By Saeid Abolfazli Faculty of Computer Science and IT, University Malaya Malaysia. Email:...

By Saeid Abolfazli Faculty of Computer Science and IT, University Malaya Malaysia. Email: [email protected] Website: LaTeX Blog: Preparing scholarly text using TexStudio

Transcript of By Saeid Abolfazli Faculty of Computer Science and IT, University Malaya Malaysia. Email:...


Saeid Abolfazli

Faculty of Computer Science and IT, University Malaya

Malaysia. Email: [email protected]


LaTeX Blog:

Preparing scholarly text using TexStudio

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Introduction to TexStudio

Customizing TexStudio environment

Structure of a tex file

Compiling a tex file


Authors name and affiliations







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1- Introduction to TexStudio

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Change Menu Language, Font and SizeOptions-> Configure TeXstudio -> “General" 

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Change typing font and size

Options-> Configure TeXstudio -> "Editor" 

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Change editors colors

Options-> Configure TeXstudio -> "Editor" 

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2- Structure of a tex file

\documentclass{document type/or class name}

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2- Structure of a tex file

\documentclass{document type/or class name}

For instance

\documentclass{article} or



2- Structure of a tex file


\begin{document} Hello world!

\section{Section 1}

Your text appears here

\subsection{Subsection 1}

Your text appears here




Bibliography and biography\end{document}

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Can be anywhere in text

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Structure of a tex file Con’t

Commonly used document types are:

- Article

- Book

- Special class name like IEEEtran

Allowed hierarchies

• Article: \part{}, \section{}, \subsection{}, \subsubsection{}, \paragraph{}, \subparagraph{}.

• Book: \part{}, \chapter{}, \section{}, \subsection{}, \subsubsection{}, \paragraph{}, \subparagraph{}.

• I will get back to this topic later in this workshop

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Make a New Tex file

You can make a new file from one of the following options:

1- Wizard->quick start

2- Menu Bar File-> New from Template->


Tips: 1- LaTeX is case sensitive

2- All tags in LaTeX are lower case

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Customize a tex document

[options] will be used to manipulate a command.


\begin{document} Hello world!\end{document}

If you want to alter the document like paper size, font size , etc you should customize the \documentclass command

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The most common options for the standard document classes are listed in the following table:

10pt,12pt Sets the size of the main font in the document. If no option is specified, 10pt is assumed.

a4paper, letterpaper,...

Defines the paper size. The default size is letterpaper. A5paper, B5paper, executivepaper, and legalpaper can be specified.

onecolumn, twocolumn

Instructs LaTeX to typeset the document in one column or two columns.

twoside, oneside

Specifies whether double or single sided output should be generated. The classes article and report are single sided and the book class is double sided by default. Note that this option concerns the style of the document only. The option twoside does not tell the printer you use that it should actually make a two-sided printout.


makes LaTeX indicate hyphenation and justification problems with a small square in the right-hand margin of the problem line so they can be located quickly by a human. It also suppresses the inclusion of images and shows only a frame where they would normally occur.

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Hands-on Practice 1

Create a simple tex file

Make two sections:

1- Introduction

Write one paragraph text

2- Background

Write one paragraph text

Under background create another subsection called Literature Review

Write one paragraph text

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Compiling the Tex file

1. Press F1 to build and View

2. F11 To run the BibTex command (if you have

references in your file)

3. F6 for Compile

>>>> Lets compile our file


If you just changed your database file,

it is recommended to remove the old .bib file of your manuscript before you continue.

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.tex LaTeX or TeX input file. It can be compiled with latex.

.aux Usually stores information associated with cross-references.

.bbl Bibliography file output by BiBTeX and used by LaTeX

.bib Bibliography database file

.dvi Device Independent File. This is the main result of a LaTeX compile run with latex.

.tocStores all your section headers. It gets read in for the next compiler run and is used to produce the table of contents.

.lof This is like .toc but for the list of figures.

.lot And again the same for the list of tables.

.sty LaTeX Macro package. This is a file you can load into your LaTeX document using the \usepackage command.

.bst BiBTeX style file.

.cls Class files define what your document looks like.


LATEX Common File Formats

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Latex Commands





Document class Options

Font size (10pt, 11pt, 12pt)

Paper size and format (a4paper, letterpaper, etc.)

Draft mode (draft)

Multiple columns (onecolumn, twocolumn)

More information available at

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Hands-on Practice 2

Make your article twocolumn

Change the font to 12pt

Change the paper to draft mode

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Define the Title


\title{Latex Tutorial}

By using this command, you will not be able to see the title. You have to ask Latex to build and show the title to you. But usually title includes some data about authors, name, affiliation, address, email and so on.

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Write the Authors Name

\author{Saeid Abolfazli}

Authors with Affiliation and address? \author{Saeid Abolfazli \\

University of Malaya} Run Latex

Still we cannot see the title. Right?

What is the next step?

Generating the title with all relevant informations

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Making the Title


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Define Abstract


This is the paper's abstract (If any)


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Italic and Bold Fonts

If you wanna change the text to italic and bold, use



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Defining Keywords

There is No tag for keywords,

we use Italic font

\textit{Keywords:} Latex Tutorial, Introduction to Latex, BibTex, University of Malaya

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Hands-on Practice 3

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Sectioning of the tex file

Note: Latex is case Sensitive (meaning that do not use capslock)


\chapter  (report style only)




\subsubparagraph (milstd and book-form styles only)

\subsubsubparagraph (milstd and book-form styles only)

Tip: using * makes the title to appear without numbering

\section{Section 1} 1. Section 1

\section*{Section 1} Section 1

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\subsubsection{Challenges in this section}

Help: If you forgot the sectioning order, you can use the menu bar

Latex-> …

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Hands-on Practice 3

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Feed back

Do you think Latex is difficult?

If you use to it, you will love it.

Do practice from now please….

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Bullet Lists in Latex

If you are interested to have bullet Items, you can use itemize environment.


\item First Item

\item Second Item


Note: \item creates a default amount of indent.

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Hands-on Practice 4

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Numbered Lists in Latex

If you are interested to have bullet Items, you can use itemize environment.


\item First Item

\item Second Item


Note: \item creates a default amount of indent.

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Hands-on Practice 5

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Take a deep breath and rest for 5 minutes

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Packages in LATEX

While writing your document, you will probably find that there are some areas where basic LaTeX cannot solve your problem. E.g., if you want to include graphics, colored text or source code from a file into your document, you need to enhance the capabilities of LaTeX. Such enhancements are called packages.

Packages are activated with the following command.

\usepackage[options]{package name}

For instance, \usepackage{graphicx} help you add images to your file. Without including this package, we can not insert pictures.

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Including jpg, png, pdf Graphics

You should use pdflatex compiler to insert these files


and include it in your text using graphicx package.

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1- Copy your file in your working directory where you have .tex file.

If not, you should provide full address while inserting figure

2- Use \usepackage{graphicx} before \begin{document} command.

3- Create a graphical environment by




Steps to include a graphic file

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4-Use the following commands to insert your file


Steps to include a graphic file

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\caption{This is an optional Text for Caption} for optional caption

Caption for Figures

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Hands on Practice 6

Insert image 3 into your file

Put “My First Figure” as caption

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Options for including graphics


Example:\includegraphics{image1}\includegraphics[width=4in,height=3in]{image1}\includegraphics[scale=0.5, angle=90]{image1}

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Practice 7

Change height and width of figure to



Change its scale to 0.7

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A problem in Figures

Do you have this problem?

Placing figures where we want to appear

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Placement Specifiers

We need to tell LaTex where to put our graphics. TO do so, the specifiers are used

You can mix few of these specifiers to make a better one.

I will explain more on 3rd day

Top of the page t

Button of the page b

Here h approximately at the same point it occurs in the source text , but not exactly at the point

Exactly here H Requires the float package, \usepackage{float}.

Override default parameters

! Override internal parameters LaTeX uses for determining "good" float positions

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Placement Specifiers

Where to put specifiers?

\begin{figure} [placement specifier]

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Hands-on Practice 8Insert a file named image1.jpg into your latex file. Command LaTex to keep your file in top section where there is space. Override internal parameters.


\caption{This is my first Image}



Rotate image 90 degree

Resize image to half

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Justifying a figure in the text


\begin{center} \end{center}

\begin{flushleft} \end{flushleft}

\begin{flushright} \end{flushright}




\caption{A picture ….}


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Hands-on Practice 9Create a document with following detail:

1- two-coloumn article

2- title: Hands-on Practice 9

3- Author: Your Name, My Name

4- Address and Affiliation: Your address and affiliation in 2 lines.

5- Abstract: Write 2 lines text as you wish

6- Define 5 keywords: Latex, Tutorial, Latex Workshop, Mobile Cloud Computing Research Group

7- Create the introduction section including 5 lines.

8- Define a figure environment

9- Extend the figure environment to two columns

10- Put your image on highest available space.

11- Define a caption: This is a good and complex practice

12- insert image1.eps into your tex file.

13- the files size should be 4*3 inches .

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Including an eps File

- The best format of figures in LaTeX is eps which is a vector format.

- .eps (encapsulated post script) does not work with pdflatex

- You should change your compiling method

For .eps files to be successfully built, you have many solutions,

A) should use Latex interpreter as following (it is a default mode)

Go to Options Configure TexStudio Quick Build

Change the option to Latex+DviPS+Ps2PDF+pdf viewer

B)You can also use epstopdf package to use pdflatex

C) Use XeLaTex

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Useful Tips

1- If you want to extend the image to two columns, you should use * while defining the figure environment.


\caption{your diagram caption}


2- Use \listoffigures to add a list of the figures in the beginning of the document.

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REST and Practice for 15 minutes

Please do revise some of the topics we just learnt.

You can make the following practice

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Drawing layered architectures, diagram, and flowcharts are essential in majority of papers and thesis.

Apache OpenOffice is essential tool for designing such figures.

See how can we draw a flowchart

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Draw This one using OpenOffice

This figure appeared in a paper accepted for publication in journal of IEEE Communication surveys and tutorials and follows copyright laws.

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Draw This one using OpenOffice

This figure appeared in a paper accepted for publication in journal of IEEE Communication surveys and tutorials and follows copyright laws.

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Selection and Exporting


Always try to draw the figure in big scale

Shrinking the figure size does not reduce the quality, but increasing the size does.

When exporting the output, select the area you want to export. Make sure to click the selection only checkbox at the export window.

If you do export the file is very very big, the laTeX will be unable to resize it. If you saw such thing, just reduce the size.

Try to use true type font suggested by the publisher.

IEEE suggest times roman.

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Practice OpenOffice 1

Draw the following figures in OpenOffice

These figure appeared in a published paper in IEEE Mobcc’12 and follows copyright laws.

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Tables in Latex

1- Define a table Environment

\begin{tabular}[pos]{table spec}


 POS argument specifies the vertical position of the table

b bottom

c center (default)

t top

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\begin{tabular}[b]{c c c c l l l r}

Means the table should be at top of the page, it has 8 columns with

4 centered, 3 left, and 1 right justified content.

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Table Specifications

\begin{tabular}[pos]{table spec}


 table spec argument tells LaTeX the alignment to be used in each column and the vertical lines to insert.l left-justified column

c centered column

r right-justified column

p{width} paragraph column with text vertically aligned at the top

m{width} paragraph column with text vertically aligned in the middle (requires array package)

b{width} paragraph column with text vertically aligned at the bottom (requires array package)

| vertical line

|| double vertical line

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\begin{tabular}{c l r c l l l r}



This example draws a table with 8 cols with different justifying.

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Introducing the table content

Separating Cells, inserting new line.

& column separator

\\ start new row (additional space may be specified after \\ using square brackets, such as \\[6pt])

\hline horizontal line

\newline start a new line within a cell (in a paragraph column)

\cline{i-j} partial horizontal line beginning in column i and ending in column j

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Hands-on Practice 9

Define a table as following:

Has 5 cells,

All are left justified,

The table is located on buttom of the page,

The table should be expanded to the width of two columns,

\begin{tabular}[b]{c c c}

No & Description & Buy & Sell & Profit \\ \hline

1 & Laptop & 1000 & 1500 & 500 \\ \hline\begin{table}[b]

\caption{caption 1}

\begin{tabular}[c]{|l | l | l | l |l |}\hline

No & Description & Buy & Sell & Profit \\ \hline

1 & Laptop & 1000 & 1500 & 500 \\ \hline



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Hands-on Practice 10

Draw the following table

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\begin{tabular}[t]{c |c |c| c| c}

No & Description & Buy & Sell & Profit \\ \hline

1 & Laptop & 1000 & 1500 & 500 \\ \hline

2 & USB DISK & 100 & 150 & 50 \\ \hline

3 & Laptop & 1000 & 1500 & 500 \\ \hline

4 & USB DISK & 100 & 150 & 50 \\


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5 Min Break

Mathematical Equations in Latex

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Simple math in LaTex

Use $ Formula $ to define short math block


X + Y $ X + Y $

X2 X_{2}

X4 X^2

(X2 + Y3)3 (X_{2} + Y_{3})^3


b \frac{a}{b}

a’ {a}’

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a’’ {a}’’


\sin \cos \tan \cot

Greek Letters:  \alpha, \Alpha, \beta, \Beta, \gamma, \Gamma,  \pi, \Pi, \phi, \varphi, \Phi

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Hands-on Practice 11

Generate a code for following formula

$\alpha ^{3} + \Theta ^{5} = \gamma $

$ \sum_{x=0}^{10} X^2 + Y2 $

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$\int_{a}^{b} Z^ \frac{x+y}{z+t} + \int_{c}^{d} \sqrt{\frac{x+y}{z+t}}$

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Mathematical Equations in Latex

1. Include amsmath package. No need to use $

2. Create a math environment as following:


Math codes here


3. Generate the math code and paste in math block.

\sum (X ^2 + Y^ 5)

Tip: Do not put any space between lines in code

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It is very tedious to write the equations manually.

How easily generate complex math code?

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Easy equation generation

It is boring and complicated to program for mathematic equations.

The best way is to use the following portal where you can easily type your formula and copy the code to the latex file.

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Cross Referencing in LaTex

Once you created your sections, Tables, Figures, and Equations, you should be able to refer to them automatically. In order to do so, we use cross referencing.

1- Labeling entities (\label{name})

2- Referring to labeled entities (\ref{name})

\section{Introduction} \label{intro}

The remainder of this article is as follows: Section \ref{intro} describe….

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Labeling Equations

If you need to number each formula and refer to them in tex you can use the following method.

\begin{eqation} \label{1}

C_{DA}=\sum_{i=1}^{n} C_{i}


From (\ref{1}) we conclude that….

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Some Handy Tips

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Relating authors and their affiliations using * or other symbols



\title{Latex Tutorial}

\author{Saeid \thanks{This paper is submitted }



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Numbers instead of symbols?

Put this commands before \maketitle




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Troubleshooting Strange Errors in Latex.

Strange Errors: There are some cases that your commands are not executing and some strange error messages appear while you are sure that everything is fine. In this case, close the file, quit the application, remove all generated file except .bib and .tex files.

Open the .tex file and compile from the beginning. If not, try other error tracing approaches.

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