Cardinal Leger Junior High School January 2019 · 2019-02-04 · The ancient mountain to Án of...

January 2019 Cardinal Leger Junior High School Inside this issue Administrators Message ................. 1 Staff Directory ................................ 2 January Calendar ............................ 3 Student Wellness Day..................... 4 Open House Informaon ................ 5 Sharing the Good News .................. 6 Italian Language & Culture ............. 8 Charger Sports................................ 10 Faith Development Day .................. 11 School Council ................................ 12 Superintendents Message ............. 15 Chaplains Message ........................ 16 Apostolic Exhortaon ..................... 17 Amity House Christmas Acvies ... 18 Community Resources.................... 20 ECSD Parent Night .......................... 24 Administrators Message As we begin the new year, we are already looking forward to the 2019-2020 school year. We will be hosng our Enhanced Academic Program (EAP) informaon even- ing on January 15th. The end of January also brings us to the end of Semester 1. Summary Progress Reports will be posted to PowerSchool on Thursday, January 31st and Semester 2 opons will begin on Feb- ruary 4th. On Thursday, January 24th beginning at 7:00pm, Mr. Goueffic will be hosng our Winter Concert. This is a great opportunity to come and hear our music program stu- dents performing. The month of January also brings with it the beginning of the junior high basketball season. Our senior teams parcipate in the ECSD basketball league while our junior teams are involved in the northside devel- opmental league. We wish all of our families the best in the New Year and look forward to working to- gether with our families for connued suc- cess. Mr. P. Meurs Principal Mrs. K. Germaine Assistant Principal A New Years Prayer Thank You Lord for giving me The brand new year ahead. Help me live the way I should As each new day I tread. Give me gentle wisdom That I might help a friend, Give me strength and courage So a shoulder I might lend. The year ahead is empty, Help me fill it with good things Each new day filled with joy And happiness it brings Amen.

Transcript of Cardinal Leger Junior High School January 2019 · 2019-02-04 · The ancient mountain to Án of...

January 2019 Cardinal Leger Junior High School

Inside this issue

Administrators Message ................. 1

Staff Directory ................................ 2

January Calendar ............................ 3

Student Wellness Day..................... 4

Open House Information ................ 5

Sharing the Good News .................. 6

Italian Language & Culture ............. 8

Charger Sports................................ 10

Faith Development Day .................. 11

School Council ................................ 12

Superintendent’s Message ............. 15

Chaplain’s Message ........................ 16

Apostolic Exhortation ..................... 17

Amity House Christmas Activities ... 18

Community Resources.................... 20

ECSD Parent Night .......................... 24

Administrators Message As we begin the new year, we are already

looking forward to the 2019-2020 school

year. We will be hosting our Enhanced

Academic Program (EAP) information even-

ing on January 15th. The end of January

also brings us to the end of Semester 1.

Summary Progress Reports will be posted

to PowerSchool on Thursday, January 31st

and Semester 2 options will begin on Feb-

ruary 4th.

On Thursday, January 24th beginning at

7:00pm, Mr. Goueffic will be hosting our

Winter Concert. This is a great opportunity

to come and hear our music program stu-

dents performing.

The month of January also brings with it

the beginning of the junior high basketball

season. Our senior teams participate in the

ECSD basketball league while our junior

teams are involved in the northside devel-

opmental league.

We wish all of our families the best in the

New Year and look forward to working to-

gether with our families for continued suc-


Mr. P. Meurs Principal

Mrs. K. Germaine Assistant Principal

A New Year’s Prayer

Thank You Lord for giving me The brand new year ahead.

Help me live the way I should

As each new day I tread.

Give me gentle wisdom That I might help a friend,

Give me strength and courage So a shoulder I might lend.

The year ahead is empty,

Help me fill it with good things Each new day filled with joy

And happiness it brings


Staff Directory

Grade 7 Homeroom Teachers

Mrs. M. Bruno Mr. C. Goueffic

Mr. M. Harvanka Mrs. N. Bonner

Mrs. K. Reilly

Grade 8 Homeroom Teachers

Mr. G. Hansen Mrs. L. Lakusta

Mr. E. Motut (Mr. Motut 2) Mr. F. Romano Mr. J. Villella

Grade 9 Homeroom Teachers

Mrs. P. Esposito-Neri

Mr. M. Lepore Mr. E. Motut (Mr. Motut 1)

Mrs. K. Rogozinski Mrs. C. Stagliano

Additional Teachers

Mrs. C. Bolling - Learning Coach

Mr. S. Mackey Mrs. C. Underwood

Support Staff

Mrs. Maria Fabiano - Admin. Assistant Mrs. A. Bootsma - Clerk/Librarian

Mrs. J. Slugoski - Educational Assistant Mrs. A. Joe Joe - Therapeutic Assistant

Additional Student Supports

Mr. T. Jacobs - FSLW

Mr. R. Cole - STAY Advisor Mr. D. Green - STAY Advisor Mr. J. Pukalo - Psychologist

Mrs. R. Popik - EBS

Custodial Staff

Mr. M. Wondimagenehu Mr. R. Velasquez

Administration Mr. Peter Meurs - Principal

Mrs. Karen Germaine - Assistant Principal



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2019-2020 SCHOOL YEAR


We are holding two separate information evenings to introduce you to the programming available at our school. All students and families are

invited to attend either or both evenings.


Tuesday, January 15, 2019 at 7:00pm

The Enhanced Academic Program (EAP) is an academic program de-signed to challenge students by going deeper into the curriculum. As-sessments in the EAP are the same as those used in the regular pro-

gram, but students have the chance to delve deeper into the topics cov-ered in the grade appropriate curriculums.

The evening is designed to provide information to families about the program and registration requirements. The meeting will be held in the

school gymnasium and there will be no school tour.

GENERAL OPEN HOUSE February 11, 2019 at 6:30pm

This evening is an opportunity for families to explore the school and learn about the programming available at our school. We will start with a short program in the gym followed by self-tours of the school

and various classrooms.

If you have any questions regarding junior high registration, please contact the school principal, Mr. Peter Meurs, at 780-475-6262.

Sharing the Good News … Chaplain’s Message

“For a child has been born for us, a son given to us; authority rests upon his shoulders; and he is named Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace. His authority shall grow continually, and there shall be endless peace for the throne of David and his kingdom. He will establish and uphold it with justice and with righteousness from this time onward and forevermore. The zeal of the Lord of

hosts will do this.” Isaiah 9: 6-7

Annual Christmas Hamper Campaign Thank you so much to all of our Cardinal Léger Community on another successful Christmas Hamper Campaign! We managed to fill our hampers, which will go to families in our community and in support of the Edmonton Food Bank. We are so thankful to be blessed with all of your support. At this time the need at the Food Bank is significant, a record 25,000 hampers will be given out in ONE WEEK before Christmas. There has been an average 10,000 / week increase in hampers from this year over last year at this time.

A very special thank you to Franco’s Pizza for their generous donation of 15 turkeys. We are blessed by

your support.

The Stuff-A-Sock Drive

In January, the Leadership class will be running a collection drive for the home-

less in Edmonton. The goal of this initiative is to have the students and their

classes ‘stuff’ as many socks as possible with toiletries and necessities for those

who are living on the streets of our city. Students are asked to bring in brand

new adult sized socks, as well as basic toiletries to fill the socks with. Items can

include: tooth brushes, toothpaste, dental floss, travel sized mouth wash, deo-

dorant, hand sanitizer, soap, shampoo, nail clippers, travel wipes, etc. A full list

of acceptable items will be provided to students in January.

The ancient mountain town of Cortina d' Ampezzo is one of Italy's most attractive resorts. If low prices, good food, and a fabulous ambience are important, then Italy is the place for you. As a destination it's much more laid back than its rivals in France, Switzerland and Austria, with the holiday emphasis on fun and relaxation rather than sporting excellence.

Italy is also blessed with a number of giant ski areas. For beautiful scenery and variety of terrain, the central core of the Dolomites is unbeatable. This area is also home to the famous Sella Ronda – a circular network of lifts and pistes around the Gruppo del Sella, a majestic limestone massif, taking in a host of resorts.

It must be stated that while, like the rest of Europe, Italy enjoyed record snowfalls during winter 2017/2018, snow cover over the past 40 years has not always been as reliable in Italy. The Sella Ronda resorts and other destinations in the Dolomites tend to miss out on the regular winter storms that strike the peaks of the Austri-an Tirol less than 100km to the north. On the plus side, highly-efficient snowmaking means that even when there is almost no natural cover, Italian resorts have been able to maintain many miles of piste in pristine con-dition.

Passo Tonale

This compact, value-for-money village lies at 1,880m, with lifts going up to 3,088m. It's one of the few Italian resorts to be snowsure from late October to mid-June, thanks to the Presena glacier at 3,000m, which is why Italian national ski teams train there. The marked runs are mainly suited to beginners and intermediates, and Passo Tonaleis also linked by lift to the slopes of Ponte di Legno and Temù, which offer advanced skiers and riders more challenges.

They're all covered by the Adamello lift pass and the ski areas have been rebranded as one entity in recent years, going by the moniker Pontedilegno-Tonale.

Passo Tonale has gentle, open slopes that form a near-perfect nursery area. The high slopes of the glacier are accessed by a gondola that goes from Passo Paradiso at 2,585m to Pas-so Presena (3,000m). The only piste down is red, but non-skiers and nervous beginners can also use the lift to enjoy panoramic views of the Italian Alps.

However, the overriding reason for a visit to Passo Tonale is the gentle open slopes that form a near-perfect nursery area for learning first turns and gaining confidence, without the threat of more accom-plished slope users whizzing scarily by. There are two ski and snowboard schools, Tonale Presena and Ponte Tonale, and both offer a decent standard of instruction. When booking a lesson, it is advisable to ask for an English-speaking instructor.

The resort village was developed mainly to service the slopes, with a road running through the middle, and features predominantly chalet-style buildings. It's generally quiet during the week, but comes to life during the Italian holidays and at weekends.

Passo Tonale ha dolci pendii aperti che formano un vivaio quasi perfetto. Alle alte pendici del ghiacciaio si accede da una cabinovia che va dal Passo Paradiso a 2.585 m fino al Passo Presena (3.000 m). L'unica pista in discesa è rossa, ma i non sciatori e i principianti possono anche usare l'ascensore per godere di viste panoramiche sulle Alpi italiane. Tuttavia, il motivo principale per una visita a Passo Tonale sono le dolci pendenze aperte che formano un'area vivaio quasi perfetta per apprendere i primi turni e acquisire sicurezza, senza la minaccia di utenti di piste più esperti che sfrecciano a breve. Ci sono due scuole di sci e snowboard, Tonale Presena e Ponte Tonale, ed entrambi offrono uno standard di istruzione decente. Al momento della prenotazione di una lezione, è consigliabile chiedere un istruttore di lingua inglese. Il villaggio turistico è stato sviluppato principalmente per servire le piste, con una strada che attraversa il centro, e presenta prevalentemente edifici in stile chalet. È generalmente tranquillo durante la settimana, ma prende vita durante le vacanze italiane e nei fine settimana.

Charger Sports—Volleyball Wrap Up

Junior Boys Volleyball The junior boy’s volleyball team finished the season with an overall record of 6

wins and 1 loss. The team played 16 sets this season, winning an impressive 13

of them. Mr. Villella is very proud of the growth and commitment of all players

this season.

Mr. Villella


Junior Girls Volleyball Congratulations to the Junior Girls Volleyball team on a great season! The girls showed how determination and hard work during practice pays off when it's

game time. Every member of the team became a better player throughout the season and showed their improvement on the court in our final games at Cardi-nal Leger. Mrs. Rogozinski really enjoyed coaching you this season! Well done


Mrs. Rogozinski


Senior Girls Volleyball The senior girl's volleyball coaches could not be more proud of the progress the girls made throughout their season. The team worked hard and left it all on the court after each game. Their commitment & enthusiasm was a constant remind-er of their love for the game and made the season one to never forget! Mr. Mo-tut 1 & Mrs. Reilly had a blast coaching this positive and fun group of athletes!

Mr. Motut 1 & Mrs. Reilly


Senior Boys Volleyball The Sr. Boys had a down and up season this year. With only three returning play-

ers and the rest of the team being new to the Sr. Volleyball roster, the boys start-

ed the season off shaky with four loses. However, after a lot of hard work and

long practices, the boys came together and won 6 games in a row, earning them

the Division II championship! Congratulation boys, you deserve it!

Mr. Motut 2 & Mrs. Underwood


December 14, 2018

To: Parents and Guardians

Re: ECSD Faith Development Day

Please note that on Tuesday, February 5, 2019, all staff members will be in-volved in a district-wide Faith Development Day at the Shaw Conference Cen-tre. There will be no instruction of students at school on that day.

Our theme this year is: Walking Together in God’s Love. We are pleased to

welcome Steve Angrisano as our keynote speaker. We also welcome Arch-

bishop Richard Smith who will celebrate the Eucharistic Liturgy with us.

Catholic education is an awesome vocation and responsibility. By being in-

volved in the education mission of the church, Catholic schools provide a

hopeful response to the great mysteries of life in an increasingly complex

world. Faith Development Day provides us, as a community of faith, with the

opportunity to become more deeply aware of the faith foundation of our lives

and to find inspiration to enter into our life’s work with deeper conviction.

I am confident you will agree that such a day is so important to realizing our

mission: “to provide a Catholic education that inspires students to learn and

that prepares them to live fully to serve God in one another.” (ECS Mission

Statement). For more information, please feel free to call our school office at


Peace and blessings,

Mr. Peter Meurs, Principal

Cardinal Léger Catholic Junior High School


School Council Meeting

Special Guest School Board Trustee, Sandra Palazzo

Wednesday, January 16th


Cardinal Leger Staffroom



Do not remember the former things, or consider the things of old. I am about to do a new thing; now it

springs forth, do you not perceive it? I will make a way in the wilderness and rivers in the desert.

~Isaiah 43:18-19~

The new year brings new beginnings and new opportunities. In this passage from Isaiah, the prophet is tell-

ing the people that God’s great acts in their lives are so wonderful that they need not dwell in the past but

look forward to their new path. Essentially, he is telling us not to focus on ‘things of old’, but to look for-

ward with excitement to the new journey ahead. This is a great way to start 2019; move forward to positive

places with enthusiasm, joy, and peace knowing that God is with you!

As always, January marks the time when we start to plan for the next school year. It is a time for families to look at registering for Early Learning, Junior, or Senior High. It is extremely important for those families who have students who will need to transition to a new level or program in the upcoming school year to re-search their options with Edmonton Catholic Schools and to go out and visit the sites that they are interest-ed in. Our website has a wealth of information for families. Beginning the third week of Jan-uary, when you click on the Open House Information link on our homepage you will find our 2019 Guide to Schools and Open House dates. You will also find many useful tools including our School Locator and Kin-dergarten Calculator.

Edmonton Catholic Schools has developed a new resource to support self-regulation both at home and in the classroom. Our children need the ability to self-regulate in order to be ready. Children need to be ready to attend and inhibit impulses. They need support and time to understand how to regulate so that they can build skills, learn, participate and socialize. Learn the special FOCUS Sequence that integrates research-based strategies into a single sequence of regulating activities that can be done with any age, across any en-vironment and all in about 5 minutes! We will be hosting a Parent Night on Wednesday, January 23, 2019 from 6:30 - 8:00pm at St. Anthony Centre (10425-84 Avenue). To register, please visit or email [email protected].

Our annual Faith Development Day for staff will take place on Tuesday, February 5, 2019. All our schools

and sites will be closed so that our staff may gather together to continue our lifelong journey of faith for-

mation and to celebrate Eucharist together.

As you contemplate all that the new year holds for you and establish your dreams and goals, I leave you

with an encouragement from Pope Francis’ Apostolic Exhortation Rejoice and Be Glad: "The important

thing is that each believer discern his or her own path, that they bring out the very best of themselves, the

most personal gifts that God has placed in their hearts." (Rejoice and Be Glad, 11)

Have a wonderful 2019!

Sincerely, Joan Carr Superintendent

Theophany—Christ’s Baptism—Feast of Lights

Jesus came as a "great light" to those who languished in dark-ness. No other word describes Christ as accurately as the word light. He comes as a light to those who sit in the darkness of despair. He lights candles of love, joy, forgiveness, peace, and meaning in the lives of people today. In the early Church, Theophany - the day of Christ's baptism -

became the day on which the converts to Christianity were re-

ceived into the Church through baptism. Each newly baptized

person held the baptismal candle during the liturgy. Christians

who had already been baptized brought their baptismal candles

to church on this day to renew their baptismal vows; to renew

the commitment to Christ which they had made at baptism.

As a result, everyone in the congregation held a lighted candle on the feast of Theophany. The churches be-came the sea of lights. For this reason, this day came to be called the Feast of Lights. The baptismal candle, in the early Church, was a symbol that the one who was baptized had received Christ who is the Light of the world. The candle would be kept by the one baptized and then brought to Church on the anniversary of one's baptism, the feast of Theophany and for the Easter Vigil liturgy. If the person was married, the same candle was used at the wedding. If he was ordained, he would light the candle at his ordination. When the final hour of life approached, it was lit again as the soul went forth to meet the Lord. The baptismal candle was a constant reminder for the Christian to live and die by the light of Christ. The baptismal candle may be compared to the lamps used in the story of the maidens who awaited the arrival of Christ the Bridegroom in the darkness of the night. When the newly baptized person was given the lighted candle, she was urged to keep it to meet Christ at his return, like the wise maidens who kept their lamps burn-ing for the coming of the Bridegroom. Thus the candle becomes a symbol of the perseverance of the baptized soul until Christ's return. Among the ancient Greeks the runner who had won the race was not the one who crossed the line in the shortest time, but the one who crossed it in the least time with his candle still burning. Our goal as Christians is that we may cross the line into eternity with the light of our baptismal faith still shining brightly. Christ Himself is the light. His light shines today proclaiming to all of us: "I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness but will have the light of life" (John 8:12). The light that God gives us for our present darkness was expressed so well by Louise Haskins: I said to the man who stood at the gate of the year: "Give me a light that I may tread safely into the unknown." And he replied: "Go out into the darkness and put your hand into the hand of God. That shall be to you better than light and safer than a known way."

Resources: “A Byzantine Rite. Liturgical Year.” Julian J. Katrij, OSBM. Basilian Fathers Publication. Detroit, 1983. Christ is Baptized! In the River Jordan! Fr. Julian Bilyj District Chaplain

The Baptism of our Lord, Jesus Christ

Apostolic Exhortation—Rejoice and Be Glad

Chapter 4: Signs of Holiness in Today’s World

In Chapter Four, Pope Francis speaks of the signs of holiness in the world. He calls them five great expressions of love for God and neighbour that he considers of particular importance in the light of certain dangers and limitations present in today's culture. [111] These five expressions of love for God and neighbour are: perseverance, patience, and meekness; joy and a sense of humor; boldness and passion; involvement in community; and constant prayer. Francis insists on the need for holiness in all parts of our lives, including online: "Christians too can be caught up in networks of verbal violence through the internet and the various forums of digital communication." "Even in Catholic media," he says, "limits can be overstepped, defamation and slander can become commonplace, and all ethical standards and respect for the good name of others can be abandoned."[115] One sign of holiness, Francis says, is "joy and a sense of humor." "This is not the joy held out by today’s individu-alistic and consumerist culture. Consumerism only bloats the heart. It can offer occasional and passing pleasures, but not joy." Pope Francis speaks here "of a joy lived in communion, which shares and is shared, since 'there is more happi-ness in giving than in receiving' (Acts 20:35) and 'God loves a cheerful giver' (2 Cor 9:7)."[128] Another sign of holiness consists in "boldness and passion," in an "impulse to evangelize and to leave a mark in this world" and in not allowing oneself to be paralyzed by fear. He told believers that "God impels us constantly to set out anew, to pass beyond what is familiar, to the fringes and beyond. He takes us to where humanity is most wounded...God is not afraid! He is fearless! He is always greater than our plans and schemes. Unafraid of the fring-es, he himself became a fringe. So, if we dare to go to the fringes, we will find him there; indeed, he is already there."[135] "When we live apart from others, it is very difficult to fight against concupiscence, the snares and temptations of the devil and the selfishness of the world. Bombarded as we are by so many enticements, we can grow too isolated, lose our sense of reality and inner clarity, and easily succumb." Francis writes, "a community that cherishes the little details of love, whose members care for one another and create an open and evangelizing environment, is a place where the risen Lord is present, sanctifying it in accordance with the Father’s plan."[145] "Contrary to the growing con-sumerist individualism that tends to isolate us in a quest for well-being apart from others, our path to holiness can only make us identify all the more with Jesus’ prayer 'that all may be one; even as you, Father, are in me, and I in you' "(Jn 17:21).[146] The final sign of holiness is "constant prayer," the pope writes, describing holiness as "a habitual openness to the transcendent, expressed in prayer and adoration." Francis says, "I do not believe in holiness without prayer, even though that prayer need not be lengthy or involve intense emotions."[147] "If we realize that God exists, we can-not help but worship him, at times in quiet wonder, and praise him in festive song. We thus share in the experience of Blessed Charles de Foucauld, who said: 'As soon as I believed that there was a God, I understood that I could do nothing other than to live for him'."[155] Pope Francis tells us that "meeting Jesus in the Scriptures leads us to the Eucharist, where the written word attains its greatest efficacy, for there the living Word is truly present. In the Eucharist, the one true God receives the greatest worship the world can give him, for it is Christ himself who is offered. When we receive him in Holy Commun-ion, we renew our covenant with him and allow him to carry out ever more fully his work of transforming our lives."[157] Fr. Julian Bilyj District Chaplain

Community Resources and Supports

On the following 3 pages, there are listings of

community resources that may be of value to

students and their families.

Should you have any questions or require assis-

tance with accessing community resources,

please contact our Family School Liaison Worker,

Mr. Taylor Jacobs.

Mr. Jacobs is at Cardinal Leger on Tuesdays and

Fridays each week.