10 p m and will reachLexington on CO train number J22

1110 a m the next morning tf

Japalac varnish makes old furni ¬

ture new At Thompsons tlrr

r f


The Best PlaceThe farm 110 s3 goal p4iri t mi which

to he burls on wliiuh to lisp tlmuiiihOnes prime work on width to dieSome times it happens that one who

has spent his boyhood days on alarmmay when he comes to struggle forhimself stray away to town and en-

gage in one of the numerous vocationswhich men there pursue for a livelihood However successful he mayprove in business in town there comesa time as old age approaches when hisearlierlife in the country its indpenence its calm healthful enjoymentsand scenes and products of nature andhe feels a strong overmastering desireto spend his later years and die in thebedearth=

Cropsysuhhorse He stands at the head of thelist in highclass horses J W Swee-ney 415tr

Oats are about all sown and cominup slowlyraEarly potatoes and some gardentruck have been planted

Wheat is generally reported to bein fair condition but is making hardly any growth

Pastures and meadows look fairlywell but are not advancing much

Tobacco plants are up but at ahayt e

Corn planting is progressing satis-factorily and a good acreage will bput in

E T Jones of Winchester boughtan extra nice pair of mules for 220

W B Taylor of Bourbon countya work muLdIn Hardin county A S Hamilton

bought a 100 mule from Henry CarrWindows and lots of them on t

sunny side of the cow barn is the sovereign preventive of tuberculosis andlots of other mean things

In Clark county S W Willis boughtof Gentry Bros of Lexington a finepair of mules for 350 and sold a pa

isof 3yearold mules jor 300

As milk and butter are easily affected by odors or flavors it is possible toget some very piquant results by pla-

cing delicately scented flowers or fruitin th3 refrigerator with them Or-anges give a delicious flavor to bu cr

Fruit has been seriously injured >

the heavy frosts but the extent ofc cannot be determined at SZacrop has suffered severely in nearlylocalities

During the eight months endingFebruary 29 1904 the United Statesexported 17441532 worth of fruithuts against 15362671 worth in tcorresponding period of 19023 andmoatlyifThe unprecedented amount of unthreeess Dry

very mu Chbehind with their work Not evenall the oat crop is sown yet and verylittle ground yet broken for the corncrop Most all the potatoes are planted but not a great deal of gardentruck is put out except onions andlettuce

The Lower House of Congress thisweek passed a bill repealing the itttnal revenue tax of six cents a poundon leaf tobacco We do not now rhilfree trade in leaf tobacco It is notthought the bill will get through thef uate at this session

The strawberry growers of the Chatt-anooga district are figuring on a cropargbyewaweeks has been a help to them inmuch as in some of the more Nortern latitudes the vines were killed bythe cold weather This they rwill insure better prices for the Soulera crop Chattanooga will ship moreberries into Northern cities than evbefore Last year thelocal crop rover 150000 crates and the chancesare that the present crop will approx-Imate 200000 crates with an averageprice of 75 cents a crate This wouldbring the sum of 150000 into thepockets of the Chattanooga growersNashville Banner-

Information from the chief burl eytobacco centers of Kontucky Including Cincinnati and also including thesales on the local market lead to theconclusion that the Continental To-bacco Company has purchased upwardof 80000000 pounds of the 1903 cropburley tobacco The 1903 cropthought to have aggregated about125000000 to 150000000 pounds Itis reasonable to expect that the independents and others have taken whatthe Continental did not get

Many gardners fail in raising cucum-bers and melons on account of the ravages of the striped melon bug drablice vittata The pest Is easily controlled Take four ounces of soapand boil in one quart of water untitsoap is dissolved Add four tables-poonfuls coal oil Beat while hot forten minutes This quantity will lastall summer it put away in a cool placeTake one tablespoonful of the jelly tobucket of water stirriag togeth eryJ1Water the vines once 6rtwlce a wematoat


A red heifer calf tJiboutllyeor sixmonths old Hasbeen In Lowell sinceabout first of January Ownerhave same by proving propertypaying y

> A Scott Lowellr 1

k lzr te-rv e 3

Habins Isnt ItTliove wlut pdSist in iisUriir dm

pb igi qijestU1 h Mioud tukc Burningroof Ills following article pub hilled

in the Nlcholasville NewsSunday night when the rain was

coming down in a nasty drizzle twogentlemen met in front of Tbe Newsoffice one carrying an1 umbrella whenthe following conversation was over-heard by the editorfEhRaining isnt it

IIldlike to see you privately for amoment was the reply Come intothis doorway

The two took shelter and then numr two turned to number one with

interrogationDo you take me for an infernal

idiotWhyno of course not

liDo you suppose Im carrying anumbrella over my head to keep off the-

n at this time of the yearIINoIm

carrying it to keep the rain offam I not

coursegit rains You know it

ins Fverybody in town knows itrains Now you trot along and letpeople alon-

eButbutThats all You let it rain She

knows her business You attend toyours and let the weather alone Good-night sir

And he strode off up town leavingthe other fellow with something topondfer over


ancaster = AthleticAssociationIheo Bel1eldPtI

Lancaster KyJune 2223 24 1904

LancasteritR W McRoberts Manager



Contests and PrizesVOCAL CONTEST

Vocal Contest Male Medal by Rimmer Confectionery and RestauUniallFemale Scholarship to Hamilton

College or gold medal bv CurryDavidson Grocers

PIANO SOLOSelectheHon Harve Helm Stanford candihsFemaleScholarship by Jessamine

Female Institute Nicholasville or ascholarship to Caldwell College Dan

ule KyPIANO DUETICampbellHagerman

two medals by Lancaster Ahtletic As-sociation

ORATORICAL CONTESTScholarship by Kentucky Universi-

ty or medal by Gaines HotelDECLAMATORY CONTEST

Scholarship Georgetown College ormedal by New Mason Hotel

erATHLETICSHURDLE RACEraceeeight placed 10 yards apart first 15byHongress

THROWING BASE RALLScholarship Kentucky State College


Onehalf mile Scholarship WilburSmiths Business College Lexing-

ton Ky

TENNISn silk umbrellaby J Joseph Dry Goods ShoesHontnerCLAY PIGEON SHOOTING

anMedal by Mount Elkin Hardware

RUNNINGHop step and jumpMedal by HonAppellate

THBEELEGOBD RACETwo handsome gold pins by Lan ¬

caster Athletic AssociationSHOT PUT

Medal by H T Logan ClothingMILE RUN


handsomegoldmedalSTANDING HIGH JUMPDentistsisMedal by HM Ballou GroceryRUNNING BROAD JUMP


LillardcandldatePotato Race Pojtatoes to be 2 yardsLivrervFitty yard Dash For boys under 16


QaaltMedal by 13H BatsonGoods

contendingtltIMFlagandOleM1J6KedalbiacaRULISL AU judges shall be disinterestedcoinpetentppoli1tedbtDlllobJec




y 6 < w > y wW t wXiLEWIIY LkA ELL J S UOHINSONPresfc




TY O RIGNEY Asst Cashr C D WALKER Bookkeeper

< Business Solicited Prompt and Gareful Attention

S< Lewis Y



C 000000000000 00000 O 0pgy493A

0 The National BankAX OF LANCASTER KY


A R DENNY Pretldtat JOHN B STOR1IES Vice PrestY S C DENNY Cashier

0> J F Robinson Asst Cashr B T Embry Bookkeeper


tSaml D Cochran Alex R Donny A C Robinson6 Jno E Stormes W H KinnairdQ 00000


Removal Sale I



mtWe have on hand TWENTY SETS of

and MARKERS andsave boxing and hauling will close toIout at prices that will pay you to callonce Several new designs for

in this lot These stones must be sold by Jan 1stiIMarkers and get our prices for Spring delivery

j Garrard Bounty Marble Works J


4 8f B

PllOs SPENCERsad Expert




Business Success JtToo INFORMATION








High Class Most Photos We furnish every

style of Portrait at prices Open every

Friday from A M to 3 p M Call early

Come us for ¬

ish We cannot af-

ford to handle but theWe have new

in and will pleaseyou in prices too

f E D TI

tothe approval of the2 Judges the direction of the

managers shall fix ofcontests

3 Judges in music and elocutionbe

4 Not more than twofrom each town shall enter any con ¬

test in athletics and not more thanone in music and elocution

5 Entries shall close June 46 Within a week after entries close

a list of same will be sent to eachcontestant

7 Only bonafide amateurshall enter all de

barred8 Those the

who obtain a from theirlocal agent can secure a return ticketat onethird the usual rate If certifi ¬

cate is signed by the Secretary of theand to the

agent at Lancaster9 All will be entertain ¬

ed by the citizens of LancasterFor further address


At thjf season theneeds a good Springfine line of medicines and can furnish

to4224t Store

AarouafanLEducates Young PeopleFor Good Employment and





Business CollegeTHOSE TURNER



to styl

best all





i Satisfactory

reasonable I





SALLI eyAssociation



contest-ants professional

attending tournamentcertificate

Tournament presented






WITH Dr KingsNew Discovery









Kttrajr KoUe-eA red yearling heifer calf name to

my farm about April 1st Owner canhave same by proving property andpaying an charges

42D 3t ADScottBaen VIsfeb

r t



DentiststOffice over Thompon3 store Danville at

rWinIlernuton aI it lSwl


Attorneys at



t An ordinance providing the rules regulations and rates of the Cityadoptedshallshall he a part of the contract between the City of Lancaster and the con ¬sumers of water in so dar as they may apply and shall govern and be

WorksThereforeas follows

ARTICLE 1undertheSEC 2 There shall be appointed by the Mayor each year when otterstanding committees arc appointed a committee consisting of threoquorumsaidmittea shall have the immediate supervision of the Water Works systemprudentandsystem not inconsistent with the ordinances of said city andrules soilcityinprovidedforproceedingsto the Council at each regular meeting of the Council thereafter and whenbebindingapproved by the City Council Said recordshall each month show themonththeother information and suggestions as the committee may deem proper toemuody therein

SEC 4 The City Council shall on the first Monday night in Jan ¬

uary after each biennial election and after their qualification elect atheWateryears subject to removal at the pleasure of the City Council and if forany cause a Superintendent be elected at some other time his term ofoffice shall not extend beyond the term of office of the Council by whomofhisto be approved by the Council in the penal sum of 1000 for the faithfulperformance of his duties as such Superintendent according to the ordi ¬

nances rules and regulations governing said Water Works and for theSuperintendcnt¬

SEC 5 The City Council shall on the first Monday in Januaryafter each biennial election and after their qualification elect an engineerwho shall be known as the Water Works Engineer Said engineer shallthoCityCouncilhyupon the discharge of his duties execute and file with the City Councila bond with good security to be approved by the Council in the penalsum of 500 for the faithful performance of his duties as such engineeraccording to the ordinances rules and regulations governing said WaterWorks Said bond shall be payable to the City of Lancaster

Sic G The salary of the Superintendent and of the Water WorksCouncilformonthly so long as they hold their respective officesSIc 7 The salary of the Superintendent for the term ending Jan ¬WaterWorksper monthderivedea separate fund to be known as the Water Works Revenue Fund and

shall in no event be mixed with or confused with the general fund or otherfunds of the city and upon said fund and no other shall be drawn the war¬

rants for the payment of expenses salaries accounts indebtedness etcarising from the control and management of the Water Works systemand each warrant or voucher drawn on said fund shall have written orprinted across its face Water Works Revenue Fund and no warrant ormeetingtr at any time it becomes necessary to pay any indebtedness payable outshallCof the general fund to meet such warrants and the amount thereof assoon as expedient shall be returned to the general fund Strict accountsuchEeajxccss of money in the water works funds if not needed therein to meetCityCouncilCity1roasurerhallhe Water Works Fund except as to the amounts placed therein from tho

amountstherefromlily the compensation of the one per cent for the one fundAUTICLE rrsuperdsionfficer of the Water Works It shall be his duty to see that the ordinances

and resolutions rules and regulations in reference to the Water Works arcexecuted and fully complied with that the condition of all contracts by orwith saidworks are faithfully complied with that the assessments of waterCitycounciliccounts and claims and submit the same to the Water Committeewith such explanationofdl> same a correct record of the location size and length of all theipes hydrants and valves in use for said works and on January 1st ofach year to submit to the Council a detail report of the conditions andyelrdthcar with such other duties as the City Council or the Water CommitteebyhecitySEC shall have the care and safekeepinghe books and papers belonging to the Water Works andluty to keep an account and record of all receipts and disbursement andother transactions of the Water Works ta same from the records of thepity Council when necessary to keep a register of all private withe name of the person using the same a record of all applications andHermits io keep a separate account with each consumer or user of waterie shall keep a register of the exact location the number and sixes of illaps street service pipes and cocks and the length of each street servicejipe at each tapCityJouncilmllkeLures for the preceding month including water rents collected and taoourccs of such ther receipts as may be collected the amount and to whomsue of any indebtedness contracted for the number of applications forrater and by whom and to whom granted withthe rate thereof the amountrnd account of rents delinquent the amount deposited by him with theTreasurer during said month which report when approved by the CouncilSectionlSKC 4 The Superintendent shall personally superviaezthe tappingof all mains and

tthe laying of the necessary street d cocks

