Case. HPI Newborn male vaginal delivery with vacuum assist at 39 weeks. Mother is O+, infant blood...


Transcript of Case. HPI Newborn male vaginal delivery with vacuum assist at 39 weeks. Mother is O+, infant blood...

Page 1: Case. HPI Newborn male vaginal delivery with vacuum assist at 39 weeks. Mother is O+, infant blood type is B+ with 2+ direct Coombs Maternal history:


Page 2: Case. HPI Newborn male vaginal delivery with vacuum assist at 39 weeks. Mother is O+, infant blood type is B+ with 2+ direct Coombs Maternal history:


• Newborn male vaginal delivery with vacuum assist at 39 weeks. Mother is O+, infant blood type is B+ with 2+ direct Coombs

• Maternal history: GBS neg, serologies neg, anemia during pregnancy

• Apgars 8 and 8• TCB at ~4.5 hrs of life is 5.2• Baby born after rounds, exam is normal per

nursing report by phone

Page 3: Case. HPI Newborn male vaginal delivery with vacuum assist at 39 weeks. Mother is O+, infant blood type is B+ with 2+ direct Coombs Maternal history:


1. What are this infants risk factors for hyperbilirubinemia?

2. What risk curve for phototherapy initiation would you put this infant on?

3. What labwork would you want to obtain at this point?

Page 4: Case. HPI Newborn male vaginal delivery with vacuum assist at 39 weeks. Mother is O+, infant blood type is B+ with 2+ direct Coombs Maternal history:


• Total bilirubin 5.77 (direct 0.36) at 5.5 hrs of life

• CBC: 28.6 <13/40 > 100• Retic: 11.6%

Page 5: Case. HPI Newborn male vaginal delivery with vacuum assist at 39 weeks. Mother is O+, infant blood type is B+ with 2+ direct Coombs Maternal history:

1. What is your interpretation of the lab results?

2. What are your next steps in management of this newborn?

Page 6: Case. HPI Newborn male vaginal delivery with vacuum assist at 39 weeks. Mother is O+, infant blood type is B+ with 2+ direct Coombs Maternal history:

Case continued

• You decide to initiate phototherapy for indirect hyperbilirubinemia at threshold for light therapy

Page 7: Case. HPI Newborn male vaginal delivery with vacuum assist at 39 weeks. Mother is O+, infant blood type is B+ with 2+ direct Coombs Maternal history:

1. When do you want to check the next bilirubin?

2. Do you want to repeat any other labs?

3. How can you support this mother who would like to breastfeed her newborn?

Page 8: Case. HPI Newborn male vaginal delivery with vacuum assist at 39 weeks. Mother is O+, infant blood type is B+ with 2+ direct Coombs Maternal history:

Lab results

• Baby is almost 12 hrs old (6hrs since initiating phototherapy)

• Serum bili is 6.58• CBC: 18.5 <12.7/39.3>192• Retic: 14%

Page 9: Case. HPI Newborn male vaginal delivery with vacuum assist at 39 weeks. Mother is O+, infant blood type is B+ with 2+ direct Coombs Maternal history:

• At 24 hrs of life serum bili is 7.12• On rounds in the morning, physical exam is

notable for a moderate size cephalohematoma

Page 10: Case. HPI Newborn male vaginal delivery with vacuum assist at 39 weeks. Mother is O+, infant blood type is B+ with 2+ direct Coombs Maternal history:


1. What is a cephalohematoma?

2. What do you want to do with the phototherapy at this point? Stop or continue? And why?

3. Has your risk curve changed given the physical exam finding?

Page 11: Case. HPI Newborn male vaginal delivery with vacuum assist at 39 weeks. Mother is O+, infant blood type is B+ with 2+ direct Coombs Maternal history:

• At 48hrs of life serum bili is 7.03• Repeat CBC: 13.6 <12.7/38.8<221• Retic: 15%

Page 12: Case. HPI Newborn male vaginal delivery with vacuum assist at 39 weeks. Mother is O+, infant blood type is B+ with 2+ direct Coombs Maternal history:

1. Should you discontinue phototherapy at this point?

2. Do you want to check a rebound?

3. When should this infant be seen by the pediatrician for repeat bili?

Page 13: Case. HPI Newborn male vaginal delivery with vacuum assist at 39 weeks. Mother is O+, infant blood type is B+ with 2+ direct Coombs Maternal history:

Case continued

• Rebound bili after discontinuing phototherapy at 48hrs was 6.31 at 60 hrs of life

• Recommended mother take newborn to ED for bilicheck (not done)

• Seen in clinic at DOL 6. Serum bili 3.47m retic 3%

Page 14: Case. HPI Newborn male vaginal delivery with vacuum assist at 39 weeks. Mother is O+, infant blood type is B+ with 2+ direct Coombs Maternal history:

Learning points

• Selecting appropriate risk curve on bili nomogram

• Interpreting abnormal labs and making follow-up plans

• Managing a newborn under phototherapy• Supporting a breastfeeding mother• Follow-up following discontinuation of
