CBM Simulation & Analysis Framework Analysis Tasks

12.05.2004 CBM Software week 1 CBM Simulation & Analysis CBM Simulation & Analysis Framework Framework Analysis Tasks Analysis Tasks M. Al-Turany, D. Bertini


CBM Simulation & Analysis Framework Analysis Tasks. M. Al-Turany, D. Bertini. CBM Analysis and Simulation Framework. Urqmd. G3. G4. FLUKA. Pluto. Magnet. ROOT. Ion Generator. Geometry Manager. Generators. Target. Virtual MC. Particle Generator. PIPE. ASCII. Cave. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Transcript of CBM Simulation & Analysis Framework Analysis Tasks

Page 1: CBM Simulation & Analysis Framework Analysis Tasks

12.05.2004 CBM Software week 1

CBM Simulation & Analysis FrameworkCBM Simulation & Analysis Framework

Analysis TasksAnalysis Tasks

M. Al-Turany, D. Bertini

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Run Manager

Virtual MC



Ion Generator

Particle Generator










Mixed Generator







IO Manager

Tasks ListDelta


Field Map

CBM Analysis and Simulation FrameworkCBM Analysis and Simulation Framework


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Reading Output filesReading Output files

• The Simulation output files are ROOT files, the data in the TTree can be accessed in plain ROOT (using TBrowser or Tree Viewer).

• If you write a macro to read the file you have to load the CBM libraries.

• if you want to visualize the geometry, you have to load the ROOT TGeo library.

i.e. gSystem->Load("libGeom") is needed to be able to browse the geometry

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Output FileOutput FileCBMMCApplication


Folder Structure

Output Tree

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The CBM VMC Application The CBM VMC Application

• To get the Application from Macro :– Tfile f("test.root");– CBMMCApplication *fcbm=f.Get("CBM");

• To get the Application in compiled code:– CBMMCApplication *fcbm=CBMMCApplication::Instance();

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The CBM VMC ApplicationThe CBM VMC Application

• fcbm->GetDetector(const char *DetName); – Returns a pointer to the detector "DetName"

• fcbm-> CBMMagField* GetField()– Returns the magnetic field used for this simulation

• fcbm-> CBMGenerator* GetGenerator(); – Returns the event generator used for this simulation

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The Magnetic Field The Magnetic Field

• To get the Magnetic field:

CBMMagField * fMag = fcbm-> CBMMagField* GetField();

• Now to reconstruct the field in Memory:– if you a const Field was used in simulation, this will be done

automatically.– if a field map was used:

• CBMFieldMap *fMap = dynamic_cast< CBMFieldMap *> (fMag)

• fMap->Init() will reconstruct the field in moemory

• In both cases you can now use :– fcbm->GetFieldValue( const Double_t Point[3], Double_t *Bfield[3] )

This will get the field value Bfield[3] at Point[3]

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The Output TreeThe Output Tree

Detector BrachesStack

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Reading from the TreeReading from the Tree

• To access a branch from the Tree:– Get a pointer to the ROOT Manager:

CBMRootManager *fManager= CBMRootManager::Instance();

– Let the ROOT manager activate your branch:fManager->ActivateBranch(const char *BrName) ;

BrName : The branch name


TClonesArray * STSpts=

(TClonesArray *) fManger->ActivateBranch("STSPoint");

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• Tasks can be organized into a hierarchy and displayed in the browser.

• The CBMTask class is the base class from which the tasks are derived.

• To give task functionality, you need to subclass the CBMTask class and override:– Init(); //Initialization

– Exec(Option_t * option);

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Tasks MechanismTasks Mechanism

CBMTask *Task1=new CBMTask("Task1") CBMTask *Task2=new CBMTask("Task2")

CBMTask *Task3=new CBMTask("Task3")

CBMTask *Task4=new CBMTask("Task4")

CBMTask *Task5=new CBMTask("Task5")

CBMTask *Task6=new CBMTask("Task6")







Task2 Task3

Task4 Task6Task5

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class CBMTask : public TTask {


/** Initialization of the task. */

virtual void Init();

/** Re-initialization of the task */

virtual void ReInit(); // *MENU*

/** Recursive initialization of all subtasks */

virtual void InitTasks(); // *MENU*

virtual void Finish();

/** Recursive for all subtasks */

virtual void FinishTasks(); // *MENU*

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Creating a TaskCreating a Task

class CBMITrack : public CBMTask {


CBMDITrack(const char *name, const char *title="CBM Task");

virtual void Init(); //Initialization

virtual void Exec(Option_t * option); //called for each event

virtual void Finish(); //called for each event

virtual ~CBMITrack();

ClassDef(CBMITrack,1) //CBMITrack


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Analysis Task- Init exampleAnalysis Task- Init example

void CBMITrack::Init()


// Get a pointer to the ROOT Manager ( data store )

CBMRootManager *fManager =CBMRootManager::Instance();

// Get the relevant data for the Task

// activate in IO the corresponding TTree branch

fListSTSpts=(TClonesArray *)fManager->ActivateBranch("STSPoint");

//Create a new branch in the output file for the results

fHitCollection = new TClonesArray("CBMSTSDoubleHit");

fManager->Register("STSDoubleHit","STS", fHitCollection);


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Analysis Task- Exec exampleAnalysis Task- Exec example

void CBMITrack::Exec(Option_t * option)


CBMSTSDoublePoint *pt=NULL;

CBMSTSDoubleHit *hit=NULL;

for (int j=0; j < fListSTSpts->GetEntries(); j++ ) {

pt = (CBMSTSDoublePoint*) fListSTSpts->At(j);

if (pt && ( pt->GetDetectorID(0) == pt->GetDetectorID(1)) ) {

hit =AddHit(); hit->SetDetectorID( pt->GetDetectorID(1));

} else continue;

hit->SetPos_in( pt->GetPos_in() );

hit->SetPos_out( pt->GetPos_out() );



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CBMSTSDoubleHit * CBMITrack::AddHit(){

// Creates a new hit in the TClonesArray.

TClonesArray& ref = *fTrackerCollection;

Int_t size = ref.GetEntriesFast();

return new(ref[size]) CBMSTSDoubleHit();


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Analysis Task- Init exampleAnalysis Task- Init example

void Task1::Init()


// Get a pointer to the ROOT Manager ( data store )

CBMRootManager *fManager =CBMRootManager::Instance();

// Get the relevant data for the Task

// activate in IO the corresponding TTree branch

fListSTSpts=(TClonesArray *)fManager->ActivateBranch("STSPoint");

// Get the data generated from a previous Task

fHitCollection=(TClonesArray *) fManager->GetRegisteredObject("STSDoubleHit");


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Creating the LibraryCreating the Library

• Create a directory MyTask

• In this directory create two other directories src and include

• download the Makefile from the webpage and copy it to MyTask, put the name of your package (MyTask) in the Makefile http://www-linux.gsi.de/~cbmsim/cbm_vmc_doc/Makefile_example.htm

######### Makefile #######PACKAGE =  The name of your package

• Calling Make will create a libMyTask.so in cbm_vmc/lib directory

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Analysis MacroAnalysis Macro

• Load the Libraries• Create the Run Manager • Choose input and output files• Create and add your analysis Tasks• Initialize and run the analysis

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Analysis Macro – Load librariesAnalysis Macro – Load libraries




gSystem->Load ("libSTS");


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Create the Run ManagerCreate the Run Manager

CBMRun *fRun= new CBMRun();



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Create and add the TaskCreate and add the Task

CBMITrack *tr= new CBMITrack("Tracking Algorithm");


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fRun->Run(10, 100);

Init and RunInit and Run

This will run over all eventsin the input file

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Analysis MacroAnalysis Macro

{gROOT->LoadMacro("../basiclibs.C"); basiclibs(); gSystem->Load("libCbm"); gSystem->Load ("libSTS"); gSystem->Load("libITrack"); CBMRun *fRun= new CBMRun(); fRun->SetInputFile(“STS_AuAu25Gev_Urqmd.root"); fRun->SetOutputFile(“trackOutput.root"); CBMITrack *tr= new CBMITrack("Tracking Algorithm"); fRun->AddTask(tr); fRun->Init(); fRun->Run();
