Central record (Lancaster, Ky.). (Lancaster, Ky.) 1908-07...

AI i i s I wr + wwwirw- nv fIN W NW J111J111JIml COAL Coal COAL 0 inch nut lOo por bushel > 0 inch block 12c por bushel Black Bjar or Rod Ash ICo pov buahbl The above arc yard prices We charge ic per bushel in excess of the above prices for delivery In toWii Partners wagons loaded i promptly at prices quoted Field Seeds Salt and Uallards Obelisk Flour For sale by BANKS HUDSON t t e r 0r Col OUR AIM rt Is to give you the BE ISr o We are large extensive dealers in Lumber of all kinds p for Building material Our mills turn out the finest Mill- Work in the state and we are prepared to make estimates on every size of job from the largest to the smallest Now is the time fpr you to lay in your winter supply of COAL We will be able to make you Lower Prices on Coal at this time than we can later on See us or call tot before buying AUSTIN HURT i o cFoooo C oo o- I t I AS b f IS ALWAYS THE CASE I ri WE HAVE EM ALL I fi I4- 4i II i S Oh The Jump I I I t t 1t f J I I4- i denlinggivI Y By steady honest tpfmi g j hav6 learned the people the fact m Ith tour store is the place to get full I for their money Instead of l throwing out an occasional bait I UT the form of a markdown sale give our 1in BargainsEvery1 the Year Round 1- L 1pay f I t r I Iz Joseph Mercantile Go 1 1- t Incorporated sl I The recognized Leaders in it J l Shoest I Dry Goods Dress Goods 1 Etc E tCS II t I S SPECIAL We have just received as special ship I mejit of pretty Pans Ribbons Hosiery Pat asols and mont other Novelties for toe Fair Come and get first choiceI 1 JL f Itching Skin Diseases Arc readily cured by Zemo A liquid lot external we Zemo give Instant relief sad permanently cures any form J el ItcMngfikin or dljeate All JOruggUti Writs for Wi IRote Med Co St Louis Mo btlr afloat Moltoberts DruK Store 1 IThe Truth- s 1 thll city who IlIu < i IwiNff INM EoMwa Pimple Dand ni MlMy form of ikln or scalp dii f1 rli rem lanlbo permanent c c It Zane a clean liquid for iIJ pigNIjMNdM durggits Nil ZEMO jtyfMle Ht McRoUrW Drug Store t o r- Iy I v tN THE HEART OF THE BLUE GRASS 1708 Traniylvanla Unlvtfiliy 1608 continuing Kentucky University UniversityA CQurww modern equipment scholarly iurroundlni KOoct moral influences Expenses reasonable Student from twentyseven ita es and seven foreign Septumbe today President Transylvania Un I 1103tI CENTRAL RECORD 1S8UKD WKRKIVi 1100 A YKAtt LOUIS LANDIIAM EdrPubr Leonard N Miller Solicitor KuttnJ at tn Toil Ofleit In fxinmiKr AY ell Rrrend Cnn Nntl Vitllrr Member Ky Prow Association Iet Eighth Dletrlct Publishers League Lancaster Ky July 17 1908 A good many boys nod young men are su Rollcltloui about the salary or wages they are to receive that they forget that they must that earn the money The young person who will make himself useful need not worry about his wages Ho will got all ho earns and will hold his JOb Just so long as he makes himself valuable totuo firm that employs him The first thing that a young man should Inquire about when seeking a position Is tho duties required of him and whether ho can perform them It the first question ho asks Is the amount of the wagctho chances are that ho will not Rot the place It would be highly refreshing If the press of tho country would bo content to derate time and spaco to the can dldates and not persist In exploiting all the family rotations oven to the re ¬ mote cousins four or more times re- moved The public can not have any real Interest In tho private affairs of oven tho most prominent candidate The man aud the issue should bo ample In furnishing subjects for discussion and lot tho remainder or the family rest In the seclusion of tho home Thus tar there Is every Indication that the campaign of 1008 will go down Into history as the one from which mud slinging was entirely and completely eliminated It Is to bo hoped that the present Indications carry throughout the entire campaign There Is nothing to bo gained by mud slinging and no real men ever engage In ItA woman with an eye for figures has ciphered It out that there are In the United States exactly 1204500 bache- lors ¬ No doubt there are at least an equal number of maidens who would bo willing to obliterate the whole number by subtracting ono at a time from tho sum total It Is now up to the fellow who pre ¬ dictA to commence on his job of tell ¬ ing Just how It is Impossible for the other party to win The chances arc though that It will require tho count- Ing of tho ballots next November to fully determine the result r Down in Pennsylvania Mr I Treat Is running for office Well that is what most candidates do no matter where they are running It sort a gees without saying that tho treat is on the fellow who seeks office There must bo a bit of humor mixed in with the fates now and then Re ¬ Gently a young man In the state of 111 I nols by the namo of Frock married a girl by the rame of Coat It was a regular dress affair Some one wants to know how long a dream lasts Well It depends on tho dream and the dreamer Bqme persons dream most of the time An advertisement In a city paper says Bathing suits half off In that event there will be but mighty little left on We would be entirely willing to look tor the good traits of the people wo dont like It It were not such dlscourog Ing work Some girls flrid the most distressing thing about a broken engagement to be the giving back the diamond ring Self conceit la like brandy we dont like to see tho effect of It In the other tallow but It feelsgood at home While counting tho good things earth the festive huckleberry shout- not bo omitted from the list I Anybody can be good but It takes ai genius to be good and not bo dull I Tho first requisite to being a goo cook issecurlng a good provider I Kissing goes bv the board when th chaperone knows her business PAINT LICK Corn Is soiling fur II per barrel de livered In this neighborhood Dr W L Carman has returned from a visit to his parents In Louisville 0 A Uallard who has been sick to the past month Is able to be In his store again W F Champ wlo went to Illlnolsto attondthe funeral of his uncle 0 M Coyles has returned home II N Jleazley Is having a largo tobao co barn built to store away tobacco next tall If there la any raised Mr and Mrs E II Fields are spending the Rummer at Dripping Springs They will slay there until the tint of Sep ¬ tember then they will go back to Flor Ida for tho winter Mrs J F Whit has returned from a visit to liar daughter Mrs R Q Woods of Russell Springs Mrs Woods and little daughter Diana are expected soon fur a visit to her parontsI wiltbe Mrs Dollle Drown a iwrrr WWrF + IFvrir Ml HKIiitON rho infniit of Mt mid Mrs Howard IMrtwas burled at Ml Hebron Satur- day Miss reola Scott of lulu place com menccd tho public school at Pleasant Hill Monday Mr Samuel Duncan and wife were will toinllvrs lit Mucknillo und Huylo county lust week Mrs Dennis Scott daughter and son wore with her brother nt llurgln Sat urdAY and Sunday Tho remains of Mrs Lula Clark of Judson were brought to this place for Interment last Thursday Mesdames Frank and Georgia Gam mono of Mercer county have been with relatives hero tho past week Miss Eva Vaughn Lawson of Dry antsvllle Is tho guest of her cousin Miss Eulala Montgomery at Lock No 8 A series of meetings will begin here on the night of the 20th conducted by Rev Pertum of Macksvllle assisted br tho pastor Rev Taylor of llurgln Mr Richard Pollard died at the homo of his son Mr Jos Pollard near this place last Wednesday The remains wero Interred in tho Lancaster Ceme tery U MA1IKSBURY Mr Leslie Jenkins and wife of In ¬ dianapolis are visiting his father Mr 0 M Jenkins Miss Maggie DORIC of Bores Is spend- Ing tho week with her parents Mr and Mrs Kellyllollg Miss Cooper of Stanford Is the pleasant guest of Mrs Frank Robin- son this week Mr and Mrs Clayton and Miss liar yllle of Oklahoma are visiting Mr and Mrs CK Polndextcr Mr N II Bugle and little son N II of Lexington have been visiting tho family of Mr John Royston 1Master Colllver Dawes has returned to his home at Georgetown after sev JenI Mrs Margaret Sutton has returned homo after spending several days with her daughter Mrs Ben Hughes of Lancaster Eager Bros bought a lot of shoats from Mr Rogers at 4c They also purchased several shoats from Robt Rout at same price Rev Shouse filled his appointment at the Fork church Sunday morning preaching from tho text They shall mount up on wings as eagles they shall run and not be weary they shall walk and not faint Messrs Shouso and Wlllct delighted the audience with a beautiful cornet duett Tho cornet solo Rocked In the Cradle of the Deep played by Mr Wlllet was also much enjoyed Rev Sbouse closed a short series of meetings at Orchard Grove school house Saturday evening resulting In three professions The ordinance of baptism taking place at Kings Mill Sunday afternoon Mr Shouse Is now engaged In a two weeks meeting at Pleasant Hill school bouse which boo lan Monday evening The music Is led by Mr Wlllet of Paris Mr Wlllet is a cultivated musician and Is a cor nctlstof ability oftentimes delighting the audience with beautiful solos 4 IMPROVEMENTS BEGUN I In Earnest In Danville On Tuesday July 28 at 2 P M thirty five beautiful lots with concrete walks and streets macadamized and rolled In the most modern maanerwll be sold at puollc puctlon without re servo or bybld Ono good lot will be given absolutely tree upon the folio log conditionsEvery white man an woman attending the sole and register log their names with the clerk free o cost will be given a ticket entitling them to a chance on the lot The lucky number will be drawn In the presence of the gathered crowd Immediately at the conclusion of tho sale These lots located on beautiful Alta one of the most desirable resident d traits of this rapidly growing town offer a rare opportunity to the Invest properd In prlco for ihq past twenty years and there Is not a vacant house In th town Yet there arc hundreds of peo pie seeking homes at high rentals thd e the hopo of Interesting tho best class townI ter It costs you nothing you may be the lucky onoFreo band concerts throughout the sale Danville is the homo of Central University and Cald well College two of the greatest last Lions of learning In the state This city has recently been mado the dl vision of the Cincinnati Southern rail Danviller on beautiful high Alta Avcuno are the most dealra ble In the whole town For further Information call by Lola phone or address D S HENRY Danville Ky City Ordinance Be It ordained by tbo City Council of the City of Lancaster phopsMaitina mall whether the same be Intoxlcat log or not- Anyone BO offending shall be fined or or 1100lmonad and imprisoned ordinance shah take effect from and publicationApproved MayorAUNt r YWrW r rW Mr The New School Law Thu County tiuuorlntundonl of Schools linn requested mo to make n brief RynopnU of tlio school law enact- ed by tho last General Assembly Gnrrard County has been divided in- to ¬ four educational division by time County Superintendent County Judge nnd County Attorney ns directed by this law Kducatlonut division No 1 Is tho part of the county about LancaR ter and In alnul the same territory an In now embraced In Mnglstcral district No 1 known as tho Lancaster district Educational district No 2 Is In the portion of time county about UryantR vllle and Is about the same territory as Included In tho BryanUvlllo mauls terlal district Educational division No 3 Is about tho same territory as em braced In the Buckeye and Walkers School louse voting precincts or tho Buckeye magisterial district Educa ¬ tional division No 4 Is about time same territory as Is Included In tho Union and Paint Lick voting precincts or what Is known as tie Paint Lick snag Istcrlal district Each of these four Educational dl ¬ visions mentioned have been divided Into school sub district The bound- ary of the sub districts of each of tho four educational divisions are about Limo same all the boundary of each of the whlto school district as now exist Wo have not changed tho names or numbers of tho white school districts of tho county Under tho law tho colored sub districts sro tho same as the whlto district This makes qulto a change In tho boundaries of tho col ored school districts of the county Tho colored people can learn the bound arles of their respective districts by calling upon the County Superintend ¬ ent of Schools Under the operations of this law there will bo In each sub district but ono trustee under tho old law there were three This trustee will be elected on tie first Saturday In August at tho whlto school house In tho sub district begin ¬ ping at one oclock p m and closing at five p m This election will be by bal lot same furnished by County Clerk Any person Is eligible to tho onlcc of trustee who Is over twenty one years of age and who has been a resident of tho sub district In which ho Is seeking election for more than sixty days prior to the election and who Is ablo to read and write as shown by the certificate of five reputable citizens of the sub districtAny person desiring to be a candl dato for trustee must present a poll tlon to time County Clerk on or before July 20 1008 signed by at least ten per sons who are eligible to vote at the said election In the subdistrict asking tho County Clerk to have printed the namo of tho candidate for trustee up on the ballot All MALE persons over 21 years ofjago who have resided In the subdistrict for moro than 00 days pri ¬ or to the dato of the election shall be eligible to vote In tho said electiOn for trustee The officers who hold this e lection will be appointed by the regu- lar board of election commissioners for Garrard county Tbo office of all pre- sent trustees of schools in Garrard county become vacant on the first Sat urday In August Time trustees elected In tho sub dla tricts of each educational division of tho county will constitute a board of trustees for tho respective educational divisions of the county and these boards there being four Inline county will select the teachers both white and colored for next year In their respec live educational division There are many other changes In deemI public at the present time J E Robinson Attpd Srriof The L N road will run a specla train to the Lancaster Far each day The rates are one fare plus 25cU for trip6Octs ROUNDis 800 AM Ft itlll 800 II Duncannon 81 I Silver Creek 8 24II I Paint Lick 8 39 Lowell 8 42 S Point Leavell 8 C4 II aI HyatUvlllo 8 68 Ar Lancaster 0 08 Lv Lancaster 0 10 II Gilberts 11I 18 i Rowland I 28 Ar Stanford 033 MOUTH WOUND Lv Stanford 040 Rowland 0 49 At Gilberts 0 CO II Lancl18terIf 10 Oil II PMII II Point Loavoll 015 11 Lowull II 0 28 IPaint Lick 032 II Creek 0 4a II Duncannon 0 t 8II II Ft Estlll 7 00 v- Ar Richmond 7 14II On Friday July 31st run to Paris Lv MFord Winchester 815 u Ar Parts 840 PM To Town Tax Payers haveJeen ready to receive the same LE Ilerron To Owners of Dogs The dog tax Is now due Call and notcompel time and trouble by paying dog JOIleour See Heailey s Haselden for Insurance tobaccobarns dance o Over ou years without a KWlult Phone Jl r tltls tmmvYork Lsiafire I i Hbuva company > lrlmm Prompt ly and adjusted Ho 1 rcconi mend inn Homo Co of Now York amid JORW D Woaron tho Insurance man of Stanford Ky for prompt and Illoral nolllemcnts of liMe Mrs Inrla Carter Dtlcd Juno 22 1008 Win Curler Pnrksvlllo Ky 02041 Attention Tobacco Haleera Wo can Insure your tobacco bums as tobacco barns so you can put tobacco III them and not cancel your Insurance Old Klnnlard AuoncyBcnzloy ft Hasoldon National Bank Phono 31 OOC o s For anything in the ooc OOOOOOOOOC 00 y U j Bare Ma Your Orders Ifnvliiif ttUniiKnl to work larrnid lull Miumnli uoimtle fur thd Kous villa Numory Co 11111 1 oak mv friends to save their orders fur Iller n 1 WO Armstrong Mallard house Lancaster A tt Seed Wheat Abut 30 acres seed wheat for unto Mm O T Wallace 4 710 4t Point Leavell Goal Cheep For Cash Wo will Immllo hut Rriulrn coal on track lit ollr yard on Hinnforil street Call smith sea us Also limn nntl sail I2L II II Morlhcotl Set Coal at Lowest Prlee andRich irlces Call on ui for prices or ring i40 II E Oorrtor near Depot 7 3 If Paint Line f go to Frisbies DRUO STORE Ie oOoo0oo0e NN4NNN Clothing and Shoesi In order to dispose of our TANI I GREY CLOTHING and BLACK LOW quickly we will offer them now at a great redueIODI We will sell suits worth 1000 iaoo nUll 550 650 and I 750t SHOHS worth S3Sotoo and 500 for J I R COlliSberoBR is taken N I Lancaster Kentucky I N NNNH- t i IAn Unusual Watch Offer i t ONLY 6OO 1 20year gold filled case with genuine American t i movement J FULLY GUARANTEED Jti I I MORROW MCROBERTS 1 Jewelers and Opticians tNew Line Pickard China Just ROOivedi TheOlD HrKOHY Is the wagon you want to deliver your wheatJII Runs Lighter Lasts Lon ir thau any other wagon VV r ROMANS + v

Transcript of Central record (Lancaster, Ky.). (Lancaster, Ky.) 1908-07...

AIi i sI

wr +wwwirw-nv

fIN W NW J111J111JIml

COAL Coal COAL0 inch nut lOo por bushel>

0 inch block 12c por bushel

Black Bjar or Rod Ash ICo pov buahbl

The above arc yard prices We

charge ic per bushel in excess of

the above prices for delivery In

toWii Partners wagons loadedi

promptly at prices quoted

Field Seeds Salt and Uallards Obelisk Flour

For sale by


r 0rCol OUR AIM rt

Is to give you the

BE ISr o

We are large extensive dealers in Lumber of all kinds pfor Building material Our mills turn out the finest Mill-

Work in the state and we are prepared to make estimates

on every size of job from the largest to the smallest

Now is the time fpr you to lay in your winter supply

of COAL We will be able to make you Lower Prices onCoal at this time than we can later on See us or call totbefore buying


o cFoooo C oo o-





fi I4-



S Oh The Jump II

I t t1tfJ I



denlinggivIY By steady honesttpfmig j

hav6 learned the people the factm Ith tour store is the place to get full I

for their money Instead of

l throwing out an occasional bait IUT the form of a markdown sale

give our1in BargainsEvery1the Year Round 1-

L1pay f I



IIz Joseph Mercantile Go1


t Incorporated

sl I The recognized Leaders init J


ShoestI Dry Goods Dress Goods 1

Etc EtCS IIt I


SPECIAL We have just received as special ship Imejit of pretty Pans Ribbons Hosiery Pat asols and montother Novelties for toe Fair Come and get first choiceI

1JLf Itching Skin DiseasesArc readily cured by Zemo A liquidlot external we Zemo give Instantrelief sad permanently cures any form

J el ItcMngfikin or dljeate AllJOruggUti Writs for WiIRote Med Co St Louis Mo

btlr afloat Moltoberts DruK Store

1 IThe Truth-s 1 thll city who IlIu <

i IwiNff INM EoMwa Pimple Dand

ni MlMy form of ikln or scalp dii

f1 rli rem lanlbo permanentc c It Zane a clean liquid for

iIJ pigNIjMNdM durggits Nil ZEMOjtyfMle Ht McRoUrW Drug Store

t o r-






1708 Traniylvanla Unlvtfiliy 1608

continuing Kentucky University

UniversityACQurww modern equipment scholarlyiurroundlni KOoct moral influencesExpenses reasonable Student fromtwentyseven ita es and seven foreignSeptumbetoday President Transylvania Un I1103tI


LOUIS LANDIIAM EdrPubrLeonard N Miller Solicitor

KuttnJ at tn Toil Ofleit I n fxinmiKr AY ellRrrend Cnn Nntl Vitllrr

Member Ky Prow AssociationIet

Eighth Dletrlct Publishers League

Lancaster Ky July 17 1908

A good many boys nod young menare su Rollcltloui about the salary orwages they are to receive that theyforget that they must that earn themoney The young person who willmake himself useful need not worryabout his wages Ho will got all hoearns and will hold his JOb Just so longas he makes himself valuable totuofirm that employs him The first thingthat a young man should Inquire aboutwhen seeking a position Is tho dutiesrequired of him and whether ho canperform them It the first questionho asks Is the amount of the wagcthochances are that ho will not Rot theplace

It would be highly refreshing If thepress of tho country would bo contentto derate time and spaco to the candldates and not persist In exploitingall the family rotations oven to the re ¬

mote cousins four or more times re-

moved The public can not have anyreal Interest In tho private affairs ofoven tho most prominent candidateThe man aud the issue should bo ampleIn furnishing subjects for discussionand lot tho remainder or the familyrest In the seclusion of tho home

Thus tar there Is every Indicationthat the campaign of 1008 will go

down Into history as the one fromwhich mud slinging was entirely andcompletely eliminated It Is to bohoped that the present Indicationscarry throughout the entire campaignThere Is nothing to bo gained by mudslinging and no real men ever engageIn


woman with an eye for figures hasciphered It out that there are In theUnited States exactly 1204500 bache-



No doubt there are at least anequal number of maidens who wouldbo willing to obliterate the wholenumber by subtracting ono at a timefrom tho sum total

It Is now up to the fellow who pre ¬

dictA to commence on his job of tell ¬

ing Just how It is Impossible for theother party to win The chances arcthough that It will require tho count-Ing of tho ballots next November tofully determine the resultrDown in Pennsylvania Mr I TreatIs running for office Well that iswhat most candidates do no matterwhere they are running It sort a geeswithout saying that tho treat is on thefellow who seeks office

There must bo a bit of humor mixedin with the fates now and then Re ¬

Gently a young man In the state of 111 I

nols by the namo of Frock married agirl by the rame of Coat It was aregular dress affair

Some one wants to know how longa dream lasts Well It depends on thodream and the dreamer Bqme personsdream most of the time

An advertisement In a city papersays Bathing suits half off Inthat event there will be but mightylittle left on

We would be entirely willing to looktor the good traits of the people wodont like It It were not such dlscourogIng work

Some girls flrid the most distressingthing about a broken engagement tobe the giving back the diamond ring

Self conceit la like brandy we dontlike to see tho effect of It In the othertallow but It feelsgood at home

While counting tho good thingsearth the festive huckleberry shout-

not bo omitted from the list

IAnybody can be good but It takes ai

genius to be good and not bo dull

ITho first requisite to being a goo

cook issecurlng a good provider

IKissing goes bv the board when th

chaperone knows her business


Corn Is soiling fur II per barrel delivered In this neighborhood

Dr W L Carman has returned froma visit to his parents In Louisville

0 A Uallard who has been sick tothe past month Is able to be In hisstore again

W F Champ wlo went to Illlnolstoattondthe funeral of his uncle 0 MCoyles has returned home

II N Jleazley Is having a largo tobaoco barn built to store away tobacconext tall If there la any raised

Mr and Mrs E II Fields are spendingthe Rummer at Dripping Springs Theywill slay there until the tint of Sep¬

tember then they will go back to FlorIda for tho winter

Mrs J F Whit has returned from avisit to liar daughter Mrs R Q Woodsof Russell Springs Mrs Woods andlittle daughter Diana are expectedsoon fur a visit to her parontsI

wiltbeMrs Dollle Drown


iwrrr WWrF + IFvrirMl HKIiitON

rho infniit of Mt mid Mrs HowardIMrtwas burled at Ml Hebron Satur-day

Miss reola Scott of lulu place commenccd tho public school at PleasantHill Monday

Mr Samuel Duncan and wife werewill toinllvrs lit Mucknillo und Huylocounty lust week

Mrs Dennis Scott daughter and sonwore with her brother nt llurgln SaturdAY and Sunday

Tho remains of Mrs Lula Clark ofJudson were brought to this place forInterment last Thursday

Mesdames Frank and Georgia Gammono of Mercer county have been withrelatives hero tho past week

Miss Eva Vaughn Lawson of Dryantsvllle Is tho guest of her cousinMiss Eulala Montgomery at Lock No8

A series of meetings will begin hereon the night of the 20th conducted byRev Pertum of Macksvllle assistedbr tho pastor Rev Taylor of llurgln

Mr Richard Pollard died at the homoof his son Mr Jos Pollard near thisplace last Wednesday The remainswero Interred in tho Lancaster Cemetery



Mr Leslie Jenkins and wife of In ¬

dianapolis are visiting his father Mr

0 M JenkinsMiss Maggie DORIC of Bores Is spend-

Ing tho week with her parents Mr andMrs Kellyllollg

Miss Cooper of Stanford Is thepleasant guest of Mrs Frank Robin-son this week

Mr and Mrs Clayton and Miss liaryllle of Oklahoma are visiting Mrand Mrs C K Polndextcr

Mr N II Bugle and little son N IIof Lexington have been visiting thofamily of Mr John Royston

1Master Colllver Dawes has returnedto his home at Georgetown after sevJenIMrs Margaret Sutton has returnedhomo after spending several days withher daughter Mrs Ben Hughes ofLancaster

Eager Bros bought a lot of shoatsfrom Mr Rogers at 4c They alsopurchased several shoats from RobtRout at same price

Rev Shouse filled his appointment atthe Fork church Sunday morningpreaching from tho text They shallmount up on wings as eagles theyshall run and not be weary they shallwalk and not faint Messrs Shousoand Wlllct delighted the audiencewith a beautiful cornet duett Thocornet solo Rocked In the Cradle ofthe Deep played by Mr Wlllet wasalso much enjoyed

Rev Sbouse closed a short series ofmeetings at Orchard Grove schoolhouse Saturday evening resulting Inthree professions The ordinance ofbaptism taking place at Kings MillSunday afternoon Mr Shouse Is nowengaged In a two weeks meeting atPleasant Hill school bouse which boo

lan Monday evening The music Isled by Mr Wlllet of Paris Mr Wllletis a cultivated musician and Is a cornctlstof ability oftentimes delightingthe audience with beautiful solos



In Earnest In Danville

On Tuesday July 28 at 2 P M

thirty five beautiful lots with concretewalks and streets macadamized androlled In the most modern maanerwllbe sold at puollc puctlon without reservo or bybld Ono good lot will begiven absolutely tree upon the foliolog conditionsEvery white man anwoman attending the sole and registerlog their names with the clerk free ocost will be given a ticket entitlingthem to a chance on the lot The luckynumber will be drawn In the presenceof the gathered crowd Immediatelyat the conclusion of tho sale Theselots located on beautiful Altaone of the most desirable resident d

traits of this rapidly growing townoffer a rare opportunity to the InvestproperdIn prlco for ihq past twenty years andthere Is not a vacant house In thtown Yet there arc hundreds of peopie seeking homes at high rentalsthd e

the hopo of Interesting tho best classtownIter It costs you nothing you may bethe lucky onoFreo band concertsthroughout the sale Danville is thehomo of Central University and Caldwell College two of the greatest lastLions of learning In the state Thiscity has recently been mado the dlvision of the Cincinnati Southern railDanvilleron beautifulhigh Alta Avcuno are the most dealrable In the whole town

For further Information call by Lolaphone or address

D S HENRY Danville Ky

City Ordinance

Be It ordained by tbo City Councilof the City of Lancaster

phopsMaitinamall whether the same be Intoxlcatlog or not-

Anyone BO offending shall be fined

oror 1100lmonadand imprisoned

ordinance shah take effect fromand publicationApprovedMayorAUNt


YWrW r rW Mr

The New School LawThu County tiuuorlntundonl of

Schools linn requested mo to make nbrief RynopnU of tlio school law enact-ed by tho last General Assembly

Gnrrard County has been divided in-


four educational division by time

County Superintendent County Judgennd County Attorney ns directed by

this law Kducatlonut division No 1

Is tho part of the county about LancaRter and In alnul the same territory anIn now embraced In Mnglstcral districtNo 1 known as tho Lancaster district

Educational district No 2 Is In theportion of time county about UryantRvllle and Is about the same territoryas Included In tho BryanUvlllo maulsterlal district Educational divisionNo 3 Is about tho same territory as embraced In the Buckeye and WalkersSchool louse voting precincts or thoBuckeye magisterial district Educa ¬

tional division No 4 Is about time sameterritory as Is Included In tho Unionand Paint Lick voting precincts orwhat Is known as tie Paint Lick snagIstcrlal district

Each of these four Educational dl ¬

visions mentioned have been dividedInto school sub district The bound-ary of the sub districts of each of thofour educational divisions are aboutLimo same all the boundary of each ofthe whlto school district as now existWo have not changed tho names ornumbers of tho white school districtsof tho county Under tho law thocolored sub districts sro tho same asthe whlto district This makes qultoa change In tho boundaries of tho colored school districts of the countyTho colored people can learn the boundarles of their respective districts bycalling upon the County Superintend ¬

ent of SchoolsUnder the operations of this law

there will bo In each sub district butono trustee under tho old law therewere three

This trustee will be elected on tiefirst Saturday In August at tho whltoschool house In tho sub district begin¬

ping at one oclock p m and closing atfive p m This election will be by ballot same furnished by County ClerkAny person Is eligible to tho onlcc oftrustee who Is over twenty one yearsof age and who has been a resident oftho sub district In which ho Is seekingelection for more than sixty days priorto the election and who Is ablo to readand write as shown by the certificateof five reputable citizens of the sub

districtAnyperson desiring to be a candl

dato for trustee must present a polltlon to time County Clerk on or beforeJuly 20 1008 signed by at least ten persons who are eligible to vote at thesaid election In the subdistrict askingtho County Clerk to have printed thenamo of tho candidate for trustee upon the ballot All MALE persons over21 years ofjago who have resided In thesubdistrict for moro than 00 days pri ¬

or to the dato of the election shall beeligible to vote In tho said electiOn fortrustee The officers who hold this election will be appointed by the regu-

lar board of election commissioners forGarrard county Tbo office of all pre-sent trustees of schools in Garrardcounty become vacant on the first Saturday In August

Time trustees elected In tho sub dlatricts of each educational division oftho county will constitute a board oftrustees for tho respective educationaldivisions of the county and theseboards there being four Inline countywill select the teachers both white andcolored for next year In their respeclive educational division

There are many other changes IndeemIpublic at the present timeJ E RobinsonAttpdSrriofThe L N road will run a specla

train to the Lancaster Far each dayThe rates are one fare plus 25cU fortrip6Octs

ROUNDis800 AMFt itlll 800 II

Duncannon 81I Silver Creek 8 24III Paint Lick 8 39Lowell 8 42

S Point Leavell 8 C4 II

aI HyatUvlllo 8 68Ar Lancaster 0 08Lv Lancaster 0 10

II Gilberts 11I 18i Rowland I 28

Ar Stanford 033MOUTH WOUND

Lv Stanford 040Rowland 0 49

At Gilberts 0 CO II

Lancl18terIf 10 Oil IIPMIIII Point Loavoll 01511 Lowull II 0 28

IPaint Lick 032II Creek 0 4aII Duncannon 0 t8IIII Ft Estlll 7 00 v-

Ar Richmond 7 14IIOn Friday July 31st run to Paris

LvMFordWinchester 815 uAr Parts 840 PM

To Town Tax Payers

haveJeenready to receive the sameLE Ilerron

To Owners of DogsThe dog tax Is now due Call andnotcompeltime and trouble by paying dogJOIleourSee Heailey s Haselden for Insurance

tobaccobarnsdance o Over ou years without aKWlult Phone Jl

rtltlstmmvYorkLsiafire I

iHbuva company >lrlmm Promptly and adjusted Ho 1 rcconimend inn Homo Co ofNow York amid JORW D Woaron thoInsurance man of Stanford Ky forprompt and Illoral nolllemcnts ofliMe Mrs Inrla Carter

Dtlcd Juno 22 1008 Win CurlerPnrksvlllo Ky 02041

Attention Tobacco HaleeraWo can Insure your tobacco bums as

tobacco barns so you can put tobaccoIII them and not cancel your InsuranceOld Klnnlard AuoncyBcnzloy ft HasoldonNational Bank Phono 31

OOC o s

For anything

in the




jBare Ma Your Orders

Ifnvliiif ttUniiKnl to work larrnidlull Miumnli uoimtle fur thd Kousvilla Numory Co 11111 1 oak mvfriends to save their orders fur Iller n

1 WO Armstrong Mallard houseLancaster A tt

Seed WheatAbut 30 acres seed wheat for unto

Mm O T Wallace 4710 4t Point Leavell

Goal Cheep For CashWo will Immllo hut Rriulrn coal on

track lit ollr yard on Hinnforil streetCall smith sea us Also limn nntl sail

I2L II II Morlhcotl

Set Coal at Lowest Prlee

andRichirlces Call on ui for prices or ringi40 II E Oorrtor near Depot 7 3 If

Paint Line f

go to


Ie oOoo0oo0e

NN4NNNClothing and Shoesi

In order to dispose of our TANII GREY CLOTHING

and BLACK LOWquickly we will offer them now at a great redueIODI

We will sell suits worth 1000 iaoo nUll

550 650 and I750tSHOHS worth S3Sotoo and 500 for J

I R COlliSberoBRis taken


Lancaster Kentucky IN NNNH-



IAnUnusual Watch Offer


ONLY 6OO 120year gold filled case with genuine American t i

movement J



Jewelers and Opticians

tNew Line Pickard China Just ROOivedi

TheOlD HrKOHYIs the wagon you want to deliver your wheatJIIRuns Lighter Lasts Lon ir

thau any other wagon

